View Full Version : Nonconformity Radio

19th September 2011, 04:40 PM
Not sure if anyone here is a listener, but i found this radio show a couple weeks ago. It is on the Oracle Broadcasting Network. Mike and Dave are the hosts, and they are live from 3-5pm CST.

This show centers around the Zionist Conspiracy, and is a NON mainstream show = No censorship.

The show has an 'amateurish' feel to it, but only because it is so raw and real. The guys sound like 'Rednecks', yet are smart and historically awake.

Just thought i would share.....Here is a copy of todays broadcast, about the history of Zionism and what tools they use:


Website here: http://nonconformitylive.tumblr.com/

20th September 2011, 02:13 PM
I cant believe more GSUS'ers havent listened to this?
Yesterdays show was very good, here is a breakdown:
Exposing the talmud and the holocaust in the Ukraine and russia committed by the zionist Bolshevik scumbags. also we discuss the breakdown of western culture and heritage.
Todays show here:

20th September 2011, 02:20 PM
I listened to about half of the show.

I had to skim the first 5 minutes due to music. I don't enjoy trying to guess where the show starts.

They are annoying to listen too. I will listen a little bit more to get a better feel for the show.

20th September 2011, 04:51 PM
I listened to about half of the show.

I had to skim the first 5 minutes due to music. I don't enjoy trying to guess where the show starts.

They are annoying to listen too. I will listen a little bit more to get a better feel for the show.

Yes i agree, but there seems to be some info to be had here. They can be VERY annoying, but seem to make it back to topic pretty quickly.

Today they had a guest named 'CelticRebel'. I have never heard of him, here is his site:


Today they were talking about Hollywood and the degrading Talmudic immoral thread that runs through it. Also talking about the 'Truth Movement' and who created it. A lot of AJ, Jordon Maxwell bashing. CelticRebel had some interesting info about what 'Hollywood' really means. Along with the origins of the 'Rabbit Hole'....A Talmudic Glory Hole where the 'Rabbi' would have sex with prostitutes. I found it pretty interesting......

Todays show here, (Go to 9:30) http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/mikeanddave/mikeanddave.2011-09-20_16k.mp3

20th September 2011, 04:55 PM
ill have to give it a listen, thanks!

20th September 2011, 05:01 PM
Sites that have razzle dazzle graphics and overpowering bullshit music that tries to set a tone or has has a flaky presentation , I will not give a listen. But if they do not I may look and see what they are peddling.

Edit: Internet radio, is a oxymoron to me because of my history , and because of that it is enough for me to shine them on.

Not worth my time.

20th September 2011, 09:58 PM
Listening right now, http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/mikeanddave/mikeanddave.2011-09-20_16k.mp3

Very interesting show about how the english language is a very machine like and limited language.
In order to really understand you have to be able to think in other languages (which I've never done).

21st September 2011, 06:21 AM
Listening right now, http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/mikeanddave/mikeanddave.2011-09-20_16k.mp3

Very interesting show about how the english language is a very machine like and limited language.
In order to really understand you have to be able to think in other languages (which I've never done).

Yes i found the part about the English language very interesting. Makes a lot of sense.

This guy CelticRebel made a movie called 'Dont Go West' about the Zionist hold on Hollywood, the gay agenda, etc. The movie was pulled from Youtube, but i found an excerpt here:


I found the whole thing here:
http://www.4shared.com/video/vOzJf3aP/Celtic_Rebel-Dont_Go_West_V20-.html - Part 1
http://www.4shared.com/video/lH3Am1-k/Celtic_Rebel-_Dont_Go_West_V20.html - Part 2

I downloaded last night before its pulled.....

21st September 2011, 08:18 AM
Figures it's blocked....

21st September 2011, 04:40 PM
Todays show on Nonconformity Live was about the Zionist Sex courts in Israel. INCREDIBLE. Makes you sick to hear what really goes on over there with their Talmudic Pederast Society. He goes through a list of Rabbi's that have been convicted of Pederast. Going on to prove that there are more numbers of convictions of Rabbi's, than other priests.

Also goes into how Israeli courts have ruled in favor of the child molesters because of the Talmud. PUKE.

Aside from these guys screwing around annoyingly a bit, i havent found many radio shows talking about this hardcore of stuff. I really like this show.

Todays show here: http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/mikeanddave/mikeanddave.2011-09-21_16k.mp3

21st September 2011, 07:53 PM
Figures it's blocked....

LOL, I watched it and you should too, I learned a lot of crazy stuff
that is more than plausible, all the South Park clips in it are very
disturbing, I don't watch it, unbelievable, one of the founders of
that show is from Columbine and has a history apparently with
the notorious shootings, he went to school with them and may
have been a part of the " trench coat " group.
The police themselves refused to release videos and evidence,
doing so would be an " anti semitic " act, NY Post even had
some of this information, they were Jews. I thought the Skunk
was nutz until I did my own research on this stuff.

Then you have the next video at the end.


22nd September 2011, 03:53 AM
Thanks SuiJ, I'm an internet radio listening fiend, generally mp3s only though, so I can advance through the breaks, & load them onto the mp3 player for listening anywhere. I'm listening now, see all the good & bad points made about the show... it's still interesting...

Then you have the next video at the end.


I wish I could hear a longer clip of that, particularly what was the exact question she was responding to? The YT clip frames it as her describing the NWO... and that's certainly believable but I'd still like to see the evidence...

beginning @ 16 secs, Gaga says:

"... it's meant to signify an artistic statement of birthing a new race, and it's a race with no prejudice, a race within the race of humanity, that bears no prejudice against anyone, ..."

lemmee guess: this new, prejudice-free race will also be.... genderless? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54367-Post-Genderism-Beyond-the-Gender-Binary-%28Trans-Humanism-stuff%29)

This is "Transhumanism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhuman)" and/or "Brave New World (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World)" [read full novel HERE (http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Brave+New+World%22+full+text+Huxley)] stuff. I suspect Morgellon's Disease (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23228-Chemtrails-Morgellons-Syndrome-primer-amp-latest-news), aka Invasion of the Body Snatchers (http://www.911weknow.com/about-the-sky/the-body-snatchers), is an integral part of it.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4021/4450337118_50fdb15f49.jpghttp://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2008/02/06/body_snatchers_080128110655013_wideweb__300x210.jp g

22nd September 2011, 04:55 AM
LOL, I watched it and you should too, I learned a lot of crazy stuff
that is more than plausible, all the South Park clips in it are very
disturbing, I don't watch it, unbelievable, one of the founders of
that show is from Columbine and has a history apparently with
the notorious shootings, he went to school with them and may
have been a part of the " trench coat " group.
The police themselves refused to release videos and evidence,
doing so would be an " anti semitic " act, NY Post even had
some of this information, they were Jews. I thought the Skunk
was nutz until I did my own research on this stuff.

Then you have the next video at the end.


Listen to the sheep cheering at the end of that clip. We are so fucked...

22nd September 2011, 05:07 AM
I have a complaint about the Celtic Rebel. He sort of throws a lot of stuff out there, without any backing, without any corroborating evidence and no references to where he gets his ideas.

22nd September 2011, 06:01 AM
I have a complaint about the Celtic Rebel. He sort of throws a lot of stuff out there, without any backing, without any corroborating evidence and no references to where he gets his ideas.

Agreed. Have you checked his site out?

The documentary i posted "Dont go West" is 5hrs long, and mostly consists of TV and movie clips, with CelticRebel narrating. I have watched the first 1-1/2 and it is VERY good.

22nd September 2011, 04:47 PM
The same Zionist Pederast that funded the Bolshevik Revolution funded Hitler and the Nazi's.........A rundown of Nazi history and the connections to Zionist Pederast scumbags. Using homosexual deviance's in all instances. Great show today: (starts @ 8:30)


(There we some technical issues today, so there are a couple times when it goes to blank space)

22nd September 2011, 05:11 PM
I put a full 4 years active and a few inactive, in the mililq5yy.c

What I hear on this site, I hope to god , if directed at anyone here. because we, (guss) are that anti.

Most of and posts are anti.

and that is noted..

22nd September 2011, 08:17 PM
Sui Juris, I have listened to some programs on Oracle over the past few years, but have not listened to this one yet. Will have to give it a try.

I enjoyed Cordi Howell's show on Oracle before she went of the air. Also listen to Michael Herzog every now and then, and used to listen to the Armchair Survivalist when he was on Oracle. I never could get into the Celtic Rebel.

Do any of you listen to Republic Broadcasting Network? If so, what is your opinion of RBN and who are your fav's on that network.

Although I used to listen to GCN, I can't much anymore because I can't quite trust A.J., although I did enjoy the one guy on there that has an organic gardening show and also Katherine Albrecht. I also think Jack McLamb is a good guy.

Like PatColo I mostly download and listen offline via MP3.

23rd September 2011, 04:41 PM
I have listened to RBN here and there, but never really found a show that i couldnt live without. I should go back and try some of the ones you mentioned, as it has been a while for me.

I REALLY like Dr Ben Fuchs on the GCN. He is a Pharmacist that fully understands the human body. His entire show revolves around the fact that every single thing wrong with your body is due to your diet and/or environment. I have learned a ton about the human body and health from listening to him.

Nonconformity Live was another great show today. I encourage all to give this a listen....

Im interested in PatColo and others take on this show after a few listens.

23rd September 2011, 06:03 PM
I have listened to RBN here and there, but never really found a show that i couldnt live without. I should go back and try some of the ones you mentioned, as it has been a while for me.

I REALLY like Dr Ben Fuchs on the GCN. He is a Pharmacist that fully understands the human body. His entire show revolves around the fact that every single thing wrong with your body is due to your diet and/or environment. I have learned a ton about the human body and health from listening to him.

Nonconformity Live was another great show today. I encourage all to give this a listen....

Im interested in PatColo and others take on this show after a few listens.

Thanks for the tip on Ben Fuchs!

I actually did not list any from RBN in the above post, except for Jack M. They have a turnover just like any other network so it changes now an then. For RBN, here are some comments:

John Stadtmiller has Bob Chapman as a guest every Tuesday.

Ralph Winterrowd originally talked alot about the UCC and the Admistrative State, but has recently branched out into some other interesting topics.

Rick Adams is worth a listen every now and then.

John Moore talks about preparedness and earth changes, with some very interesting guests.

Dave Hodges and Phil Pozderac worth a listen.

Ed Wahler discusses individual sovereignty and associated issues.

Deanna Spingola, one of my favorites, has some great guests.

23rd September 2011, 06:23 PM
I dont need to watch these clips to know that homosexuality is promoted. If you are gay, black, or anything else besides a straight white man your treated with privilege in the MSM and therefor the real world.

24th September 2011, 06:23 AM
Yes i found the part about the English language very interesting. Makes a lot of sense.

This guy CelticRebel made a movie called 'Dont Go West' about the Zionist hold on Hollywood, the gay agenda, etc. The movie was pulled from Youtube, but i found an excerpt here:


I found the whole thing here:
http://www.4shared.com/video/vOzJf3aP/Celtic_Rebel-Dont_Go_West_V20-.html - Part 1
http://www.4shared.com/video/lH3Am1-k/Celtic_Rebel-_Dont_Go_West_V20.html - Part 2

I downloaded last night before its pulled.....

I just finished this documentary and let me tell you this: Mind Control is REAL, and they have our youth 100% in their hands.

Please, i beg of you (insert LW voice) to download and watch "Dont Go West" before its gone. There is an absolute underlying agenda to KILL the organic relationship between man and woman. Which then KILLS the family unit, thus ending civilization as it has been known for thousands of years. This multicultural, multiracial, multisexual agenda they use is so diabolical it is hidden in plain view. For any GSUS members who have children from 2-18 - WATCH THIS, PLEASE.

Most of us know how this system works, but when you have somebody put it all together so can see how it all flows it is an eye opening experience, To say the least.

http://www.4shared.com/video/vOzJf3aP/Celtic_Rebel-Dont_Go_West_V20-.html - Part 1
http://www.4shared.com/video/lH3Am1-k/Celtic_Rebel-_Dont_Go_West_V20.html - Part 2

26th June 2013, 04:09 PM
I just finished this documentary and let me tell you this: Mind Control is REAL, and they have our youth 100% in their hands.

Please, i beg of you (insert LW voice) to download and watch "Dont Go West" before its gone. There is an absolute underlying agenda to KILL the organic relationship between man and woman. Which then KILLS the family unit, thus ending civilization as it has been known for thousands of years. This multicultural, multiracial, multisexual agenda they use is so diabolical it is hidden in plain view. For any GSUS members who have children from 2-18 - WATCH THIS, PLEASE.

Most of us know how this system works, but when you have somebody put it all together so can see how it all flows it is an eye opening experience, To say the least.

http://www.4shared.com/video/vOzJf3aP/Celtic_Rebel-Dont_Go_West_V20-.html - Part 1
http://www.4shared.com/video/lH3Am1-k/Celtic_Rebel-_Dont_Go_West_V20.html - Part 2


Here's the latest from the celtic rebel.


download, it's only three hours and forty-five minutes

I haven't had to a chance listen the whole thing through. I have been listening in bits and pieces for the past week.

My best summation is that the show is more about moving above just outing conspiracies and those behind them.