View Full Version : Lawsuit Aims to Punish Olympia Food Co-op for Boycott of Israeli goods

13th September 2011, 10:44 AM
Lawsuit Aims to Punish Olympia Food Co-op for Boycott of Israeli goods (http://www.olyblog.net/lawsuit-aims-punish-olympia-food-co-op-boycott-israeli-goods)

Mon, 09/12/2011 - 9:51pm — Johan G

Olympia, WA. A lawsuit, filed Friday in Thurston County Superior Court, aims to punish the Olympia Food Co-op for enacting a boycott of Israeli Goods. Plaintiffs, including several candidates who's recent Co-op Board of Directors campaigns failed by large margins, threaten financial harm unless the local food cooperative rescinds its boycott.

An ultimatum from the plaintiffs sent to the Co-op before the lawsuit was filed reads: “If you do what we demand, this situation may be resolved amicably . If not this process will become considerably more complicated, burdensome, and expensive than it has been already.”

Groups opposed to the boycott of Israeli goods have repeatedly refused to bring the issue to a vote of the Co-op membership - a democratic option available to any Co-op member - and have instead turned to the court system, prompting some to question the legality of bringing suit at all. Laws prohibiting "strategic lawsuits against public participation" or SLAPP suits aim to protect individuals and organizations that participate in protected speech. SLAPP suits have frequently been used as means of repressing public participation by way of legal and financial intimidation.

According to leaked documents (http://bit.ly/nUKc0G), the Northwest chapter of the international pro-Israel and anti-boycott lobby group StandWithUs and Akiva Tor, the Israeli Consul General for the Pacific Northwest, have been working closely with the plaintiffs to bring the lawsuit forward. In an interview with the online news publication The Electronic Intifada, director of StandWithUs Northwest Robert S. Jacobs acknowledged advising the plaintiffs to focus on procedure rather than substance, noting that trying to persuade the Co-op Board to reverse their decision on the basis of political and moral arguments would "probably not very successful."

StandWithUs Northwest is also actively combating community boycott initiatives at several other food cooperatives, including a local initiative in Port Townsend, where StandWithUs recently brought Israeli Deputy Consul General Gideon Lustig to speak against the proposed boycott.

When asked about the lawsuit, Olympia Food Co-op Staff Representative Jayne Kaszynski remained focused on the Co-op's commitment to social justice: "We can assure you that this lawsuit will not diminish our commitment to the rule of law and universal human rights for all people."

The Co-op’s boycott of Israeli products was enacted on July 15 last year by a consensus decision by the Board of Directors. The boycott urges Israel to comply with international law, end its occupation of Palestinians, and respect the rights of refugees. The Co-op’s decision to boycott Israeli products sparked several months of constructive discussion on the store's relationship to social justice, on Jewish identity, anti-Arab racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Last November, the election for the Co-op Board demonstrated widespread support for the boycott among the membership when five publicly pro-boycott candidates won by a large margin in a record turnout election.

"As as Palestinian refugee and a member of the Olympia Co-op I wholeheartedly support the boycott, as a way to save Israel from its own excesses, and to end the continued dehumanization of the Palestinian people under Israeli control," says Farihan Bushnaq, Co-op member since 1983.

The Olympia Food Co-op is a cornerstone of the community in Olympia, WA, bringing healthy food to over 15,000 members. The Co-op draws connections between food sovereignty, local production, democracy, and collective management, and strives to “make human effects on the earth and its inhabitants positive and renewing and to encourage economic and social justice”. The boycott in question is follows various other boycotts and measures intended to promote these values.

The plaintiffs, who allege that procedural violations on the part of the Co-op's Board led them to "sustain irreparable injury," are seeking "an award of damages in an amount to be proved at trial" and that the Co-op's boycott of Israeli goods be "declared unenforceable, null, and void." The Co-op, an organization largely supported by community engagement and volunteer work, could be economically devastated by such a process.

"We're all just shocked that the boycott opposition would risk closing the store just to make their point. It's disgraceful," says Andrew Meyer, a member of the local activist group Olympia BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions).

"Uncovered: Israel’s role in planned US lawsuit to fight BDS," Electronic Intifada, http://electronicintifada.net/content/uncovered-israels-role-planned-us-lawsuit-fight-bds/10350

This is a press release from Olympia BDS (www.olympiabds.org), originally published at http://www.olympiabds.org/2011/lawsuit-aims-to-punish-olympia-food-co-op-for-boycott-of-israeli-goods.html

Uncovered: Israel’s role in planned US lawsuit to fight BDS (http://electronicintifada.net/content/uncovered-israels-role-planned-us-lawsuit-fight-bds/10350)

13th September 2011, 11:04 AM
Isn't that extortion?

13th September 2011, 11:13 AM
All that they have to do is to say "Upssssssss sorry obout that, will buy Israeli goods"....and then......simply don't buy them.

13th September 2011, 11:22 AM
Where can I get some olympia food products?

13th September 2011, 11:23 AM
In Olympia hahahahahahahahah.

13th September 2011, 12:19 PM
I've skipped over several items I wanted to buy at Home Depot when I noticed they are made in Israel.

13th September 2011, 12:26 PM
Woody? many times they send it to a third country where the ID shows as being from there........

13th September 2011, 01:25 PM
Where can I get some olympia food products?

exactly what i was thinking. next time i go to Washington state, i will make a special trip and spend a LOT of money ( at least $20 ;) )

as far as extortion - just another tactic used by the Talmud-worshippers. it's in their bag of tricks.


their Facebook page.

13th September 2011, 03:37 PM
Just like the Seattle bus adds last year.

Stiffle freedom of speech so people can't wake up.

Sounds like a road trip this week to buy some stuff from there.

13th September 2011, 04:22 PM
Woody? many times they send it to a third country where the ID shows as being from there........


13th September 2011, 05:31 PM
I've skipped over several items I wanted to buy at Home Depot when I noticed they are made in Israel.

what at Home Depot is made in Israel ?

13th September 2011, 06:36 PM
Corrugated roofing panels

Lord knows that those could not possibly be needed in say....ummm.....Palastine.

Fuck them!

13th September 2011, 11:29 PM
'Our' governments boycott Middle Eastern countries Israel is in conflict with and may force private enterprise not to boycott Israel.

Isn't that extortion?
Or exaction? ;)


Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force, but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant

14th September 2011, 04:33 AM
Corrugated roofing panels


14th September 2011, 06:19 AM
Corrugated roofing panels

got more info

name of the company is Palram.

link to org chart etc.

owned 73% by "Kibbutz Yadda Yadda", 27% by Israel.

Trademarks -
SUNTUF - i think that's one of their major products - the corrugated roofing panel.
SUN* - lots of products with the name 'SUN'-something
PAL* - lots of products with the name 'PAL'-something


they also make those super-expensive "Hobby Greenhouses".


14th September 2011, 07:02 AM
So THAT's why Costco is pushing those overpriced greenhouses!

14th September 2011, 07:07 AM
So THAT's why Costco is pushing those overpriced greenhouses!

see 'em everywhere !

i tried to find a list of manufacturing companies in Israel - i.e., companies that export, companies whose products we can avoid.

in no particular order -

Wholly-owned Israel Corp. subsidiary Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.


Saidels Bakery




BUT - it looks like Palram & their corrugated roofing panel & boutique greenhouses are one of the most visible Israeli companies.

14th September 2011, 08:02 AM

anyone know if this is the only universal product code for israel ?