View Full Version : Brace For Impact!!!!
Large Sarge
25th August 2011, 04:14 AM!
Large Sarge
25th August 2011, 04:14 AM!
25th August 2011, 04:24 AM
This sounds like something I would say.... obviously, I agree.
25th August 2011, 04:30 AM
false flag before or on 9/11
Large Sarge
25th August 2011, 04:48 AM
that guy did a great job with the video.....
hope it goes far and wide
25th August 2011, 05:03 AM
his voice reminds me of V for Vendetta
i've seen 4 of his videos so far, i'll watch more later
Twisted Titan
25th August 2011, 05:36 AM
Guy is awesome and 100% spot on
mick silver
25th August 2011, 06:02 AM
the best false flag attacts that the world has seen and pay for by the tax payers of the great country and for the people of this country . i would say they have more stuff to do this year . we need a big world . thanks L S real good vid. in away it scare the hell out of me
25th August 2011, 06:07 AM
it always pushes my skeptic buttons when an otherwise truthy piece like this bakes into their fine cake, something enshrining the hoax that "elections" are what tptb fear, that they're where the people might force change yada yada. Blathering on about how worried politicians are about their "sagging approval ratings" just builds on the myth that elections pose a threat to their jobs.
The final nail was driven into any former integrity in elections with the post-2000 passage of HAVA - Help America Vote Act ( Since then they've been rigged from the paperless blackboxes through the counting, with full ZioStream Media complicity in puffing up the hoax of integrity & legitimacy.
The only political activism I'd put a dime of donation towards or a shred of shoe leather, is election reform... that's the fraudulent foundation which the rest of the dog & pony show is built upon. So many "patriots" (workin' hard for Ron Paul etc) seem to miss this. And where's RP on using his "voice" to address the fraudulent election process, which would snuff out any chance of his "winning" no matter how many votes he really got? He's playing along with the establishment, pretending elections have integrity... in effect being nothing but a complicit steam release valve... again...
25th August 2011, 06:13 AM
When presidential approval ratings are at all time lows (total admin approval I guess) the likelihood of a new attack rises dramatically.
Large Sarge
25th August 2011, 06:24 AM
it always pushes my skeptic buttons when an otherwise truthy piece like this bakes into their fine cake, something enshrining the hoax that "elections" are what tptb fear, that they're where the people might force change yada yada. Blathering on about how worried politicians are about their "sagging approval ratings" just builds on the myth that elections pose a threat to their jobs.
The final nail was driven into any former integrity in elections with the post-2000 passage of HAVA - Help America Vote Act ( Since then they've been rigged from the paperless blackboxes through the counting, with full ZioStream Media complicity in puffing up the hoax of integrity & legitimacy.
The only political activism I'd put a dime of donation towards or a shred of shoe leather, is election reform... that's the fraudulent foundation which the rest of the dog & pony show is built upon. So many "patriots" (workin' hard for Ron Paul etc) seem to miss this. And where's RP on using his "voice" to address the fraudulent election process, which would snuff out any chance of his "winning" no matter how many votes he really got? He's playing along with the establishment, pretending elections have integrity... in effect being nothing but a complicit steam release valve... again...
I agree Pat,
although I think it is mainly used in the primaries, and I think you can only use it so much....
like lets pretend RP had an approval rating of 70% (I know pretend), word of mouth, and other means, etc would confirm his high poll ratings.
now if they use black box and put him in third....
perhaps (just a perhaps here) enough people would scratch their heads and say, this does not add up?
I know they used the black box on RP in Iowa primaries, they derailed him there...
easier to do it earlier in the race....
Twisted Titan
25th August 2011, 06:36 AM
I respectfully disagree LS
if the sociopaths can get a inteligent person to believe a building can collapse like a demolition job because of fires then they can get them to beilve anything.
25th August 2011, 06:40 AM
I respectfully disagree LS
if the sociopaths can get a inteligent person to believe a building can collapse like a demolition job because of fires then they can get them to beilve anything.
i think the key word there is " inteligent "
a law abiding populace, fed decades of social programming
may fall for anything spewed out by tv/MSM/.gov
Large Sarge
25th August 2011, 07:06 AM
i think the key word there is " inteligent "
a law abiding populace, fed decades of social programming
may fall for anything spewed out by tv/MSM/.gov
I am hoping the internet is a gamechanger, just like a silver default will be....
"hope is a good thing" from shawshank redemption
25th August 2011, 08:56 AM
When presidential approval ratings are at all time lows (total admin approval I guess) the likelihood of a new attack rises dramatically.
the "approval polls" don't get a pass either- they're conducted and publicized by the same ZSM which is integral to the legit elections hoax.
Word of mouth doesn't match official election outcome? Exit polls are at odds with official election outcome? The truth-observers have no voice, and the ZSM will just ridicule & marginalize the "whiners" and spin tales about how what happened is legit etc.
CIA (proxy for their zio-bankster bosses) & Co have been rigging "elections" abroad for decades, where the populations are much less trusting of gummit/institutions than Americans (historically) are; and they know that even blatantly rigged elections don't have any real consequences beyond a few days of complaining by an informed minority of the population with no media voice.
Nothing matters in "electoral politics" until the integrity of the foundation- the election process itself, is fixed- returned to having full transparency & indisputable, auditable integrity.
Low-tech is best: paper ballots, hand counted, precinct by precinct under the watch of many citizen eyes; results made public immediately and passed up to add to the larger count.
25th August 2011, 09:14 AM
Like banking, politics sans 100% transparency is doomed to fail.
25th August 2011, 09:16 AM
Waiting for news of some alien discovery or other demonic deception.
14th February 2012, 04:11 AM
This thread is as good as any other to post my experience last night with co-workers from around the world. Having a few beers after work, someone from France brought up how in CA he and brother were accosted by cops. His brother was smacked by the cop because he did not speak English and they thought he was messing with them. That got me going. By the time I took a breath, we had gotten into 911 and the wars we became entangled in. The group was sleeping in zombie land. One antagonistic guy who gets drunk at the drop of a hat began to ridiicule me. The others listened and heard reasoned arguments that got them to thinking.
Unfortunately, I think the sparks of awakening were flooded by liquid sarcasm from Mr DumbDrunk. The ignorance of the TeeVee feeders only reinforces their assurance of how right they are. And yet... they get puzzled looks when they look at the facts, as if something is not computing.
Anaesthesize the limb and the patient or torture victim will giggle as his limbs are being amputated. I got to play last night in the matrix of idiocracy, zombieland, Monty Python and Hannibal Lecter- watching the giggling fools.
15th February 2012, 03:06 AM
This thread is as good as any other to post my experience last night with co-workers from around the world. Having a few beers after work, someone from France brought up how in CA he and brother were accosted by cops. His brother was smacked by the cop because he did not speak English and they thought he was messing with them. That got me going. By the time I took a breath, we had gotten into 911 and the wars we became entangled in. The group was sleeping in zombie land. One antagonistic guy who gets drunk at the drop of a hat began to ridiicule me. The others listened and heard reasoned arguments that got them to thinking.
Unfortunately, I think the sparks of awakening were flooded by liquid sarcasm from Mr DumbDrunk. The ignorance of the TeeVee feeders only reinforces their assurance of how right they are. And yet... they get puzzled looks when they look at the facts, as if something is not computing.
Anaesthesize the limb and the patient or torture victim will giggle as his limbs are being amputated. I got to play last night in the matrix of idiocracy, zombieland, Monty Python and Hannibal Lecter- watching the giggling fools.
Its frustrating but don't be angry with them. There's a life time of programing there and your opponent has been at them a lot longer than you have been able to. You'd be surprised who can snap out of it based on something you say. My experience is you get acceptance of somethings but not others or people just go in circles, accept, deny, accept, deny. Takes time for full acceptance. Keep plugging away though. Any amount of light you can share with a fellow soul is better than complete darkness.
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