View Full Version : Trip to the Grand Canyon - Economic Indicator?

18th September 2011, 01:20 PM
I got up early yesterday (around 5AM) and took a trip with Henny and a friend of ours to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. LONG drive, somewhat exhausting, but entrance was free (our friend has a disabled veteran's pass). We spent a few hours there, then drove back and returned home later in the evening.

Weather was perfect. Canyon itself was a bit hazy... due to recent wildfires in the area, but it was still interesting (I haven't been there in over 20 years, it was as impressive as I remember it being!)

Now for the interesting part... the people. I'm a people watcher, and here's what I saw.

There were probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 people there over the 2 hours or so we were there, not including the service staff. It broke down into the following demographics:

3 couples with children, all children were in the 6-ish to 12-ish age range, except for 1 infant.
About 40 Asians, Japanese being the dominant race from what I could see.
Probably the same number (~40) of European visitors speaking foreign languages, I recognized German, French, and 1 couple speaking Italian.
1 Interracial couple, a 50-ish distinguished looking black "professor-type" guy and his 60-ish NPR-lib-looking hippyesque wife.
ZERO young people traveling alone or as childless couples. :o
1 "New York Jew" looking/sounding older couple.
No blacks (other than professor guy), no mexicans, no native Americans, no middle-east arabic people, no "slavic/Russian looking" people.
ALL OF THE REST of the visitors were split almost equally between either late-middle aged weekend Harley-biker businessman/women with pricey bikes and new looking leather, and the other group... 60+ year old stereotype retirees - mostly couples with the occasional male loner. LOTS of gray/white hair. One scrabble board set up on the sundeck, and a group of 3 oldsters playing cards at the overlook chairs. More digital cameras than I could possibly begin to count - some people had more than one! ::)

I listened to what people were talking about, mostly the haze and weather, how BIG the canyon was, the usual national park drivel. The only political/economic comment I heard the whole time was one 60-ish year old IDIOT (who reminded me of Barney from the Andy Griffith show) who was spouting on about how taxation is the price of civilization, and how we NEED a big government to "give us" things like the national parks. Overall, the place was "Sheep Central" - with a lot of zombies who haven't yet started eating brains.

Draw your own conclusions from all the above.

18th September 2011, 02:10 PM
> Draw your own conclusions from all the above.

The North Rim is a bad bug-out location and possible Zombie trap. Avoid the North Rim... check.

18th September 2011, 02:21 PM
> Draw your own conclusions from all the above.

The North Rim is a bad bug-out location and possible Zombie trap. Avoid the North Rim... check.But remember shit flows downhill.

18th September 2011, 02:46 PM
Sounds like a fairly good representation of the active body demographic of the U.S., most young ones wouldn't go unless the had a free offer & gas.

18th September 2011, 03:18 PM
And that's what Gaillo think of them........in the other hand..........what are they thinking about Gaillo?

18th September 2011, 03:21 PM
And that's what Gaillo think of them........in the other hand..........what are they thinking about Gaillo?

Hopefully as little as possible... I try to maintain a low profile when in public - "blend in" whenever possible. I think that other than the couples with kids and 1 or 2 of the Asians, I might have been the youngest male there... so I might have been noticed by anyone paying attention - but I kind of doubt it.

Besides, half the time I had my digital camera in front of my face like everyone else! ;D

Twisted Titan
18th September 2011, 05:23 PM
The foreigners were talking among themselves because they know they are going to eventually own it.

18th September 2011, 05:30 PM
pictures or it didn't happen.

18th September 2011, 05:35 PM
pictures or it didn't happen.

OK... later. Got good photos of some of the canyon and crowd, I need to offload them from the camera then resize.

18th September 2011, 05:53 PM
I got up early yesterday (around 5AM) and took a trip with Henny and a friend of ours to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. LONG drive, somewhat exhausting, but entrance was free (our friend has a disabled veteran's pass). We spent a few hours there, then drove back and returned home later in the evening.

Weather was perfect. Canyon itself was a bit hazy... due to recent wildfires in the area, but it was still interesting (I haven't been there in over 20 years, it was as impressive as I remember it being!)

Now for the interesting part... the people. I'm a people watcher, and here's what I saw.

There were probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 people there over the 2 hours or so we were there, not including the service staff. It broke down into the following demographics:

3 couples with children, all children were in the 6-ish to 12-ish age range, except for 1 infant.
About 40 Asians, Japanese being the dominant race from what I could see.
Probably the same number (~40) of European visitors speaking foreign languages, I recognized German, French, and 1 couple speaking Italian.
1 Interracial couple, a 50-ish distinguished looking black "professor-type" guy and his 60-ish NPR-lib-looking hippyesque wife.
ZERO young people traveling alone or as childless couples. :o
1 "New York Jew" looking/sounding older couple.
No blacks (other than professor guy), no mexicans, no native Americans, no middle-east arabic people, no "slavic/Russian looking" people.
ALL OF THE REST of the visitors were split almost equally between either late-middle aged weekend Harley-biker businessman/women with pricey bikes and new looking leather, and the other group... 60+ year old stereotype retirees - mostly couples with the occasional male loner. LOTS of gray/white hair. One scrabble board set up on the sundeck, and a group of 3 oldsters playing cards at the overlook chairs. More digital cameras than I could possibly begin to count - some people had more than one! ::)

I listened to what people were talking about, mostly the haze and weather, how BIG the canyon was, the usual national park drivel. The only political/economic comment I heard the whole time was one 60-ish year old IDIOT (who reminded me of Barney from the Andy Griffith show) who was spouting on about how taxation is the price of civilization, and how we NEED a big government to "give us" things like the national parks. Overall, the place was "Sheep Central" - with a lot of zombies who haven't yet started eating brains.

Draw your own conclusions from all the above.

I'm curious, what are your conclusions?

18th September 2011, 06:00 PM
My conclusions:

Summer's over
Vacation season's mostly over
School's back in session
Only a few retirees can afford travel

Exchange rate favors foreigner travel to U.S.

18th September 2011, 06:10 PM
My conclusions:

Summer's over
Vacation season's mostly over
School's back in session
Only a few retirees can afford travel

Exchange rate favors foreigner travel to U.S.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrbeCrhIALFQn7wVPK5zkXvyi8hI2b0 NTQZDjFydR7Lse-Cwrj

you hit the nail on the head !

18th September 2011, 06:18 PM
I'm curious, what are your conclusions?


My conclusions:

Summer's over
Vacation season's mostly over
School's back in session
Only a few retirees can afford travel

Exchange rate favors foreigner travel to U.S.

Plus, we're completely fucked as a nation...

But I didn't need a trip to the GC to know that. ;)

18th September 2011, 06:18 PM
This observation seems more of a cultural indicator more than an economic one, though I suppose both are related to another to some extent.

18th September 2011, 07:01 PM
I try to maintain a low profile when in public - "blend in" whenever possible. Besides, half the time I had my digital camera in front of my face like everyone else! ;D

So you looked like a sheep to them just like they looked like sheep to you. If there had been more than one awake person there you wouldn't have recognized each other.

I try to blend in too most of the time. On the occasions when I do speak up, usually one or more people agrees with me. Are they awake too and chose to blow their cover because I did first? Or are they just sheep who agree with the last person to speak, me being the last person?

18th September 2011, 07:03 PM
Indeed. We must start carrying Great Value Carrots so they are visible!

mick silver
18th September 2011, 07:13 PM
i also took a trip this weekend but i never left the farm . dam head still hurting

18th September 2011, 07:25 PM
i also took a trip this weekend but i never left the farm . dam head still hurting

Shine, Whacky Terbacky, or Magic Mushrooms... or some combination? Please DO tell! ;)

BTW, why haven't you "friended" me yet, ya prick? ;D

18th September 2011, 07:29 PM
i also took a trip this weekend but i never left the farm . dam head still hurting

And what was the scenery like........haha