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View Full Version : Son a gun, an hour out of L.A. yesterday and my A/C dies

General of Darkness
4th September 2011, 06:59 AM
Left for training yesterday and whammo, A/C dead and it's 100 outside. Then I went another 2 1/2 north to Turlock for another week of training and it was just miserable.

I just checked and the compressor is working and the line gets cold so I think I just need to add some additional freon and go from there. I hope to GOD I don't have a leak because I'm about 250 from home, it's Sunday and tomorrow is labor day.


4th September 2011, 07:12 AM
If you are talking about your diesel, it may be that the A/C system is fine but the mode door broke (typical) and is only allowing heater operation. Can you hear the mode doors operating when you switch from heat to cold? If you hear the motor working but maybe a popping or clicking noise, the mode door is broken. Dash has to come out to fix it.

4th September 2011, 07:23 AM
i suggest going to wet T-shirt mode. i.e. drenching your T-shirt with water when it starts warming up. when it's that hot you might need to re-wet the T-shirt every hour - but it will help to keep you cool.

also forcing yourself to drink water & forcing yourself to eat. when our bodies overheat we can forget to do those things that help stave off genuine heat stroke/prostration.

and it helps to bring extra T-shirts, because one of the side effects of the Wet T-shirt method is that the T-shirt begins to smell ... at least when guys do it.

General of Darkness
4th September 2011, 07:28 AM
If you are talking about your diesel, it may be that the A/C system is fine but the mode door broke (typical) and is only allowing heater operation. Can you hear the mode doors operating when you switch from heat to cold? If you hear the motor working but maybe a popping or clicking noise, the mode door is broken. Dash has to come out to fix it.

Brew, I was thinking that, but like last week only the driver side was cold, and it just went away, but it was when it was pumping half the cold is when it just died.

4th September 2011, 07:30 AM
You can buy an AC recharge kit in any auto parts store...about $30.00 and simple to do. Get the kind with the gauge attached, read the directions, it tells you what to do.

mick silver
4th September 2011, 07:31 AM
find a auto zone are a parts place and get a kit and add your own freon it cheap and you will know if it that are not

4th September 2011, 07:39 AM
Brew, I was thinking that, but like last week only the driver side was cold, and it just went away, but it was when it was pumping half the cold is when it just died.
This does not sound like you need freon, your problem may be under the dash, What brand? Low vacuum would not cause one half of your cab not to cool. If you have a dodge , they have been known for years to use vacuum motors to control the a/c servo motor doors. You maybe have a vacuum leak??

Edit: More likely under the hood if your truck is a dodge.

4th September 2011, 07:44 AM
find a auto zone are a parts place and get a kit and add your own freon it cheap and you will know if it that are not

Maybe, but an over- or underfilled system won't work either. From what GoD is describing, it sounds like a broken mode or blend door door. Of course, I'd have to look at it to know for sure.

If you are going to add refrigerant, add .5 lbs at a time and check performance. If it improves with .5 lbs, then you'll know. If it doesn't, DON'T ADD MORE!

Do you have 2 zone A/C? If so, I'm thinking the problem isn't with charge level.

See if you can follow this link... does this sound like what's happening?


4th September 2011, 08:05 AM
Tough it out. ;D

You could be baling hay and only able to drive 10 miles an hour in 100 degree heat.

General of Darkness
4th September 2011, 08:06 AM
Maybe, but an over- or underfilled system won't work either. From what GoD is describing, it sounds like a broken mode or blend door door. Of course, I'd have to look at it to know for sure.

If you are going to add refrigerant, add .5 lbs at a time and check performance. If it improves with .5 lbs, then you'll know. If it doesn't, DON'T ADD MORE!

Do you have 2 zone A/C? If so, I'm thinking the problem isn't with charge level.

See if you can follow this link... does this sound like what's happening?


Can view that, I have to register. :(

4th September 2011, 08:18 AM
Don't know if I'm supposed to be doing this but oh well...

2006 Dodge Ram 3500 Truck, Mechanical, evaporator

By: http://members.iatn.net/images/profile/tiny-profile-default.gif (http://members.iatn.net/profile/147346NTE.aspx) Kevin DeArment (http://members.iatn.net/profile/147346NTE.aspx)Aug 26, 2009 7:44:52 AMhttp://members.iatn.net/images/star1.gif4 Replies (http://members.iatn.net/techmail/view/index.aspx?origin=7&d=1&st=1&i=4&m=1211&t=chry_ac&v=chry&sk=76677&s=ac&search=1&tr=65&k=+&page=1#)
Vehicle came to us a week ago with complaint of passenger side not cold, test found low charge with leaking evaporator being cause, replaced with oem along with accumulator. Vehicle returned stating that at highway speeds that the passenger side starts to blow warm while driver side stays cool. Cools great at idle, vent temp on passenger side is 50degrees, drivers is 48. When drive vehicle above 65mph or increase rpm to 1800 passenger side starts to blow warm. While driving noted low side pressure went to 10psi while high side was 160psi when problem started. Passenger vent temp climbs to 70 degrees while drivers climbs slightly to 55. Also noticed that when shut system down, takes a seeminly excessive amount of time to equalize. My tech. is at a loss how it can work so well at idle and slow speeds but fails at the higher rpms. Vehicle returns to cooling properly when you slow down or lower rpm's. I'm leaning towards a partially clogged orifice tube but the vehicle is covered by an aftermarket warranty so I need to be sure this time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Updated on Aug 26, 2009 10:03 AM

I had failed to mention the system has been evacuated and recharged several times to verify proper freon level. Also this is a single zone sytem and that there is no reduction in airflow out the vents. A reduction in engine rpm immediately produces cold air again.
Related Repair History

replaced evaporator week ago for a leak along with new accumulator

http://members.iatn.net/images/buttons/disk_save_blue.gif (http://members.iatn.net/techmail/view/options.aspx?target=ajax_save_msg&save_msg_id=1211&technical=chry_ac)

Kevin DeArment
Baytown Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Baytown, Texas, USA

FIX posted on Aug 26, 2009 10:19:33 AM

Problem solved, vehicle not yet repaired. You guys were right on the money with a partially clogged orifice tube. Cut open the liquid line, as we could see some evidence it was clogged by looking in the end of the line, and removed the tube to find the inlet screen 1/3 clogged with metal particles, some small some big. Asking the warranty company to replace compressor, line, and condenser. Thanks again for all your quick responses.

4th September 2011, 01:15 PM
If your freon system is low the compressor will usually cycle on and off. If the compressor clutch is staying engaged when the A/C is on, then likely the system has a decent charge.

Was it blowing cold and then instantly went to hot? Or did it gradually loose its coldness?

How old is the truck?

The orifice tube is usually between the front condenser and the systems drier. Check for your vehicles orifice tube location. When you take it apart inspect the old tube. If it has a lot of debris and crap built up on it, i would look at replacing other system components (compressor,etc), or this will just be a band aid.

5th September 2011, 12:57 AM
Tough it out. ;D

You could be baling hay and only able to drive 10 miles an hour in 100 degree heat.

Yep, practice for SHTF. I did my first 4 summers in Vegas in a '68 VW bus. See how low you can go.

5th September 2011, 02:31 AM
Roll the windows down.

General of Darkness
5th September 2011, 02:34 AM
Well one of the guys at the field I'm training Enzo at works at a Dodge dealer and is going to get me in to Dodge on Tuesday at the employee rate. FYI - Enzo is looking really really good.

5th September 2011, 04:20 AM
Well one of the guys at the field I'm training Enzo at works at a Dodge dealer and is going to get me in to Dodge on Tuesday at the employee rate.

