View Full Version : Debate poll - more MSNBC dirty tricks

Silver Moon Rising
7th September 2011, 10:14 PM
Visit the following website for MSNBC's poll about who won the debate:

When you look at the graph it looks like Ron Paul and Mitt Romney finished even. ???
Then take a look at the % numbers though. Ron Paul doubled Perry's numbers! :o

Click on the picture below to see a larger image.


Damn MSNBC liars! >:D>:D>:D

7th September 2011, 10:19 PM
how typical and outright satanic

7th September 2011, 10:46 PM
I think their graph maxes out at 7500, overwhelming support for RP in the comments. Sheep were busy watching the game on TeeVee. I think it was the 1st question they gave RP 30 seconds and held him on it yet let the other Zionists chat and then answer way over the 30 second mark. It was pretty clear the others were copying RP's points to try and sway some votes but those that see through the BS wont be swayed.