View Full Version : Bob Chapman's Future Warning For USA - "Its Over" - Understand?

18th September 2011, 08:29 PM

19th September 2011, 06:44 AM
I'd say he's got it just about right.

mick silver
19th September 2011, 07:02 AM
there alot in that 3.23 vid . everyone needs to email this to there friends and family

19th September 2011, 07:09 AM
If they truly "come for us" then it will mean it's time to take them along for the ride.

19th September 2011, 07:11 AM
Possibly could be considered a promise rather than a warning?

After all, the past 100 years of history have revolved around lies and deceit exclusively (alright, maybe a little "spin" as well).

19th September 2011, 07:44 AM
I wish I could watch this now.

19th September 2011, 01:28 PM
Bump and can some 1 post the link?

19th September 2011, 02:27 PM
Bump and can some 1 post the link?
You can always just click "Reply With Quote" to see the source link for any pictures or videos that don't show up.

19th September 2011, 02:42 PM
Who is Bob Chapman?

19th September 2011, 03:05 PM
Who is Bob Chapman?

You joking Awoke?

po boy
19th September 2011, 08:41 PM
Who is Bob Chapman?
Follow the yt link and read the vid description good bio there.

19th September 2011, 09:56 PM

20th September 2011, 06:58 AM
Follow the yt link and read the vid description good bio there.

Youtube is blocked here.

Anyways Osoab, no I wasn't joking. I don't pay attention to a lot of economics people, forecasters, advisors, etc.

20th September 2011, 08:02 AM
Youtube is blocked here.

Anyways Osoab, no I wasn't joking. I don't pay attention to a lot of economics people, forecasters, advisors, etc.

I always give a listen to Bob Chapman if I have a chance. He is not a pretentious ass like some.

He will be on Republic Broadcasting (http://republicbroadcasting.org/) tonight from 4-6 pm CST.

Listen Live page to choose how. http://republicbroadcasting.org/?page_id=3

This is a pop up in a new browser listen live player. http://republicbroadcasting.org/shoutcast/shoutcast.html

20th September 2011, 08:04 AM
chapman is awesome. he will will email you back if you send him a note. i've conversed with him numerous times. chapman tuesdays on rbn is the only time i can listen to stadmiller.

20th September 2011, 02:19 PM
Bumping for Awoke.

Joe King
20th September 2011, 06:08 PM
Anyone else notice what he said at 2:50 mark? "Because you people didn't do your job"

Whose job? What job? The peoples job of vigilance, perhaps?

21st September 2011, 05:14 AM
Anyone else notice what he said at 2:50 mark? "Because you people didn't do your job"

Whose job? What job? The peoples job of vigilance, perhaps?

My guess? I would say he is talking about the People's job of keeping their representatives in check. He might also be suggesting the failure of substance in the money supply is the fault of those who would choose to use whatever government says is money.

I wouldn't be too worried about getting the government straightened out. Natural laws establish what will work and what will fail. Man adapts fairly well to new situations. If a system fails it is because natural laws are violated. Systems that violate natural laws are unnatural and decay rapidly.

21st September 2011, 05:31 AM
Bumping for Awoke.

I did listen to this.

The statement that he made that JoeKing posted about that Palani quoted also caught my attention.
I would say "Yes" to Joe's assertion, that we we didn't do our job of remaining vigilant and purging the festering parasites from their positions in Government, Banking, Education and Industry.

That's the context I understood it in. That's how it sounded to me.

Anyways, if he is living off shore and is saying basically that it's going to get worse and culminate into a NWO police state with unheard of oppression, so if that's not the scene you want to live in, get out now.

The problem is that the North American Countries are the last bastions of freedom, so when the USA falls to Babylonian communism/tyranny, the lucies will no longer need to hide their intentions from the eyes of the world, and the cultists will reveal their contol web for all to see.

At that point, Bob Chapman will see that the control web spans the entire globe, and he will realize that there is no safe place in the world, from the satanic elite.

Then he will probably wish he had have prepped for war, instead of choosing to run offshore.
Thanks for the bump, Osoab.

21st September 2011, 06:24 PM
I did listen to this.

The statement that he made that JoeKing posted about that Palani quoted also caught my attention.
I would say "Yes" to Joe's assertion, that we we didn't do our job of remaining vigilant and purging the festering parasites from their positions in Government, Banking, Education and Industry.

That's the context I understood it in. That's how it sounded to me.

Anyways, if he is living off shore and is saying basically that it's going to get worse and culminate into a NWO police state with unheard of oppression, so if that's not the scene you want to live in, get out now.

The problem is that the North American Countries are the last bastions of freedom, so when the USA falls to Babylonian communism/tyranny, the lucies will no longer need to hide their intentions from the eyes of the world, and the cultists will reveal their contol web for all to see.

At that point, Bob Chapman will see that the control web spans the entire globe, and he will realize that there is no safe place in the world, from the satanic elite.

Then he will probably wish he had have prepped for war, instead of choosing to run offshore.
Thanks for the bump, Osoab.

Bob is prepped for war. Both he and his wife have AR-15's (or similar) and know how to use them. He discusses firearms often. He says that you need 1000 rounds per gun minimum, dehydrated/freeze dried food, water filter, etc.

Bob is on the Discount Gold and Silver radio show every MWF for an hour. I always just pick it up after it airs. Alfred Adask is on Tuesdays.

Bob is a good listen. He tells it like it is.

22nd September 2011, 04:44 AM
Thanks for the background info. I really don't know anything about him. Glad to hear he is prepped.

1000 rounds per firearm? No problem.

22nd September 2011, 11:50 AM
Remember, the original purpose of government was two fold -
(a) secure rights {endowed by our Creator - not the constitution}; and
(b) govern those who consent.

Government wields great power via cooperation of the many. Mutual defense of property rights is an acceptable use of that force.

However, since the late 1800s, the progressives / collectivists / socialists infiltrated government and formed an alliance with the usurers (bankers, etc). They perverted the republican form of government into the socialist democratic form.

Now, the cooperative force is used to ATTACK property owners, enslave them to labor for the benefit of others, and expropriate their property, by threat, duress, and coercion. That is NOT what the USA was created to do.
If you do not recognize the socialist pirates, you will be tricked into attacking the wrong parties.

Ironically, socialism in America is 100% voluntary. There is no law compelling participation in FICA nor is there any law punishing those who do no participate. Hence it is not unconstitutional - if you consent.

Thus the 'best strategy' is to withdraw consent from socialism and usury BEFORE the SHTF.

22nd September 2011, 01:20 PM
Why listen to others when you can do it with one of your own?......ONE MORE TIME....."The situation in the US will be 100 times worse than what it is in Cuba, to start with the Cuban people never had much and they also had about four years to gradually get ready for what they knew was going to happen.....in la la land if you don't get your coffee in the morning from Star Buck while going to work you shit your pants" every time that someone comes out with a new announcement your make a big deal out of it and that's wrong because by now you should know what is going on and where we are heading........to me this is like a bunch of sheeps just waking up and getting ready to start running around in circle because you don't know what to do.........Ponce <------sitting in first class on the train and looking our the window while drinking a cold glass of milk.

22nd September 2011, 01:26 PM
ONE MORE TIME....."The situation in the US will be 100 times worse than what it is in Cuba

I agree. You couldn't get me to live in Washington, D.C. for hens teeth!!!!