View Full Version : Tony Hayward ruined the Gulf, said "Sorry" - Nat Rottenchild gives him the ME

7th September 2011, 11:51 AM
Can someone please drop a piano on this guy's head? Perhaps a few drops of gonorrhea in his martini? Where is Cthulhu when you need him? :(

Tony Hayward's Revenge: Ex-BP CEO To Head Iraq Oil Venture (http://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2011/09/07/tony-haywards-revenge-former-bp-ceo-to-head-iraqi-oil-company/?partner=yahootix)


Like the phoenix, which is reborn from its ashes, Tony Hayward, the former chief executive of BP, will once again lead an oil company. Vallares Plc, an investment vehicle co-founded by Hayward and Nat Rothschild, confirmed it was buying Genel Energy, a Turkish oil and gas company operating in Iraq, through a reverse merger for $2.1 billion on Wednesday.

Die in a fire Rottenchild.

In Iraq Oil Deal, Tony Hayward And Nat Rothschild Are Now Partners With Sinopec (http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2011/09/07/in-iraq-oil-deal-tony-hayward-and-nat-rothschild-are-now-partners-with-sinopec/)


Hayward and Rothschild are likely salivating at the opportunity of partnering with Sinopec. The Chinese giant is among the biggest oil companies in the world, with revenues of $200 billion. Successful development with Sinopec of these Iraqi fields could potentially serve as an entry point for Hayward and Vallares to partner with Sinopec elsewhere in the world. That is, if the Chinese are interested in cooperating; rumor is that they have offered to buy out all of Genel’s portion in the Taq Taq and Kiwa Chirmila fields.

Spoiled Rottenchild's traitorous henchmen in the MIC invade Iraq, claim the oil fields for foreign interests and sell the crude to China.

Wake the *^&# up America.

7th September 2011, 11:58 AM
Good find. Wow, the clown in chief running BP got a promotion, what a surprise.

BP is Rothchild. They raped Iran long ago, did everything really.

Hayward doesn't really run anything I don't think, he is just a face/front/stooge.
All these key oil companies/banks are run by the key families and their intelligence agencies.

Who owns ARAMCO ? LOL

Here are my comments on BP/Rothchild and Iran.

Rothchild point man running " Operation Ajax " .

" After the war, he served in the Foreign Office [ LOL 1 ] and elsewhere [ LOL 2 ] before in 1955 being appointed Director-General of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [ LOL 3 ](Chatham House). "

The truth is right there for everyone to see in their admissions, RIA runs CFR,
all FED families involved, Rockefeller/Rothchild, largest banks oil companies, etc .

7th September 2011, 12:43 PM
this shit get old.


7th September 2011, 12:51 PM
Good find. Wow, the clown in chief running BP got a promotion, what a surprise.

BP is Rothchild. They raped Iran long ago, did everything really.

Hayward doesn't really run anything I don't think, he is just a face/front/stooge.
All these key oil companies/banks are run by the key families and their intelligence agencies.

Who owns ARAMCO ? lol'

Here are my comments on BP/Rothchild and Iran.

Rothchild point man running " Operation Ajax " .

" After the war, he served in the Foreign Office [ LOL 1 ] and elsewhere [ LOL 2 ] before in 1955 being appointed Director-General of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [ LOL 3 ](Chatham House). "

The truth is right there for everyone to see in their admissions, RIA runs CFR,
all FED families involved, Rockefeller/Rothchild, largest banks oil companies, etc .

ARAMCO - Exxon/Mobil. Exxon (aka Rockefeller Oil) entered Saudi Arabia in 1927. Aramco & Exxon/Mobil officially merged in 1947.

Royal Institute of International Affairs, as you said, controls the CFR.

RIA is Rottenchild's megaphone.

Rottenchild was the financier behind Rock & co's rise to power.

Crypto's have been running Saudi Arabia ever since. BP belongs to Rottenchild.

99% of what is fked up in the Middle East is a direct result of Rottenchildren actions.

Large Sarge
7th September 2011, 01:06 PM
some of this stuff gets so sick, and twisted... it just makes me shake my head...

What would be a suitable punishment for tony hayward?

watching his kids being force fed fresh seafood from the gulf of mexico (dripping crude oil)?

7th September 2011, 01:16 PM
some of this stuff gets so sick, and twisted... it just makes me shake my head...

What would be a suitable punishment for tony hayward?

watching his kids being force fed fresh seafood from the gulf of mexico (dripping crude oil)?

being fed the Corexit & oil-rich diet that local whistleblowers like Kindra Arnesen have talked about the effects of, making people very sick.

is it possible this is outright War on the Gentiles ? i wonder if the Rabbi's that give Kosher food certification have been following the oil disaster, and using the Kosher ratings to give Florida area Jewish residents guidance on what is safe to eat.

remember the Y2K vote incidents in Florida, related to the large Jewish population. them folks - are they getting the Corexit & oil like everybody else ?

of course, same for the primary BP investors, aka Rottenschild.

7th September 2011, 01:22 PM
You pick the right man for the job... no conscience or concern for humanity, obedient to NWO agenda...

mick silver
7th September 2011, 04:34 PM
Rothschild name just keeps coming up . same as Soros . what hell does the rothchild not own are controll

7th September 2011, 05:14 PM
Rest asured.. the Rothschilds (as well as anyone who is not saved) will get theirs in God's time... not yours.

2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Thessalonians 1:9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

7th trump
7th September 2011, 05:26 PM
Rest asured.. the Rothschilds (as well as anyone who is not saved) will get theirs in God's time... not yours.

2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Thessalonians 1:9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

And what most hear dont understand is that "everlasting destruction" of 1:9 is being destroyed, as in doesn't exist any longer, and will never exist thereafter ever again!
You will lose your very existence and any memory of you is "blotted" (erased) from the minds of those who overcame. No sorrow and no tears will be shed in heaven!

7th September 2011, 10:52 PM
What would be a suitable punishment for tony hayward?
