View Full Version : Troll gets jailtime

13th September 2011, 10:43 AM
Reading man jailed for dead girl 'trolling' insults (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-14894576)


A Berkshire man has been jailed for posting abusive messages online about a schoolgirl after she committed suicide.

Sean Duffy, 25, of Reading, was handed an 18-week sentence for posts on social networking sites about Worcester teenager Natasha MacBryde.

13th September 2011, 10:48 AM
They hate us for our freedom of speech! ::)

EDIT: Just noticed it happened in the U.K. - not that there's really much difference any more.

13th September 2011, 10:54 AM
fucking walking piece of shit


13th September 2011, 11:59 AM

the young lady probably spurned his advances by the "looks of him."

Not only do people love the now deceased young lady, very sad people also love the severely messed up boy pictured above.

Shortly, if not already, adult society will have to deal with him more overtly, as well.

He obviously needs a good drill sargent major in his life, yes?

13th September 2011, 12:49 PM
Total piece of shit.


But they had never met in real life.

Celtic Rogue
13th September 2011, 12:53 PM
Where is his neck ???


13th September 2011, 12:59 PM
Up his ass, where his head usually is.

Joe King
13th September 2011, 01:13 PM

the young lady probably spurned his advances by the "looks of him."

Not only do people love the now deceased young lady, very sad people also love the severely messed up boy pictured above.

Shortly, if not already, adult society will have to deal with him more overtly, as well.

He obviously needs a good drill sargent major in his life, yes?The article stated that his comments came after the girl died. He was also doing the same to other deceased girls familys too.

He had also posted offensive messages about Lauren Drew, 14, of Gloucestershire, who was found dead after suffering a suspected epileptic seizure, Hayley Bates, 16, of Staffordshire, who died in a car crash, and Jordan Cooper, 14, who was stabbed to death in Northumberland.
On Mother's Day he posted a message on an online memorial page to Lauren reading: "Help me mummy, it's hot in hell".

He seems to have a "thing" for inflicting pain upon the suffering.

13th September 2011, 02:53 PM
There are a lot of people like him. Trust me. I deal with them everyday. He has no neck because he is sontaran (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=soltarin&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=eYw&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB%3Aofficial&source=hp&q=sontaran%20dr%20who&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ec5cc414840dacf0&biw=1280&bih=619&pf=p&pdl=500).

13th September 2011, 03:25 PM
Where is his neck ???


In jail with the rest of him...hahaha

13th September 2011, 03:28 PM
fucking walking piece of shit


Bahahahahaa!!! Completes the story.

13th September 2011, 03:58 PM
Posting offensive messages online? Thank God he's in jail now! I feel so much safer. http://timesfour.com/x4graemlins/icon_sarcasm.gif

13th September 2011, 04:11 PM
Yeah - he's a grade A asshole and all.... Those are a dime a dozen and there's even a couple on GSUS and THEY aren't in jail. Shouldn't we get to the part where we try to determine who the injured party is?

13th September 2011, 06:33 PM
So this girl was bullied to the point of suicide, and she threw herself in front of a train. I'm not saying the law should intervene or anything to defend the nanny state. I'm just saying this guy is a douche, and he's lucky that I am not a family member of Natasha, because he'd be hurting. This is some of his 'Work': http://www.whatsonningbo.com/news_images/c709fb5c52e9008e_3.jpg http://www.whatsonningbo.com/news_images/13ca827757506ff4_2.jpg

13th September 2011, 08:01 PM
Posting offensive messages online? Thank God he's in jail now! I feel so much safer. http://timesfour.com/x4graemlins/icon_sarcasm.gif

Thanks for this, madfranks. I was starting to wonder if I was in the right place.

The dude needs his ass kicked really good, but jail? That's almost unbelievable. Well, at least he'll probably get his ass kicked in jail.

13th September 2011, 08:04 PM
Thanks for this, madfranks. I was starting to wonder if I was in the right place.

The dude needs his ass kicked really good, but jail? That's almost unbelievable. Well, at least he'll probably get his ass kicked in jail. Bet you can take that to the bank, they maybe crooks or worse, but that kind of shit will not fly with them. He better stay in isolation.

13th September 2011, 08:04 PM
How does the U.K. have the dough to put "Internet Bullies" in jail, are they running a credit ratings pyramid scheme over there?

13th September 2011, 08:53 PM
fucking walking piece of shit


He looks exactly like what I imagined trolls look like.

13th September 2011, 10:17 PM
He is a gross little man.

13th September 2011, 11:45 PM
Was there a sound legal basis for obtaining his identity and prosecuting him? Maybe not. But was justice served? I think it was. And this whole thing may actually be a good thing for him. As a sociopath and internet addict, perhaps the combination of 4 or 5 months without internet access, being outed for what he is in real life, and having his picture pasted all over the internet will help him turn his life around. And actually having to leave his room will help as well (court dates and all).

14th September 2011, 12:04 AM
Apparently, he trolled a number of facebook tributes for dead teenagers, and even made youtube videos. And his lawyer didn't even like him.

Internet troll jailed after mocking deaths of teenagers

An internet troll who posted videos and messages mocking the deaths of teenagers, including a girl hit by a train, has been jailed.

Sean Duffy, 25, targeted Facebook tribute pages and posted videos on YouTube taunting the dead and their families.

Among his victims was Natasha MacBryde, 15, who died instantly when hit by a passenger train near her home in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

The day after Natasha's death in February, Duffy posted comments including "I fell asleep on the track lolz" on the Facebook tribute page created by her brother James, 17.

Four days later he created a YouTube video called "Tasha the Tank Engine" featuring her face superimposed on to the front of the fictional engine.

Duffy, who is unemployed and did not know any of his victims, pleaded guilty to two counts of sending malicious communications relating to Natasha.

He asked for three other cases of Facebook trolling – posting offensive messages on the internet – to be taken into consideration when he appeared before magistrates in Reading, Berkshire.

Jailing him for 18 weeks, the chair of the bench, Paul Warren, told him: "You have caused untold distress to already grieving friends and family.

"The offences are so serious only a custodial sentence could be justified."

He went on to say that the case served as an illustration of the "harm and damage" that malicious use of social networking sites could do.

Duffy was also given a five-year antisocial behaviour order to prohibit him from creating and accessing social network sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Bebo and Myspace. He will also have to inform police of any phone he has or buys that comes with internet access.

The court heard that Duffy has Asperger's syndrome and lived a "miserable existence" drinking alcohol alone at his home in Reading.

Joanne Belsey, prosecuting, said Duffy's series of online attacks began following the death of 16-year-old Hayley Bates, from Staffordshire, who died in a car crash in September 2010.

Duffy defaced pictures of her, adding crosses over her eyes and stitches over her forehead. One caption underneath a picture of flowers at the crash site read: "Used car for sale, one useless owner."

He then went on to focus on Lauren Drew, a 14-year-old who died from an epilepsy attack at her home in Gloucester in January.

Duffy posted offensive and upsetting images relating to her death and for Mother's Day created a YouTube video with a picture of a coffin saying "Happy Mothers Day".

Public schoolgirl Natasha MacBryde was his next target. She killed herself after she was sent a message by an anonymous bully on a social networking website. She had also been teased by members of an all-girl clique at school.

Duffy set up a fake tribute page on Facebook called Tasha the Tank Engine.

On the official memorial page set up by her brother James he wrote: "I fell asleep on the track lolz," and posted images of her with text saying she was spoilt. Other trolls joined the abuse.

Duffy's final target was Jordan Cooper, 14, from Washington, Newcastle upon Tyne, who was stabbed to death.

Duffy created a group called "Jordan Cooper in pieces" with a profile picture of a knife with blood dripping off it. A further YouTube video was also made which contained pictures of his eyes crossed out and slashes across his face.

Duffy's lawyer Lance Whiteford said: "In terms of mitigation there is none. I cannot imagine the trauma and anxiety caused to the families of these horrible, despicable offences."

She said his condition meant he was not aware of the effect he was having on his victims.

Duffy had been cautioned for a similar offence in 2009 and Whiteford said he lived an isolated life and had himself been bullied at school and work.

Speaking outside court, Natasha MacBryde's father, Andrew, said: "He is a disturbed individual who caused the maximum of grief for his own satisfaction.

"I think he must be a very lonely man who unfortunately tried to get attention through the most disgusting way possible.

"In a way I feel sorry for him and I think he needs some sort of counselling as it is obviously very odd behaviour.

"I hope his sentencing shows other trollers that they are not anonymous and they will be caught if they continue their vile games."

He said he had not been able to watch the Tasha the Tank Engine video as it was too distressing. Following the sentencing, Lauren Drew's father Mark spoke of the devastation it caused her family as they struggled to come to terms with her death: "We were already having a hard time. Lauren was my only daughter and I worshipped the ground she walked on and this person was hiding behind a computer.

"He caused devastation to us and other families; for so many people. It hurts but he sits behind a computer with no feeling."

Drew called for the operators of social networking sites to take more responsibility for their content: "The web is a wonderful thing if used right but as you can see in this case it was used wrongly. These days children live on Facebook, it's their lives and they're just so vulnerable."

After the hearing police said they would continue to track down offenders like Duffy.

Det Ch Insp James Hahn, of Thames Valley police, said: "Clearly this has been a very emotive case, that has caused additional distress and suffering for families who have been trying to cope with the loss of loved ones.

"Malicious communication through social networking is a new phenomenon and unfortunately shows how technology can be abused. However, our investigation shows that offenders cannot hide behind their computer screens."

14th September 2011, 01:23 AM
I really don't care much about this particular person going to jail. He deserves it IMO. But the case sets a prescedens re Internet freedom of speach, it is a slippery slope, where questioning officially sanctioned "truths", could be prosecuted, because it is deemed hurtful or hateful to victims of terrorattacks, or even the real perpetrators. How would you feel about for instance Mamboni being jailed for starting the 'Israel did 9/11' thread?

14th September 2011, 05:00 AM
Duffy's lawyer Lance Whiteford said: "In terms of mitigation there is none. I cannot imagine the trauma and anxiety caused to the families of these horrible, despicable offences."

She said his condition meant he was not aware of the effect he was having on his victims.

I call bullshit on that. He knew exactly the effects his trolling was having on people. That's why he continued to do it.

Following the sentencing, Lauren Drew's father Mark spoke of the devastation it caused her family as they struggled to come to terms with her death: "We were already having a hard time. Lauren was my only daughter and I worshipped the ground she walked on and this person was hiding behind a computer.

"He caused devastation to us and other families; for so many people. It hurts but he sits behind a computer with no feeling."

Drew called for the operators of social networking sites to take more responsibility for their content: "The web is a wonderful thing if used right but as you can see in this case it was used wrongly. These days children live on Facebook, it's their lives and they're just so vulnerable."

Calling for controls on the internet isn't going to stop assholes like Duffy.

14th September 2011, 06:15 AM
I really don't care much about this particular person going to jail. He deserves it IMO. But the case sets a prescedens re Internet freedom of speach, it is a slippery slope, where questioning officially sanctioned "truths", could be prosecuted, because it is deemed hurtful or hateful to victims of terrorattacks, or even the real perpetrators. How would you feel about for instance Mamboni being jailed for starting the 'Israel did 9/11' thread?

Bingo, Neuro. The troll is a POS, there is no question there. But jailtime? Hmm. Slippery slope if this sets a precedent for "emotionally damaging" speech.

14th September 2011, 06:24 AM
We should just create a law prohibiting the trolling of mourners/mourning ceremonies. We could get that Phelps nutjob with it too, two birds with one stone. The crime Duff was charged with, 'sending malicious communications', is pretty vague and open to selective enforcement.

14th September 2011, 06:49 AM
We should just create a law prohibiting the trolling of mourners/mourning ceremonies. We could get that Phelps nutjob with it too, two birds with one stone. The crime Duff was charged with, 'sending malicious communications', is pretty vague and open to selective enforcement.

Do you really think we need more laws?

14th September 2011, 06:51 AM
Do you really think we need more laws?

We need different laws.

14th September 2011, 07:03 AM
We need different laws.

I agree with that. Different, and fewer.

14th September 2011, 07:31 AM
I agree with that. Different, and fewer.

..and better. The fact that there are many harmful or unnecessary laws doesn't negate the goodness of good laws. The law that I proposed should be viewed by its own merits, not in relation to the volumes of bad laws on the books.

mick silver
14th September 2011, 07:41 AM
so being a asshole get you put in jail . i could see someone kicking his ass but jail

Joe King
14th September 2011, 07:49 AM
so being a asshole get you put in jail . i could see someone kicking his ass but jail
Keep in mind that it's in England. They're totally wacko over there with their gov regulations and such. As crazy as it can be here, we don't hold a candle to them.

14th September 2011, 07:50 AM
taking a second look at " no neck " duffy
i'm wondering if he was seeing a shrink / on medication ?

could this guy be a false flag for UK internet control ?

tinfoil hat off /

14th September 2011, 07:50 AM
Keep in mind that it's in England. They're totally wacko over there with their gov regulations and such. As crazy as it can be here, we don't hold a candle to them.

no, but we hold a menorah


14th September 2011, 07:52 AM
no, but we hold a menorah


Dude, your one liners are KILLING me since I got back to GSUS. You make me laugh out loud almost every time!

14th September 2011, 07:56 AM
Dude, your one liners are KILLING me since I got back to GSUS. You make me laugh out loud almost every time!

I'd insert a witty one liner here, but I don't want to be too predictable.

14th September 2011, 08:11 AM
I would prefer him being charged with Slander vs Sending Malicious Communication. He should be forced to pay compensation to the families for the distress he has caused them. Probably he is on public welfare and doesn't have any money, so confiscate his welfare checks, until he has payed off his debt. If he can't survive that, one less problem for society. Let the family who he owes most money to write the eulogy...

14th September 2011, 08:17 AM
I'm very hesitant to agree on enacting any law that would curtail free speech, no matter how vile it might be. It sounds like a knee jerk reaction in this case, I mean what are the %'s of this type of speech/action? 0000.1%? 1%? This justifies a new law being made? A law that can and probably will be turned and twisted around to stifle or shut down selected thoughts, speech and idea's?

Wouldn't it be a whole lot simpler to just break the the guys hands and fingers?

14th September 2011, 09:57 AM
I'm very hesitant to agree on enacting any law that would curtail free speech, no matter how vile it might be. It sounds like a knee jerk reaction in this case, I mean what are the %'s of this type of speech/action? 0000.1%? 1%? This justifies a new law being made? A law that can and probably will be turned and twisted around to stifle or shut down selected thoughts, speech and idea's?

Wouldn't it be a whole lot simpler to just break the the guys hands and fingers?

be even simpler to super-glue them together.

14th September 2011, 11:32 AM
Or you could just ignore him. Sticks and stones...

14th September 2011, 06:17 PM
IMO killing one's self over people talking about them at school and/or online is ridiculous. We are raising a nation of pussies. The parents seem to have been lacking in skill for this to have happened. A good looking 15 year old girl, jesus, probably had the silver spoon still in her mouth.

I am also VERY disappointed in those of you who are glad this guy is in jail. Freedom of speech until it is something that you don't like huh? The girl was already dead when he did his non-sense, they never met each other. Sure this was in bad taste, but bad taste is not a crime. If you have to be mad at someone for this bullshit be mad at the girl for doing this to her own family. Not some asshole who went on meme-generator after she pulled a Dudley do right.

Me, I'm not mad at anyone involved, because stuff like this has happened every single day, and will continue to happen every single day. There are much bigger concerns in this world than some 15 year old lacking coping skills, parents that are not involved enough (perhaps) and some asshole having his version of fun.

po boy
14th September 2011, 09:18 PM
IMO killing one's self over people talking about them at school and/or online is ridiculous. We are raising a nation of pussies. The parents seem to have been lacking in skill for this to have happened. A good looking 15 year old girl, jesus, probably had the silver spoon still in her mouth.

I am also VERY disappointed in those of you who are glad this guy is in jail. Freedom of speech until it is something that you don't like huh? The girl was already dead when he did his non-sense, they never met each other. Sure this was in bad taste, but bad taste is not a crime. If you have to be mad at someone for this bullshit be mad at the girl for doing this to her own family. Not some asshole who went on meme-generator after she pulled a Dudley do right.

Me, I'm not mad at anyone involved, because stuff like this has happened every single day, and will continue to happen every single day. There are much bigger concerns in this world than some 15 year old lacking coping skills, parents that are not involved enough (perhaps) and some asshole having his version of fun.

...and budda hits it outa da park.

I wonder if those happy to this guy in jail would advocate Book or the troll hunting others that make shitty base less accusations, degrading others on this forum would promote those members going to jail.

15th September 2011, 12:23 PM
Incremental change always starts with the dregs of society and government justice is always a pretense.


15th September 2011, 01:01 PM
I don't consider this to be an attack on free speech, but more of harrassment. It's the same thing as calling someone over the phone and leaving obscene and emotionally traumatizing messages.

This turd committed a crime. It's the spirit of the crime, his actions caused pain and suffering to other people. He targeted individuals. That was his intent. That's a crime, imo. That's not free speech. Free speech, and our constitution, was not founded to give bastards like this one a way out, or an excuse, for acting like they did.

15th September 2011, 01:04 PM
I am with Solid on this one. I don't agree with the NWO and all the bullshit laws they create every second, but this bastard needed something to straighten him out.

It should have been the parents of all the victims he made fun of, IMO. He was not exercising free speech, he was harrassing grievors.

15th September 2011, 01:25 PM
You all know what? It's days like this reading things like the last few posts on this thread that make me want to walk away from this place. I find it absolutely AMAZING how many of you "liberty lovers" are deep down TRYANTS who only believe in freedom if it's YOUR particular brand of freedom! :(

"Emotional Suffering"? Give me a fucking break! Any of you who want that walking turd in jail for punching keyboard keys and sending internet messages is SICK!!!!!! Who did he physically hurt? Where is the theft or property damage? Oh boo fucking hoo... some grieving parents got another emotional kick in the stomach after losing their weak-minded daughter (who they didn't give a fuck enough about while she was ALIVE to properly parent!) who just couldn't handle being insulted by some anonymous net user. GROW THE HELL UP!!! It's only WORDS! You DON'T HAVE TO READ THEM!!! You DO NOT NEED internet, texting, forums, smart phones, etc. to LIVE and meet your needs on this planet!

FUCK... I'm so pissed right now... "forum for liberty?".... MY ASS!

Why don't you fucking jackboot FUCKS who want to imprison someone for WORDS go lick some .gov dick like you secretly yearn to do - and leave the rest of us who just want to live a harmless life and be left alone in peace!

15th September 2011, 01:29 PM

What would the founding fathers do? It would probably involve tar and feathers.

15th September 2011, 01:32 PM
you all know what? It's days like this reading things like the last few posts on this thread that make me want to walk away from this place. I find it absolutely amazing how many of you "liberty lovers" are deep down tryants who only believe in freedom if it's your particular brand of freedom! :(

"emotional suffering"? Give me a fucking break! Any of you who want that walking turd in jail for punching keyboard keys and sending internet messages is sick!!!!!! Who did he physically hurt? Where is the theft or property damage? Oh boo fucking hoo... Some grieving parents got another emotional kick in the stomach after losing their weak-minded daughter (who they didn't give a fuck enough about while she was alive to properly parent!) who just couldn't handle being insulted by some anonymous net user. Grow the hell up!!! It's only words! You don't have to read them!!! You do not need internet, texting, forums, smart phones, etc. To live and meet your needs on this planet!

Fuck... I'm so pissed right now... "forum for liberty?".... My ass!

Why don't you fucking jackboot fucks who want to imprison someone for words go lick some .gov dick like you secretly yearn to do - and leave the rest of us who just want to live a harmless life and be left alone in peace!


there are two kinds of people in this world:

People who just want to be left alone, and

people who won't leave them alone.

15th September 2011, 01:59 PM
I'm sure the people mourning this girl wanted to be left alone.

Even here, in this bastion of free speech (and it is), character assassination is off limits. For good reason. Slandering a dead girl is even worse.

15th September 2011, 02:03 PM
I'm sure the people mourning this girl wanted to be left alone.

Which is why they went out on the net to read about it all. Riiiiiiight.... ::)

They should have gone to the new-and-improved .gov sanitized and babysat network instead... oh... wait - doesn't exist yet? IT WILL - and pretty fucking SOON - because we can't go having peoples precious FEELINGS hurt now, can we! ::)

Even here, in this bastion of free speech (and it is), character assassination is off limits. For good reason. Slandering a dead girl is even worse.

I can GUARANTEE you that P.O.S. would be perma-banned here by me, madfranks, or JQP - whoever read his crap first. That does NOT mean we think the guy should be INCARCERATED by the STATE for a victimless "crime".

15th September 2011, 02:23 PM
This is why nobody takes libertarians seriously. Even the FFs didn't think twice about laws prohibiting adultery, sodomy, pornography etc. I'm sure they took a very dim view of slander as well. Slander would have been a good way to get slapped with a glove, or in this case even worse.

Joe King
15th September 2011, 02:25 PM
How 'bout if instead of jail, he was "sentenced" to receiving ummm, Japenese noodles (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53938-Deal-Breakers-for-a-Potential-Wife-or-Girlfriend-(Sexual-History)&p=458582&viewfull=1#post458582)? lol

15th September 2011, 02:25 PM
This is why nobody takes libertarians seriously. Even the FFs didn't think twice about laws prohibiting adultery, sodomy, pornography etc. I'm sure they took a very dim view of slander as well. Slander would have been a good way to get slapped with a glove, or in this case even worse.

Slander is another word for censorship. You are reaching (big time) in trying to equal adultery to slander.

Too much facebook in this generation.

Joe King
15th September 2011, 02:26 PM
Slander can create a victim.

15th September 2011, 02:27 PM
How 'bout if instead of jail, he was "sentenced" to receiving ummm, Japenese noodles (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53938-Deal-Breakers-for-a-Potential-Wife-or-Girlfriend-(Sexual-History)&p=458582&viewfull=1#post458582)? lol

This is a waste of judicial time and a crying shame tax dollars are spent following up on something like this.

15th September 2011, 02:35 PM
Slander is another word for censorship. You are reaching (big time) in trying to equal adultery to slander.

Too much facebook in this generation.

How is slander the same as censorship?

Off topic, but it looks as if someone is retracting their thanks given to me. How very mature of them.

15th September 2011, 03:45 PM
Slander can create a victim.

Oh definitely. I was the victim of Slander that practically ruined my professional carreer for a few years, until I decided to move. It was initiated by a colleague, who I used to work for, who was well connected locally (a mason), but perpetrated by the local newspaper. And newspapers are practically impossible to sue for slander (free speech protection). Couldn't go and break the guys fingers either, cause I had young children and a wife who were dependent on me, to provide for them...

One thing I find fascinating though, is those who have been pointed out as responsible or involved in the 9/11 attacks: Silverstein, Cheney, Dov Zakheim et al. Hasn't sued their attackers for slander, they would not normally hesitate to start lawsuits, but in this case nothing. They don't want a day in court methinks...

15th September 2011, 03:52 PM
Look, whenever you single out and target an individual, it can be harrassment.

Our founding fathers would have beat the shit out of this guy, then dragged him off and tared and feathered him. They would not have cowered and hid behind free speech.

If someone walked up to your face, and insulted your dead daughter, what the fuck would you do? It's no different. If someone dishonors any relative, or loved one of mine, who's intent is to cause my family suffering. My GOD given right is to confront that person and end it.

The internet....does not take away HONOR. We have lost this term in our society. We need it back.

15th September 2011, 03:55 PM
Look, whenever you single out and target an individual, it can be harrassment.

Our founding fathers would have beat the shit out of this guy, then dragged him off and tared and feathered him. They would not have cowered and hid behind free speech.

If someone walked up to your face, and insulted your dead daughter, what the fuck would you do? It's no different. If someone dishonors any relative, or loved one of mine, who's intent is to cause my family suffering. My GOD given right is to confront that person and end it.

The internet....does not take away HONOR. We have lost this term in our society. We need it back.

Jailing people for trolling does not bring back honor, it only facilitates the decent into further dishonor (IMO).

15th September 2011, 03:58 PM
Jailing people for trolling does not bring back honor, it only facilitates the decent into further dishonor (IMO).

OK, what is the difference between insulting a person's dead daughter over the internet, or directly to their face? They're both words.

I'm tired of all how pussified our society has become because of the interent.

15th September 2011, 04:01 PM
OK, what is the difference between insulting a person's dead daughter over the internet, or directly to their face? Their both words.

I'm tired of all how pussified our society has become because of the interent.

You're kind of touching on the point. Folks are waaaaaay tougher over the phone and even more so over the internet. Folks don't do this sort of thing in your face because they will get the snot slapped out of them.

I stand by my conviction that trolling (however disrespectful) is not an offense that can allow jailtime.

If this becomes a precedent this whole forum, by association, is headed to the slammer care of the ADL.

Is that kosher to you, solid?

15th September 2011, 04:11 PM
You're kind of touching on the point. Folks are waaaaaay tougher over the phone and even more so over the internet. Folks don't do this sort of thing in your face because they will get the snot slapped out of them.

I stand by my conviction that trolling (however disrespectful) is not an offense that can allow jailtime.

If this becomes a precedent this whole forum, by association, is headed to the slammer care of the ADL.

Is that kosher to you, solid?

You are twisting this into something it's not. All of us post under usernames anonymously.

The disturbed individual targeted a dead girl, and massively insulted her for everyone to read, causing pain and suffering to her family.

If folks can't see the difference there, our society is beyond fixable. I can't believe some of you are defending this piece of shit and his actions.

Back in the day, we would have grabbed our pitchforks and headed off and took care of this problem. But right?::) It's the internet. Anything and everything is free speech so our balls shrink a little more.

This guy doesn't deserve jail, I agree. He deserves to be put into the ring with the girl's Father. That would restore honor and the family name.

15th September 2011, 04:22 PM
solid, you make me feel like this sometimes.... http://fun.resplace.net/Emoticons/Angry/BangHead1.gif

How do you construe anything I've said (be specific, because I've written how I feel about this in the first page) to equate this:

You are twisting this into something it's not. All of us post under usernames anonymously.

There is no anonymity on the web. Get that idea out of your head because it is naive and utterly false.

I can't believe some of you are defending this piece of shit and his actions.

There is a world of difference between thinking prison is an acceptable result of using bad WORDS and condoning this douche.


Not sticks.

Not stones.

But words.

15th September 2011, 04:23 PM
You are twisting this into something it's not. All of us post under usernames anonymously.

The disturbed individual targeted a dead girl, and massively insulted her for everyone to read, causing pain and suffering to her family.

If folks can't see the difference there, our society is beyond fixable. I can't believe some of you are defending this piece of shit and his actions.

Back in the day, we would have grabbed our pitchforks and headed off and took care of this problem. But right?::) It's the internet. Anything and everything is free speech so our balls shrink a little more.

This guy doesn't deserve jail, I agree. He deserves to be put into the ring with the girl's Father. That would restore honor and the family name.

The guy should NOT be in jail.

The girl's father could kick his ass though. If he did and was arrested, if I was on the jury, he'd be 'innocent'.

15th September 2011, 04:25 PM
If being an asshole is criminalized, only criminals will be assholes!

15th September 2011, 04:25 PM
I have a movie to recommend on this very subject (whether slanderous words should = jailtime)

The People vs. Larry Flynt (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117318/)

Seems like several members of the board think Flynt should have spent (more) time in prison for violating Jerry Falwell's rights. After all, he was made a victim.


15th September 2011, 04:30 PM
The guy should NOT be in jail.

The girl's father could kick his ass though. If he did and was arrested, if I was on the jury, he'd be 'innocent'.

This is all I'm asking for. ;D

DMac, I apologize if I frustrate you. However, words, can often be more powerful than sticks and stones. That's the whole 'spirit' behind free speech, and our right to us it.

I don't believe our founding fathers would have put up with this internet harrassment. They would have wanted justice.

I know there is a fine line there...but there is a line, nonetheless. That bastard crossed it. He should not be allowed to hide from his crimes.

15th September 2011, 04:57 PM
Here's where I'm at on this.

This POS is weak and hid behind the friggin internet thinking he could dishonor this family with his filthy slander.

There SHOULD be justice. The STATE should not be the one to administer it. If we want to be an unpussified society, then there are some things that need to be handled man to man.

Think back to the days of the duel. That's when MEN were gentlemen and the maiden's honour was upheld. No pussies. You eff up? You better be prepared to defend yourself.

This was the world of the Founding fathers.

Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson settled things this same way.

eta: not advocating murdrer- just a good old fashioned ass whopin

Joe King
15th September 2011, 05:01 PM
I wonder what his mother thinks?

Assuming she's alive, of course.

15th September 2011, 05:04 PM
This is an interesting subject we arrived upon. Private justice (vigilantism) versus state justice (rule of law). It was my understanding that the rule of law exists so that we don't need vigilantism, which can be taken too far or can hurt innocents (since there is no trial or guilty verdict). But of course state justice can be just as bad, if not worse than vigilantism.

15th September 2011, 05:07 PM

I'm suggesting BALANCE.

Unfortunately, that would mean that common sense would have to be employed. The state of the country suggests that there is no such thing.

15th September 2011, 05:13 PM
Seeing the discussion is about freedom of speech, v/s justice for harm done to people or family's because of hate speech.

Let's throw the Westboro baptist church and their freedom of saying what they believe, regardless of the harm they cause. Yes they are protected because of our freedom of speech, and so far I am surprised that no one has payed them a midnight visit for the harm they caused and are still causing.

This may or not fit into this thread , but I think it does because the same principles under discussion/cussing are the same.

Edit: and as magnes has brought up , different country and different laws.

15th September 2011, 05:14 PM
You all know what?

Court case and jail time, that's precedent established.

It's the UK. The stupidity never ends over there,
hopefully other countries don't follow.

15th September 2011, 05:27 PM
Seeing the discussion is about freedom of speech, v/s justice for harm done to people or family's because of hate speech.

Let's throw the Westboro baptist church and their freedom of saying what they believe, regardless of the harm they cause. Yes they are protected because of our freedom of speech, and so far I am surprised that no one has payed them a midnight visit for the harm they caused and are still causing.

This may or not fit into this thread , but I think it does because the same principles under discussion/cussing are the same.

Edit: and as magnes has brought up , different country and different laws.

I brought Phelps up earlier in the thread. I saw the connection too.

If this was 100 years ago, someone as egregious (by 1900's standards) as Phelps would have been paid a visit by a vigilante. But we've become pacified since then, since the state has monopolized justice. 'Lynch mobs' have been demonized mercilessly, often ignoring the fact that the victims of lynch mobs were often white and nearly always heinous criminals.

I do like the idea of 'balance'.

15th September 2011, 06:41 PM

I'm suggesting BALANCE.

Unfortunately, that would mean that common sense would have to be employed. The state of the country suggests that there is no such thing.

Balance and common sense goes a long way, and it's too bad this country can't see it many times.

I think what bothers me, in an idealistic sense, is that yeah, the internet is a true freedom. As it should be. However, if I personally am targeted by someone, as much as I'd like to turn a blind eye to it. "Turn the other cheek" as the Bible would say, I have a very hard time just sitting there taking abuse from someone. Someone who's intent, is to cause me and my family harm.

We can all say what we like. But if we had a daughter die, and someone posted that she was hot in hell....and we see our wives, and kids, grieving crying over it.

It would affect us.

Just as the free speech of someone insulting your wife to your face. It's his right to say what he wants.

It's hard to turn the other cheek on that. In some ways it rewards that behavior. It says "It's OK. Insult me and those I care about. It's free speech. It's your right."

I have a very hard time with that.

EDIT: To add...if it's not a crime, in our justice system. It's a crime to me..and I'll take care of it best I can.

15th September 2011, 06:54 PM
Re: vigilantism, I posted this in another thread:

Edit to add: Disturbing images in video below.


What do you think? Was it justified?

I say, HELL YES. They should have thrown in some gasoline and a match for good measure. Parents were encouraged to bring their CHILDREN (!) to this vile, evil (and I don't use that word often) exhibit.

mick silver
16th September 2011, 06:08 AM
thanks again Gaillo ... men take shithead like this out behind the barn and put a asskicken on them if they cant live with words . so words get you jail time for being a asshole if it is , most here will be in jail for words in time for less . if this is the case we all need to go into hiding because our rights are gone an we are slaves and just dont know it yet . time is not on our sides . ONE MORE FOR THE NWO

19th September 2011, 06:28 AM
I said from the start, the guy needs a good ass kicking by the family members.

19th September 2011, 07:28 AM
I said from the start, the guy needs a good ass kicking by the family members.

Exactly. What is he going to do? Call the cops and explain he thinks he knows who's responsible for giving him a beat down because he was talking bad about their dead daughter on the internet?