View Full Version : google, scroogle, and search query privacy

11th September 2011, 08:55 PM
Long story short, yesterday I rolled my firefox from v6 back to v3 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?49075-Is-anyone-else-hating-the-new-Firefox-v4&p=457356&viewfull=1#post457356). One of the first things I did was add "scroogle (http://www.scroogle.org)" (allegedly facilitates anonymous/proxy google searches) to firefox's search engine options- very easy to do, one or two clicks:
or see more options here

Fine and good. So I'm surfing GSUS, and stemming from a few posts I made in the Amistad thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54017-quot-Amistad-quot-Spielberg-s-Inspirational-amp-Compassionate-Movie-about-American-Slavery), I ended up watching several David Duke videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/drdduke), including the entire 5-part YT series of Duke's 1992 appearance on Donahue. Also fine and good.

So next I'm reading the Fukushima meltdown thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?45415-What-if-the-Jap-reactor-Blows-what-will-be-the-effect-on-the-Western-USA/page65)... and thinking about a Rense radio show I heard a few weeks ago where Rense mentioned that his site (http://rense.com) was being censored in Japan - coz it's a hub of Fukushima-truth articles which the J. PTB wish to keep blacked out from their population. I had no evidence of this other than Rense's verbal claim in that radio show, so I "scroogled it" searching for any article anywhere which further documents the claim.

Scroogled the words: rense.com censored Japan fukushima

and here's the first 5 "google results" which scroogle returned:

rense.com censored Japan fukushima - Google Search

1. Proof Of Fukushima Weapons Program Rests On A Pile Of Manure (http://rense.com/general94/proof.htm)

"3 days ago ... Rense.com World Exclusive ... On my subsequent sojourns in Japan, other suspicious activities also pointed to a high-level cover-up, ... Whether uranium was being enriched at Fukushima could be determined by the ratio of ..."

2. Fukushima Disaster - No Resolution In Sight - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/general93/fuks.htm)

"13 Apr 2011 ... Fukushima's disaster will scar much, perhaps all of Japan ..."

3. Japanese Surfer In Hawaii - Fukushima Radiation ... - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/general93/japsurf.htm)

"10 Apr 2011 ... As you know, nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan is draining ..."

4. Jeff Rense Program (http://www.rense.com/)

"David Duke Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some ..."

5. Jeff Rense Program (http://www.rense.com/?hub=World)

"Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links. Pike Supporter Asks ...... Sunflowers Used On Radiation In Fukushima, Japan ..."

Notice result 4 & 5.

Now, I don't see "Duke" anywhere in the search query words... and rense.com (http://rense.com) is a vast collection of hundreds of links all over the place... yet google via my "anonymous scroogle search" opted in their results, to zero in on those parts of rense.com which contained ref's to "Dr/David Duke" in it's top 5 results... even at the expense of words like "Japan" or "Fukushima" which appear dozens of times on that same rense homepage, and which were in my list of query words...

Any insights? Google, and esp Scroogle users should run the search:
rense.com censored Japan fukushima
and see what you get... ???

11th September 2011, 09:11 PM
I just did a google search with the same words ( rense.com censored Japan fukushima ) and the David Duke article was the number 1 result!

It shows a result for "censor" in bold, even though the word I searched was "censored".

Jeff Rense Program
www.rense.com/ - CachedDavid Duke Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links .... Ex-Japan PM Kan Says TEPCO Wanted To Abandon Fukushima! ...

I've often thought when censorship comes it will be automatic selection of search results to sites and similar sites to that already visited or 'dumber' results.

People will not be censored from knowing what they already know.

So when I have the chance using a new computer before I log on I do a search or two, even as simple as 'gold and silver' to see how our site ranks. So far its been the same, but the last two years I've not been getting around as much.

On a related topic, I'd be interested to know what sort of results others with unusual membership names get typing their name in place of mine and seeing what the results are.

Its a web crawler and it seemed to grab and sort through my last two posts at GIM2.

Have you tried this site: http://startpage.com/

CAFitts recommended it on an interview a few months back.

11th September 2011, 11:11 PM
I just did a google search with the same words ( rense.com censored Japan fukushima ) and the David Duke article was the number 1 result!

It shows a result for "censor" in bold, even though the word I searched was "censored".

that's coz goog/NSA know you hang here @ GSUS and they, made the connection... & delivered your "anonymous" results accordingly.;)

Actually I half-see the "coincidental" logic now. Query words are also considered in terms of 1st = most important, last = least... so consider my query:
rense.com censored Japan fukushima
- plus consider that rense.com homepage, being part static & part fluid as stories come and go. If you look at the homepage, you see a fixed area in the Left-pane:

http://rense.com/1.columnistpx/duke.gifDavid Duke
Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links

... followed by a number of Duke stories which themselves can be short-lived depending on the in-flow of new replacing them.

The word "censored" was 2nd in my query, after rense.com -- so it gave finding that higher priority @ rense.com than my later query words "Japan" & "Fukushima" - the stories about which come & go at rense, vs the permanent Duke/censorship section in the left pane. I word-searched rense.com for the word "censor" (which would also find 'ed & 'ship), and there are currently 3 occurrences: Duke's permanent section, a fleeting story in the right-pane, and a permanent message at the bottom.

Here's the result when I reverse the order of my search words to:
fukushima Japan censored rense.com

fukushima Japan censored rense.com - Google Search

1. Fukushima Disaster - No Resolution In Sight - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/general93/fuks.htm)

"13 Apr 2011 ... Fukushima's disaster will scar much, perhaps all of Japan for .... Grossman addressed media censorship in his article headlined, "Fukushima: A ..."

2. Jeff Rense Program (http://www.rense.com/)

"David Duke Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some ..."

3. Japan Quake & Reactor Disaster 2011 - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/Datapages/japanquakedat.htm)

"15 Mar 2011 ... Sunflowers Used On Radiation In Fukushima, Japan · 34 ..."

4. Japanese Surfer In Hawaii - Fukushima Radiation ... - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/general93/japsurf.htm)

"10 Apr 2011 ... Fukushima Radiation Dumping 2 Yrs? ... Exclusive to Rense ..."

5. Increasing Fukushima Radiation Dangers - Rense.com (http://www.rense.com/general93/incre.htm)

"6 Apr 2011 ... Daily reports on efforts to contain Fukushima's disaster remain worrisome. ... As radiation levels spread, however, Northern Japan (one-third of the ... Contaminating Planet Earth; One of Project Censored's (PC) top 2007 ..."

you'll notice result #2 we have Duke again, as it just combines my last 2 query words, ignoring the first 2 query words... plus all 5 first results link to rense.com, as though I had limited my query to the site, though the full results point to other sites beginning with result #7.

.... but it seems that what we have here overall, is in fact a rather extraordinary coincidence I experienced WRT my OP story, which got my "paranoid CT-ist" senses buzzing, LOL ;D:o:p

If I still needed something to complain about- I'd wish the search results would be "smarter" & more current vis-a-vis what's on rense's homepage presently... IE he's had 2 "permanent" Fukushima/Japan sections at the site since the March tsunami, and the "fleeting" stories there can last for weeks before they're bumped off... but those section titles are "permanent" at least for many months now. Here's what's there at this writing:

Japan Nuclear Disaster
http://rense.com/1.mpicons/newjapanbar.gif NEW
Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 9.5.11
Free MP3 - Listen
http://rense.com/1.mpicons/audio_icon.gif (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Shimatsu_090511.mp3) Real Time World Earthquake Monitor (http://www.iris.edu/seismon/)
Fukushima Daiichi Plant - LIVE Cam (http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/f1-np/camera/) NEW!
Steel Frame For Reactor 1 Complete, Ready For Cover (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/09/fukushima-i-nuke-plant-steel-frame-for.html) - Vid
Fukushima Radiation Contamination Perceptions (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/09/ot-radiation-contamination-perceived-by.html) (Humor)
Fukushima Radiation In WA State 100,000x Normal In March (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-09-nuclear-fukushima-aid-future.html)
Fukushima Reactor Core May Now Be Into Groundwater (http://mdn.mainichi.jp/perspectives/news/20110909p2a00m0na016000c.html)
Fukushima 1 Back Into Recriticality (http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/09/breaking-news-fukushima-in-recriticality/)
Proof Of Fukushima Weapons Program Rests On A Pile Of Manure (http://rense.com/general94/proof.htm)
Scientific American - Fukushima...More Very Bad News (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=fukushima-crisis-is-still-hazy)
Massively-Redacted TEPCO Documents - Huge Coverup (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/09/tepcos-extreme-blackout.html)
Estimate Triples Amount Fukushima Radiation To The Sea (http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/08_25.html)
Finger-Pointing Fukushima Mystery Man Explains Actions (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/09/heres-man-who-pointed-finger-at-tepcos.html)
Radioactive Manure - 255 CPM - Bought In SoCal (http://enenews.com/report-manure-255-cpm-bought-southern-california-video)
UCB Finds Highest Levels Of Cesium 137 In CA Soils Yet (http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/UCBAirSampling)
Japan Radiation On Way To West Coast Now (http://atmc.jp/switzerland/) - Vid
Fukushima Mystery Man Identified (http://www.mmafighting.com/2011/09/04/enson-inoue-takes-covert-trip-to-fukushima-nuclear-power-plant/) - Vid
Fukushima's Long Link To A Dark Nuclear Past (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/06/world/asia/06abomb.html?_r=1)
Ex-Japan PM Kan Says TEPCO Wanted To Abandon Fukushima! (http://enenews.com/strange-former-japan-leader-meltdown-fukushima-reactors-released-several-times-radiation-chernobyl-dozens-times)
Caldicott-Gunderson - Second Fukushima Coming To The NW (http://ifyoulovethisplanet.org/?p=4952)
How To Find Radioactive-Free Food In Japan (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/09/guest-post-how-to-source-radioactive.html)
More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/japanquakedat.htm)

http://rense.com/1.mpicons/images%284%29.jpgFuksuhima Radiation In US & Canada
Janet Starr Hull ..File Click Here (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Hull_031611.mp3)
US Chart Showing Precipitation
Radiation Types & Amounts (http://opendata.socrata.com/Government/Precipitation-RadNet-Laboratory-Analysis/e2xy-undq)
Live National Radiation Network Map (http://radiationnetwork.com/)
West LA - Santa Monica Live Readings (http://www.enviroreporter.com/2011/03/enviroreporter-coms-radiation-station/#averages)
Radiation And Jet Stream Forecast Monitoring Sites (http://rense.com/general93/radiation.htm)
Radiation Dose Chart (http://xkcd.com/radiation/)
'Non-Intrusive' Radiation Scanners For Heathrow (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2034011/Non-intrusive-scanners-spare-travellers-blushes-Heathrow--turning-stick-men.html)
Rense & Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation In Our Food (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We50AVrTMk8) - Vid
Video Shows US West Drenched By Fukushima Radiation (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/2011/08/map-of-cesium-137-deposition-across.html) - Vid
Radioactive Fill 10x Over Background Used On Niagara Roads (http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/niagara/Concerns-over-Falls-road-fill-radiation)
HI Testing For Radiation At Kaneohe Sandbar (http://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/State-testing-for-radioactive-contamination-at/3e_axVWUcUOvo8HeB4iL9Q.cspx)
More... (http://rense.com/Datapages/radiationdat.htm)
So we have these rense homepage perma-titles:
Japan Nuclear Disaster
Fuksuhima Radiation In US & Canada

yet scroogle returned that oddball result #2 above, in favor of highlighting either of the above 2 perma-titles?!?

Well regardless, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt as to it all being coincidental... :-X::)

12th September 2011, 12:06 AM
I wish they made it easier to search by date. I use this a lot search 'news'.

In the old google it was a button on the home page one could click instead of the return. Now searching for recent dates involve having to do a useless search to be offered a followup option for more searches, then open a new window, scroll down, read and set or click the option(s) (in a regular 'web' search yet even again another window needs to be opened) then do a second search.