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8th September 2011, 03:32 PM
Researching 9/11 was a pivotal point in my life, up until that time I bought into the wars, supported Bush and while being well informed with what the MSM spoonfed me, was still very very lost.

It was around the time I found Ron Paul as well and only a bit before I came to GIM. I'm sure you guys can relate, being a Ron Paul supporter and not believing the governments version of 9/11 is not the way to win a popularity contest especially in the 40-death demographic. People are set in their ways and have only known the MSM as a way to get news.

So today I went in to the office and 2 of the female secretaries asked my opinon on 9/11. Ordinarily I try not to go to deep with politics or anything at work because it rarely goes well. So I'm assuming they are wanting to debate me on the topic. Bear in mind that I would never imagine either of these women would even consider anything but the government story on 9/11. So I reply "I'll never know exactly what happened on that day because I am not privvy to that information, but I know that I don't believe the government story of what happened"

At this point I'm still wondering which direction we are heading, then they say they have been talking about it all day, they are discussing building 7, operation northwoods, missles shooting down Flight 93 etc. And eagerly wanting my opinion on what I know.

I was blown away, I was like "am I dreaming, or have I walked into bizarro world?" so I tell them some things, show them some things on youtube and ask if they would be interested in some DVD's on the subject as well as the mid east wars, they both strongly replied that they would.

I'm honestly still in disbelief over it, I will make them so DVD's and hopefully point them in the right direction of study. But what a turn of events. I have known for years about 9/11 and rarely if ever have I seen 2 people who were so interested.

It excites me because when you know 9/11 it is like the tip of the iceberg, you realize the government lies to you, and doesn't have your best interest in heart and once you understand that you are well on your way to waking up.

So I will do my best to keep watering these seeds. The winds are changing in this country, the dumb bastards still outnumber us by a long long way, but people are waking up every day, and it makes me a happy man.

8th September 2011, 03:39 PM

midnight rambler
8th September 2011, 03:39 PM
That's a start, but unless and until people realize that ultimately they are very vulnerable to being controlled thru their belly the situation is still very dire.

Large Sarge
8th September 2011, 03:41 PM
thanks for that.....

8th September 2011, 04:03 PM
You were talking 9/11, and maybe they were thinking 2/69

8th September 2011, 04:23 PM
you were talking 9/11, and maybe they were thinking 2/69



8th September 2011, 04:30 PM
Why do you guys think that I read so much? ......... I gather as much info from as many places as I can and only then come up with my own conclutions, the main thing is to also read foreign news because they have nothing to gain by lying.

8th September 2011, 04:36 PM
...the main thing is to also read foreign news because they have nothing to gain by lying.

ALL mainstream news sources, and most of the independant sources also, have something to gain by lying! It doesn't matter if they are foreign or domestic. Journalism is the PROFESSION of information brokering, and certain types of information are more sellable/in-demand than others!

8th September 2011, 04:38 PM
Why do you guys think that I read so much? ......... I gather as much info from as many places as I can and only then come up with my own conclutions, the main thing is to also read foreign news because they have nothing to gain by lying.

Are you saying that foreign news services are not skewing their headlines and stories?


8th September 2011, 04:42 PM
What the OP makes me think of:

8th September 2011, 04:50 PM
Well guys, they ALL cannot lie about the same thing........if I say "Down With The Zionists" I don't think that a Israeli paper will print the same thing.........I always look for the difference in them and more than see it you have to sense it.

po boy
8th September 2011, 04:54 PM
The subject of 911 was brought up in an American Legion this past week and I brought up that explosions were heard, boy I was in for so serious crap for that remark. I was severely outnumbered and began to ask questions to whether they believed the official story in between the nut and kook comments while watching my back.One guy whom I like and whom was a NYC policeman was shut down when I ask him why would these firefighters lie, what motivation would they have had to mislead the American people.
I then asked about Norad and pointed out when I learned to fly Norad was no joke and had an impeccable record until that day and not just failed once but multiple times.
I asked why a training exercise was being held on the same day for the same type of event but yet we were told no one could have foreseen these events. I then told him about 7/7 and the training exercises.
I went on for about a half hour never bringing out the zio/izzy card and when accused of not having respect for those dead I replied I'm not the one calling the firefighters,AT controllers, or policeman on the ground Kooks or nuts or lairs.

It got so quiet and the aggressive stances toward me were no more. I don't know that I made any difference but when I know when in another three days they will be thinking.

8th September 2011, 05:33 PM
I don't know that I made any difference .You made a difference. You broke the ice. They can only express outrage so many times.

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Hatha Sunahara
8th September 2011, 05:51 PM
I am so tired of farting in the wind about 911. I recently saw this video:


I'm happy now merely judging peoples intellect by what they tell me about 911. Really, 911 divides people into two groups. I won't even bother to describe what those two groups are. We all know which one we belong to.


8th September 2011, 06:33 PM
Two female secretaries? Invite both of them out for an evening and over dinner and drinks tell them what really happened. And if they're curious for more, take them back your place so you can explain it further.

mick silver
8th September 2011, 06:36 PM
Two female secretaries? Invite both of them out for an evening and over dinner and drinks tell them what really happened. And if they're curious for more, take them back your place so you can explain it further.

man get your head out of the gutter ....

8th September 2011, 06:53 PM
man get your head out of the gutter ....

LOL, this thing started derailing by post 5 :)

Twisted Titan
8th September 2011, 07:00 PM
wait till they find out what real money is and what it means to own physical silver

midnight rambler
8th September 2011, 07:02 PM
wait till they find out what real money is and what it means to own physical silver

Can't eat that silver, but one can eat sprouts.

8th September 2011, 09:47 PM
Two female secretaries? Invite both of them out for an evening and over dinner and drinks tell them what really happened. And if they're curious for more, take them back your place so you can explain it further.

Missile penetrated the pentagon?

9th September 2011, 05:26 AM
New video here, narrated by that spooky-talking guy. I'd quibble with at least one claim (that I noticed upon one divided-attention listen...) - A few fighter jets were scrambled, but they were run astray by chasing fake/inserted radar blips, like chasing ghosts, put there by the 911 orchestrators. Most of the Northeast US' fighter jets had earlier been moved across the continent for "war games exercises", in preparation for 9/11. see: OPPORTUNITY: 9/11 War Games (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/011805_simplify_case.shtml#bullopp)

Opportunity - 9/11 War Games: The Air Force was running multiple war games on the morning of 9/11 simulating hijackings over the continental United States that included (at least) one "live-fly" exercise as well as simulations that placed "false blips" on FAA radar screens. These war games eerily mirrored the real events of 9/11 to the point of the Air Force running drills involving hijacked aircraft as the 9/11 plot actually unfolded. The war games & terror drills played a critical role in ensuring no Air Force fighter jocks - who had trained their entire lives for this moment - would be able to prevent the attacks from succeeding. These exercises were under Dick Cheney's management. (Click here (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/011805_simplify_case.shtml#bullopp) for a summary of these points)9/11 Is the LitmusTest (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVY-iQDO8pg)


Uploaded by Snordelhans (http://www.youtube.com/user/Snordelhans) on Sep 5, 2011
Heretic Productions present; Les Visible's, 9/11 Is the LitmusTest
Video Sequence by: Arbogast99; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMAFvKJvwMc

Smoking Mirrors at: http://smokingmirrors.blogspot.com/2008/02/911-is-litmus-test.html

There is one thing that defines everyone over the course of these early years of this new century. That thing is the 9/11 attack. Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event. It is not necessary to know the truth. It is only necessary to know the extent of the lies in order to define any leader in any position anywhere in the world. By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people's of the world. One can accurately determine who is a tool of the psychopaths or one of them.

9th September 2011, 08:27 AM
While some people are waking up its too late the ship is sinking faster than we can bail it out.

I'm on a few different internet forums. I've noticed alot of "where were you when" or "9/11 tenth anniversary remembrance" threads. I can feel my blood pressure rising as I read through these fucking things.

Comments like this are why:

It still amazes me how conspiracy theorists still argue that the US government caused the attacks. Some people have way too much time on their hands.


The world was changed that day and every time the date 9/11 comes up bow your head for a moment for the lives lost that tragic day.

How about bow your fucking head everytime some poor Iraqi woman spits out a monster child from being subjected to DU bombs moron

That day did change our way of life to some degree. However with the back bone that the New Yorkers had shown that day sure impressed the HELL out of me. It just goes to show how terror and fear brings us all together for the common good in us all..

The common bad Retard

Anyways Thats all the time I have to copy shitty thoughts and rant;D

9th September 2011, 09:27 AM
While some people are waking up its too late the ship is sinking faster than we can bail it out.

I'm on a few different internet forums. I've noticed alot of "where were you when" or "9/11 tenth anniversary remembrance" threads. I can feel my blood pressure rising as I read through these fucking things.

Comments like this are why:

It still amazes me how conspiracy theorists still argue that the US government caused the attacks. Some people have way too much time on their hands.


The world was changed that day and every time the date 9/11 comes up bow your head for a moment for the lives lost that tragic day.

How about bow your fucking head everytime some poor Iraqi woman spits out a monster child from being subjected to DU bombs moron

That day did change our way of life to some degree. However with the back bone that the New Yorkers had shown that day sure impressed the HELL out of me. It just goes to show how terror and fear brings us all together for the common good in us all..

The common bad Retard

Anyways Thats all the time I have to copy shitty thoughts and rant;D

Yep, this is going to be a tough weekend to be awake. I walked in Home Depot yesterday to quickly grab a part. Inside the front door, they had erected something that was supposed to resemble the twin towers, and a drawing board with "9/11: Always Remember. Where were you on 9/11?" at the top, inviting customers to write their thoughts. I walked over and wrote "FALSE FLAG", left, and made the trek across town to Lowe's. 9/11 is Sunday... you think one church in the entire country is going to do anything but support the ZOG's official story line?

midnight rambler
9th September 2011, 09:30 AM
Yep, this is going to be a tough weekend to be awake. I walked in Home Depot yesterday to quickly grab a part. Inside the front door, they had erected something that was supposed to resemble the twin towers, and a drawing board with "9/11: Always Remember. Where were you on 9/11?" at the top, inviting customers to write their thoughts. I walked over and wrote "FALSE FLAG", left, and made the trek across town to Lowe's. 9/11 is Sunday... you think one church in the entire country is going to do anything but support the ZOG's official story line?

It's HOMO Depot, not Home Depot. HOMO Depot contributes to faggot causes as a matter of corporate policy.

9th September 2011, 01:02 PM
ALL mainstream news sources, and most of the independant sources also, have something to gain by lying! It doesn't matter if they are foreign or domestic. Journalism is the PROFESSION of information brokering, and certain types of information are more sellable/in-demand than others!

I find it helpful when reading a news story, or anything else for that matter, to always keep these questions in my mind - Who wrote it? What do they want you to believe? What will they gain by it? The answers are different for every source and story, but by asking youself the questions you can learn a lot more than they want you to know.

9th September 2011, 01:03 PM
Yep, this is going to be a tough weekend to be awake. I walked in Home Depot yesterday to quickly grab a part. Inside the front door, they had erected something that was supposed to resemble the twin towers, and a drawing board with "9/11: Always Remember. Where were you on 9/11?" at the top, inviting customers to write their thoughts. I walked over and wrote "FALSE FLAG", left, and made the trek across town to Lowe's. 9/11 is Sunday... you think one church in the entire country is going to do anything but support the ZOG's official story line?

You should return to that poster before Sunday, & see if your comment is still there, or if it was blacked out.

Good job, btw!

10th September 2011, 07:34 AM
My rants over the years are starting to produce some sprouts.

I've had a good 5 or 6 separate conversations with various family, friends or coworkers in the past 2-3 days, they ask me, dmac, how do you feel about the 911 stuff all over the news? I reply with "you don't want me to get into that, I think you know how I feel about 911". Each one of these conversations they all said no, I want to hear it again, because I'll tell you, I am "sick of/disgusted with/really disappointed with" the media blitz and all. It's wrong, manipulative, the fake terror threats. All these people have heard me give the hard facts surrounding the OCT lies for years. It's like a barrier island finally giving way to an unrelenting ocean surge I guess. Bits and pieces have stuck and, maybe, just maybe, these people are starting to think for themselves.

I just ask before the conversation ends, can you tell me another country in the history of the world that celebrates one of its worst disasters? It is a sign of a truly sick society. And I'm very happy you are becoming capable of seeing that now.

Each one of the conversations has ended with this agreement. And then I say Israel did it. :p :o

A small part of me smiles, reflecting on this. But, being the cynic that I am, I wish these folks were talking like this 5 years ago. Give another year or so and then they'll want to buy gold ::) and by that point it will probably be money better spent on seeds and ammo (that's where my money goes these days (in a nutshell)).

It's tough to keep a positive attitude when it comes to sharing these types of thoughts.

13th September 2011, 04:57 AM
Don't fall for the disguise, MaxRebel!

It's Occams Razor and Juristic Person, working undercover to nail you!

13th September 2011, 06:58 AM
I equate it to Kennedy's assassination now, many newcomers waking to the fact that they are completely controlled by invisible enemies that escape justice.

Terror has won the day with most people. Many of them (even when becoming aware) will respond in away that supports garnishing freedom. (ie; Book)

The world since 9-11, and the foreseeable future leaves me longing for any sort of waking happiness.