View Full Version : Eric Sprott: Silver to Make a 30 Bagger From Here to $1,200

Large Sarge
9th September 2011, 01:39 PM
Eric Sprott: Silver to Make a 30 Bagger From Here to $1,200
Eric Sprott takes Sinclair's $12,000 target for gold ($12,250), combines it with his own 10:1 silver/gold ratio target, and comes up with a long term target for silver of $1,200, a 30 bagger from current levels, and a 300 bagger for those who like The Doc, entered silver near the bottom a decade ago.

The Doc is not as conservative as Mr. Sprott, and looks for silver to overshoot to a 5:1 silver gold ratio at a minimum, and possibly temporarily ABOVE 1:1.
Do your own math.

As you know there are groups that are short silver and they’ve lost a lot of money already. I think they are very active in the market and create these days where there are sudden downdrafts, but sure enough silver always comes back. The physical buyers always wear down the paper pushers.I think silver will outperform gold in the next decade. If silver should trade at a 16 to 1 ratio (to gold), it will probably trade at 10 to 1 because things tend to overshoot. Let’s use Jim Sinclair’s $12,000 target, that would suggest $1,200 silver, which is a thirty bagger from here...The biggest reason it (silver) should go there is people should fear bank deposits, that’s what I think they should fear.
Read more:

Large Sarge
9th September 2011, 01:39 PM
read more

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/9/9_Eric_Sprott_-_From_Here_Silver_is_a_30_Bagger_to_%241%2C200.htm l

9th September 2011, 01:58 PM
The only determinant of how high silver and gold will go in nominal dollars price is how long the soveriegn governments/central banks can keep this paper money debt pyramid Ponzi alive. Each day, a few more people figure out that the paper money is backed by nothing but confidence and a bailout of a bank, sovereign debt or bond purchases are nothing more than bookkeeping slight of hand. It's one big Kabuki theatre for the masses to create the illusion of a functioning monetary system. In fact, the system is insolvent and will eventually implode. But this process can be dragged out for a few more years. In the interum, the masses will be slowly impoverished as their money and assets are slowly bleed dry through inflation and cutbacks. But the system will always inflate to stay alive, if hobbled by ever rising debt. At some point, enough of the smart money will jump ship into gold and silver that the entire scheme will become undone. At this point, the masses will wake up to the fraud of paper money; but it will be too late as they will be impoverished and gold and silver will be simply unobtainable at a price they can afford.

Large Sarge
9th September 2011, 02:21 PM
silver is different than anything else IMO

the market perceives over a 100 ounces of this commodity, for every real ounce that is there.
one day (very very soon), mr market will look in and find the reality of how much silver is available...

Silver is going to the moon, even without hyperinflation and economic armageddon, Hyperinflation is just adding jet fuel to the booster engines, for the ride...

"Folks, Gold is going to the moon, and silver is going to mars for a brief pause, on its way to pluto" by Roger Mason (one of the best quotes for this bull market)

Twisted Titan
9th September 2011, 06:25 PM
I just spent 65 buxx at a local coinshop and got 19 mercury dimes

I remeber the days when I would have walked away with 70


9th September 2011, 06:41 PM
Damn Twisted, I paid 120.00 for 40 of the buggers feeling like I was getting bent over and you just paid more than me.

Large Sarge
9th September 2011, 07:03 PM
$1200 silver = 1 silver dime at $85

no that is not a typo, $85 per dime


who got ripped off today???

9th September 2011, 07:08 PM
Silver and gold will go as high as the dollar will go down......simple.......and we already know where the dollar is going, to hell... so that it will push silver and gold to heaven :)

First post of the day........good evening to one anda all.

PS: just back for the Dr.

Twisted Titan
9th September 2011, 07:14 PM
I dont frequent this guy often as my regular was closed......normally I would have waited till Monday

But I had a bad feeling like.silver could vault up to 60 dollars then I would kicking myself

At least I was able chest thump a bit a 50 mexico peso I paid 1500 for he was selling for 2300 now

9th September 2011, 07:35 PM

$1,200 Silver........

9th September 2011, 08:01 PM
Tell you what, if silver hits $1,200 and I am still alive you will all be invited to Las Vegas for a one week of hell raising....

9th September 2011, 08:20 PM
Are you supplying the TP? :P

9th September 2011, 08:28 PM
$1200 silver = 1 silver dime at $85

no that is not a typo, $85 per dime


who got ripped off today???

I wouldn't sell at 85.

9th September 2011, 09:01 PM
$1200 silver = 1 silver dime at $85

no that is not a typo, $85 per dime


who got ripped off today???

Ouch, that might mean that a gallon of gas will cost $85 when silver hits $1200, if commodity prices rocket upwards along with the price of silver.

9th September 2011, 09:21 PM
I have been deeply thinking about it, what would I do If I were to sell my silver? well, to me the future will be a dark one where you should trade your silver for something that people would need over time, think of it as a bank account where you would witdraw your money as you need it.........that is to day, depending on your age.....at my age the best thing to do would to hire myself ten women a truck of Viagra and live it up till I drop down dead.....anyway, everyone has a dream hahahahaah.

10th September 2011, 12:01 AM
I have been deeply thinking about it, what would I do If I were to sell my silver? well, to me the future will be a dark one where you should trade your silver for something that people would need over time, think of it as a bank account where you would witdraw your money as you need it.........that is to day, depending on your age.....at my age the best thing to do would to hire myself ten women a truck of Viagra and live it up till I drop down dead.....anyway, everyone has a dream hahahahaah.

You wouldnt last a week but I like your approach...........

1970 silver art
10th September 2011, 07:11 AM
If silver does hit $1200, then I will not see it because I will be long dead. $1200 will not happen in my lifetime.

1970 silver art
10th September 2011, 07:14 AM
I just spent 65 buxx at a local coinshop and got 19 mercury dimes

I remeber the days when I would have walked away with 70


I remember the days (not too long ago) where I can go to a local dealer and pay only $15-$17 for a 1-oz silver art bar. I miss those days. Now with spot silver at $41-$42, I am paying around $44-$46 for a silver art bar if I buy one from a local coin dealer or at a coin show.

Large Sarge
10th September 2011, 06:32 PM
Ouch, that might mean that a gallon of gas will cost $85 when silver hits $1200, if commodity prices rocket upwards along with the price of silver.

Peak oil is a fraud (we had numerous threads on the original GIM exposing that scam)

peak silver is quite real.

10th September 2011, 06:56 PM
Peak oil is a fraud (we had numerous threads on the original GIM exposing that scam)

peak silver is quite real.

Can't argue with that.

10th September 2011, 06:57 PM
If silver does hit $1200, then I will not see it because I will be long dead. $1200 will not happen in my lifetime.

TP bet?

1970 silver art
10th September 2011, 08:39 PM
TP bet?

No thanks. Winning one TP bet is more than enough for me. Once I "officially" win my tp bet with Ponce on December 31, 2011 and collect my 3 rolls of tp from him, then I will quit tp betting while I am ahead. :)

Twisted Titan
10th September 2011, 09:53 PM
Peak oil is a fraud (we had numerous threads on the original GIM exposing that scam)

peak silver is quite real.

Peak Fiat will be devestating

10th September 2011, 10:32 PM
Tell you what, if silver hits $1,200 and I am still alive you will all be invited to Las Vegas for a one week of hell raising....

Sounds great, Ponce...another GSUS roundup. Vegas style. Of course, if silver hits $1200 an ounce, all of us combined could probably buy Las Vegas and own it indefinitely. Now, that would be a party. :)