View Full Version : "Church closes food bank because it attracts poor people"

31st August 2011, 12:09 PM
"Church closes food bank because it attracts poor people"

Seeded on Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:12 PM EDT.Article Source: Ottawa Citizen

“Winnipeg: A busy church food bank, known for offering warm drinks and snacks to its regulars, has announced it’s closing because it is attracting too many poor people.

“‘It’s attracting a lot of street people that make it uncomfortable,’ said Charlotte Prossen, Unity Truth Centre minister Thursday, ‘It’s creating social unrest in the church’

“‘A food bank is a social service and that is not who we are’

“Ms. Prossen said the program is being cancelled to focus on more church-specific activities. The church’s board of trustees made the decision to cancel the bimonthly food bank after receiving an e-mail from a sister church in Victoria.

“‘Most clients of food banks have not yet come to a sense of personal responsibility in life. They are still in denial, blame or seeing the world as owing them,’ wrote Rev. David Durksen of the Unity Church of Victoria.

“Ms. Prossen praised the work done by food banks, and said the church will still collect food for baskets but focus more on people’s spiritual hunger.”

Now, if your jaw drops at this news item, consider this statement of their beliefs from their website:


31st August 2011, 12:22 PM
Good for them... lazy people drain their own resources, then drain yours...

“‘Most clients of food banks have not yet come to a sense of personal responsibility in life. They are still in denial, blame or seeing the world as owing them,’ wrote Rev. David Durksen of the Unity Church of Victoria.

31st August 2011, 01:12 PM
And the irony is this was the main job for autonomous Church's - Help the needy using voluntary charity donations.

Now bums think they are 'owed' a free meal. And where do you suppose they learned this from? The 10th Plank. (FREE education for all children in Public Schools)

31st August 2011, 02:03 PM
Then why offer the free meals at to start with?....... don't start what you cannot finish.

Joe King
31st August 2011, 02:05 PM
Then why offer the free meals at to start with?....... don't start what you cannot finish.

What they're saying is that their "free" food was only for those poor who can still keep up apperances of not actually being poor.

31st August 2011, 02:20 PM
"we're willing to help the poor...right up to the point that their presence offends us..."

not very christian of them, if you ask me...

31st August 2011, 02:21 PM
"Church closes food bank because it attracts poor people"

Seeded on Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:12 PM EDT.Article Source: Ottawa Citizen

“Winnipeg: A busy church food bank, known for offering warm drinks and snacks to its regulars, has announced it’s closing because it is attracting too many poor people.

“‘It’s attracting a lot of street people that make it uncomfortable,’ said Charlotte Prossen, Unity Truth Centre minister Thursday, ‘It’s creating social unrest in the church’

“‘A food bank is a social service and that is not who we are’

“Ms. Prossen said the program is being cancelled to focus on more church-specific activities. The church’s board of trustees made the decision to cancel the bimonthly food bank after receiving an e-mail from a sister church in Victoria.

“‘Most clients of food banks have not yet come to a sense of personal responsibility in life. They are still in denial, blame or seeing the world as owing them,’ wrote Rev. David Durksen of the Unity Church of Victoria.

“Ms. Prossen praised the work done by food banks, and said the church will still collect food for baskets but focus more on people’s spiritual hunger.”

Now, if your jaw drops at this news item, consider this statement of their beliefs from their website:


I would almost bet a 10 oz. bar of silver that the church's food bank was ear-marked for members of the congregation. Then the real needy started using it and people didn't want to support it because they didn't know the individuals and where it was going. Now they have cancelled and accenting on spending funds on church activities. I would almost be that 10 oz bar of silver that I am right.

31st August 2011, 02:47 PM
I believe the "attracted too many poor people" was an editorial comment by an anti.

Probably should have read, attracted too many savage amoral punks.

31st August 2011, 03:24 PM
The unfortunate thing being that there are only poor people left anyway

31st August 2011, 03:27 PM
A long time ago there was a distinction between 'undeserving poor' and 'deserving poor', victims of circumstance and victims of themselves. No amount of charity/welfare can save someone from themselves, you're just throwing money into a bottomless pit.

31st August 2011, 03:31 PM
Poor people are gross.

31st August 2011, 03:58 PM
Assholes should have had free showers for the poor... ::)

An $11 million fountain in a coastal Connecticut city has been shut down after several city residents reportedly turned it into a very public toilet.

The Whale Tail Fountain, located in Parade Plaza in New London, Conn. was only turned on last month. Created as a showpiece and point of pride in the “Whaling City,” residents and political figures are sickened and dismayed that so many people have been urinating, defecating and washing themselves in the water.


31st August 2011, 05:57 PM
Some of you are clueless. The Church family is to care for itself. It is not to feed and care for those who are avowed to worship the devil. The Church MUST set itself apart from those that are happy in their spiritual destitution. Only those called of the Spirit and lovers of Truth are of the Church family. None of you would sacrifice your own families to feed evil and violent freeloaders who happen by. How is it so hard for you to understand this simple principle?

31st August 2011, 06:04 PM
Some of you are clueless. The Church family is to care for itself. It is not to feed and care for those who are avowed to worship the devil. The Church MUST set itself apart from those that are happy in their spiritual destitution. Only those called of the Spirit and lovers of Truth are of the Church family. None of you would sacrifice your own families to feed evil and violent freeloaders who happen by. How is it so hard for you to understand this simple principle?

Well then the church should be paying taxes like the rest of the buisnesses and clubs.

They get that break because they are "for the good of all"

But asking a church to not play both sides of the same coin is tantamount to pissing in the wind.

31st August 2011, 06:24 PM
Well then the church should be paying taxes like the rest of the buisnesses and clubs.

They get that break because they are "for the good of all"

But asking a church to not play both sides of the same coin is tantamount to pissing in the wind.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The true Church is above man's laws. It is the family of God. It is the family of the true King. The King's children don't pay tax.

Since when is it the Church's commission to support corrupt people? And who applied that commission?

When God says to feed and shelter the poor, He does not say to feed those who can feed themselves and yet refuse to work. Trying to tie a government restriction on the true Church is the work of the devil. You show who your father is.

po boy
31st August 2011, 06:28 PM
You have no idea what you are talking about. The true Church is above man's laws. It is the family of God. It is the family of the true King. The King's children don't pay tax.

Since when is it the Church's commission to support corrupt people? And who applied that commission?

When God says to feed and shelter the poor, He does not say to feed those who can feed themselves and yet refuse to work. Trying to tie a government restriction on the true Church is the work of the devil. You show who your father is.

So is a true church a .gov created corporation?

I suspect a true church would be teaching to give tithes to GOD or Levites.

31st August 2011, 06:57 PM
So is a true church a .gov created corporation?

I suspect a true church would be teaching to give tithes to GOD or Levites.

THE True Church is not a building and not a corporation. I already told you it is the family of God.

po boy
31st August 2011, 07:03 PM
THE True Church is not a building and not a corporation. I already told you it is the family of God.

Okay so then this organization isn't a true church by your description as most churches have a tax exempt because they are incorporated with mans creation aka the state.

So do the members of the true church pay income tax? If they did would that make them the king's children or the states?

31st August 2011, 09:19 PM
It's just a private club, with a potentially spiritual focus.

31st August 2011, 10:35 PM
The church is a hospital for sinners not a hotel for saints is what I've come to believe. I've met more messed up freaked out people in churches than anywhere else.

In the closet across the board. Makes a good cover I suppose.

On the outside it looks normal, scratch the surface, and wow....lotsa crazy shit going on.

I do agree with the bottomless pit theory though. Teach a man to fish. Keep catching them for him to eat, and it's soon a full time job.

31st August 2011, 11:20 PM
Helping others often discourages self-reliance.

1st September 2011, 05:27 AM
Helping others often discourages self-reliance.
Yes- when they get comfortable receiving for free what they could have earned. The primary role of the Church is to preach the gospel of salvation. Everything else is just compassion. When there is true need, all who are compelled by love and compassion will give as the Lord leads them. Church groups who set up rescue missions or helps missions need to keep in mind their number one priority. When they do not, i.e. when they go into a purely philanthropic mode, they are no longer operating as the Church.

Okay so then this organization isn't a true church by your description as most churches have a tax exempt because they are incorporated with mans creation aka the state.

So do the members of the true church pay income tax? If they did would that make them the king's children or the states?

Most church groups are fooled into thinking they need to be incorporated. The judgment God has brought upon the careless people is childish leaders who are more concerned with their careers and money.

Please define "income tax".

po boy
1st September 2011, 08:03 AM
As far as I can tell the Judgement hasn't come yet.

Income as used in many tax codes is typically gains that citizens earn from whatever source it is derived when those gains are derived from use of that feudal societies paper money.

1st September 2011, 08:45 AM
Helping others often discourages self-reliance.

As far as I can tell the Judgement hasn't come yet.

Income as used in many tax codes is typically gains that citizens earn from whatever source it is derived when those gains are derived from use of that feudal societies paper money.

Judgment is happening all the time. Judgment is the removal of God's grace because the choices of man are counter to God's will. We must not confuse "judgment" with "wrath" or punishment. Judgment is the natural consequence of violating the Ruler's Laws. In this world we have a delay in the consequences some times and we also have grace to shield us from the full effects of those consequences some times.

Judgment of God on a nation that is evil will look like a removal of blessings. There are supernatural forces at work in the natural world. Removal of beneficial supernatural forces tips the scale into heavy evil. The evil acts as a reminder to forgetful man that without light there is darkness.

po boy
1st September 2011, 08:48 AM
I disagree what you are calling judgement I see as the repercussions for not following the law.

Why would one need grace if there is no law?

"Think not that I've come to do away with the law but to fufill"

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

Saw a bumper sticker one time reading Jesus is coming back and he's pissed.

mick silver
1st September 2011, 08:53 AM
i wonder how many of the people going there for help also get food stamps which takes away from the ones that are not able to get food stamps . i know the food that we store are for the close family member so why would anyone think that the church would not do the same thing .......... i would bet most that go there would never be seen in a church if it was not for the free food

1st September 2011, 09:07 AM
i wonder how many of the people going there for help also get food stamps which takes away from the ones that are not able to get food stamps . i know the food that we store are for the close family member so why would anyone think that the church would not do the same thing .......... i would bet most that go there would never be seen in a church if it was not for the free food

The mormons have a food pantry. I am not certain how they figure who is needy, but they do it ONLY for church members.

Without accountability, they would be giving away the gifts that others worked hard for, to unwise efforts. Would anyone here buy fine grains to bake the best breads, only to throw them into the garbage? Or, would you give the fruits of your labor to a rich man who considers your wealth to be insignificant?

1st September 2011, 09:42 AM
here in canada we do not have a food stamp program. there is a church up the street from my home that operates a food bank, all are welcome, the only requirement is that you have need of their help. some of these people are homeless, and some are addicts, but there also are those that despite their best efforts are unable to make ends meet. these people all need help in one form or another. personally, i feel that if you are going to offer a service to the community, without limitation or stipulation, don't be surprised when it attracts people from all walks of life. does it not say that we should not judge others?

1st September 2011, 09:58 AM
here are some interesting facts regarding food bank usage in ontario...granted, the food bank in the OP is in winnipeg, but the numbers are interesting nonetheless...


• 402,000 Ontarians a month were forced to turn to food banks in 2010, up
sharply from 374,000 in 2009
• Since the recession hit in 2008, food bank use in Ontario has grown by
28 percent, an unprecedented increase
• In 2010, 3.1 percent of the Ontario population accessed food banks, making the
province of Ontario the third most intensive user of food bank services, after
Newfoundland and Labrador and Manitoba
• In an effort to balance fixed incomes with rising costs of living, more Ontario
seniors are turning to food banks to make it through the month – 12 percent of
the adults served were over 65 in 2010, up from 4 percent in 2009.
Seniors also make great use of meal programs offered by food banks

• Single adults now comprise the largest proportion of the population served by
food banks – 38 percent in 2010, up from 26 percent in 2002
• Single parent families are the second largest group served -- 30 percent in 2010
down from a peak of 39 percent established in 2003
• Two parent families come third. They accounted for 22 percent of food bank
clients in 2010, down from 27 percent in 2002
• Children and youth under the age of 18 account for 37 percent of the population
served by food banks in March 2010, down from 40 percent in 2000.
• 15 percent of food bank clients were new Canadians (have lived in Canada
less than 10 years) in 2010 down from 29 percent in 2007
• Aboriginal clients also declined over time to 7 percent in 2010
• Most Ontario households using food banks depended on social assistance
(45 percent) in 2010. But this was much lower than the 65 percent in 2000.
• In contrast, the number of households receiving Ontario Disability Program
(ODSP) benefits increased over the decade from 14 percent in 2000 to 23
percent in 2010
• Over 5 percent of the households served relied on pension income, about the
same as in 2001
• Only 11 percent of households had employment income in 2010, about the
same as the early 2000s; access to Employment Insurance (EI) fluctuated
through the decade, hitting a low of 2.6 percent of households in 2008 and a
peak of 5 percent in 2004
• In rural areas (communities under 10,000), 9 percent received EI benefits and
40 percent received social assistance, while 22 percent accessed
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits

• 64 percent of people served by food banks in 2010 lived in market rental
accommodation; 27 percent lived in social housing. Only 4.4 percent owned
their own homes
• Comparing the Ontario average with rural areas, homeownership was higher
in rural settings (17 percent of food bank clients), but rental accommodation
was lower, at 51 percent in 2010. And more people were living with family or
friends (6 percent rural vs. 2 percent for the province as a whole)