View Full Version : Boston area bank selling gold coins

25th August 2011, 12:11 AM
Now this is interesting. I was expecting to see them touting high-priced proof Eagles, or gouging customers on standard Eagles. But it says they are selling Eagles at 4% over spot, which seems very reasonable. Since they are probably not distributors, the bank is probably not making much of a profit on this; more of a customer service or publicity thing. I'm wondering if they are hedged during these harsh corrections, like dealers often are.

http://news.bostonherald.com/business/general/view/2011_0823going_for_the_gold_salesgoes_local_bank_s ells_precious_coins_to_investors/srvc=home&position=also

Got a kick out of this quote: "Kevin Romano paid about $1,900 last week for a Krugerrand, adding it to a small stock of firearms, canned food and bottled water that he keeps just in case." You'd think a prepper would know enough to avoid his name being made public like that.

25th August 2011, 06:50 AM
Now this is interesting. I was expecting to see them touting high-priced proof Eagles, or gouging customers on standard Eagles. But it says they are selling Eagles at 4% over spot, which seems very reasonable. Since they are probably not distributors, the bank is probably not making much of a profit on this; more of a customer service or publicity thing. I'm wondering if they are hedged during these harsh corrections, like dealers often are.

http://news.bostonherald.com/business/general/view/2011_0823going_for_the_gold_salesgoes_local_bank_s ells_precious_coins_to_investors/srvc=home&position=also

Got a kick out of this quote: "Kevin Romano paid about $1,900 last week for a Krugerrand, adding it to a small stock of firearms, canned food and bottled water that he keeps just in case." You'd think a prepper would know enough to avoid his name being made public like that.

Like many preppers, he probably figures the "small stock of firearms" part covers him.

25th August 2011, 07:21 AM
Like many preppers, he probably figures the "small stock of firearms" part covers him.

Right... I try to look as sheepy as possible.. I think its the best camo.
I actually get a little perturbed with myself when a neighbor sees me loading my truck to go shooting or when I get a UPS package that's clearly labled "FREEZE DRIED"

At least I can take some comfort in the fact that being a gun nut around these parts isn't considered strange.