View Full Version : What's the best anti-virus product?

3rd September 2011, 02:03 PM
Thought this was covered several times, but the SEARCH is virtually worthless.

Looking for something compatible w/ IE 7. Am thinking w/ college back in session, holiday weekend sales, et al there may be some good deals out there.

Also, order online or brick & mortar store?


3rd September 2011, 02:15 PM
I use the free version of avast! and it's been really good to me. :)

And - Free's a deal you can't beat.

3rd September 2011, 02:19 PM
Sometimes I wonder about the search function, but sometimes it does work fine.

For god's sake do not use Norton or Mcaffee! They will bog your system down so much you will move backwards!

I always wonder why anymore people buy a/v software when there are several free single user programs out there. Both avast and avg are good and work well.

And as other threads on this subject , everyone has their favorite!




3rd September 2011, 02:22 PM
PC Tools Anti-Virus


Functional & Free.

if you're concerned about security, it helps to be aware of some of the details in MechBgon's guide. he's one of the more experienced tech's at Anandtech (who has permanently banned me). he talks about user accounts - how they affect security.

especially, not using the Admin account, if possible.


3rd September 2011, 02:23 PM
I usually have decent luck w/ the search utility if I'm logged on, but not in the last several times! Very frustrating indeed.

3rd September 2011, 02:24 PM
I use colloidal silver, seems to fix everything but warts. For warts use cider vinegar, actually saw it work for my son.

I been using malewarebytes and ASC, both are freeand seem to cover each others inadequacies.

Drinking already, this may not be a humerus evening but then again, I might enjoy myself.

3rd September 2011, 02:26 PM
I use colloidal silver, seems to fix everything but warts. For warts use cider vinegar, actually saw it work for my son.

I been using malewarebytes and ASC, both are freeand seem to cover each others inadequacies.

Drinking already, this may not be a humerus evening but then again, I might enjoy myself.

You sir are a HOOT!


3rd September 2011, 02:28 PM
I use colloidal silver, seems to fix everything but warts. For warts use cider vinegar, actually saw it work for my son.

I been using malewarebytes and ASC, both are freeand seem to cover each others inadequacies.

Drinking already, this may not be a humerus evening but then again, I might enjoy myself.

Heck, it IS Saturday night.

what was the subject again ?

3rd September 2011, 02:34 PM
I use colloidal silver, seems to fix everything but warts. For warts use cider vinegar, actually saw it work for my son.

I been using malewarebytes and ASC, both are freeand seem to cover each others inadequacies.

Drinking already, this may not be a humerus evening but then again, I might enjoy myself.

Coconut oil also has anti virus capabilities but for a computer........................AVAST ....just like JJG said.

3rd September 2011, 02:39 PM
I say use an alternative OS. A few people here know I'm an avid Linux user; but I know Linux isn't for everyone. If you can, try using a Mac.

Here's a list of a few:


3rd September 2011, 02:44 PM
I usually have decent luck w/ the search utility if I'm logged on, but not in the last several times! Very frustrating indeed.Have found you do have too be on the main forum page/index for a search to work right. Also you do have too be logged in for it to do a complete search, because of the members only areas will not be displayed or searched.

3rd September 2011, 03:35 PM
I was turned onto VIPRE yesteday by a good buddy. He's on XPPro and I'm a Win7. I've yet to check it out today, but plan to.

The highlights that sold me was:
*It working at 1AM every morning without his assist.
*When he sat down in the morning, he had a report of what was found, viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, the works, in every category.
*He also had in his morning after report how many probes & wanna be infection attempts had been attempted on his machine in the previous 24hr period.
*The cost was $29.95 for a year.
*NO loss of speed for being installed on his machine. That was a biggie!

He's tickled as a hog in fresh slop.

He echoed the NO Norton NOR McAfee installs. The tech had to go remove what SY had tried for months using various internet tools, CCCleaner mamboni recommended, etc. Still couldn't get all Symantec out of his machine. It's gone now.

I do like CCCleaner's WIPE FREE SPACE option at the bottom of their list. What a speed enhancer that 1 feature is.

Hope this helps.

Here's the google search for VIPRE

3rd September 2011, 04:06 PM
Ha! I thought you meant actual viruses until I read the thread.

Dementia is a bitch.

3rd September 2011, 04:30 PM
Dementia is a bitch.

I think I just smoked some of that.

3rd September 2011, 04:56 PM
PC Tools Anti-Virus


Functional & Free.

if you're concerned about security, it helps to be aware of some of the details in MechBgon's guide. he's one of the more experienced tech's at Anandtech (who has permanently banned me). he talks about user accounts - how they affect security.

especially, not using the Admin account, if possible.


Moments after I downloaded the superspy program, I got one nasty virus. Cannot run .exe files on this computer. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not. Avira popped up with a virus detection right as superspy was getting ready to reboot.

Hopefully I have found a correct fix. I was finally able to get malewarebytes running.

3rd September 2011, 05:05 PM
Run any antivirus crap in safe mode, SAFE MODE, SAFE MODE.

you need to boot safe mode to get anything advanced or you will be in the hands of the USofIsreal.

mick silver
3rd September 2011, 05:06 PM
best antivirus is not to do any nasty person.. oh you mean for a computer

3rd September 2011, 05:25 PM
best antivirus is not to do any nasty person.. oh you mean for a computer


10th October 2011, 05:27 PM
avira free. download at majorgeeks.com also get ccleaner slim ; )

Hatha Sunahara
10th October 2011, 10:07 PM
I generally use Linux Ubuntu, which comes with a free antivirus that is very very good.

When I use windows, I use ESET Smart Security, and occasionally Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool. I rarely have problems with malware. Eset works quietly in the background, and only gets attention when something is threatening to bite you. I like the interface.


Joe King
10th October 2011, 10:52 PM
Moments after I downloaded the superspy program, I got one nasty virus. Cannot run .exe files on this computer. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not.Most likely a coincidence. I use the superantispyware quite often and never had a problem with it.

Can you run .exe's now? If not, it sounds like you might need rkill. It kills known malware processes that can block the execution of certain anti-malware programs so that they can be more easily removed.
They all do the same thing, but have different names because one may be blocked, but not another.
If you ever get one of those fake anti-virus blackmail virus' on your PC, you'll need it. lol

RKill.com Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/rkill.com)
RKill.exe Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/rkill.exe)
RKill.scr Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/rkill.scr)
eXplorer.exe Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/eXplorer.exe) - This renamed copy may trigger an alert from MBAM. It can be ignored and is safe.
iExplore.exe Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/iExplore.exe)
WiNlOgOn.exe Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/WiNlOgOn.exe)
uSeRiNiT.exe Download Link (http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/uSeRiNiT.exe)
Read more about rkill here > http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic308364.html

Avira popped up with a virus detection right as superspy was getting ready to reboot.

Hopefully I have found a correct fix. I was finally able to get malewarebytes running.Malwarebytes is good too.

The biggest problem with these anti-this and clean-that programs is that no one piece of software finds every bad thing. They like to claim they do, but they just can't do it all, all the time. There's always something out there that can get through.

A good way to check any file you may be suspicious of before you run it, upload it to www.virustotal.com (http://www.virustotal.com) and have it checked against 43 different programs.

Here's the result of one of my files I just uploaded. If you notice, you'll see that only 16 of them found anything wrong with it. If you were using any of the others, you'd end up infecting yourself because you'd think it was safe because of no alerts. lol
http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=241ae5e7aabc30d564119534ef57ba74161 18b06bdee2818ed023de2191df17b-1318311007