View Full Version : More and more thrift stores opening up

19th September 2011, 12:22 PM
Are you all seeing it too? I'm seeing a lot of them. It's really starting to look depression-y. They are taking the place of the specialty stores that have closed in the past couple of years. Everything we've discussed on here the past few years is happening right before our eyes.

19th September 2011, 12:27 PM
2 new ones opened in the last few months in the nearest town to us... also, a "dollar store".
On the otherhand, a Harley dealership, an Arctic Cat dealership, an Asian market, 2 Antique stores, 2 Concrete plants, and 3 resturaunts all went out of business.

Green shoots everywhere... unfortunately, they're just Ivy growing all over the ruins of what used to be profitable industry! :(

19th September 2011, 12:29 PM
2 new ones opened in the last few months in the nearest town to us... also, a "dollar store".
On the otherhand, a Harley dealership, an Arctic Cat dealership, an Asian market, 2 Antique stores, 2 Concrete plants, and 3 resturaunts all went out of business.

Green shoots everywhere... unfortunately, they're just Poison Ivy growing all over the ruins of what used to be profitable industry! :(

Fixed it for ya!

19th September 2011, 12:31 PM
thx, dog.

mick silver
19th September 2011, 01:30 PM
it cheaper now to rent stores then it was a few years back. we have seen this here also

19th September 2011, 02:08 PM
I've been noticing this too, not only in private co's but also the Goodwill, two of those outlets were recently expanded or moved to a larger location. This is a WAG but maybe those cable shows of people out buying storage units and trash pickin, then reselling has had an effect on the market, along with a crap economy?

19th September 2011, 05:46 PM
I hate to say this (and with all due respect.......say what?) if you don't take advantage of the thrift stores you are idiots, after everything settles down people will need many things that are not made in the US and won't be imported from overseas..... think of what you buy and save from the thrift store as a savings accout that will pay very high interest......... Agnut for one is doing it and like myself.......running out of space.

19th September 2011, 08:03 PM
There are two reasons besides economics to shop at thrift stores, ebay and garage sales.

1) Buy American. It's difficult to do unless you buy used stuff.

2) Circumvent the fashion police. You can spend days at malls and sporting goods stores just trying to find a denim jacket with sleeves that fit. Either you buy a jacket with sleeves tailored to accomodate a basketball in each armpit or you buy used.

po boy
19th September 2011, 08:47 PM

19th September 2011, 09:57 PM
One thing that I love is books, every Tuesday evening I just to go to the dumster behind this book store where I would find hundred of books......many times they would rip the cover off to returned for credit but only with the soft cover books.....other places I would find like new tv, toy, furniture, lamps and so on.........one time I found about $2,000 worth of BRAND NEW clothing that were my size.........this medical supply store had a warehouse next to my shop and one day they closed down....well....what can I say, I would peek from behind my door and everytime they would dump something I would go and take out what ever was there........I would say that everything that I took was worth around fifty grand....most of the med tools were from Germany still in sealed package that was never open.......have now a complete ER room with about 90% of what you would need for anything, have a bunch of tool that I still don't know what they are for but I know that one of them is to pray open your chest.............lots of rolls of tape and sterilise bandages, cuttin tool, seringe, thermometer and on and on, much of it I sold at the swap meet and made around $17,000 after I made a small kit.

Today, going to the Dr, I stopped at a rest place by the why to take a piss and there was a guy with a sign saying that he was homeless and needed help, I gave him a buch and the told to a couple that was walking by "Hey guys, how about a buck for this guy?"......they looked at me and said nothing and then I told them "Someday you will be eating out of garbage cans" and the guy answered back "We will ALL be eating out of garbage cans" hahahahahahaha, what can I say.

19th September 2011, 10:44 PM
We actually had our goodwill store close, but have had two thrift stores open up around town (one right next to a whole foods actually!)

I havent been too impressed with either one so far though I've managed a few small finds.

A couple of my friends actually got bedbugs from one of the thrift stores recently (I think they purchased some clothing or furniture)

Joe King
19th September 2011, 11:45 PM
A couple of my friends actually got bedbugs from one of the thrift stores recently (I think they purchased some clothing or furniture)That's a good reason to not to....or at least be darn careful in what you get there. Lest one gets more than they bargained for. :p

As far as the first two posts in this thread goes, what you two are seeing is a small part of the so-called "soft landing" you may have heard of that they're shooting for.
"Soft landing" means down a few or more notches. The longer it takes, the softer it'll be. The more it's able to be noticed happening, the harder it'll be.

mick silver
20th September 2011, 05:21 AM
take your cloths to a pay wash . they have very hot water . we also hit thrift stores we buy books , cast iron pans stuff that you cant buy without paying 100% more at the big stores . hell i have got new dress shirts for a buck . i look for the ones a size bigger because i carry and it covers up my gun better . plus look for wide belts there good for gun carry . my wife found a set of china made in usa from 1930s we sold that set for 300 bucks and only payed 5 bucks for the stuff . there deals there just need to look

Twisted Titan
20th September 2011, 05:49 AM
Thrift store is the only way.you can buy american.

Dam we are screwd

mick silver
20th September 2011, 05:57 AM
that are yard sales T T , our china cabinet has some very nice china made here in the usa . most of the stuff we keep in our cabinet from the 1930 or 20s . but yard sale are a great way to add tools to your boxes . i have got more tools for gardens then i will every used but in time it maybe a big silver and gold maker .

Joe King
20th September 2011, 10:16 AM
take your cloths to a pay wash. they have very hot water.Right, but don't ya have to put them in your car to get them there? If there's anything in them, it might crawl out and onto you. Then you take 'em home and don't even know it. I just know that once ya get 'em, they're hard to get rid of.

we also hit thrift stores we buy books , cast iron pans stuff that you cant buy without paying 100% more at the big stores . hell i have got new dress shirts for a buck . i look for the ones a size bigger because i carry and it covers up my gun better . plus look for wide belts there good for gun carry . my wife found a set of china made in usa from 1930s we sold that set for 300 bucks and only payed 5 bucks for the stuff . there deals there just need to lookYea, there are deals to be had for sure. I'm just not too sure about the clothes.

Celtic Rogue
20th September 2011, 12:14 PM
Bed Bug Problems on the rise... multicultural immigration on the rise??? hmmm must me a correlation there somewhere! 8-)

20th September 2011, 12:20 PM
With bed bugs, don't you just need to take the mattress or whatever it is they live in out in the sun, and fresh air for a few hours?

Joe King
20th September 2011, 12:22 PM
I've heard they get into everything, not just your bed. As long as there is a meal anywhere nearby, they'll make a home.
...and if you miss just two of 'em, they'll just re-populate.

20th September 2011, 12:24 PM
Neuro? once every two months I take a blow torch and go all over the matress, and specially in the folds.....the room will smell for a while from all, invicible, the dead bugs.............you have to do it fast with the blow torch as to not burn the matress, keep a fire extinguisher handy.....just in case LOL.

Shhhhhhhhh don't tell my insurance people or they will cancell my insurance hahahahahhahah.

20th September 2011, 12:59 PM
Neuro? once every two months I take a blow torch and go all over the matress, and specially in the folds.....the room will smell for a while from all, invicible, the dead bugs.............you have to do it fast with the blow torch as to not burn the matress, keep a fire extinguisher handy.....just in case LOL.

Shhhhhhhhh don't tell my insurance people or they will cancell my insurance hahahahahhahah. Dam I bet the dust bunny's just hate you!

20th September 2011, 01:18 PM
Well, it works.........I just to get bites all over and for the last six months NOTHING.........and it also kill the "presents" that my cat brings to bed with her...........Pluto is not allowed in the house.

And talking about my dog........but for lemon and oranges he will eat anything, everytime we go for a walk he sticks his head in the bushes hunting for blackberries, he loves them......when they are to high he will sit down and look at me for me to get them for him.