View Full Version : Possession being 9/10ths of the law

5th September 2011, 07:27 AM
A while back a friend and I were sharing a corner of a bar over a couple of beers. A guy comes up and says "my group is having a party and we would appreciate it if you moved to another area". I looked at my friend. He looked at me. We took another sip of beer and remained seated. We did notice a couple of dirty looks shot our way but ignored them.

Five minutes later the same guy comes up, points to a table 20 feet away on which were sitting two beers, and said "they are yours if you move". Needless to say we gave up possession of our corner of the bar and took possession of the table.

Reflecting upon this little incident this is exactly what happens daily in every real estate transaction. Someone occupies a house but intends to move. Precisely how much it takes to move them is advertised but open to other offers. When they hear an offer they like they vacate the premises and someone else moves in.

There is some sense that the buyer is purchasing the real estate and all appurtenances but that is merely part of the illusion. My friend and I neither owned any part of the bar or the table but we were in possession and the maxim goes "possession is, as it were, the position of the foot". With no substance in the money there is nothing available in law to actually purchase anything. Instead it is a baiting operation to remove the existing tenant so that you can be the chief tenant in possession.

As to possession being 9/10ths ... this is intended to direct your attention to what you THINK you have. What is the other 1/10th? Ownership. And with the current situation in the United States that belongs to the State.

Hope this helps. It is for entertainment purposes only.

5th September 2011, 07:53 AM
in the near future
you're gonna need a firearm to back up your claim of possession

5th September 2011, 08:00 AM
in the near future
you're gonna need a firearm to back up your claim of possession

A lady in Florida whose house was foreclosed on received a 3-day notice posted on her door. She called the clerk to inquire (for the record CLERKS are a major part of the scam and are NOT TO BE TRUSTED). The clerk gave her a song and dance and suggested that this notice would be best ignored.

72 hours later (to the minute) the first notice was removed and replaced with a notice that remained on her door for 30 days.

After 30 days a 6 man assault team descended on her and removed her and the contents to the street.

It took her a couple of years of reflecting upon these events but she came to the conclusion that the 72 hour notice was to the man or woman who owned the dwelling. The 30 day notice was to the tenant to evacuate.

You do not ignore NOTICE no matter what some clerk tells you. Bad things happen.

If you think a gun is going to give you a better claim then they have set up a place with your name on the door.

5th September 2011, 08:18 AM
after TSHTF
laws will be made on the spot by whoever has the most firepower

5th September 2011, 08:43 AM
after TSHTF
laws will be made on the spot by whoever has the most firepower

That is the way laws are made now.

5th September 2011, 11:57 AM
There is only one way any contract is enFORCEable.