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7th September 2011, 06:24 PM
From Spacecrafts To Temples: The Amazing Uses Of Gold

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/from-spacecrafts-to-temples-the-amazing-uses-of-gold-2011-8##ixzz1XJt2Th00

Gold’s qualities make it one of the most coveted metals in the world. Not only can it be beautifully shaped and sculpted, the yellow metal conducts electricity and does not tarnish.

These qualities make it the metal of choice for a wide variety of industries. Let's take a look at some industrial, medical and technological uses of gold, some of which are truly amazing.

Click here to see the many uses of gold > (http://www.businessinsider.com/from-spacecrafts-to-temples-the-amazing-uses-of-gold-2011-8#dentistry-1)

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/from-spacecrafts-to-temples-the-amazing-uses-of-gold-2011-8##ixzz1XJtH3gFu


7th September 2011, 06:33 PM

An in vitro experiment has shown that the combination of microwave radiation and colloidal gold can destroy the beta-amyloid fibrils and plaque which are associated with Alzheimer's disease.[32] The possibilities for numerous similar radiative applications are also currently under exploration.

In cancer research, colloidal gold can be used to target tumors and provide detection using SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) in vivo. These gold nanoparticles are surrounded with Raman reporters which provide light emission that is over 200 times brighter than quantum dots. It was found that the Raman reporters were stabilized when the nanoparticles were encapsulated with a thiol-modified polyethylene glycol coat. This allows for compatibility and circulation in vivo. To specifically target tumor cells, the pegylated gold particles are conjugated with an antibody (or an antibody fragment such as scFv), against e.g. Epidermal growth factor receptor, which is sometimes overexpressed in cells of certain cancer types. Using SERS, these pegylated gold nanoparticles can then detect the location of the tumor.[35]