View Full Version : Rudolph Giuliani continues spreading knowledge???

12th September 2011, 12:08 PM
Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani delivers reading at Ground Zero on 9/11 Anniversary

I never knew, or thought it was implied, that the words of God were recorded in the book of Ecclesiastes. But perhaps Rudy knows better.


12th September 2011, 12:09 PM

12th September 2011, 02:46 PM
I didn't watch the 911 ceremonies (aka political PR photo ops for Obama et al.), but my wife told me that Bloomberg forbid clergy at the event; then Bush and Obama (and apparently Giuliani) went on to give religion-laced honor-to-God-on-high speechs. It strikes me as a combination of shameless arrogance and desperation: shameless use of religion and faith by people who have created a society openly hostile to faith, arrogance to believe that 'they' alone can speak for God and 'no clergy need apply;' and desperate use of scripture to curry favor with a dissilusioned and disatisfied public that is becoming increasingly suspicious that their leaders are nothing more than corrupt self-serving incompetent windbags.

12th September 2011, 09:57 PM
There is no religious comfort being offered by that reading. It is simply a summary of the score card so far.

Some won, some lost
Some cast stones, some collected those stones up
Some died and some lived
Some cried and some laughed
Some mourned while some danced
Some killed and some tried to heal those wounded
Some embraced and some did not
Some won and you lost so Shaddup!

For some it was one time and for everyone else it was another time. It smells like a nose rubbing to me.

12th September 2011, 10:26 PM
There is no religious comfort being offered by that reading. It is simply a summary of the score card so far.

Some won, some lost
Some cast stones, some collected those stones up
Some died and some lived
Some cried and some laughed
Some mourned while some danced
Some killed and some tried to heal those wounded
Some embraced and some did not
Some won and you lost so Shaddup!

For some it was one time and for everyone else it was another time. It smells like a nose rubbing to me.

Good point. Now I must earnestly pray that there will come a time for Rudy to keep silent.