View Full Version : Photo of Ponce from the old days.........

13th September 2011, 10:04 PM
This was one of the groups that I was with.......I am on the lower right #8


13th September 2011, 10:15 PM
Here they tried to link me to the JFK murder but at that time I was in Korea.......had a hell of a time with the S-2.

Here I am #83.......photo makes me look FAT.


13th September 2011, 10:21 PM
Ponce, in the pictures do you remember that day? funny when I look at an old pic of myself I remember it like it was yesterday.

13th September 2011, 10:23 PM
A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database
Record: DE LEON, PONCE -----
Sources: Fensterwald's records; Hall interview 5/6/68 (44)
Comments: One of Patrick's Raiders. Roommate of Harper. His mother had been imprisoned in Cuba. Mother released and living in Atlanta.

Harper (The Professor) was a great help in making my mom free..... he killed a guy in Mexico and then he in turn was killed in a Mexican prison......he used to teach English to the president of Venezuela (I think it was Venezuela).

13th September 2011, 10:28 PM
Did you really carry a Thompson? Or was it a photo pass around gun like when everyone I was with had to get a picture to them caring the SAW and Poncho Villa ammo bandoleers?

I figured you for a M-1/M-14 kind of guy.

13th September 2011, 10:29 PM
Yeah Zap, that one was taken around Nov of 1962........ It was right after that that I was back in the US and then around Dic 17 me and 12 more got arrested by......the FBI, ATF, Coast Guard, Police, Army and I don't know how many more........they were scared of us when they came in because we had better weapons than they did hahahahahahah..............the funny part about all this? I was taking a shit aboard the boat when they came in LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

13th September 2011, 10:34 PM
Only one Tommy and everyone has to be in the picture with it......at that time my rifle was a British 303 Jungle Carabine (bolt action), for where we were at that was the best weapon to have.....and yes the M-1 is my favorite rifle, even now.

13th September 2011, 10:40 PM
Only one Tommy and everyone has to be in the picture with it......at that time my rifle was a British 303 Jungle Carabine (bolt action), for where we were at that was the best weapon to have.....and yes the M-1 is my favorite rifle, even now.

Man some things never change "Dude you got to go out there we are all getting our picture taken with ______ gun it will be bad ass!!"

HAHAH sorry I find that hilarious because I have been there, albiet much more recently

14th September 2011, 04:18 AM
Nice Ponce..

Reminded me of this

14th September 2011, 04:43 AM
I have a British Enfield 303 Carbine that was my Dads. Awesome weapon if you like peephole sites.

14th September 2011, 05:16 AM
Ponce, were you involved in Operation 40 or similar stuff?

14th September 2011, 06:12 AM

14th September 2011, 06:18 AM
Thanks for sharing Ponce. JFK, wow. You're a celebrity :D

14th September 2011, 06:27 AM
Here they tried to link me to the JFK murder but at that time I was in Korea.......had a hell of a time with the S-2.

Here I am #83.......

Makes you look like a Michael Landon double my wife says, except you are still living.


mick silver
14th September 2011, 07:19 AM
thnaks ponce for sharing this with as all mick

14th September 2011, 07:26 AM
Makes you look like a Michael Landon double my wife says, except you are still living.


That one does look like Michael Landon. Ponce, you were very handsome as a young man.

14th September 2011, 07:29 AM
That one does look like Michael Landon. Ponce, you were very handsome as a young man. Dam the old fart still has it, with the lady's!

Ponce you are the most interesting man in the world!


Edit: No disrespect to El Don ponce!

14th September 2011, 07:31 AM
Thanks for the photos Ponce.

14th September 2011, 08:01 AM
Yeah Zap, that one was taken around Nov of 1962........ It was right after that that I was back in the US and then around Dic 17 me and 12 more got arrested by......the FBI, ATF, Coast Guard, Police, Army and I don't know how many more........they were scared of us when they came in because we had better weapons than they did hahahahahahah..............the funny part about all this? I was taking a shit aboard the boat when they came in LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

I hope they had enough TP. ;)

14th September 2011, 08:35 AM
Photo of Hoarder from the old days...

14th September 2011, 08:40 AM
Photo of Hoarder from the old days...

I didn't know you were jewish!


14th September 2011, 08:42 AM
Photo of Hoarder from the old days...

I didn't know you were jewish!



14th September 2011, 09:03 AM
Like I said long ago, two different people wanted to make a movie about me....one of them is now dead and the other one, who was about 27 at the time, is nwp a very FAMOUS movie maker.

At this time only tow of us are still alive....Gerry, the leader #7, and myself.......Demsey the Canadian could also be alive.

Most of what I read last night, about this one group, was more Si-Fi than anything else......like it says that we pulled 23 raids on Cuba......it was more like six...................there were also a couple of "accidents" in No Name that no one is saying anything about.

The day that we were arrested? the law were all around us hiding away, one of the guys went into the bush to take a crap and later found out that he took a shit three feet from a couple of ATF guys and they could not move for four hours so that they were smelling that crap all the time hahahahahahahaha.

Of that group only me and one more guy went to the Congo.........those photos were taken at different times.

14th September 2011, 09:31 AM
hey Ponce... have you written any of your biography? Any journals? I wonder if that would make an interesting story or movie.

Here is one of me when I was ready to stomp and get stomped.

Some of it may still be classified and if the told you , he may have to kill you!


14th September 2011, 10:01 AM
Some of it may still be classified and if the told you , he may have to kill you!


There are ways of doing things. It is possible to create a work of fiction that tells a true story... and there is a way to tell a factual story that sidesteps certain bits of information. Unless he still has that Tommy gun, I am not worried about the threat. Then again, I could bring one of these along for the interview....

14th September 2011, 10:03 AM
Like I said long ago, two different people wanted to make a movie about me....one of them is now dead and the other one, who was about 27 at the time, is nwp a very FAMOUS movie maker.

At this time only tow of us are still alive....Gerry, the leader #7, and myself.......Demsey the Canadian could also be alive.

Most of what I read last night, about this one group, was more Si-Fi than anything else......like it says that we pulled 23 raids on Cuba......it was more like six...................there were also a couple of "accidents" in No Name that no one is saying anything about.

The day that we were arrested? the law were all around us hiding away, one of the guys went into the bush to take a crap and later found out that he took a shit three feet from a couple of ATF guys and they could not move for four hours so that they were smelling that crap all the time hahahahahahahaha.

Of that group only me and one more guy went to the Congo.........those photos were taken at different times.

What's in the Congo, oil?

14th September 2011, 10:08 AM
We were on the side of Mourice Shombee (wrong spelling) fighting the commis.......he became the president for the next 35 years..............and yes, most of what I did is in the hush hush department.

14th September 2011, 11:22 AM
Just read another article where I was one of the "suspected" sniper in the JFK murder.....dickheads.........and once again, I was in Korea..........Camp Page, to be exact.

14th September 2011, 11:24 AM
Just read another article where I was one of the "suspected" sniper in the JFK murder.....dickheads.........and once again, I was in Korea..........Camp Page, to be exact.

Then, I think you get the record for the longest kill shot.... unless it was an accident and you were trying to hit Jacqui Ohh.

14th September 2011, 12:16 PM
One hundred yars was always my limit.....remember that in those days it was bush warfare and not mountain or dessert like it is now........there were a few times but not many.

14th September 2011, 01:11 PM
The Ponc!

14th September 2011, 01:19 PM
Just read another article where I was one of the "suspected" sniper in the JFK murder.....dickheads.........and once again, I was in Korea..........Camp Page, to be exact.

Yeah, you were with the hot Korean call girl, Kim-Chi Suk, or whatever her name was, as you mentioned in the other thread.

14th September 2011, 01:51 PM
Kim Soon Ya..........yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

By the way, I made a mistake I was actually at Camp Caroll, I was transfered there after my talk with the S-2 at Camp Page... they decided that a Cuban rebel should not be around a bunch of missiles hahahahaahahahaahah.

While I was there (Camp Page) a Katusa Captain came into our tent at night and stole my Sgt pants, well, the next night I went up the hill where there was about seven of their troops guardig the pass with a M-60........I snuck in and took the tripod from the M-60 and came down the hill with it.......I then choose a tree right next to the camps mess hall and with a cord hung the M-60 from the tree where everyone could see it hahahahahahahahahahahah, one of the Katusa troops came to me at dinner line and told me "You no good, you number ten, me kill you" hahahahahahahahahha.

The next day the Colonel came walking by me and I saluted, he saluted back and winked at me, no words needed.

14th September 2011, 02:11 PM
By the way, I made a mistake I was actually at Camp Caroll
OK so what were you doing in Dallas? WINK-WINK

Celtic Rogue
14th September 2011, 03:21 PM

Castro and Ponce? Hmmm?:o:o:o;););)

14th September 2011, 04:03 PM
Hahahahaahahahahahah, to fat to be me......in those days my weight was of 125 lbs.......

By the way........the body with my head on it belongs to a potographer for the New York Times.

14th September 2011, 04:09 PM
When was the last time you were in Cuba?

14th September 2011, 04:16 PM

Is he #81 on the HSCA mugshot list?

14th September 2011, 04:53 PM

14th September 2011, 05:21 PM
do you remember - when JFK was shot - how long did it take for some people to realize that Oswald was just a patsy, that there was more to the story ?

i remember talking to a older lady that lived in Texas back then. she said, "we HATED Kennedy."

i said, "yeah, looks to me the US gov. did it, with some help from the Dulles Brother, mayor of Dallas."

she said, "that's ridiculous !"

14th September 2011, 05:29 PM
do you remember - when JFK was shot - how long did it take for some people to realize that Oswald was just a patsy, that there was more to the story ?

i remember talking to a older lady that lived in Texas back then. she said, "we HATED Kennedy."

i said, "yeah, looks to me the US gov. did it, with some help from the Dulles Brother, mayor of Dallas."

she said, "that's ridiculous !"

I was in the sixth grade, and my teachers name was Bob Kennedy. Truth.

What I can remember at least the biggest thing in my part of the state was he was a Catholic and in this part of the bible belt was dam near the worst kind of sin. After he was killed , many here were ashamed that it happened here in Texas.

Was in class and all the teachers were called to the office over the pa system. and later Mr Kennedy came back to class crying and told us to go home, school was out for the next 2 days.

14th September 2011, 08:03 PM
They woke us up about four therty am to tell us about it.........nobody went to work that morning but the PX and barber shop were open........at the barber shop a black second Lt made a bad comment about Kennedy and a white Sgt punch him one time...the second Lt was going to court martial him but everyone said that he was the first one to attack the Sgt and that was that.

14th September 2011, 08:06 PM
I don't know if I was born yet ? No, I looked it up, JFK died before I was even a thought.

14th September 2011, 08:12 PM
I don't know if I was born yet ? No, I looked it up he died before I was even a thought. HeHeHe

The way we like to say it here is "You were not even a gleam in your daddy's eye yet"!

14th September 2011, 08:15 PM
Nope, JFK died 4 years before I was a gleam.

14th September 2011, 08:20 PM
The way we like to say it here is "You were not even a gleam in your daddy's eye yet"!
Ha ha, I was.

I was born 10 months later. Right at the solar minimum. Both my parents agreed with John, but (thankfully) my mother said no to my dad's suggestion of John Fitzgerald ...

Hey Ponce, why do you think you got to do so many interesting 'spooky' things? Right place at the right time with the right skills, or were you looking for adventure?

14th September 2011, 08:39 PM
A friend of a friend of a friend of Uncle Sam kind of a thing.......once you are known they will come knocking at your door...

At one time I was invited to train the Special Forces in Colombia.......this was by two of their generals that spoke to me while in Disneyland at Fort Bragg.........something did happen at Smoke Bomb Hill for which I went TDY with a civilian outfit...first thing that was done was to build me a cover by saying that I did something wich was not true.

7th May 2024, 09:50 PM
OK so what were you doing in Dallas? WINK-WINK


8th May 2024, 02:40 AM
He must have been there helping out. If I remember right, he didn't like JFK.

8th May 2024, 10:22 PM
He must have been there helping out. If I remember right, he didn't like JFK.

Yes I think so too. He definitely knew how and what had happened at Dealey plaza. And most likely he was there as was president #41 small world…