View Full Version : Ccw ftw

7th September 2011, 08:09 PM
or at a minimum some leveling of the playing field.

15-year-old Punk Got a Lesson on the Second Amendment. (http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/15-year-old-punk-just-got-a-lesson-on-the-second-amendment/)

Gotta love that second amendment.

: Here is a more recent video that lays out the shooting incident in northern Philadelphia (http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.9533333333,-75.17&spn=0.1,0.1&q=39.9533333333,-75.17%20%28Philadelphia%29&t=h). It confirms all initial reporting in the incident from yesterday, and gives some additional details. Eells is currently in the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery

A Philadelphia college student put his firearm carry permit to good use Monday, as he shot it out with a would-be robber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbery), hitting him twice



Robert Eells, 21-year-old Temple University student (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student), was in front of his off-campus house smoking a cigarette at 1:30Am Monday when a group of teenagers approached him and asked for money. The main suspect- who is 15-years old- allegedly then attempted to rob Eells, who refused the demand for cash.

At that point, police say the suspect started shooting, and hit Eels in the stomach.

But Eels was able to fight back. He drew his own legal pistol and fired, hitting the attacker in the chest and leg.

School officials say Eells is recovering at Temple University (http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.98,-75.16&spn=1.0,1.0&q=39.98,-75.16%20%28Temple%20University%29&t=h) Hospital. He had a license to carry the weapon he used and faces no charges in the incident.

The suspect is also in the hospital, and will face aggravated assault (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault) and attempted robbery charges. Police are searching for two accomplices.
off topic but I could not post CCW FTW in the title. The title reverted to Ccw ftw after I hit the preview button.

7th September 2011, 08:12 PM
Good !

7th September 2011, 08:17 PM
Good thing, sorry that Roberts aim was off and the dip shit will live!

7th September 2011, 08:23 PM
The people must rely on police and government to protect them from violence, not a well armed community... A few more stories like this and all people will all want firearms... It must be censored now!!!

7th September 2011, 10:07 PM
Aggrivated assault? Ummm I am not a Fed agent but shouldn't that be attempted murder? Perhaps the 15 year old worked for the police or was a Fed himself.

7th September 2011, 10:14 PM
Aggrivated assault? Ummm I am not a Fed agent but shouldn't that be attempted murder? Perhaps the 15 year old worked for the police or was a Fed himself.

A charge of aggravated assault will allow the suspect to return to the streets sooner and continue his growing criminal career. Government handouts, social services & welfare will supplement his income since he will not be gainfully employed in the traditional sense... This is necessary for NWO agenda to destroy all middle class ideals.

8th September 2011, 05:18 AM
Well, CCW FTW baby!

Edit to add, that's a nice site at the source link.

8th September 2011, 05:29 AM
I fail to see how obtaining permission to exercise your constitutional right is winning.
I can see how defending your life, person and property in the face of lethal assault is winning but I don't see the need for permission to do so.

8th September 2011, 06:37 AM
At the very end: "...and the Temple student will not be charged."

...and for fucking what exactly? defending himself? LAME.

Twisted Titan
8th September 2011, 07:05 AM
You can be right.and still on the wrong side of The Law

Happens everyday in Amerikkka.

8th September 2011, 08:03 AM
I have a question, and this thread may be a good one to ask it.

This situation is about as cut/dry as you can get. Ccw student uses his gun to defend his life against a robber, shootout occurs. This is exactly the situation why folks should carry..

My question is based on a conversation I had with a coworker. His thoughts were that even it it's completely justified (like in this case), you are still going to have civil lawsuits against you. The robber and robber's family could sue you, civilly.

Now, if they did, they would most likely lose..however, you are still out of thousand's of dollars in lawyer fees, time and stress over being sued, etc. To protect your life with your ccw, really sounds like it could cost a lot of money if you had to use it.

Remember the 'sob' story the lawyers/robbers could use against the student...he was just a 15 year-old boy, he means well, sob sob sob..all in court.


8th September 2011, 08:10 AM
I have a question, and this thread may be a good one to ask it.

This situation is about as cut/dry as you can get. Ccw student uses his gun to defend his life against a robber, shootout occurs. This is exactly the situation why folks should carry..

My question is based on a conversation I had with a coworker. His thoughts were that even it it's completely justified (like in this case), you are still going to have civil lawsuits against you. The robber and robber's family could sue you, civilly.

Now, if they did, they would most likely lose..however, you are still out of thousand's of dollars in lawyer fees, time and stress over being sued, etc. To protect your life with your ccw, really sounds like it could cost a lot of money if you had to use it.

Remember the 'sob' story the lawyers/robbers could use against the student...he was just a 15 year-old boy, he means well, sob sob sob..all in court.


The kid fired first. Cut and dry situation.

8th September 2011, 08:16 AM
The kid fired first. Cut and dry situation.

I know that, that's not my question. Nothing is stopping the kid from sueing in civil court though. People sue each other for all sorts of things. Even in cut and dry situations, you still need to pay for a lawyer to defend yourself. You are forced into court to defend yourself. Lawyers are great at making cut and dry situations cloudy, appealing to the emotions of the jury.

8th September 2011, 08:44 AM
I know that, that's not my question. Nothing is stopping the kid from sueing in civil court though. People sue each other for all sorts of things. Even in cut and dry situations, you still need to pay for a lawyer to defend yourself. You are forced into court to defend yourself. Lawyers are great at making cut and dry situations cloudy, appealing to the emotions of the jury.

I think this guy would do fine acting as his own attorney... Exhibit "A"- Bullet wound in the defendant's torso. That should do well in appeal to the jury's emotions.

8th September 2011, 11:16 AM
I agree with JJ - I wouldn't sweat it at all. This case is so cut and dry that if he was sued he could act as his own attorney and win hands down.

Edit to add - it is too bad the piece of crap lived. I know he shot him twice, but I wouldn't have let him get away alive.

midnight rambler
8th September 2011, 11:28 AM
I have a question, and this thread may be a good one to ask it.

This situation is about as cut/dry as you can get. Ccw student uses his gun to defend his life against a robber, shootout occurs. This is exactly the situation why folks should carry..

My question is based on a conversation I had with a coworker. His thoughts were that even it it's completely justified (like in this case), you are still going to have civil lawsuits against you. The robber and robber's family could sue you, civilly.

Now, if they did, they would most likely lose..however, you are still out of thousand's of dollars in lawyer fees, time and stress over being sued, etc. To protect your life with your ccw, really sounds like it could cost a lot of money if you had to use it.

Remember the 'sob' story the lawyers/robbers could use against the student...he was just a 15 year-old boy, he means well, sob sob sob..all in court.


All the more reason to carry an effective caliber with the right projectiles (like Ranger T series) and concentrate on shot placement as dead men tell no tales.

8th September 2011, 11:50 AM
All the more reason to carry an effective caliber with the right projectiles (like Ranger T series) and concentrate on shot placement as dead men tell no tales.

This was my point in the discussion with my coworker. Dead men can't sue. His point however, is the family is likely to try and get every penny out of you. Their lawyer will take everything you say, twist it against you (kind of like Book), and then play up the dead person as 'confused' a struggling good person, didn't deserve to die, etc. etc. etc.

Either way, you are out 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fees. If the family sues you.

8th September 2011, 12:47 PM
This was my point in the discussion with my coworker. Dead men can't sue. His point however, is the family is likely to try and get every penny out of you. Their lawyer will take everything you say, twist it against you (kind of like Book), and then play up the dead person as 'confused' a struggling good person, didn't deserve to die, etc. etc. etc.

Either way, you are out 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fees. If the family sues you.

Only way to recoup the loss of lawyer fees (if sued in civil proceedings) is if the initial ruling was judged to be frivolous. Otherwise, you are on your own to pay lawyer fees in the US.

midnight rambler
8th September 2011, 12:56 PM
Either way, you are out 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fees. If the family sues you.


1) learn to defeat your own self in court

2) become judgment proof against the matrix

9th September 2011, 12:02 AM

1) learn to defeat your own self in court

2) become judgment proof against the matrix

3) don't go into court

4) have nothing of worth to claim (have a secured party agreement where by someone else already has a higher claim than theirs)