View Full Version : what's the deal with metals today?

16th September 2011, 07:36 AM
seems rather quite, but they're all up. i can't find anything in the news that warrants everything popping at the same time.

16th September 2011, 07:48 AM
Moving the same direction as USD.

Oversold conditions with new buying occuring?

16th September 2011, 07:52 AM
when SILVER drops to $17
MAYBE i'll give a shit about PM prices

middle east gonna explode soon

got preps ?

16th September 2011, 07:53 AM
seems rather quite, but they're all up. i can't find anything in the news that warrants everything popping at the same time.

Rumor has it some guy in the western US discovered a mother lode of new gold at some abandoned mine. The joker even posted photos of his rocks on some redneck goldbug forum. Yeah, he's got big rocks all right. So people are fearful that this new supply may depress gold prices for a while.

16th September 2011, 07:57 AM
Rumor has it some guy in the western US discovered a mother lode of new gold at some abandoned mine. The joker even posted photos of his rocks on some redneck goldbug forum. Yeah, he's got big rocks all right. So people are fearful that this new supply may depress gold prices for a while.

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH well done sir, well done. :D

16th September 2011, 08:07 AM
If you worry about the price of PM it can only mean that you are broke........

First post of the day..............good morning to one and all.

16th September 2011, 09:34 AM
For the people who were planning on buying cheap for the weekend, the price had to go up.

16th September 2011, 09:57 AM
yeah, that's what got me looking at it. i'm going to see an old dealer on saturday...then bam! oh, and i'm broke.

16th September 2011, 11:06 AM
Rumor has it some guy in the western US discovered a mother lode of new gold at some abandoned mine. The joker even posted photos of his rocks on some redneck goldbug forum. Yeah, he's got big rocks all right. So people are fearful that this new supply may depress gold prices for a while.

Not a rumor: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/09/16/modern.day.gold.rush/index.html?hpt=hp_c2

16th September 2011, 11:09 AM
Not a rumor: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/09/16/modern.day.gold.rush/index.html?hpt=hp_c2


The reference was to this thread!


16th September 2011, 12:17 PM
Today is quadruple witching for options expiration. Metals were expected to be down going into today.

I think next week we continue the trip into orbit (tuesday-wednesday).

16th September 2011, 01:12 PM
Today is quadruple witching for options expiration. Metals were expected to be down going into today.

I think next week we continue the trip into orbit (tuesday-wednesday).


i thought it was September 27 & 28 this month.

where did you find the info about the quadruple witching ?

i was going to ask about next week, which direction PM's will go.

the Palestinian vote is September 20, Tuesday.

The Fed is meeting on Sept. 20 & 21, and then the Euro Fed is stopping for for expresso & bail-outs on Sept. 22.

I think the down-tick we saw today was not entirely the result of a relaxing of the safety trade. that is the official story, but i bet HSBC & JPM piled on a bunch of shorts, offering to sell more paper silver & gold at some day in the future.

i'm not complaining about the downtick this week. $1760 wouldn't bother me.

anyway, all i know to expect is volatility. i don't see how the US gov. providing Europe with US$ to shore up their rotten banks makes the US$ any more valuable.

perhaps that is completely erroneous, it is just the appearance and what some market-watchers have said.

when the bottom line is, mostly market manipulating, and some selling by weak hands cashing in their chips.

like sleight of hand or something.

16th September 2011, 01:17 PM
Mortgage Rates Inch Higher, Quadruple Witching Looms, September 16, 2011 (http://www.totalmortgage.com/blog/current-mortgage-rates/mortgage-rates-inch-higher-quadruple-witching-looms-september-16-2011/13891)

Friday Look Ahead: Quadruple 'Witching' Expiration and European Officials Combine for a Volatile Market Day (http://www.cnbc.com/id/44543887)