View Full Version : Storing Potatoes

12th September 2011, 01:57 PM
O.K., I need some professional advice on storing potatoes please.

If I leave a 5-lb. bag in the kitchen, they eventually sprout.

If I leave " " in the cooler basement, I tend to forget about them & they too sprout.

Seems our grandparents could preserve taters all winter in their cellars.


12th September 2011, 02:06 PM
From what I understand low temp 40-45°F and very high humidity is required with good air circulation for long term storage. Ether that or dry them and that can be a major task.

There are ton's of advice on the web. This link seem to cover the basics.


13th September 2011, 06:39 AM
If you dig your own don't wash them for storage. Store them with the dirt on. Keep them in a cool, dark place and you might have to knock the sprouts off several times during the winter.

Ours generally last through May. Got 150 lbs this year.