View Full Version : New Black Panther Party leader: "The hour of war is at hand."

midnight rambler
16th September 2011, 10:30 PM
He's talking about right here in the good ol' US of A.


16th September 2011, 11:53 PM
Shabazz is a useful idiot that keeps the ADL busy for a change. The one ring circus he runs with racial double-standards only means when war breaks out his followers will be fighting with each other instead of us. While an uprising could result in property damage and general mayhem it would never produce meaningful change other than more of them behind bars and a total embarrassment to the militant wing of the black community. Meanwhile their more predatory counterparts are keeping them in poverty by taking ownership of black reputation through crime and belligerence. Until they police their own problems not a lot will happen towards progress, flamboyant gasbag leadership notwithstanding.

17th September 2011, 03:01 AM

7th trump
17th September 2011, 06:51 AM
I think this guy is a bit paranoid. It will be the millitary who's gonna tell the inner city to get into the truck for fema camps, not the white man. the government knows who is productive and who is not productive. All they have to do is look at the welfare database for names and addresses.
And anything that looks remotely "gangsta" is gonna be a target regardless of race.
The south wont put up with the black gangsta period..............I've seen it and heard stories of it and the blacks know it. Thats why the southern negroe is a hell of a lot tamer than his counterpart of the north.

17th September 2011, 07:30 AM
When it starts it will be nasty for awhile, worse some places than others.
But then it will have been cleaned up and things will be much straighter.
Better for Whites.

17th September 2011, 01:59 PM
Get up in the truck!

17th September 2011, 02:19 PM
I think this guy is a bit paranoid. It will be the millitary who's gonna tell the inner city to get into the truck for fema camps, not the white man. the government knows who is productive and who is not productive. All they have to do is look at the welfare database for names and addresses.
And anything that looks remotely "gangsta" is gonna be a target regardless of race.
The south wont put up with the black gangsta period..............I've seen it and heard stories of it and the blacks know it. Thats why the southern negroe is a hell of a lot tamer than his counterpart of the north.

If anything the state will be sending whites to fema camps and having the gangstas guard them.

7th trump
17th September 2011, 03:42 PM
If anything the state will be sending whites to fema camps and having the gangstas guard them.


17th September 2011, 03:56 PM

Explain your optimism.

17th September 2011, 04:03 PM
WTSHTF this will be their main excuse, and not the reason, for acting as they will in fighting the white man to try and take beck what we "own" them.......the same as the Zionist with their Oi Vey, Oi Vey, remember the holocaust.....give me money.

Twisted Titan
17th September 2011, 08:45 PM
Cant be wassen no amonishun........

Now THATS classic

27th September 2011, 10:27 AM
I am posting this because I can't see the video, so I am hoping for some GSus commentary to affirm what I think, based on the text.

Based on what I've read as posted below, it would seem that he is declaring war on the establishment, not necessarily "Whitey".

Race war, class war, anti-government riots – you name it. All of it is headed our way.

The sentiment across the nation, as Michael Bloomberg suggested in a recent interview (http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/bloomberg-warns-of-riots-the-public-knows-theres-something-wrong-in-this-country-audio-interview_09162011), is that Americans know something is wrong in this country. For every individual and the groups with which they affiliate it’s different. For the black panthers it’s racism and poverty. For unions it’s benefit cuts, wage cuts and free market solutions. For Tea Party members it’s an intrusive and socialist government.
The majority of America is not happy and they’ve lost hope, because regardless of what group you identify with, what color you are or what way you lean politically, you’re losing jobs, falling behind on essential bills, having difficulty putting food on the table and are constantly being accosted by government on all levels.

When the riots start – and they will – the core motivators for individuals who hit the streets will be similar. Where the difference will arise is who each person or group will blame. Those elites in the upper echelons of our command and control apparatus thrive on hate, confusion and panic, and they will use our own ignorance against us.

When we discuss the coming civil disobedience and unrest in America, we may find ourselves visualizing protests where the people join together to oust a tyrannical government. Be forewarned. This is not the most likely outcome – at least not at the outset. With so many different ideologies in this country, every one of us interprets the problems and directs blame a different way. These differences will be used against us; they’ll be used to turn us against each other.

As you watch the following short speech from Black Panther National Chairman Malik Shabazz, consider that, while you may disagree with his solutions to the problems or where he places some of the blame, his core message is very similar to those of others that are fed up with what’s going on in this country.

Our message to the State Department, our message to the CIA, our message to Homeland Security, our message to the government today, is that your enemy is not our enemy.
Your enemy in Afghanistan, your enemy in Iran, your enemy that you are bombing in Libya today – those are not our enemies. Our enemies are right here in the United States of America. Our battle is not against Ghaddafi. Our battle is against police brutality right here at home. Our battle is against budget cuts right here at home…

A message to the President, Barack Hussein Obama. We elected you. But we did not elect you to bomb your homeland. We did not elect you to bomb Africa. We are pleading with you Mr. Obama.
You cannot make a compromise with the devil. The bible says resist the devil, and the devil shall flee from you. You can’t cut a deal with Satan, Mr. Obama. You got to stand up for God…

We have to fight. Gird up your loins college students. Gird up your loins young black man and young black woman, for the hour of war is at hand.

Let me know your interpretation please.
Here's the link
Thank you.

27th September 2011, 10:33 AM
He goes on a small bit on White Supremacy. These knuckleheads lose my interest when they start blaming whitey. Otherwise standard BS..."blood sucking capitalist society...too much poverty...black power..." etc.

Interesting to note, the top 2 rated comments, on a video of the President of the Black Panthers, are as follows:

Hello jews, <--your race war is almost here...I know this is really what you want...just remember that this war is going to end with the light going out for yer tribe for good...thanks to DNA this can be done.. What is it you jews like calling us non-jews?? oh that's right..you jews like calling us non-jews**Goyim** Well you bunch of Khazars us Goyim of the world owe you some pay-back....Fire&Sword is coming soon..... 14-words my White brothers&sisters

America is controlled by AIPAC and the Jews at the "Federal" Reserve and their crimes are covered up by the Jew controlled media. Over ONE MILLION Iraqis have been murdered, and for what? We are occupying the Middle East for Jews! They have a monopoly over the media.(propaganda)They control the "Federal" Reserve(money). They dictate foreign and domestic policy.(AIPAC) Jews also destroyed our economy and nations worth by shipping off our entire manufacturing industry over to China.

midnight rambler
27th September 2011, 10:35 AM

General of Darkness
27th September 2011, 10:39 AM
I wish I would have known about this meeting. I could have made a killing selling these.


27th September 2011, 10:39 AM
Cant be wassen no amonishun........

Now THATS classic



General of Darkness
27th September 2011, 10:42 AM
BTW - To kill half the male negros in the U.S. all you'd have to do is abondon the prisons and let the faggots die of starvation. ;)

27th September 2011, 12:09 PM
Mods, please merge these two threads if at all possible.
Thanks Rambler, for the heads up. Didn't mean to re-post.

Merge into this thread:

27th September 2011, 12:20 PM
Threads merged.

27th September 2011, 12:21 PM
I am curious to know what that guy meant in his commnet you posted, Dmac:

"14-words my White brothers&sisters"

What's that all about?

27th September 2011, 12:25 PM

27th September 2011, 12:43 PM
I am in agreement with 1488.

We are an endangered species now.

27th September 2011, 12:57 PM
I am not a neo-nazi, although I have read some of David Lane's writings.

I fully endorse the 14 Words.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

The alternate version of the 14 Words is fine by me as well.

"Because the beauty of the white Aryan women must not perish from the earth."

27th September 2011, 01:19 PM
That's what I'm saying.

Preservation and Pride of the white race doesn't mean you have to hate on every other race at the same time. Some people get confused.