View Full Version : All the drama for the 911 anniversary!

Celtic Rogue
10th September 2011, 06:25 AM
I hate all the hype over the 10th anniversary! Dont get me wrong I am saddened by any killing of innocent people to promote a political agenda... but this seems morbid to me.

Maybe I am becoming cynical but it looks to me that they think we are too complacent in our hate of the scary moozlums.

Well lets think about this.
1. reinforce emotional thoughts about terrorism and 911
2. Let everyone know that there are two (possibly american) terrorist on the loose planning car bombings.
3. Create a false flag blame it on these two guys... which later will be found out they have tea party/ conservative ties.
4. Tighten the control of the people to move about and meet... come on its for the children.

Well I think this whole concoction is just to keep us in fear.... but honestly I fear my government more than I do the terrorists! And tell me this... why would you let it be known that there are two terrorists on the loose? Seems a bit odd to me unless it was just to keep us hiding in our collective basements

10th September 2011, 07:39 AM
Yes they are laying it on pretty thick to instill more fear.
I have no fear of terrorists and no one else should be in fear either.
As far as I'm concerned, if there are any terrorist in this country, they are not here to attack me or this country. Their hatred is for the US/Israel government.
What is worse?, the mere threat of an attack, or a government aggressively locking down, searching and oppressing it's citizens, robbing them of their rights and liberties?
Fear is greatly misplaced.

10th September 2011, 07:51 AM
but honestly I fear my government more than I do the terrorists!

sort of a 'distinction without a difference' there! see: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)

hell even the scary moozlemismists know what's up with "the terrorists" thing,

"I was speaking the other day with Scott Pelley of CBS News's "60 Minutes" about the mood in Iraq. He had just returned from filming a piece there and he told me something disturbing. Scott had gone around and asked Iraqis on the streets what they called American troops - wondering if they had nicknames for us in the way we used to call the Nazis "Krauts" or the Vietcong "Charlie." And what did he find? "Many Iraqis have so much distrust for U.S. forces we found they've come up with a nickname for our troops," Scott said. "They call American soldiers 'The Jews,' as in, 'Don't go down that street, the Jews set up a roadblock.' [...]"
-- Thomas Freidman, NY Times Op Ed: "Jews, Israel, and America (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/24/opinion/24friedman.html?pagewanted=print&position=)"

Hatha Sunahara
10th September 2011, 09:11 AM
The 10 year anniversary of a pack of lies. A few more years and it won't matter that it was all a pack of lies. They must have spend trillions to cover up all the lies. There are armies out there hunting out those who can see that the whole thing was based on lies. Plus, we have the War on Terror, which is itself a bigger fraud than the War on Drugs. It's the way we do human sacrifices on a massive scale. No one is allowed to question it. Humanity is at a low point. The people in power are insane and corrupt. Hardly a cause for celebration or commemoration.


10th September 2011, 09:18 AM
Celtic? all this crap is only an excuse by the government to not let us forget why we have FEMA and the rest of the security crap.

10th September 2011, 09:43 AM
Around here it's practically a celebration. I saw a whole tent set up with tables and chairs, people were laughing, chatting, with a big "remember 9/11" banner over them all. It's sickening.

10th September 2011, 10:19 AM
While on the surface such state remembrance events resemble memorials of those who sacrificed themselves to protect us, even on the surface this event is about the sacrifice of the innocent and reminding the remaining innocent it could be them at any time.

A reason those first responders who sacrificed their health (and lives) to protect the public on 9/11, the actual people who usually are the focus of such events, are barred from attending.

Controlling gangs use of 9/11 involves pretty much every aspect of mind control.


How manipulators control their victims

According to Braiker

Braiker identified the following basic ways that manipulators control their victims:

positive reinforcement - includes praise, superficial charm, superficial sympathy (crocodile tears), excessive apologizing; money, approval, gifts; attention, facial expressions such as a forced laugh or smile; public recognition.

negative reinforcement - includes nagging, yelling, the silent treatment, intimidation, threats, swearing, emotional blackmail, the guilt trap, sulking, crying, and playing the victim.

intermittent or partial reinforcement - Partial or intermittent negative reinforcement can create an effective climate of fear and doubt. Partial or intermittent positive reinforcement can encourage the victim to persist - for example in most forms of gambling, the gambler is likely to win now and again but still lose money overall.

punishment - traumatic one-trial learning - using verbal abuse, explosive anger, or other intimidating behavior to establish dominance or superiority; even one incident of such behavior can condition or train victims to avoid upsetting, confronting or contradicting the manipulator.

10th September 2011, 10:26 AM
I just read (and saw) and article that shows the people that jumped from the buildings (over 200 of them) the pictures that we now see are airbrushed to take out the bodies in the air......I decided not to post the article because it was to sad, to say the least.

midnight rambler
10th September 2011, 10:44 AM
What?? Not everyone is enjoying this weekend's insane celebration of the 9/11 wholesale ass-pounding?? Are you people not patriotic?? WTH is wrong with you?? EVERYONE should be proud to be ass-pounded 24/7 over 9/11!! It's only the TRUE patriots who are proud to see the human lives sacrificed during and as a result of 9/11! Are you reprobates going to let their sacrifices be for nothing?!?!? Get on board or go fuck yourselves! And fuck ALL those sand niggers! Kick their ass and take their gas! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!!!


10th September 2011, 12:04 PM
Tell you guys this much, befor the 20th something big will happen so that there won't be a UN vote about a free Palestine... mark my words.

10th September 2011, 12:15 PM
Okay, I'm watching the Flight 95 memorial for the families in PA...maybe we'll see the memorial for Flight 77 next?
Fingers crossed in anticipation!

Where's the "Building 7" memorial? ??? ;D

midnight rambler
10th September 2011, 12:17 PM
Where's the "Building 7" memorial? ??? ;D

No blood sacrifices on the altar of Molech = no memorial

10th September 2011, 12:26 PM
Building 7?? What building 7?? :sarc:/

10th September 2011, 03:12 PM
all the more reason to talk about the subject Factually on Zio-dominated forums.

it helps to have multiple usernames, because one of the ways they censor you is by username.

make the Zio-moderators work - and give curious by-standers a chance to hear some 9-11 Facts, instead of the Official Conspiracy Theory.

they also censor by Ethernet card (MAC) address, so learning to switch MAC addresses is helpful.

the trick is to become proficient at the computer skills, to side-step the censorship, without spending a lot of time.

10th September 2011, 03:12 PM
I am on a workout program, have a restricted diet 6 days and Sunday is my "free day" - eat what I want in order that my body does not shutdown the metabolism, thinking I am starving.

So 9/11 is a "Buffet in the Service of Freedom (tm)" day for me...

10th September 2011, 04:01 PM
The 10 year anniversary of a pack of lies.

Your rhetoric is eerily similar to that of the real 911 perps (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)- notice the masterful Chutzpah Maneuver (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?48510-The-gullible-mind-explained-False-projection-of-honor-code&p=410540&viewfull=1#post410540) you find demonstrated in the Defamation Experts' choice of title for this latest smear piece, ;D;)

Decade of Deceit: (http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/911_conspiracy_theories_report.htm)
Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later (http://www.adl.org/main_Extremism/911_conspiracy_theories_report.htm)

10th September 2011, 04:18 PM
I am on a workout program, have a restricted diet 6 days and Sunday is my "free day" - eat what I want in order that my body does not shutdown the metabolism, thinking I am starving.

So 9/11 is a "Buffet in the Service of Freedom (tm)" day for me...

just remember to shake one off in these last few hours before 9/11+10 - I suppose going by your local time zone to determine the appropriate time frame would be alright. <2 mins NSFW (http://www.in.com/videos/watchvideo-americans-observing-911-by-trying-not-to-masturbate-4872427.html)

10th September 2011, 05:04 PM

i think it's appropriate to share our feelings about IsraHell with their Criminal PR agency, the ADL-B'nai B'rith.

if you have a Facebook account you can write on their wall - let the Judeo-Fascists see reality for a second.

keeping in mind some basic computer security/anonymity guidelines, e.g. posting from an Internet cafe after clearing your cookies, AND (if you are concerned) not using that computer to visit the same web page from your home account ... since it can be identified by MAC address (ethernet card address) as well as IP.

10th September 2011, 07:21 PM
Tell you guys this much, befor the 20th something big will happen so that there won't be a UN vote about a free Palestine... mark my words.

Palestinian Statehood - Now Is The Time
By Stephen Lendman

Palestinians worldwide want it. So do supporters and up to 140 countries. They comprise more than enough to ensure it and full de jure UN membership.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) can petition the General Assembly directly. It has sole admittance power, not the Security Council only able to recommend.

UN Charter Article 80(1) and others empower the General Assembly to recognize Palestinian statehood and take all necessary measures to end Israel's illegal occupation.

If Washington invokes its Security Council veto, the GA can override it under the 1950 Uniting for Peace Resolution 377.

The choice is in Mahmoud Abbas' hands. Later this month, he can either support his own people or don his collaborationist hat. His recent comments and body language suggest the latter, whatever his next moves.

Hopefully enough pressure will push him in the right direction to back long denied recognition and justice for millions deserving more than they're now getting.

On September 8, Mohamed Elshinnawi headlined his Voice of America article, "Palestinians and UN - Statehood or Stalemate?" saying:

Palestinians seek General Assembly recognition, "but the final vote could fall short of the two-thirds majority required for final passage."

False! As explained above, up to 140 countries express support, including China, Russia, Brazil, India, Japan, and most others, well more than enough needed for a simple two-thirds majority of voting members. Abstentions and no-shows don't count.

Abbas is expected to address the General Assembly on September 23 when he'll submit his request. Law Professor Francis Boyle explains practical membership benefits, saying:

"With admitting the Palestinian state as a full member in the UN, it will be able to file formal state-to-state complaints against Israeli officials...." If it "ratif(ies) the Genocide Convention, (it can) sue Israel at the International Court" for redress.

Theoretically it may be able to halt settlement construction entirely, and automatically make all diaspora Palestinians citizens of a new state they're free to return to as international law mandates, including Resolution 194's Article 11, stating:

"Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."

He said Palestine's upgraded status would provide a strong incentive for Israel to negotiate in good faith and reach the much promoted two-state solution to end the conflict.

He also argued that statehood would incentivize Israel to negotiate in good faith, to end years of conflict and agree to an equitable two state solution within 1967 borders as Palestinians demand - 22% of sovereign Palestine.

Former Israeli UN ambassador Gabriela Shalev said Israel should understand invoking Resolution 377 is possible. In 1956, when France and Britain vetoed a Security Council resolution, condemning their attack on Egypt, General Assembly members used the measure to override.

Passed in 1950 during the Korean War, it came when Washington wanted power to circumvent Soviet Russia's Security Council veto power.

It lets the General Assembly recommend various "collective measures," including sanctions and use of force if permanent Security Council members can't reach unanimity, and "there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression."

Former US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Schifter said General Assembly members involved Resolution 377 in 1981 to advance Namibian independence. It called on member states:

"to render increased and sustained support and material, financial, military and other assistance to the South West Africa People's Organization to enable it to intensify its struggle for the liberation of Namibia."

It also urged members to cease "all dealings with South Africa in order totally to isolate it politically, economically, militarily and culturally."

Why not do the same for Palestine if America invokes its veto. The power is there to be used for long overdue rights too important to kick down the road and delay, even if risk US and Israeli hostility.

Many other allies are supportive, so the power of numbers may compensate, especially for the world's newest state, millions don't want to end up stillborn.

On September 9, Ma'an News said Palestinians "on Thursday began a campaign in support of their UN membership bid, as their senior leaders met to fine-tune the plan to become the UN's 194th member state."

Abbas met with senior Palestinian representatives including Fatah central committee members, the PLO's executive committee, and leaders of various Palestinian political parties.

At issue is finalizing details of the likely bid to be submitted to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon later this month.

In Ramallah, a solidarity march to UN headquarters was held to present a letter, requesting his support. Campaign coordinator Ahmed Assaf said:

"Today we began our campaign on the ground and we chose the UN building because it represents the United Nations and we expect them to respond to our demands."

"We are no less important than the other 193 states in the United Nations, and our message will ask for our state to be 194."

He added that campaigning for statehood will continue until "Palestine is finally admitted as member state number 194."

Latifa Abu Hamid, mother of seven sons who spent time in Israeli prisons (Israeli forces killed her eighth one), said:

"I'm delivering this message to the UN to say we have a right to our own state just like everyone else in the world and we have a right to see the end of the occupation."

The letter called on Ban to "stand by justice and do right by our people."

"The admission of the state of Palestine to the UN is an important step towards ending the occupation and achieving Palestinian independence and realizing a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East."

"We hope that you will join the international consensus and support the Palestinian bid for its long overdue recognition."

About 100 marchers chanted, "We want our identity. We want a state." We want as many supportive states globally as possible.

On September 9, Ban Ki-moon said it. Does he mean it, affirming support for Palestinian statehood, but added that member states must decide.

Washington will invoke its veto. According to State Department spokesman Victoria Noland:

"It is not a surprise that the US will veto the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN in the city of New York. A Palestinian state can only be established through direct peace talks with Israel. So, yes! We are going to use the veto against the Palestinian bid."

On September 8, New York Times writer Isabel Kershner headlined, "Palestinian Leader Says US Is 'Too Late' on UN Bid," saying:

Abbas said America's last-ditch efforts "to prevent the Palestinians from applying for membership in the United Nations this month were 'too late.' "

As of now, they'll petition the Security Council first. If America invokes its veto, General Assembly affirmation will be sought.

However, if the quartet arranges a settlement construction freeze and agreement on using pre-1967 borders based on land swaps, Palestinians "will go to the United Nations and we will return back to talks."

Israel offered them with no preconditions, meaning they're stillborn before getting started and worthless.

It's time to move forward for full recognition, whether or not Washington and Israel approve.

The power of numbers solidly backs what's long been denied. This time perhaps it's enough for full recognition by invoking Resolution 377 if necessary.


11th September 2011, 12:02 AM
After a 10 year run cheerleading the taking our freedoms and Constitutional rights, Zio-establishment media jumps the shark.

Fox host: "These civil liberty protections are just getting out of control."



The Jewish Internet Defense Force

We appreciate the $10 that came in from 1 person since we asked for support from you all an hour ago. Now if only about 500 people could emulate that (and we know at least 500 of our fans can afford $10!), then perhaps we might be getting somewhere.

Can you help the JIDF raise $5000? We've taken down at least 5,000 pages of antisemitic or jihadist material. That should be worth at least $1/page!

11th September 2011, 06:12 AM
what's disgusting is Michael Ruppert's protection of Israel -

"It has been and will be the same since the day it happened. The same exhausting exercise, whether one, five years, ten or fifty years since 9/11. Another orchestrated orgy of mass propaganda-stoked ignorance and “war on terrorism” hysteria. The propaganda myth of 9/11, imbedded inextricably into the fibers of society and culture, and into the brain cells of naïve, willfully uninformed people, is back for another sickening “commemoration”.

Who chooses to “commemorate” the lie of 9/11? Undoubtedly, the high officials and elites who planned the event, who successfully achieved everything they wanted---unending war for oil, naked fascism and militarism, and economic conquest---from this ultimate false flag operation. The atrocity of 9/11, the desperate act of an empire facing extinction, was not an “intelligence failure”, but the greatest intelligence success and criminal operation in history.

Underneath all of their somber play-acting, they’re celebrating. They are all laughing, from George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, to Barack Obama, the Osama-killer "avenger of 9/11". You should be able to hear peals of laughter from the members of the Bilderberg Group and elite think tanks, and laughs must certainly echo in the halls of CIA headquarters, the offices of the Pakistan’s CIA subsidiary, the ISI, and in the offices of multinational oil companies and Wall Street banks."

he fingers EVERYBODY BUT Israel.


11th September 2011, 07:28 AM
There's no end to it. This morning at day break I wake up and the radio is broadcasting a play by play of whatever it is they're having at the WTC and one of the chic commentors is explaining how she can hardly hold back her tears. I had been lucky and diligent in avoiding all of this but was really taken off guard this morning, whoda thunk it?

11th September 2011, 08:39 AM
what's disgusting is Michael Ruppert's protection of Israel -
he fingers EVERYBODY BUT Israel.


Noteworthy is that Ruppert/collapsenet simply posted a pointer to the article penned by Larry Chin @ globalresearch.ca, see "Click to read full Larry Chin article (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=26453) " -- though I largely agree with your point - Ruppert & the globalresearch contributors are similar that way, both offering "scholarly discussion of deep-political-economy", whilst going soft on the occult/secret-society glue holding the global racket together.

as much as I like CAFitts, she tends not to go there either, at least not explicitly, see this recent CAF interview,
9/11 Was A Fantastically Profitable Covert Operation (http://www.larsschall.com/2011/09/03/911-was-a-fantastically-profitable-covert-operation/)