View Full Version : Any of you or your friends up in Woodfords yesterday?

12th September 2011, 06:53 AM
So my wife and I bugged out to a campground we know in the high Sierras near Markleeville over the weekend to avoid the inevitable 9/11 dog and pony show. Yesterday around 10am we stopped at the Woodfords Inn on our way back to Tahoe. There was a guy standing with another man over a fresh rack of trout (big trout!) laid out in front of the office. As I was turning my SUV around he noticed my Ron Paul sticker and immediately came over and started talking. Well, after 15 minutes we covered 9/11, PNAC, the Constitution, illegal wars, the Libya debacle, and on and on. I swear I was talking to another GSUS member (I forgot to drop the "great value carrots" code name to check). Was one of you in Woodfords yesterday? Or if not, was one of your friends? If he wasn't a member he should be - I was impressed with the depth. Even more important was the reality there *are* more people like us out there. PM me if you know. Thanks.

12th September 2011, 07:07 AM
Now I'm curious.

12th September 2011, 07:21 AM
lol... shouldda got his #.

12th September 2011, 07:26 AM
It's cool to know that people like that are out there. If you didn't get his contact info, I think you missed a great opportunity to help build your community. I think a strong community will be essential when things get rough.

It's OK though, next time, you'll get the number. Maybe you'll run into him again!

Large Sarge
12th September 2011, 07:28 AM
these are by far the best stories on the web....

thanks a bunch.

12th September 2011, 09:49 AM
It's cool to know that people like that are out there. If you didn't get his contact info, I think you missed a great opportunity to help build your community. I think a strong community will be essential when things get rough.

It's OK though, next time, you'll get the number. Maybe you'll run into him again!

QFT K-os, finding or building that community is the tricky part.

12th September 2011, 12:12 PM
We're not as alone as we think. Even if 1 in 1,000 is like us, that's 300,000 GSUSers.

When I went to Montana, I met a lot of people like us.

When I went to Alaska, I had people twice my age agreeing with me left and right.

12th September 2011, 12:31 PM
Occasionally I meet someone with in-depth knowledge and strong beliefs of all popular ‘conspiracies.’ Sadly, if I let the conversation run on too long, I realize they have no credibility, because more often than not, I realize they believe in ALL conspiracies.

12th September 2011, 12:36 PM
Occasionally I meet someone with in-depth knowledge and strong beliefs of all popular ‘conspiracies.’ Sadly, if I let the conversation run on too long, I realize they have no credibility, because more often than not, I realize they believe in ALL conspiracies.

This is always a tough moment. I try to realize that a lot of people see me this way.