View Full Version : Michigan to throw 12,600 families off welfare

5th September 2011, 07:33 AM

The Michigan House and Senate passed legislation approving a four-year lifetime limit on welfare benefits. If you have been on welfare for four years, you are automatically cut off.

Come October 1, 12,600 families will be cut off the rolls. The family unit will also lose their insurance and their food stamps. Then every month, more people will be eliminated.

more . . .


5th September 2011, 07:37 AM
Sounds like a great exodus of entitlement mentality people will occur.
Surrounding states had better watch out. They is a comin.

5th September 2011, 08:16 AM
From the article:

" If allowed, it could eventually affect the whole working class."

Good, says I. The "working class" will either get busy working or move to where there is work. If there is no work anywhere then everyone will be hurting and we will get by with a lot less. No one is entitled to prepared foods on public money. I f people are really hungry then give them rice and beans and they will be truly thankfull. None of these people are thankfull, they think society somehow owes them a living.

po boy
5th September 2011, 08:25 AM
Sounds like a great exodus of entitlement mentality people will occur.
Surrounding states had better watch out. They is a comin.

Everyone with a SSN is on the public dole in one way or another and has a mentality of a socialist/communists.

Broad brushes cover many.

5th September 2011, 08:29 AM
Everyone with a SSN is on the public dole in one way or another and has a mentality of a socialist/communists.

Broad brushes cover many.

Well, if you want to be a purist, that applies to anyone who pays for insurance too. Insurance is a socialist scheme to place individual burdens on many and to extract from many the manageable toll which when combined is significantly large enough that slices can be taken away as profit without anyone knowing their loss.

po boy
5th September 2011, 08:39 AM
Well, if you want to be a purist, that applies to anyone who pays for insurance too. Insurance is a socialist scheme to place individual burdens on many and to extract from many the manageable toll which when combined is significantly large enough that slices can be taken away as profit without anyone knowing their loss.

Absolutely correct.
It is an ugly truth but correct.

5th September 2011, 08:55 AM
You sure they are doing what is in the peoples best interest? I am sure you thought this through, on with the horse and pony show folks.


Posted on 07/14/2011 (http://voiceofdetroit.net/2011/07/14/michigan-to-throw-12600-families-off-welfare-who-will-be-next/) by Diane Bukowski (http://voiceofdetroit.net/author/diane-bukowski/)

http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Lansing-rally-4-13-Kramer-and-Baker.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Lansing-rally-4-13-Kramer-and-Baker.jpg)
By Marian Kramer
The People’s Tribune www.peoplestribune.org (http://www.peoplestribune.org/)
June, 2011
The Michigan House and Senate passed legislation approving a four-year lifetime limit on welfare benefits. If you have been on welfare for four years, you are automatically cut off.
Come October 1, 12,600 families will be cut off the rolls. The family unit will also lose their insurance and their food stamps. Then every month, more people will be eliminated. If you have been on welfare for say three years, you only have one year left. Ohio is also going through this process — they are trying to legislate a three-year time limit. These are examples of the wholesale cuts that are taking place in the Rust Belt against that section of the working class that has the least. If allowed, it could eventually affect the whole working class.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Bill-Clinton-frowning-300x185.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Bill-Clinton-frowning.jpg)Former Pres. Bill Clinton initiated 4-year limits with his federal welfare "reform" prorgam, which set back 60 years of improvements in the social safety net; Gov. John Engler was head of his reform task force

The four-year time limitation is part of TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), the welfare “reform” bill that was passed in 1996 under the administration of Bill Clinton.
However, it was left up to the states as to when they would implement this part of the bill. Some states rushed to implement it and others tended to leave the time limitation alone.
Now, the present administration in Lansing—via Gov. Snyder—is not only implementing the time limitation with the blessing of the legislative branch of the government, he is going back retroactively.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rick-Snyder-gro1-150x150.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rick-Snyder-gro1.jpg)http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Jennifer-Granholm2-150x150.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Jennifer-Granholm2.jpg)
[VOD ed.: However, the original legislation establishing the four-year limit was signed by Governor Jennifer Granholm at the beginning of her second term, although she had promised during her campaign not to do so. She used as an excuse that the legislation only cut off adults, not children in the family. It is unclear from the legislation whether that provision is still maintained.]
The Governor says people are to get a job. How can you get a job in an economy that is not producing jobs for the vast majority of people—people are thrown off the job rolls by technology. We have people coming into the Michigan Welfare Rights Office who are trying to match up two or three jobs. They still can’t survive. They are not grossing the amount of money they would have realized if they had their old jobs. They need assistance.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Family-waiting-for-housing-assistance-300x246.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Family-waiting-for-housing-assistance.jpg)Homeless family waiting for housing assistance

The Michigan government claims that by moving to do the four-year time limitation, an estimated $77.4 million will be saved. There is no consideration given to what will happen to people without money to buy food or shelter. They will be out on the street.
If the masses of people do not rally against these particular cuts, it will set the foundation for the cuts to go deeper. They will continue the taxation on the pension, eat away at other benefits of the workers, and eliminate certain programs not relevant for the corporate interests. If we allow this to go forward, what is it going to do for social security on a federal level—and will there be a time limit for social security? We have to think about this. Enforcement of this bill would set the foundation for all of our benefits to be eliminated.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/4-13-112-No-pension-tax-cropped-243x300.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/4-13-112-No-pension-tax-cropped.jpg)April 13 in Lansing: 10,000 rally against pension taxes, other cuts

When Snyder went after the pensions for Michigan seniors, the people mounted a massive campaign. Suddenly some $400 million in funds showed up. The government is not broke. They don’t need to eliminate people on public assistance in order to “fuel the economy.” They are trying to use general funds for the corporate interests. We should remember, too, that it took both Democrats and Republicans to pass the original bill. We need to fight in the interests of the whole working class. Tax the rich!
Many groups, including the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization, are mounting a campaign. We see this as central to the overall battles taking place for workers’ rights. Please contact us. Call (313) 964-0618 or visit our website: http://www.mwro.org/.
*VOD ed.: The next are already here. Additional legislation was passed July 13 in Michigan’s Senate to extend the four-year limit to ALL recipients, not only those eligible to participate in the Jobs, Education and Training Program (formerly Work First). Click on Four year welare limit bill 2011-HEBS-4409[1] (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Four-year-welare-limit-bill-2011-HEBS-44091.pdf) and Four year asistance cut-off 2011-HEBS-4410[1] (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Four-year-asistance-cut-off-2011-HEBS-44101.pdf) to read Bills 4409-10.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Stop-child-labor.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Stop-child-labor.jpg)Child labor is back under Michigan bill

The new legislation requires

Anyone in the household over 16 who is not in school to meet the JET work requirements, or the family will be cut off. Child labor is back.
19-year-olds in the household will no longer be covered.
Non-citizens will be required to undergo processing through the FEDERAL SYSTEMATIC ALIEN VERIFICATION FOR ENTITLEMENTS (SAVE) PROGRAM.
Individuals must voluntarily assign all child support benefits to the state, a double dip: if a parent is working and paying child support, they are also paying taxes which support the Department of Human Services programs. Mothers are already required to identify the fathers of their children even if they are not sure of paternity. They were receiving a $50 a month pass-through from child support, but even that appears to be eliminated.
http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/black-father-and-daughter-200x300.jpg (http://voiceofdetroit.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/black-father-and-daughter.jpg)Fathers who work are penalized twice Instances of third-time noncompliance with numerous DHS rules will result in PERMANENT ineligibility for benefits, not just 13 months. Numerous additional reasons for noncompliance are added, with the provision that the department may create more such rules.
The recipient will have only 12 days to take action to dispute the permanent ineligibility determination.
If the landlord is delinquent on payment of property taxes to the state, vendored rents for the tenants on assistance will cease. “Delinquent” does not mean the landlord no longer owns the property; it just means he is behind and has a chance to catch up.
Re-assessment of eligibility is now done every 12 months, instead of 24 months.

5th September 2011, 09:18 AM
The politicians created this whole thing. Coaching single mothers how to suck the system, then they took away all the jobs, now they give them all the boot because there are no jobs... This system is set to implode and I am sure it will include many MSM coverage of the violence.

Think about it, when have they ever done anything for the working class? Single mothers with a few kids are going to find work to support their family, pay for babysitters, transportation, food etc. Impossible.

I have been serious looking into relocating, I just reverted to my previous goal of relocating OUT of this corporate bullshit. Fuck the west and this BS, I will go somewhere and just watch this shit burn. I doubt I will live long enough to want to return because it will take many many years to crash and burn and renew.

Twisted Titan
5th September 2011, 09:44 AM

5th September 2011, 10:06 AM
This almost appears to be a setup. You engineer a class of people that are basically helpless to take of themselves then once they are conditioned you cut them off cold turkey. This is going to lead to riots and increased crime. The time to implement a 4 year cap would have been when the welfare program was started in the first place.

5th September 2011, 10:47 AM
I really get tired of hearing about the poor children that will be hurt, perhaps the time to think of the poor children is when they make the decision to have children knowing all too well that they don't have the financial means to support themselves let alone the lives they are bringing into this world.

People are stupid, and will keep having children even if they can't support and feed them. I don't blame the child though, it's not their fault they were brought into existance into an screwed up situation.

Personally, I don't want to see anyone go hungry. However, we all know welfare is massively abused...the system is corrupt and doesn't work.

What I'd like to see though, is perhaps using some of the money saved to help fund private non-profit organizations that will supply hot meals to people that need them. Food, not stamps or anything monetary...actual hot food to hungry Americans.

Twisted Titan
5th September 2011, 01:02 PM
Its not about private control

It is about state control

The state would prefer to see you die then get assistence from someyhing outside of their claws of power

Hospitals use to be run by charities with private donations and philantrophy care was free or resonable for the indigent or.those of modest means look.at the nightmare it is today.

The leading cause of bankruptcy is crushing debt because medical treatment

5th September 2011, 01:31 PM
People are stupid, and will keep having children even if they can't support and feed them. I don't blame the child though, it's not their fault they were brought into existance into an screwed up situation.

Personally, I don't want to see anyone go hungry. However, we all know welfare is massively abused...the system is corrupt and doesn't work.

What I'd like to see though, is perhaps using some of the money saved to help fund private non-profit organizations that will supply hot meals to people that need them. Food, not stamps or anything monetary...actual hot food to hungry Americans.

i think a good compromise is what they did with freed slaves after the Civil War - "40 acres and a mule".

that is, when people are given welfare, to tell them that after X amount of time they will be given a small piece of land, and they will have to work to feed themselves.

then they will learn USEFUL stuff like rainwater catchment & growing food - if they want to live.

obviously easier said than done.

i would say that we still live in a land of PLENTY. i don't like to see people starve either.

the question is, in which direction will people's hunger motivate them ? to rob their neighbor - or to grit up & eat worms & wild beans & blackberries ?

5th September 2011, 01:33 PM
This almost appears to be a setup. You engineer a class of people that are basically helpless to take of themselves then once they are conditioned you cut them off cold turkey. This is going to lead to riots and increased crime. The time to implement a 4 year cap would have been when the welfare program was started in the first place.

Ding ding ding we have a winner. It is a complete setup and so obvious it is hard for people to see that it is right in front of their face. Add to that the safety of Unions is being dissolved for what little work is left. The only booming sectors are the fraudulent medical field being bolstered by poisons in the food and water, add a bit of radiation and SAG fallout. Limits on growing and distributing fresh food.

The whole thing is a corporate experiment and the ones to fail are the people of this western experiment.

Hope I spelled decent :o

5th September 2011, 01:40 PM
So the question is: what will happen when these people get kicked off welfare? Either
a) Find and hold down (additional?) jobs. With the welfare cutoff, they'll likely miss rent/car payments and if they lose one of those the odds of being able to hold a job are drastically reduced. The moms probably already have jobs but still qualify for welfare because their pay is low and they have kids. The dad is gone.
b) Move to another state. This is possible, but it does require some prior planning.
c) Become criminals.

mick silver
5th September 2011, 02:31 PM
when i was growing up as a kid we worked in the garden , mow the yard help around the house . now it Child labor . kids need to learn to do things for the self . people should not be living their whole lifes on welfare . just wait till the people that have been paying taxes dont get there stamps because whole family have live there live sucking from the well and have never paid a dime of taxes . on the old gim people talk about this coming and this could be the breaking point that start the shit hitting the fan

5th September 2011, 04:30 PM
the question is, in which direction will people's hunger motivate them ? to rob their neighbor - or to grit up & eat worms & wild beans & blackberries ?

I think Son-of-liberty's post answers this question. He's right, we have an engineered dependant class of people.

Cut them off and they are hungry, they won't think with a clear head. They will panic. That means robbing their neighbors.

5th September 2011, 04:50 PM

The double screw.................first send jobs overseas.............then screw people again when they cannot find a job.

8th September 2011, 12:07 PM
I think they should have waited until Jan or Feb, people tend not to "go Ape" when it's cold out.