View Full Version : what were you guying doing when

mick silver
25th August 2011, 10:26 AM
what were you guys doing when you seen are heard about the planes that hit the twin tower in ny city ? i had just got in the woods , i was kick back waiting for a deer in my stand when i got a call from a buddy of mine and he said have you seen the news , i told him i was hunting and he went on to telling what was happening and i told him he was fucking nuts . after the call i set there trying to hear a plane flying over and i didnt so i got up and headed for the house as i was coming out of the woods i keeps asking myself how in the hell would planes not be stop from hitting those building . i know most if not all had to be asking your self how this could happen here in this country. thats keeps coming back to me because of the noise i never heard from the planes that i hear when i am hunting

25th August 2011, 10:35 AM
I was sleeping.........three hours different between OR and NY.

25th August 2011, 10:38 AM
I was hiking across The Sierra, west to east, and found out about it a week and a half later from the front page of a newspaper in Independence, Ca.

25th August 2011, 10:57 AM
I was hiking across The Sierra, west to east, and found out about it a week and a half later from the front page of a newspaper in Independence, Ca.

That's probably the strangest one I have ever heard, first hand.

I was sleeping at my then-boyfriend's house, and his phone wouldn't stop ringing. We didn't want to get up, and we ignored it for about 20 minutes. He answered the phone, came back into his room, completely pale and said "you have to come out here".

My brother in law was having surgery at the time, and I had to pick him up from the hospital. On the way home, I tried to explain to him what had happened, but he was still pretty groggy. Of course we all just stared at the tv all day long. I remember that there weren't any commercials, and I thought . . . that has never happened before.

25th August 2011, 11:02 AM
I was working in NYC at the time.

Tuesday, 911, I woke up in the morning and decided to call in sick - to take a "mental health day" and just relax. Instead of going back to sleep, (very unusual for me 10 years ago) I got up, went out for an egg sandwich, came home and put on the TV news.

Just after 9am FOX was reporting that a cessna had crashed into the WTC.

I went to the roof of my apt building in Queens and began watching the smoking tower. Just after I went back into the apt to check for an update I saw the second tower erupt in flame on tv.

Back to the roof I went to watch the towers burn. Naturally, the collapse occurred just after I was back indoors.

I will never forget the sight of the smoking towers. I will also never forget the sounds of the USAF jets cruising over NY later that afternoon.

I went into the city later that night and rode a bike around the destruction zone. As close as the National Guard would allow anyway.

The smell is something else I will never forget.

25th August 2011, 11:04 AM
I was sitting in a crappy little cubicle... I was a news junkie then and had been browsing the web when it showed up... got my boom box out and followed it on the radio for about an hour- finally couldn't stand it anymore and ran to walmart and got a little tv.

Nobody got any work done after i came back.

25th August 2011, 11:04 AM
I was at work. The receptionist came down to our area and asked, "Did you hear about the plane that hit the World Trade Center?" I waited a few seconds for the punchline and then realized it wasn't a joke.

Later that day, I was in a meeting where the only thing the boss said about it was that he hoped it wouldn't affect business.

25th August 2011, 11:08 AM
I woke up, logged in and learned of the 1st plane, turned the tv on just in time to watch the 2cnd plane. My response at the time was "America will never be the same from this day forward" and I had that sick feeling/knew that 15 muzzies couldn't pull this off w/ box cutters.

25th August 2011, 12:12 PM
That's probably the strangest one I have ever heard, first hand.

I was sleeping at my then-boyfriend's house, and his phone wouldn't stop ringing. We didn't want to get up, and we ignored it for about 20 minutes. He answered the phone, came back into his room, completely pale and said "you have to come out here".

My brother in law was having surgery at the time, and I had to pick him up from the hospital. On the way home, I tried to explain to him what had happened, but he was still pretty groggy. Of course we all just stared at the tv all day long. I remember that there weren't any commercials, and I thought . . . that has never happened before.

OK.........hummmmmmmmmm, interesting...........you were with your "boy friend" but you already had a "brother in law"........now then.........where was your husband?......................this is very confusing.

25th August 2011, 12:23 PM
OK.........hummmmmmmmmm, interesting...........you were with your "boy friend" but you already had a "brother in law"........now then.........where was your husband?......................this is very confusing.

She was at her boyfriend's; her husband was at home!

(Just kidding... I'd guess her brother-in-law she mentioned was her sister's husband)

Camp Bassfish
25th August 2011, 12:45 PM
I was sitting at work when someone told me a plane had hit the Trade Center. Internet was jammed so I wasn't able to see the dmage at first. One of our offices was in the second tower to be hit. On the 82nd floor. 40 coworkers were killed that day. I reflect on the frequency of which I traveed to that office and shutter to think that I could easily have been there that day.

My supervisor at the time was on his way there on the train, heard the news around Poughkeepsie and got off the train there and returned. He was on the last Amtrak train to roll north of of the city for quite some time after the attacks.

For me it has never been as much about "who" did it or "why".... but about who they did it to......

25th August 2011, 12:47 PM
I had just got my husband out the door to work, got another cup of coffee and turned on the tv to see the first plane hit.

25th August 2011, 12:47 PM
OK.........hummmmmmmmmm, interesting...........you were with your "boy friend" but you already had a "brother in law"........now then.........where was your husband?......................this is very confusing.

Way to think the worst of me, Ponce. The brother-in-law is married to my sister. So is my other brother-in-law, for future reference. :P

25th August 2011, 12:56 PM
i was at a small, regional airport. just flew back from seattle. barely made it back before they cut off air service. i was actually at the baggage claim when news of it hit.

25th August 2011, 01:01 PM
I was at work and the girl that had just started was all crying and hysterical, so that didnt help getting any info. So I went next door to see what was up on this guys little TV. It was shortly after they collapsed with all the dust rushing the streets.

Then it was back to work, boss man was yelling to get back to it.

After listening to the radio all day, I stopped at the video store on the way home to pick up "The Siege" with Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington. For whatever reason thats all i could think about when they started in with the "terrorist" talk.

After I got home I watched the coverage intently for a few hours, but I couldn't quit thinking that 'buildings don't just fall like that', then bldg 7 fell. Same thing.

I'm not an Architect or an Engineer but I work pretty closely with them and I had handled and studied construction documents for over 10 years in 2001. I was supposed have become one or the other, but life happened and it didn't work out that way.

I instinctively knew something was a foot with the collapses after seeing them over and over again. Things don't just do that. My limited but just natural instinctual understanding of physics was telling me, this shit don't look right.

I questioned it from day one, but didn't have any info to qualify my doubts at the time.

Then the war drums started and I was trying to assure my friends that there wouldn't be any WAR because they would have to declare war and that there was no national enemy.

....little did I know then.

911 came after a couple of years of research looking into income taxes and WTH happened to freedom. I was trying to find the point in which the switch from Republic to Democracy happened mainly.

So I was already lil skeptical.

25th August 2011, 01:05 PM
I first heard on the radio alarm clock, wasn't really paying attention, then got ready for school. At school they were in the process of closing the campus for the day. A bunch of us went to class anyway and watched it on TV with our professor. He said he was going to donate blood for the victims. I said, "Why, everybody is dead?" and he gave me a dirty look.

25th August 2011, 01:06 PM
Was working a staggered shift, and getting ready for work, watched both towers fall on cnn. At the job site all work was stopped and the pa system was playing audio of cnn. About one hour later, the manager sent everyone home and canceled night shift. Told everyone too be back the next day.

25th August 2011, 01:48 PM
i was driving forklift at a plastics recycling place
when the first plane hit, the foreman called everyone to the lunchroom and we watched for about 15 minutes
that was our morning break
when the second plane hit, we were in the lunchroom watching for about an hour

and when i got home, i watched the towers come down, just like a controlled demolition

25th August 2011, 03:05 PM
I was carrying a gun for Uncle Sugar the next five years were a blur.

25th August 2011, 03:10 PM
I first heard on the radio alarm clock, wasn't really paying attention, then got ready for school. At school they were in the process of closing the campus for the day. A bunch of us went to class anyway and watched it on TV with our professor. He said he was going to donate blood for the victims. I said, "Why, everybody is dead?" and he gave me a dirty look.

I didn't know preschools had professors.;D

I was driving to the office when I heard of the first tower was hit. When I got to work, everyone was in the conference room watching it on the news unfold. Everyone in the office that day spent most of the time in the conference room, not much work got done.

The company I worked for had the main office in New York. Our CEO came out and gave a great speech to us later on, and that our hard work as a company played a vital role in the 911 communication systems during the disaster. He also had everyone who worked for our company accounted for and safe. A few workers happened to be at the towers, but were able to get out safely.

25th August 2011, 09:04 PM
I stayed home from school that day (not sick, just didnt feel like going, so I didnt lol). My mom came running after the first plane and, being from new york and born in Brooklyn, she naturaly was freaking out. Got up and called my girlfriend (now wife) as she was homeschooled and we watched the second plane hit a few minutes later. Couldnt stop watching the rest of the day.

My cousins husband worked in a building right acorss the street for a wall-street company. His daughter had broken her arm the day before so he stayed home from work and missed it. The window to his officed faced one of the towers (cant remember which). He knew a lot of people in there, as did a few other relatives of mine in the area.

It was something else that day.

25th August 2011, 11:12 PM
I was waiting at my busstop on my way to 2nd or 3rd week of 7th grade. I first heard about it walking through the halls right as I got into the building

took me until 11th grade to figure out who the real bad guys were...

26th August 2011, 12:19 AM
me and the Loveflower were in vegas for a trip. I was shooting dice at Binion's Horseshoe when the news came around. Got comped the next 4 days at the plaza, nobody was flying in or out.

26th August 2011, 02:03 AM
I just woke up to get ready for high school when it happened. When I got to school all my classes just had the TV on and watched it. Really freaky day.

big country
26th August 2011, 07:29 AM
I was sitting in High School Health Class. Class was held in a Math teachers class room (teacher taught advanced mathmatics like calculus). There were 10 rows of chairs across the classroom, each row had 6 chairs in it. I was in the second row from the door, second chair from the back. I had a broken arm and couldn't take notes. The girl that sat next me copied her notes for me because I couldn't write fast enough to keep up.

The PA announced after the first plane hit and TVs were on in all my classes for the rest of the day. As you can tell, I have a very vivid memeory of the day. I also believed the official story until I found you crazy people on GIM when I was googling around looking for information about buying gold and silver in 2008.

26th August 2011, 08:01 AM
I was in 9th grade, had just gotten out of 2nd period walking to 3rd and some kids were talking about it saying something like "someone bombed the world trade center" (pretty accurate in hindsight), got to my next period and we all watched TV for the rest of the class. Shit I will never forget. I remember people cussing on the TV saying things like "shit" and I was amazed it was on cable TV. (I was in 9th grade cut me some slack). I remember when the first building fell and it was just shock, everyone was just absolutley stunned.

Craziest day of my life, just like the mood, everyone talking about things, war etc. Other than the perps, nobody saw it coming. I skipped one of my classes and went to the teachers lounge to use the phone to call home just to see how everything was.

I'll never forget it, nor will I ever forgive the yids who pulled it off.


26th August 2011, 08:27 AM
Way to think the worst of me, Ponce. The brother-in-law is married to my sister. So is my other brother-in-law, for future reference. :P

Wow, so your sister is a polygamist?

Is she mormon?


willie pete
26th August 2011, 08:42 AM
I was at work....had just walked into a room with the TV on, CNN had live coverage of the first strike, I asked, and someone said a plane had just hit one of the twin towers in NYC.....shortly afterwards, the second impact happened....THEN I was convinced it was no accident