View Full Version : Cancer is Curable NOW - stunning documentary reveals truth about cancer industry

24th August 2011, 01:18 AM
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 by: Christina Luisa

Alternative cancer treatment have grown into a powerful movement that is catching on quickly all over the world. It is a movement which will finally reveal the ignorance of conventional treatments, by showing how cancer is ALREADY curable right now with knowledge.

Marcus Freudenmann and his wife Sabrina, a naturopathic doctor, traveled the world with their four children for almost three years in order to meet experts in the field of alternative cancer treatment. Their mission was to create a film about natural cancer treatments that would "wake up the world."

The new feature-length documentary available on NaturalNews and NaturalNews.TV, called CANCER is Curable NOW, might be exactly the eye-opening breakthrough that does just that. This documentary is powerful enough to bring millions of people to alternative cancer treatments. The more people that see countless others getting well by doing these non-toxic treatments, the faster these incredible alternative treatments will catch on.

The documentary can be found here:
http://premium.naturalnews.tv/CANCE... I found page not found..... http://premium.naturalnews.tv/CANCER_is_curable_NOW__NN.htm

CANCER is Curable NOW pulls together wisdom from more than 30 international holistic professionals who have been working passionately in the field of cancer alternatives -- doctors, scientists, researchers and writers from around the world.

Most of us have probably heard about many of these experts in books and on television, but this documentary is the once in a lifetime chance to experience the power of all of their knowledge combined into a 90-minute exposition of insight.

Marcus and Sabrina interviewed a vast array of experts from both the English-speaking world and foreign locales, such as many doctors from cancer clinics in Mexico and Germany. The documentary allows viewers to experience the treatments used in the top clinics around the world such as ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, insulin potentiated treatments and all the forms of hyperthermia -- AND hear the top doctors from these clinics explaining in depth how each treatment works.

Containing almost two hours of groundbreaking wisdom pertaining to healing cancer using alternative methods, the professionally-composed movie is presented in a manner that is honest with some impressive 3D animations and cartoons to break up the serious nature of the topic.

What you will take home from it all
Here are some examples of what you will learn from the documentary:

• How alternative cancer treatment has grown into a commanding movement that is quickly gathering power and momentum.

• Why cancer patients are now coming to treatments with the awareness of the importance of eating whole, raw, organic foods and juicing them.

• Why conventional medicine will likely soon be a thing of the past.

• How choosing alternative doctors and therapies allows patients to vote with their money.

• Why practicing conventional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy are considered by experts in the alternative cancer clinics as medieval.

• Why so many cancer experts are turning to supplements, good nutrition, hyperthermia, ozone therapy and the many other alternative treatments.

• How each of the treatments works.

• How cancer patients are often bullied and pressured by conventional oncologists, sometimes even hustled onto the operating table the day after their diagnosis without having any of their other choices explained to them.

• Why alternative cancer doctors are having such success with education and healing instead of bullying.

• What the number one killer is for cancer patients, and how conventional doctors and hospitals ignore this fact.

• Why cancer isn't something that just happens to us randomly and suddenly.

• How you'll never hear a word from most conventional doctors about what CAUSES cancer, much less how to naturally get rid of the toxins in your body.

• Why alternative cancer experts up are successful and knowledgeable professionals and not criminals, quacks or charlatans.

• Why people get cancer to begin with, and more importantly, what each of us can do about it.

• Why anyone who is on the fence about whether or not to try alternative cancer treatment needs to see this documentary.

• The role that toxic substances play in cancer development, and just how many of these toxic substances are in the environment around us on a daily basis.

• Some simple and effective methods for cleansing these toxins out of your body.

• Why you should not only get a second opinion, but a third one, and why any doctor who says nutrition doesn't matter doesn't have a clue.

• Why it is crucial to surround yourself with supportive people: people who eat right, exercise, and take steps to get the stress out of their lives and deal with their emotional issues.

• Why many alternative practitioners such as naturopaths are often nearly as ignorant as conventional medical doctors when it comes to cancer treatment.

• In a German study of women over age 80 with breast cancer, those who received no treatment lived 11 months longer on average than those who received conventional cancer treatments.

• Why the truths in "CANCER is Curable NOW" are likely to finally bring alternative cancer treatments to the mainstream audience.

• That there is no proof mastectomy -- removal of the whole breast -- extends the life of breast cancer patients (yet doctors keep right on doing it!)

• Why the power is within you to cure yourself.

And much more.

While many of these forms of alternative treatment are actually legal in the US, the climate of persecution is so significant that many doctors are still afraid they could be hauled before medical boards and lose their license if they practice them.

CANCER is Curable NOW will vastly help doctors like these and countless numbers of patients raise their heads above the trenches and look around to see that this war is already beginning to be won.

Anyone can help the cause simply by purchasing this documentary and sharing it with as many friends and relatives as possible. This video is an easy tool anyone can use to help contribute to the huge shift that is necessary for a more conscious future, especially in healthcare and disease prevention and treatment.

The documentary can be found here:


24th August 2011, 03:47 AM
Have to watch this when i get a chance thanks.

24th August 2011, 04:48 AM
For $20, they will tell you what cures cancer and how profiteering of the pharmaceutical companies is all there is in the current medical system.... but you have to pay $20 for this video. Hmmm.... I think I will pass for now.

24th August 2011, 09:40 AM
For $20, they will tell you what cures cancer and how profiteering of the pharmaceutical companies is all there is in the current medical system.... but you have to pay $20 for this video. Hmmm.... I think I will pass for now.

Is a workman worthy of his hire?

po boy
24th August 2011, 09:50 AM
For $20, they will tell you what cures cancer and how profiteering of the pharmaceutical companies is all there is in the current medical system.... but you have to pay $20 for this video. Hmmm.... I think I will pass for now.

When you've got cancer 20 is nothing.

Just like war is a racket so is the cancer industry, no profits for peace or a cure.

24th August 2011, 10:54 AM
Is a workman worthy of his hire?

Yes- or course. But is there any work being done? What you have freely received, freely give.

When you've got cancer 20 is nothing.
Just like war is a racket so is the cancer industry, no profits for peace or a cure.

If there is truly a cure being offered. If it is just more anti-pharma happy herbal good-luck stuff, it is more harm than good.

24th August 2011, 11:22 AM
Yes- or course. But is there any work being done? What you have freely received, freely give.

It costs lots of time and money to travel around for 3 years filming. Especially with a family.

po boy
24th August 2011, 11:40 AM
Yes- or course. But is there any work being done? What you have freely received, freely give.

If there is truly a cure being offered. If it is just more anti-pharma happy herbal good-luck stuff, it is more harm than good.

As far I understand the drastic increases in cancer start with the foods people are eating, nutrient deficient foods grown in deficient soils.

Good luck is what the doctor tells you while he practices his craft with big pharmas latest money maker.

24th August 2011, 12:11 PM
I have not watched this video, so I can't give MY thoughts. But, here is a review from Amazon on it:

The video gives advice already well known to most cancer suffers who use alternative treatments such as eat organic raw vegetables, exercise, don't eat sugar or processed food etc.

Go to a doctor in Denmark.

Get hyperbaric treatments.

Take supplements. They don't tell you all the ones to take but a few days later I got emails for miracle supplements. They say take lots of vitamin C.

I paid for a video that gave me limited information they got a bunch of emails from others seling cancer cures. One was in this video. He was a retired colonel.

This was a waste of money and now I'm on a list with some probably charlatans sending me cancer cures.

This video doesn't give you specific cures for your cancer only they tell you there is a cure somewhere and to follow some general advice.

I wish I could send it back for a refund.

po boy
24th August 2011, 02:10 PM
The rest are at the tube.

24th August 2011, 02:17 PM
Every alternative cancer treatment, indexed for you:
