View Full Version : Watching the Rome TV Series.

14th September 2011, 07:57 AM
I don't have TV at home; but watch movies and some TV shows borrowed from the library [renting both seasons -- all 10 discs was $2.20] Anyways....

I'm watching the show, and maybe it was just me, but did anyone else think it was a bit too diverse?

Some of the main characters seemed a bit too dark and I don't believe there would be any sub-Saharan Africans in Rome in that era.

Anyone think that's how it was or just more social engineering?

14th September 2011, 08:02 AM
Depends... is it about the *fall* of Rome?

14th September 2011, 08:03 AM
I never watched that show because every time I saw a commercial I had major "brainwashing" alarms going off.

I have no doubts that the show is programming for diversity, treachery and debauchery. I always assumed the same about the series "Tudors" as well. I can't stand the crap they put out on TV usually.

I like Breaking Bad and Lost, but that's about it for me.

14th September 2011, 08:19 AM
Rome had annexed Ptolemaic Egypt by that time, so they had Nubians in the Empire. They could have theoretically moved to Rome, but I doubt many, if any, Nubians had the means or the inclination to do so. At least it's not as bad as a movie I saw (Centurion?) that had negroes in Britannia, as well as a female warrior that could slaughter dozens of men twice her size. That was blatantly obvious pandering.

But Rome was quite diverse, mostly culturally but racially too. I think the dilution of the native Roman stock had a lot to do with Rome's downfall.

14th September 2011, 10:24 AM
Rome the city and the Western half of the Roman Empire fell for two reasons.

Barbarian invasions and wars with these invaders lasting a very long time.

Infighting and corruption at the top, division from within.

You people should try learning some history that matters.

I have a thread on here with many related links and University level historical podcasts.

There was not even any blacks of any significant numbers living in
North Africa, I have a thread on this, White Gold, read the book.
The muslims would have to raid past the Sahara taking months
for black slaves.

You people buy into the propaganda and even promote it,
whatever blacks were in Rome they were only in major cities,
most likely as slaves, you people talk like the Italians
gave away their daughters to blacks, that is not even the case to
this day. There would be no way for them to integrate into society.

Barbarians destroyed Rome from the North, these are undisputed facts.
Later some of those barbarians became Christians
and they helped defend and rebuild Europe.

14th September 2011, 10:32 AM
Depends... is it about the *fall* of Rome?

You don't know any history that matters, that is very clear on here.

You are even a propagandist against real history that matters.

To claim you are a descendant of Charlamagne is the biggest joke mocking.

Plato's Republic according to you is his coming out of the closet party.

Pike the lying masonic satanist that has contempt for man and even his own
fellow masons, the total antithesis of Plato/Socrates teachings, is promoted by
you on here.

14th September 2011, 10:43 AM
Rome was sacked by the barbarians that they employed, because they were too decadent to field their own men. There was corruption from top to bottom in Rome, and the division was the result of their trying to integrate the subject nationalities within the Empire.

There were blacks in north Africa, the Nubians, who were partially under the control of the Ptolemies, who in turn were under control of the Roman Empire, at least until the Cleopatra and Marc Anthony episode. There was very little demand for black slaves, because there were better slaves to be had at the time, slaves that could be useful for more than manual labor.

14th September 2011, 10:44 AM
Anyone think that's how it was or just more social engineering?

I have lots of related threads and links on here.

Peoples posts on here promote the same propaganda.

What do you expect from the Jews ? Nothing new is it, I saw the
Spartacus series, brutal, it was brutal back then but they too overdo it and
admit it, " based on history but the intensity is greater ", something like that
in the disclaimer, it's a snow job on the people watching, and I have a bias too,
against Rome and Romans, they were brutal, and they destroyed Greece and
looted it, set up Europe for destruction. Yet here I am defending them cause
this propaganda comes from our enemies and it is against all of us. I defend
the barbarians too sometimes, and modern Germans, and the Pope at times,
and the Catholic Church, all of which I am biased against, but to be fair and
true, give credit where it is due and I recognize we are targets for propaganda,
I am the unbiased neutral source for historical information on here, look at my
leads, you won't learn this history by people posting on here, other than leads,
nobody said this history is pretty cause it ain't.

Have you ever been to Italy or Greece , how tribal they are to this day,
they gave away their daughters to blacks to marry, that's laughable,
that is not the case even today. There was no free property, a few city
centers and a largely rural environment, think about it, only in some major
cities was there some blacks maybe, maybe some darker people that were
not black from some parts of the Med, there was not even any blacks in
North Africa, they had no civilization of any kind, don't be fooled by the
stormfront nonsense being promoted attacking Christians and making nonsense
claims from arthur kemp, loon history from some parts of his work, which I
would reccommend everyone look at, but I expect people to use their brains,
he over does it and has a North European bias, which is fine to have.

14th September 2011, 10:45 AM
Depends... is it about the *fall* of Rome?

No, more about the fall of Julius Cesar and the rise of Octavian.

14th September 2011, 10:47 AM
You don't know any history that matters, that is very clear on here.



You are even a propagandist against real history that matters.

What are you even talking about?

To claim you are a descendant of Charlamagne is the biggest joke mocking.

It doesn't really matter if you believe my claim or not. Hell, perhaps *most* white men alive today are descended from Charlemagne.

Plato's Republic according to you is his coming out of the closet party.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm curious.

Pike the lying masonic satanist that has contempt for man and even his own
fellow masons, the total antithesis of Plato/Socrates teachings, is promoted by
you on here.

I didn't "promote" Pike; I merely thought his book "Morals & Dogma" was interesting.

I've never seen the tv show "Rome" and likely never will. I was simply asking the original poster if it was set during the fall of Rome.

What exactly is your problem with me all of the sudden, Magnes?

14th September 2011, 10:48 AM
I never watched that show because every time I saw a commercial I had major "brainwashing" alarms going off.

I have no doubts that the show is programming for diversity, treachery and debauchery. I always assumed the same about the series "Tudors" as well. I can't stand the crap they put out on TV usually.

I like Breaking Bad and Lost, but that's about it for me.

I had no commercials to watch. Your brainwashing "spidey-senses" did tingle for a reason. I found it all over the place. I've never heard of Breaking Bad and have never seen Lost.

14th September 2011, 10:49 AM
Isn't it a little early in the day to be drinking, Magnes?

14th September 2011, 10:49 AM
Rome was sacked by the barbarians that they employed,

Your posts are way too simple, you are wrong just to take one point and claim
that is the reason, Barbarians destroyed Rome and the countryside, not just
" those employed " , later those Barbarians would take European slaves and
sell them to the Muslims and Khazars. One of the reasons mass waves of Germans
came into the Rome sphere was the Huns pushing them in, Romans built cities,
roads, and they came to live in safety under Rome, Romans could do nothing
about it. Barbarians were infighting as well in a pretty bad way, some were more
brutal than others, some later protected Italy from the more brutal. The main reasons
barbarians came was land, safety, and many saw great booty and wealth for the taking,
and many saw a weakness in the Romans being divided and even partnering with them.
That was the world back then, Romans were same, Greeks at one point too, were pirates.

You want me to tell you what the savages from the north did ?

I know but it ain't my job to help dumb jew trolls, Fred knew too.

On this your history comes from Arthur Kemp who gets attacked on Stormfront as well.

14th September 2011, 10:51 AM
What exactly is your problem, Magnes?

Father John, do you want links, I stand by everything I said.

14th September 2011, 10:51 AM
Rome had annexed Ptolemaic Egypt by that time, so they had Nubians in the Empire. They could have theoretically moved to Rome, but I doubt many, if any, Nubians had the means or the inclination to do so. At least it's not as bad as a movie I saw (Centurion?) that had negroes in Britannia, as well as a female warrior that could slaughter dozens of men twice her size. That was blatantly obvious pandering.

But Rome was quite diverse, mostly culturally but racially too. I think the dilution of the native Roman stock had a lot to do with Rome's downfall.

Maybe it was, but most of the areas they conquered were essentially White. N. Africa, Syria, Lebanon, etc were white until the Arab invasions in the 7th [or so] Century.

14th September 2011, 10:57 AM
Maybe it was, but most of the areas they conquered were essentially White. N. Africa, Syria, Lebanon, etc were white until the Arab invasions in the 7th [or so] Century.

It depends on how you define 'white'. Were the Carthaginians white? Sort of... but not really white.

14th September 2011, 11:02 AM
It depends on how you define 'white'. Were the Carthaginians white? Sort of... but not really white.

If you want to make claims on here Mediterranean people are not white go ahead.

Don't tell people they were black.

Kemp claims nordic barbarians built the civilized world, as he attacks those that
really did build the western world.

What those areas are now and what they were then are 2 totally different things,
and if you knew this history you would know that, back then the Carthaginians,
Phoenicians were most likely European white, especially the leadership, the
Phoenicians were half Phillistine who were Dorians, the whitest of Greeks,
Nordics. The other half left the area, raided and came back to Pylos.

There were no blacks in North Africa, even 200 years ago.
No cities, no nothing, just black slaves imported by Muslims.
The area was sparsely populated, alls you had to do is destroy
a European city and the region was yours, and the Muslims did
this easily, browning out the area.

14th September 2011, 11:03 AM
99% if not 100% of anything historical on the teevee is either twisted for propaganda or the entertainment value for a certain demographic.

14th September 2011, 11:05 AM
Father John, do you want links, I stand by everything I said.

Sure, bust out your links!

14th September 2011, 11:12 AM
If you want to make claims on here Mediterranean people are not white go ahead.

Don't tell people they were black.

Kemp claims nordic barbarians built the civilized world, as he attacks those that
really did build the western world.

What those areas are now and what they were then are 2 totally different things,
and if you knew this history you would know that, back then the Carthaginians,
Phoenicians were most likely European white, especially the leadership, the
Phoenicians were half Phillistine who were Dorians, the whitest of Greeks,
Nordics. The other half left the area, raided and came back to Pylos.

You are looking for disagreements where none exist.

There is quite a difference between Nordish whites and blacks. Just because they weren't Nordish doesn't mean they were black. 'Mediterranean people' were not a monolithic race.

14th September 2011, 11:18 AM
The Romans totally destroyed Greece, corruption , division, infighting was root cause,
against and organized militarized enemy that saw great booty to be had.

Same thing with Constantinople, Greece never ceased to exist, neither did Rome,
constant attacks from Persians, Muslims, corruption from within, division, infighting,
against an organized enemy.

So we have 3 cases here all hurting themselves first being attacked by an organized enemy.

I try to promote positive history on here, who were the uniters and builders.

Charles the Great, Constantine, King Phillip.

They all did the same things against the same enemies.
Under King Phillip's time and the contract, any city state that
signs the contract and causes infighting as the campaign to oust
the Persians is ongoing, total destruction of the city will be the

So we need to learn from this.

TPTB are doing this to the population so people are not united and focused as they attack us.

14th September 2011, 11:30 AM
Read Spengler. All great civilizations are the same story. They achieve their 'vision', then they die from within, then they are conquered by vital barbarians who repeat the cycle. That is what is happening today. But thanks to Christianity and your man Charlemagne there are no more white barbarians to conquer us, so we will be conquered by the brown hordes.

14th September 2011, 11:59 AM
Magnes, I'm still waiting for your links and whatnot.

Come argue dammit. lol.

Or at least tell me what the fuck you're talking about!

14th September 2011, 01:15 PM
Magnes, I'm still waiting for your links and whatnot.

Come argue dammit. lol.

Or at least tell me what the fuck you're talking about!

I didn't understand the point he was trying to make either. Maybe he can explain it in simpler terms for us dumb jew trolls.

14th September 2011, 02:35 PM
tag... I gotta read this when I get home tonight... looks like a hoot!

Hatha Sunahara
14th September 2011, 07:50 PM
I haven't seen the series, but I saw Gladiator--which was set around 220 AD. That movie too had a message that Rome was 'diverse'.

I think this message comes from the social engineering agenda of the elite. The message is The Roman Empire was diverse--we can be too.

What I have gathered from reading history is that the Roman military was 'diverse'. 90+% of the Roman army at the time of Marcus Aurelius were local recruits from the Roman provinces. But within the provinces the army was homogeneous. That is, Gallic soldiers in Gaul, British solciers in Britain, Greek soldiers in Greece Spaniards in Spain, etc. The Romans trained them, and treated them the same as the actual Romans in the army. The Officers were loyal to Rome and in charge of the money and they made sure their Imperial troops followed orders. This was possible because the Romans imposed their money system on everybody. I doubt that the population of Rome itself was very diverse, except for slaves. Rome didn't move people around because it was expensive. I read somewhere that as much as 2/3 of the population of the empire were slaves at some point. I think they were relatively more free than our debt slaves today--which is about 90% of our population because of our debt based money system. I doubt that the Romans had any kind of social engineering agenda. They just imposed their culture, their laws, their money system and their military on everybody in their empire. If you want a model of diversity--look at the British Empire--or even the Soviet Union. Britain and Russia themselves were not 'diverse', however their empires were. Britain is now much more diverse because somebody allowed huge numbers of foreigners to move to Britain. I saw recently that John Cleese was bemoaning the fact that English culture is waning because England is becoming a non-English country.


14th September 2011, 07:55 PM
I haven't seen the series, but I saw Gladiator--which was set around 220 AD. That movie too had a message that Rome was 'diverse'.

That's kinda my point. The movie Gladiator didn't show the crowds as "diverse" as this TV show.

Good write-up btw...

15th September 2011, 06:55 AM
Still waiting for links or an apology from Magnes...

Joe King
15th September 2011, 07:13 AM
Still waiting for links or an apology from Magnes...

Here ya go, maybe these will help? lol


15th September 2011, 07:16 AM
I had no commercials to watch. Your brainwashing "spidey-senses" did tingle for a reason. I found it all over the place. I've never heard of Breaking Bad and have never seen Lost.

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, I never watched either of those shows, because everytime I saw a commercial promoting "Rome" or "Tudors", those shows looked like they were full of brainwashing, based on the clips they put in the commercials.

Joe King
15th September 2011, 07:27 AM
Most people today wouldn't recognize a comerical on TV even if they saw one. lol

15th September 2011, 07:47 AM
I tried watching the show once, there was some sort of man love sex scene on. I prefer to not watch gay men getting it on, on tv TYVM. That was the end of my Rome viewing.

That said, Rome fell because of 3 reasons, the same afflictions eating the US Empire today.

1. Too many foreign wars. A military can only extend for so long before the nation's coffers are drained.
2. Inflation of the nation's currency.
3. Unchecked immigration.

This is the standard recipe for disaster that has caused nearly all empires to collapse.

15th September 2011, 07:50 AM
I tried watching the show once, there was some sort of man love sex scene on. I prefer to not watch gay men getting it on, on tv TYVM. That was the end of my Rome viewing.

That said, Rome fell because of 3 reasons, the same afflictions eating the US Empire today.

1. Too many foreign wars. A military can only extend for so long before the nation's coffers are drained.
2. Inflation of the nation's currency.
3. Unchecked immigration.

This is the standard recipe for disaster that has caused nearly all empires to collapse.

You like to watch it live, eh?


I keed, I keed.

(oh yeah, still waiting for Magnes.... maybe he's hungover)

15th September 2011, 07:51 AM

15th September 2011, 07:59 AM
I tried watching the show once, there was some sort of man love sex scene on. I prefer to not watch gay men getting it on, on tv TYVM. That was the end of my Rome viewing.

That said, Rome fell because of 3 reasons, the same afflictions eating the US Empire today.

1. Too many foreign wars. A military can only extend for so long before the nation's coffers are drained.
2. Inflation of the nation's currency.
3. Unchecked immigration.

This is the standard recipe for disaster that has caused nearly all empires to collapse.

You had it in your post, but didn't have it in your list. All that man-love [yeah I don't want to see that either] doesn't produce children. So the Empire must hire foreign mercenary soldiers, take in the immigrants, etc. It was literally a dieing empire. Sound familiar?