View Full Version : Alex Jones "Bernanke is a protestant, not jewish"

Large Sarge
16th September 2011, 03:06 AM
http://waronyou.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=1d71e9b4adbc68380d9560e025e2a5 a5&topic=21797.msg96693#msg96693

I cannot get the audio link to load


anyone help?

po boy
16th September 2011, 03:21 AM

Large Sarge
16th September 2011, 04:01 AM

thanks, but it will still not play for me...

is it my real time player?

anyone else having problems?

16th September 2011, 04:21 AM
thanks, but it will still not play for me...

is it my real time player?

anyone else having problems?

I played directly from the site. It's only a 2-3 minute clip.

I can't access the original site "war on you" currently to try and save as from there.

Large Sarge
16th September 2011, 04:40 AM
updated the latest adobe flash player,

its still not playing..


16th September 2011, 05:17 AM
whatever it is wants to download a " Windows Media Player Core " from Microsoft

a yellow bar came down, i clicked on it to allow the Add-on

a little mini player shows up and the AJ mp3 started

i'm surprised AJ didn't cut the caller off when he mentioned The Protocols of Zion

EDIT mp3 is 5:21


i just lost a lot of respect for Max Keiser

16th September 2011, 05:26 AM
The interview with Max wasn't up on AJ's youtube channel earlier.

I would look there LS if you still can't get to download.

It is the last caller before the segment ended I think.

16th September 2011, 06:19 AM
thanks, but it will still not play for me...

is it my real time player?

anyone else having problems?

Opera plays it just fine.


16th September 2011, 06:24 AM
Yep heard this yesterday. A caller called in and quoted the 'Learned Protocols' and brought up the fact that Jewish banking is a problem. AJ and Max went into complete and total cover, claiming Bernanke, Paulson, etc arent jewish.

Bernanke and Paulson are PUPPETS. To even concentrate on them is a red herring and a waste of time. These guys are the TOOLS. Just like money is the TOOL. The enslavers use TOOLS to enslave us. If you notice AJ used to go deep into the occult, illuminati, etc. He has changed his tune in the past 3-5 years to claim that 'Banks' are the enemy. As if there is a giant FRN hiding behind the curtain.

For thousands of years it has been the same agenda: Money being used as a TOOL to enslave man by High Priests. Money is the TOOL, Religion is behind the curtain and is the central powerhouse of the Enslavers.

16th September 2011, 06:39 AM
Anything to protect their Zionista masters. I've said for a good year or so now that Herr Keiserstein is not to be trusted..

Ben "Shalom" Bernanke is Protestant. LOL. OK and I'm the Pope. Da Po-paaaa....

ChairSatan may be a puppet to his bigger Zionista masters, true, but I still think he should be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

16th September 2011, 06:40 AM
Well Paulson looks like an atypical Scandinavian, the "son" on the end of his name says Norwegian or Swedish. I have never seen credible evidence that Paulson is Jewish.

But Ben Shalom Bernanke might go to a protestant church, but his name says something else.

16th September 2011, 06:45 AM
Here Ben Bernanke has dressed up for a christmas surprise...

16th September 2011, 06:46 AM
Well Paulson looks like an atypical Scandinavian, the "son" on the end of his name says Norwegian or Swedish. I have never seen credible evidence that Paulson is Jewish.

But Ben Shalom Bernanke might go to a protestant church, but his name says something else.

30 second search I see from ChairSatan's own mouth:

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
At the presentation of the Order of the Palmetto, Dillon, South Carolina
September 1, 2006 (http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20060901a.htm)

My family and I attended Dillon’s small synagogue, Ohav Shalom, which is unfortunately no longer in existence.

I don't know about all of you but in the home I grew up in, as Catholics, it was routine for us to not go to church, but synagogue... ::)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th September 2011, 06:54 AM
Blatant disinformation. This excerpt found from Ben Shalom's wiki page:


As a teenager in the 1960s in the small town of Dillon, South Carolina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dillon,_South_Carolina), Bernanke used to help roll the Torah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torah) scrolls in his local synagogue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synagogue). Although he keeps his beliefs private, his friend Mark Gertler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Gertler_%28economist%29), chairman of New York University's economics department, commented in 2005 that, "it is really embedded in who he (Bernanke) is".[16] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bernanke#cite_note-15) On the other hand, the Bernanke family was concerned that Ben would "lose his Jewish identity" if he went to Harvard. Fellow Dillon native Kenneth Manning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Manning), an African-American who would eventually become a professor of the History of Sciences at MIT, helped assure the family that "there were Jews in Boston." Once at Harvard, Manning took Bernanke to a Rosh Hashanah services in Brookline his freshman year. Manning says that he found the services more meaningful than Bernanke did.[17] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bernanke#cite_note-16)

[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bernanke#cite_note-16"] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Bernanke#cite_note-16)

16th September 2011, 09:25 AM
Heard it live yesterday. I thought the whole thing went well. The caller even got to quote a long section of the Protocols. When he was thanked for his call at the end it seemed genuine. Alex went over the reasons he does not promote division between races and religions. Its obvious, but worth him stating from time to time. Its a compromise, a tradeoff, but a valid one in bringing better political truth to a diverse nation. I'm sure it is the law too, being a national show on public air.

Yep heard this yesterday. A caller called in and quoted the 'Learned Protocols' and brought up the fact that Jewish banking is a problem. AJ and Max went into complete and total cover, claiming Bernanke, Paulson, etc arent jewish.

Bernanke and Paulson are PUPPETS. To even concentrate on them is a red herring and a waste of time.
They did not concentrate on them during the radio show they were just mentioned in larger list of supposied religion of Wall Street entities. It is GSUS members in this thread concentrating on this part.

As for lies you say: "AJ and Max went into complete and total cover", So complete and total cover the caller was allowed to quote as much of the protocol as he choose to, to complete and total cover Max outing half of the large Wall Street firms as Jewish institutions?

My complaint would be they did not make the point, whether originally released as a political act to slander Russian Jews or not, it describes the psychopathic takeover of western society today. That was the point the caller wanted to make, and he got to make it without being attacked by the hosts. I know of no other recent example of this in North America in such a mainstream show (by mainstream I mean very large audience and profile).

And although I have never been face to face with Bernake, from what I have seen of him on video, he seems goy (not psychopathic) in his eyes. Perhaps its just his programming.

16th September 2011, 10:06 AM
30 second search I see from ChairSatan's own mouth:

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
At the presentation of the Order of the Palmetto, Dillon, South Carolina
September 1, 2006 (http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20060901a.htm)

I don't know about all of you but in the home I grew up in, as Catholics, it was routine for us to not go to church, but synagogue... ::)

Where I'm from all the RC's go to mass at their church.

16th September 2011, 10:09 AM
Well Paulson looks like an atypical Scandinavian, the "son" on the end of his name says Norwegian or Swedish. I have never seen credible evidence that Paulson is Jewish.

But Ben Shalom Bernanke might go to a protestant church, but his name says something else.Khazars routinely change their names and get rhinoplasty done. They have a long history as spies changing identities, language religion etc. while retaining ther tribal identity and loyalty. That history is credible evidence in itself, even if it's not 101% certain.

16th September 2011, 10:18 AM
My first thought as I listened to that call in guy referring to the Protocols was how he sounded just like Jordan Maxwell. Weird.

16th September 2011, 10:23 AM
Where I'm from all the RC's go to mass at their church.

I was being facetious :)

@ Keehah:

The caller was allowed to discuss the Protocols because it gave Keiserstein and Herr Jones an opportunity to bash and ridicule the Protocols. Don't they use fake callers to the show for just this purpose?

Then Keiserstein goes on to bash the whites as being evil - shifting the discussion.

Jones goes right along with him. So they lumped in 2 other names with the ChairSatan as being protestant. Why? More framing and misdirection. It truly amazes me people on this board still listen in to this jester. Both of them, for that matter.

Then you go on to claim Shalom Bernanke doesn't look juuwish - did you not read the other post(s) in this thread where Bernanke discloses his Zionista history?

Jones and Keiser - a jester wedding made in Israel... ::)

16th September 2011, 10:25 AM
protestant = Protests against the pope. ANY race can be a "protestant" so what's with the implication that since somene (may) be a protestant they can't ALSO be a Jew??

16th September 2011, 10:27 AM
He has to be a Christian because a meek humble Jew could never do such wicked things...

Twisted Titan
16th September 2011, 10:29 AM
I never cared for kasier .......

Now I care even less.

My stomach turns like its full of glass and rusted nails everytime one of these piedpipers reveals just whose jingle they really dance to.

General of Darkness
16th September 2011, 10:29 AM
According to Alex "loves jew cock" Jones, the TPTB are a Nazi Death Cult. The guy is a fucking joke.

16th September 2011, 10:34 AM
I always wonder why people listen to know liars? If you know they frequently lie , how do you separate the truth from the bullshit. Even worse are the ones that mix truth and lies together in support of an agenda. The ones in the op are in the biz for their lively hoods and ratings. And anything or way , that can up their paychecks and ratings is fair game.

Quit paying attention to those bozos years ago.

po boy
16th September 2011, 10:55 AM
protestant = Protests against the pope. ANY race can be a "protestant" so what's with the implication that since somene (may) be a protestant they can't ALSO be a Jew??

I think the only Christian group left that can claim to be protesting against the pope are the 7th day Adventists.

"For ages all Christian nations looked to the Catholic Church, and, as we have seen, the various states enforced by law her ordinances as to worship and cessation of Labor on Sunday. Protestantism, in discarding the authority of the church, has no good reason for its Sunday theory, and ought logically, to keep Saturday as the Sabbath. The State, in passing laws for the due Sanctification of Sunday, is unwittingly acknowledging the authority of the Catholic Church, and carrying out more or less faithfully its prescriptions. The Sunday, as a day of the week set apart for the obligatory public worship of Almighty God, to be sanctified by a suspension of all servile labor, trade, and worldly avocations and by exercises of devotion, is purely a creation of the Catholic Church." --The American Catholic Quarterly Review, Jan., 1883, pp. 152, 139. (Cited in Bible Readings for the Home, p. 425.)

16th September 2011, 12:45 PM
Khazars routinely change their names and get rhinoplasty done. They have a long history as spies changing identities, language religion etc. while retaining ther tribal identity and loyalty. That history is credible evidence in itself, even if it's not 101% certain.

However true that is, it is not any proof that Paulson is a Jew.

Like I said I have never seen any credible evidence he is a Jew

16th September 2011, 12:58 PM
...I have never seen any credible evidence he is a Jew

Same with Geitner.

16th September 2011, 01:32 PM

1. Henry Merritt Paulson, Jr.: b. 28 Mar 1946 Chicago, Cook Co., IL (or Palm Beach, FL); grew up in Barrington, IL; U.S. Treasury Secretary

2. Henry Merritt Paulson: b. 15 Aug 1920 Chicago, Cook Co., IL; wholesale jewelry business owner; d. 18 Jul 1995 (last residence Barrington, Lake Co., IL) [SSN 352-12-8852, issued IL bef. 1951]

[from the passenger list of the Queen Elizabeth, from Southampton to NYC 11 Nov 1946:

Paulson, Henry Merritt 15 Aug 1920 Chicago

Paulson, Marianna 12 Sep 1922 Milwaukee]

3. Marianna Gallauer: b. 12 Sep 1922 Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI

4. Henry P. Paulson: b. 30 Jun 1872 Chicago, Cook Co., IL; m. (2nd) c1918/9 (m. 1st c1904/5 Nellie ___ [b. c1871/2 NY]) [Herringshaw’s City Blue Book of Biography: Chicagoans of 1916 (Chicago, 1916), p. 308: “Paulson, Henry, Merchant of 37 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 30, 1872, in Chicago. He is proprietor of Henry Paulson and Company, wholesale jewelry supplies.”]

5. Rosina R. Merritt: b. May 1887 WI; d. Feb 1959 Palm Beach Co., FL [The Oshkosh Northwestern 14 May 1935: “Mrs. Henry Paulson of Evanston, Ill., visited in this city for a few hours yesterday. Mrs. Paulson is the former Rosina Merritt, who at one time taught at the Teachers college, then the Normal school. She was entertained at a small but delightful luncheon at Stein’s at noon by Mrs. George A. Stratton. In the afternoon a number of Mrs. Paulson’s former pupils and friends called informally at the Stratton home.”]

[http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/wi/buffalo/history/schools/mondovi1917.txt: List of alumni of Mondovi High School, Buffalo Co., WI, in 1919 (by class, current positions) – (1903) “Roswell Merritt is an optician at Kenmar, North Dakota”; (1906) “Rosina Merritt is critic in the Primary Department of the Oshkosh Normal”; (1911) “Lora Merritt is teaching at Oak Park, Chicago, Ill.”; (1912) “Winnie Merritt is a teacher of the 3rd grade at Bruce, Wis.”]

6. Carl Gallauer Jr.: b. 9 Jul 1890 Chicago, Cook Co., IL; d. 1 Jul 1964; m. c1919/20 [SSN 389-07-3880, issued WI bef. 1951] [WWI draft registration card]

7. Kathryn C. ___: b. c1894/5 IL

8. Haagen Paulson: b. Oct 1840 Norway; imm. 1859; m. c1865/6

9. Maria ___: b. Apr 1846 NY

10. (Loren) Alambert/Lambert Merritt: b. Mar 1847 OH; m. c1875/6

11. Lila V/L. ___: b. Dec 1859 WI

12. Carl Gallauer: b. Dec 1860 Germany; d. 15 Feb 1936 Cook Co., IL; m. c1889/90

13. Marie ___: b. Jan 1867 Germany

14. ___: b. Germany

15. ___: b. NY

16. (perhaps) Culbanson Paulsen: b. c1827/8 Norway

17. (perhaps) Christie ___: b. c1827/8 Norway

18. ___: b. Norway

19. ___: b. Norway

20. Marshall S/F. Merritt: b. c1811/12 Canada

21. Rachel R. ___: b. c1819/20 OH

22. ___: b. Canada

23. ___: b. Canada

40. ___ Merritt: b. MA

41. ___: b. MA

42. ___: b. CT

43. ___: b. NJ

1930 – 6th Ward, Evanston, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 2133, sheet 19a

Paulson, Henry P. Head M W 56 M 25 IL Norway NY President wholesale jewelry

___, Rosina Wife F W 40 M 29 WI OH WI

___, Merritt Son M W 9 S IL IL WI

___, Phyllis Dau F W 8 S IL IL WI

(2 servants)

1930 – 16th Ward, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI, e.d. 198, sheet 12b

Gallauer, Carl Jr. Head M W 36 M 26 IL Ger Ger Salesman Steel Foundry

___, Kathryn C. Wife F W 35 M 25 IL Ger NY

___, Marianna Dau F W 7 S WI IL IL

___, Carl R. Son M W 4 S WI IL IL

1920 – 27th Ward, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 1646, sheet 1a

Paulson, Henry Head M W 46 M IL US NY Proprietor Jewelry Supply[?]

___, Rosina Wife F W 31 M WI OH WI

1910 – 27th Ward, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 1175, sheets 4a-b

Paulson, Haggen Head M W 69 M1 44 Nor Nor Nor 1859 Na Own income

___, Marie Wife F W 63 M 44 3 3 NY Nor Nor

Paulson, Leonard Son M W 32 S IL Nor NY Salesman Jeweler Supplies

Paulson, Henry Head M W 38 M1 5 IL Nor NY Salesman Jewelry ---

___, Nellie Wife F W 38 M1 5 NY NY NY Bookkeeper Jeweler Supplies

1900 – 16th Ward, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 504, sheet 4a

Paulsen, Haggen Head W M Oct 1840 59 M 34 Nor Nor Nor 1859 41 Na Cooper

___, Marie Wife W F Apr 1856 54 M 34 8 4 NY Nor Nor

___, Henry Son W M Jun 1872 27 S IL Nor NY Manager Wholesale Jewelry

___, Leonard Son W M Nov 1877 22 S IL Nor NY Cooper’s Helper

___, Albert Son W M Jun 1880 19 S IL Nor NY Salesman Jewelry

1900 – Naples, Buffalo Co., WI, e.d. 14, sheet 9a

Merritt, Lambert Head W M Jan 1847 53 M 24 OH CanEng OH Farmer

“ Lila V. Wife W F Dec 1859 40 M 24 7 7 WI CanEng CanEng

“ Albert L. Son W M Dec 1880 19 S WI OH WI Farm Laborer

“ Rosal P. Son W M Mar 1882 18 S WI OH WI Farm Laborer

“ Rosina R. Dau W F May 1887 13 S WI OH WI

“ Harry E. Son W M Dec 1890 9 S WI OH WI

“ Laura S. Dau W F Jun 1892 8 S WI OH WI

“ Vinnie D. Dau W F Jun 1894 6 S WI OH WI

(2 servants)

1900 – 22nd Ward, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 666, sheet 5a

Gallauer, Carl Head W M Dec 1860 39 M 10 Ger Ger Ger 1880 20 Na Rest. Propt.

___, Marie Wife W F Jan 1867 33 M 10 3 2 Ger Ger Ger 1870

___, Carl Son W M Jul 1890 9 S IL Ger Ger

___, Willie Son W M Aug 1891 8 S IL Ger Ger

(2 servants)

1880 – Chicago, Cook Co., IL, e.d. 135, sheet 11 (p. 30a)

Paulson, Mary W F 56 Nor Nor Nor

___, Edward W M 22 Son Works for RRoad Co. Nor Nor Nor

[Woxen family]

Paulsen, Haagen W M 39 Cooper Nor Nor Nor

___, Maria W F 34 Wife NY Nor Nor

___, Carrie W F 13 Dau IL Nor NY

___, Henry W M 7 Son IL Nor NY

___, Leonard W M 2 Son IL Nor NY

1880 – Naples, Buffalo Co., WI, e.d. 86, sheet 20 (p. 207a)

Merritt, Alambert W M 33 Farmer IA Can Can

___, Lila L. W F 20 Wife WI Can Can

___, Sadia L. W F 2 Dau WI IA WI

Merritt, Marshall S. W M 68 Farmer Can MA MA

___, Rachel R. W F 60 Wife OH CT NJ

___, Mary S. W F 26 Dau IA Can OH

1870 – 12th Ward, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, p. 109 (245a)

Paulson, Harkin 29 M W Cooper 900 Norway

“ Maria 24 F W NY

“ Carrie 3 F W NY

“ Pauline 1 F W NY

Erickson, Cornelius 25 M W Cooper Norway

“ Johanna 19 F W Norway

Paulson, Lena 20 F W Seamstress Norway

1870 – Naples, Buffalo Co., WI, p. 250

Mariett, Marshal 58 M W Farmer 1200 900 Canada

___, Ritchel 50 F W OH

___, Loran 23 M W OH

___, Sarah 20 F W OH

___, Mary 16 F W IA

___, Alas 13 M W IA

___, Harriette 10 F W IA

1865 IA state census – Union, Allamakee Co.

Marshall S. Merritt 44 Canada

Rachel R. Merritt 36 OH

Henry C. Merritt 18 OH

Lucina D. Merritt 16 OH

Roselia H. Merritt 14 OH

Hernbert Merrit 9 OH

Sarah L. Merritt 6 OH

Linda M. Merritt 4 OH

Mary V. Merritt 2 IA

1860 – Clinton, Rock Co., WI, p. 36

Culbanson Paulsen 32 M Farmer 2400 300 Norway

Christie “ 32 F Norway

Horgan “ 10 M Norway

Paul “ 6 M WI

Isabel “ 3 F WI

Charity “ 6/12 F WI

1860 – Union Twp., Allamakee Co., IA, p. 85 (157)

M. S. Merritt 48 M Farmer 1200 475 Canada

Rachel R. “ 40 F OH

C. H. “ 23 M Farmer OH

Mary E. “ 20 F PA

Rosalia “ 18 F OH

Loren H. “ 13 M OH

Sarah L. “ 10 F OH

Linda M. “ 8 F OH

Mary S. “ 6 F IA

Alice P. “ 2 F IA

Harriet C. “ 8/12 F IA

1850 – Wayne, Ashtabula Co., OH, p. 550 (275b)

Mashall F. Merritt 38 M Farmer 300 Canada W

Rachael R. “ 30 F OH

Charles H. “ 13 M OH

Lucina “ 10 F OH

Rosalie Z. “ 8 F OH

Loren A. “ 3 M OH

Sarah L. “ 8/12 S OH

16th September 2011, 02:14 PM
2. Henry Merritt Paulson: b. 15 Aug 1920 Chicago, Cook Co., IL; wholesale jewelry business owner; d. 18 Jul 1995 (last residence Barrington, Lake Co., IL) It's seldom a matter of certainty about anything. It's a matter of probability. What percentage of wholesale JEWelry business owners are goys?

16th September 2011, 02:21 PM
Same with Geitner.http://www.texemarrs.com/122009/god_of_greed.htm

How many goys do you know whose last name ends with feld as does Geitners wife Carole Sonnenfeld?

16th September 2011, 03:34 PM
I'm conflicted.

Before I always reffered to him as Alex "arabs own hollywood" Jones, but now it may be Alex "Bernanke is a Protestant" Jones.

Perhaps I should start a poll.

willie pete
16th September 2011, 03:40 PM
I've always thought Alex Jonesburg smelled like motzah balls ::) ...he may not be a blood jew, but he's very close....>:D

16th September 2011, 03:55 PM
Bernanke must be a member of that "Anglo-American" cabal that's running the planet from their shadowy mansions in parts unknown. At least, that's what Jones and Webster Tarpley love to tell people.

16th September 2011, 07:06 PM
As for lies you say: "AJ and Max went into complete and total cover", So complete and total cover the caller was allowed to quote as much of the protocol as he choose to, to complete and total cover Max outing half of the large Wall Street firms as Jewish institutions?

Well yes, i see this as a cover as i stated. These guys (Bernanke,Paulson,ect) think they are so high up in the chain, until one day they turn around and find out their NOBODIES. And instead of AJ addressing the issue at hand, which was the 'Protocols' and what they stated would happen, he defelected it to 'Paulson is Jewsish...'. AJ is a MASTER at this.

16th September 2011, 09:23 PM
An honest guy
Telling the news
With his sound of freedom

At work yesterday:
(skip to 7 minutes if you want a highlight)

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World 3/3


19th September 2011, 09:27 PM
I'm conflicted.

Before I always reffered to him as Alex "arabs own hollywood" Jones, but now it may be Alex "Bernanke is a Protestant" Jones.

Perhaps I should start a poll.

That's the most famous thread gim ever had, everyone got banned, Fred outed
skyvike right after that, RMac opened that thread.

Bernanke being " protestant " makes some sense, he has the same rabbi Blueice the
" protestant " has. It's all Jew Jit Su . Martin Luther is rolling in his grave.

19th September 2011, 09:30 PM
Here Ben Bernanke has dressed up for a christmas surprise...

Wholly friggin shit, what nightmares, some troll on here lived up to that pic he presented himself as.