View Full Version : The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs

6th September 2011, 07:38 PM
If you're looking for a way to make sense of the world, look no further than the book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy (by Jim Marrs). It reveals a hard-hitting, big-picture overview of how things really work behind the scenes of our modern world (and who's pulling the levers).

The title of the book is actually a bit of a misnomer. Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are drugged up on psychiatric medications. The publisher, however, insisted on the current name, and that's why it isn't called Zombie Nation.

Listen to my interview with Jim about his book at:

How things really work behind the curtain
If you want to know why the world seems to be so crazy these days, just read this book and you'll gain a keen understanding of the zombification of modern civilization and why it's taking place. The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy touches on all the big issues and industries of our modern world: War and defense contractors, Big Pharma and the FDA, the fluoridation of the water supply, GMOs and the genetic pollution of our planet, the criminal banking industry and the Federal Reserve, stolen elections, corrupt politicians and a whole lot more.

It is, without question, the best book I've read all year. And that's why I'm giving this book the NaturalNews Book of the Year Award. I've never actually given out this award before, but I'm planning on giving this out once a year to the most important book of each year. Of course, 2011 isn't over yet, so there could still be some amazing books in 2011 that deserve consideration. It's possible I may give out the award more than once if there's another deserving book that comes along.

The next book for consideration of this award, in fact, is Bill Faloon's upcoming book called Pharmacracy, scheduled to be released later this month. That's a hard-hitting book on the tyranny of the FDA and the outrageous damage that has been caused by chemical medications. (www.LEF.org)

Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and his book is a shining example of the great lost art of factual journalism in America. He honestly deserves to win a Pulitzer prize for this latest book -- it's really that good. It's also extremely well researched and cited. This isn't some loose compilation of conjecture or conspiracy ranting; rather, it's a coherent, well-organized presentation of the shocking details of how the world really operates (it's far stranger than you might suppose).

Jim Marrs is also widely recognized as a top researcher of 9/11 truth and the Kennedy Assassination


6th September 2011, 11:16 PM
I found it a really good read as well. Though, it should have been bigger (longer), it seemed like he was trying to cram a lot in.......

6th September 2011, 11:24 PM
I found it a really good read as well. Though, it should have been bigger (longer), it seemed like he was trying to cram a lot in.......

So I guess its a lot of what we go over here or was there more too it.

6th September 2011, 11:29 PM
So I guess its a lot of what we go over here or was there more too it.


7th September 2011, 01:22 AM
Sorry, I mean did you learn much from the book and is it worth reading

Hatha Sunahara
18th September 2011, 10:07 AM
I've been listening to Zombie Nation in a Audio Book format for the last few days. I'd give it five stars out of five. There are certain facts that I missed in my own comprehension of conspiracy theories.

For example, he talks about the 'markup' on commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals. Prozac, which is 'fluoxetane' is 94% fluoride. It costs about 18 cents to make a quantity that sells for $220 at the pharmacy. The markup on this one is more than 100,000%. Prescription drugs are the most profitable items sold.

He also summarizes the important work of Eustace Mullins on the Fed, Medicine, and Politics.

The book is both enlightening and depressing at the same time. It is liberating to know how we''re being screwed, but it's depressing to discover how widespread, and in how many different things we are getting the short end of the stick. This is an excellent 'wake-up' book to let you know how enslaved you really are by the people who own the money, make the laws, and run the big corporations.

My suggestion is that this book should be made into a Textbook for High School students and it should be required reading. Several years ago, I read Marrs' book Rule By Secrecy. That one should be required reading for everybody. If you aren't aware of what this guy writes, you're living in a world of fantasy and make-believe.

Marrs has a really great web site, worth exploring:



18th September 2011, 11:30 AM
I found it a really good read as well. Though, it should have been bigger (longer), it seemed like he was trying to cram a lot in.......

I listened to a recent radio interview where he said that the book was heavily censored by his publisher - Harper Collins / a Rupert Murdoch corp.

18th September 2011, 02:35 PM
I just got the book. Love to know exactly what was censored out. Tribal matters?

18th September 2011, 07:03 PM
I listened to a recent radio interview where he said that the book was heavily censored by his publisher - Harper Collins / a Rupert Murdoch corp.Well then, wouldn't the censored material be on his website?

18th September 2011, 08:02 PM
Well then, wouldn't the censored material be on his website?

Hell if I know. That is all that Mr. Marrs said in the interview.

18th September 2011, 10:08 PM
September 8, 2010 http://www.jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/the-trillion-dollar-conspiracy-censored/
By Jim Marrs

I have had five books cancelled on me under unusual circumstances, but for the first time in my experience as an author, I was overtly censored during the publication of my latest New York Times Best Seller The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy.

The conversation with my senior editor went something like this:

EDITOR: “I did not contract for this and I suggest you take it out of the manuscript.”

JIM: “Well, I think this section is very important and should remain. It is well sourced.”

EDITOR: “Then let me put it this way. Either you take out this section or I won’t publish the book.”

The editor then proceeded to argue that this demand did not constitute censorship, a position to which I strongly disagreed.

Ironically, the section in question concerned how the corporate mass media censors the news.

“You’ve just proved my point, haven’t you?” I responded, knowing full well that for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which was the need to get the information in the book out to the public, I would eventually be forced to remove this section as well as some others.

And what was it that was so disturbing to this editor for a large corporate publisher?

These sections were removed in their entirety:

Media Control – 9/11 and Two Million Man March Linked Media Directorship
Top 25 Censored Stories
A False Picture of al Qaeda
Obama and the CIA

Here are the sections within the portion on media control that someone in the corporate world did not want you to see:...
[cont'd] http://www.jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/the-trillion-dollar-conspiracy-censored/

19th September 2011, 02:47 AM
good reasonably recent interview with marrs, where i think he covers quite a lot of what he talks about (funny how it always ends up back with sitchin, sumer and the annunaki):


4th December 2011, 09:43 PM
I listened to a recent radio interview where he said that the book was heavily censored by his publisher - Harper Collins / a Rupert Murdoch corp.

That would make sense. He covered a lot of subjects, but I feel, he didn't cover them enough. The heavy censoring would explain it........ thx

5th December 2011, 07:18 AM
I'm not a fan of this guy.


5th December 2011, 07:50 AM
September 8, 2010 http://www.jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/the-trillion-dollar-conspiracy-censored/
By Jim Marrs

I have had five books cancelled on me under unusual circumstances, but for the first time in my experience as an author, I was overtly censored during the publication of my latest New York Times Best Seller The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy.

The conversation with my senior editor went something like this:

EDITOR: “I did not contract for this and I suggest you take it out of the manuscript.”

JIM: “Well, I think this section is very important and should remain. It is well sourced.”

EDITOR: “Then let me put it this way. Either you take out this section or I won’t publish the book.”

The editor then proceeded to argue that this demand did not constitute censorship, a position to which I strongly disagreed.

Ironically, the section in question concerned how the corporate mass media censors the news.

“You’ve just proved my point, haven’t you?” I responded, knowing full well that for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which was the need to get the information in the book out to the public, I would eventually be forced to remove this section as well as some others.

And what was it that was so disturbing to this editor for a large corporate publisher?

These sections were removed in their entirety:

Media Control – 9/11 and Two Million Man March Linked Media Directorship
Top 25 Censored Stories
A False Picture of al Qaeda
Obama and the CIA

Here are the sections within the portion on media control that someone in the corporate world did not want you to see:...
[cont'd] http://www.jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/the-trillion-dollar-conspiracy-censored/

A trojan threat pops up on that page.... my anti-virus sw would not let me open it.... quarantined.

po boy
5th December 2011, 07:54 AM
A trojan threat pops up on that page.... my anti-virus sw would not let me open it.... quarantined.
Same here.

5th December 2011, 08:21 AM
standard adl procedure....if you cant use threat and propaganda to stop it, use cyber attacks to cause folks to turn away from the site...its MORE proof that marrs is spot on again.

5th December 2011, 10:58 AM
These sections were removed in their entirety:

Media Control – 9/11 and Two Million Man March Linked Media Directorship
Top 25 Censored Stories
A False Picture of al Qaeda
Obama and the CIA

Here are the sections within the portion on media control that someone in the corporate world did not want you to see:...
[cont'd] http://www.jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/the-trillion-dollar-conspiracy-censored/

The book is not worth reading if it had one jot or tittle changed by the conspirators.

I was just about to buy it from an online dealer until I saw that he let them censor it. There are millions of publishers taht would have run with it in full. We was not obligated to stay that that particular publisher.