View Full Version : YouTube Censoring Key New A/E 911 Video, A great work.
7th September 2011, 11:27 AM
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's New Video & YouTube/Google/NSA's Campaign Against It (
Here is a screenshot of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's new video on YouTube. When you access the video from the embedded version on the Architects and Engineer's website, YouTube/Google/NSA has promoted 6 videos that purport to "DeBunk" various aspects of 9-11 Truth. Anyone familiar with YouTube should understand that YouTube's algorithm that determines "Suggestions" videos never displays multiple videos from the same member in the "Suggestions" video section (unless those are videos from the member that posted the video). Try it for yourself. Pick any other video on: Talking Animals, Cute Kids, or Crochet. See if you able to duplicate the placement of 6 videos from the same member in the suggestion list. What we are witnessing is an attempt by YouTube/Google/NSA to direct viewers to videos that purport to "DeBunk" the evidence of 9-11 and "poison the well" of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Because the US Government hands out major engineering contracts several professional engineering organizations have been contacted and told that if they wish to keep those contracts they must publicly attack Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
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Posted on Sep 07, 2011 at 07:41 (
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7th September 2011, 11:30 AM
We have documented YouTube censorship on here with regards to TSA.
Drudge links to YouTube messed with, etc, I have 2 threads on this.
The head vampire monitors drudge too.
Janet Napolitano: Drudge is 'just wrong' on privacy - Josh Gerstein - ( tml)
Female Blogger Threatened With Defamation Suit For Writing About TSA 'Rape' - Forbes (» (
10 Facts That Prove Big Sis Is Wrong, Drudge Is Right Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! (
Censoring A/E 9/11 Truth.
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's New Video & YouTube/Google/NSA's Campaign Against It
lots at link
YouTube, which is owned by Google and evidence indicates, appears to be a front company for the National Security Agency (NSA) ( YouTube has a long history of censoring the 9-11 Truth Movement and the Constitutionalist / Patriot movement that is exposing the propaganda campaign waged on Americans and world by the Central Banksters, their intelligence agency puppets and monopoly MainStreamMedia companies ( Here is an excerpt from a recent article entitled: YouTube Restores Alex Jones Hit Count ( by Aaron Dykes from ( documenting the censorship campaign that YouTube / Google / NSA has been waging against their videos, articles, and websites:
another link
Spotlight On - Architects and Engineers
14 minute version
Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -
7th September 2011, 11:37 AM
Youtube is owned by Google now, so no surprise. Controlled media flow.
7th September 2011, 11:46 AM
Youtube is owned by Google now, so no surprise. Controlled media flow.
If that video was shown on the nightly cable news it would be game over.
Don't know if you can watch it.
Drudge is being monitored by DHS and they were messing with them too.
This is very revealing, even a relatively small voice scares them.
7th September 2011, 12:11 PM
Because the US Government hands out major engineering contracts several professional engineering organizations have been contacted and told that if they wish to keep those contracts they must publicly attack Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
Can this be verified?
7th September 2011, 12:22 PM
Who is RKOwens4, and who does he work for?
7th September 2011, 12:32 PM
Funny, seems each time you hit it, you get a different string, but they are all on the debunking topic, strange... what more proof do we need of conspiracy?
That along with the jew search term on google, and its specialty over any other slang racial term.
Case closed.
7th September 2011, 12:44 PM
Funny, seems each time you hit it, you get a different string, but they are all on the debunking topic, strange... what more proof do we need of conspiracy?
That along with the jew search term on google, and its specialty over any other slang racial term.
Case closed.
ever since I first stumbled upon it, I have gotten a kick out of that google "explanation" page
7th September 2011, 12:50 PM
RKOwens4 favorited a video (5 days ago)
He should get a kick out of the manipulation...
7th September 2011, 03:15 PM!
Hatha Sunahara
7th September 2011, 11:21 PM
911 is a pretty large and expensive artifact to flush down the memory hole. That is what is being done with these debunking videos. Whoever did 911 has most likely spent huge multiples of the cost of doing it just to cover it up. Imagine how expensive it is to hire all those shills and trolls on all the forums on the internet to keep an eye out on the people who want the truth. They have been doing it for ten years now.
Just try and post something about 911,even here on GSUS, and if you don't buy the official story, you'll have one of the 911 trolls disrupting your thread. The more solid the argument, the greater the effort to discredit it. I think there are unlimited resources available to flush 911 down the memory hole so the official lies about it can prevail.
I believe that 911 divides humanity into two camps. The people who can recognize lies, and the people who can't.
15th September 2011, 12:16 PM
Large Sarge
15th September 2011, 12:59 PM
this is a blockbuster!!!!!!
all the folks sitting on the fence, will be pushed off into reality...
15th September 2011, 03:53 PM
you need a blast furnace to melt steel, or other unusual condition such as Demolition charges.
There could be a silver lining to the US government hiring engineering firms to use finite element analysis to try to prove that the airplane fire knocked down the building.
I'm thinking of the place where I worked, 500 engineers, lots of analysis software ... most of them were Zio-compliant - it was a defense contractor.
The only way they can prove that the jet fuel derived fire brought the building down is by making VERY un-realistic assumptions in the analysis. The engineers would be saying, "GOD DAMN ! no way !" The managers would say, "our job is to prove the airplanes brought down the WTC buildings, keep tweaking the analysis".
They might come out with an analysis that proves what they want it to prove - but the engineers who work on it will be changed forever, because they will know the analysis they did is bullshit.
16th September 2011, 01:41 PM
Great show, with the exception of the always present need to drag out the evil Germans and shake those bones at us again.
Proves some people who think they are enlightened have a long way to go.
16th September 2011, 02:58 PM
...Just try and post something about 911,even here on GSUS, and if you don't buy the official story, you'll have one of the 911 trolls disrupting your thread. Hatha
Not to split hairs, and maybe I've missed it, but doesn't 99.999% of the membership here agree the official story is bullshit? With the kind of intellectual firepower we have around here why would we even care about trolls vainly attempting to inject confusion? The truth stands on its own merits - for non-members who come here with curiosity to educate themselves I can see how trolls might muddy the waters, but the voyage to 9/11 self-discovery presents itself to anyone curious to investigate on their own. Censorship is part of that landscape and those that include that contingency in their toolkit will hardly bat an eye when agents try to play games.
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