View Full Version : The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 10 Years On - Another BBC FAIL

1st September 2011, 05:14 AM
New BBC 9/11 Truth hit piece aired in UK Mon 8/29. Should be viewable inside this BBC link,

9/11 Ten Years On (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0148yz5)

however I got "not available in your area", and a video search for alt video hosting venues only yielded this 2 min plug for the show,


try this google video search yourself and see if something new pops up since I ran it,
http://www.google.com/search?q=BBC+The+Conspiracy+Files%3A+9%2F11+10+Yea rs+On

BBC presents program on 9-11 "conspiracy theories" tonight (http://911blogger.com/news/2011-08-29/bbc-presents-program-9-11-conspiracy-theories-tonight)

a couple of blogs deconstructing the show:

The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 10 Years On - An Exercise In Labelling (http://tvpixie.com/tv-news/2011/08/30/conspiracy-files-911-10-years-exercise-labelling)

[...] In this scenario, whilst we're merrily stretching metaphors, the BBC might be the teacher who overhears the conversation, assures everyone that there's nothing to worry about, tells them to open their books and politely orders them to keep the noise down. Not directly responsible for any festive smoke and mirrors, they keep the peace and prevent people asking questions by presenting what might seem like an open-and-shut case to those who don't find the 'conspiracy theorist' tag a rather weak label to slap on the box a growing segment of the population have been discreetly plopped into. According to their own figures in last night's The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - 10 Years On (http://tvpixie.com/tv-listings/29-aug-2011-2100/bbc2-%28london%29/the-conspiracy-files%3A-9%2F11-ten-years-on), 14% in the UK and 15% of people in the US aren't buying the official version. Sadly, this programme didn't seek to properly address any of the points from which their suspicion stems.

While there are still kids in class who won't pipe down, producer Mike Rudin seemed keen not to convince the disbelievers that they're barking up the wrong tree, but rather to assure others who haven't yet delved into the topic to stay away from the woods. [more (http://tvpixie.com/tv-news/2011/08/30/conspiracy-files-911-10-years-exercise-labelling)]

The Eleventh Fail: The BBC & 9/11 Truth ... Four and a Half Years On (http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2011/08/eleventh-fail-bbc-911-truth-four-and.html)

Shortly before the BBC Conspiracy Files hitpiece aired on Monday, I published a blog (http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-top-10-debunker-fails.html) listing my top ten debunker fails. After seeing watching the piece, I think the entire program deserves to be considered the eleventh fail.

The program was basically an updated version of their first 9/11 program that aired in 2007. It started the same way, with the shaky-cam walk around Hangar 17 set to sentimental music and shocking images of the day. Once again Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer and Dylan Avery represented 9/11 truth, except this time with Neils Harrit. New footage of AJ and Fetzer was shot, but for Dylan they simply reused footage from the 2007 version. To sum up the program in one word: strawman! [more (http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2011/08/eleventh-fail-bbc-911-truth-four-and.html)]

1st September 2011, 08:20 AM
Contrast the above BBC propaganda (in conspicuous betrayal of their charter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bbc), & funded in large part by british commoners (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bbc#Finance)...) with this Italian show which also aired this week. 911blogger:

Italian TV validates 9/11 Truth Movement call for new inquiry (http://911blogger.com/news/2011-08-28/italian-tv-validates-911-truth-movement-call-new-inquiry)

Italian Truthers were shocked when a popular TV program devoted a full hour presenting the claims from the 9/11 Truth Movement while implicitly validating their call for a new, independent investigation.

On the night of August 26, 2011, popular host and television journalist Giovanni Minoli launched the first of a three-hour series commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Broadcast on RAI-2, the second public television channel, Minoli’s show used extended segments from “Loose Change” -- dubbed in Italian -- to present the audience with the most updated criticism leveled against the official version by the 9/11 Truth Movement.


Twice before had Italian television broadcast similar films from the 9/11 Truth Movement. In June, 2006, “Inganno Globale” (Global Deception) by Massimo Mazzucco was aired on Berlusconi’s Channel 5, serving as a platform for the ensuing debate on 9/11 which occupied our mainstream media for many months to come. In September of the same year RAI-3, the third public channel, aired Jimmy Walter’s “Confronting the evidence,” adding fuel to the fire.

In both cases, however, the hosts had kept their distance from the films’ contents, presenting them in an “objective manner,” neither endorsing nor criticizing them. (Even then, they took some serious heat from conservative commentators for having simply allowed such “nonsense” to emerge at mainstream level. But they eventually survived – and prospered, in fact - as their ratings had clearly gone up in the meantime).

In the most recent case instead Giovanni Minoli parsed the entire show with personal comments that underlined the absurdity of the official version, implicitly validating our calls for a new investigation. I have excerpted and collated his comments in the attached video for everyone to verify.

As far as I know, Giovanni Minoli has taken no heat whatsoever from political commentators...

1st September 2011, 08:55 AM
it seems like honest reporting about 9-11 is relegated to the "Conspiracy" section in the US & England & Israel news media.

whereas in most other countries, they just 'report the news'.

my guess is, if the goal is to censor the media & to confuse the viewers ... the technique works.

in any case, it basically shows how much Israel-loyalists & US gov. ciphers control the media in those 3 countries.