View Full Version : Woman escapes polar bear attack

19th September 2011, 11:37 PM


20th September 2011, 12:23 AM

Ya never know when polar bears maybe wandering around.....

20th September 2011, 01:24 AM
There's a whole story to this. While this lady escaped a young man was eaten by polar bears that had moved into the town.

A group of polar bears have attacked a small town in Russia’s Far East. Witnesses insist one person was eaten alive – and have pictures of her picked-over remains. Meanwhile, more attacks are reported to have taken place.

A horrifying video was uploaded to Youtube in the RU zone by the user x25rus showing polar bears attacking people in a small town in Russia’s Chukotka Autonomous Region. The bears appeared to be living in abandoned houses and were roaming the town in small groups of five. At the end of August, the animals were chased away from the town, but not before local people had endured a living hell at the hands of the unwelcome guests.

This video shows a young woman, apparently drunk and on the point of relieving herself near an abandoned house. Suddenly, a bear attacks. Passersby shout to the girl to run away. Then they start throwing bottles at the bear in the hope of saving the girl’s life. It works – the bear runs off and leaves his victim alive, though badly injured.

According to Rosbalt, on August 19 a bear killed a man in the town, causing widespread fury. Local people hunted down and killed three bears found wandering the streets.

The bears first appeared in the locality in the middle of August and settled in an abandoned house which had once served as a pigsty. On August 19, a town-dweller, Stanislav Ettuvge, 32, was heading to work when he was suddenly attacked by a bear.

Townspeople shot dead and killed both the bear that had attacked Stanislav and the one that mauled the young woman, together with a bear cub. The remaining bears fled the town.

It sounds like there is shooting in the video. Not sure if at that bear or another one that can't be seen by the camera. Lucky lady.

20th September 2011, 01:29 AM
Her life was saved by a beer bottle....

I thought she must of been a game keeper or something ,according to this they are coming into towns and attacking people.

20th September 2011, 05:26 AM
Her life was saved by a beer bottle....

I thought she must of been a game keeper or something ,according to this they are coming into towns and attacking people.

when bacon walks through the front door ...

thinking the Russians have gun rights.

not referring to Kevin Bacon of course.

20th September 2011, 05:40 AM
Her life was saved by a beer bottle....

I'll bet there's a million alcoholics who would confess the same sentence! LOL


20th September 2011, 05:56 AM
I thought Al Gore told me there are no more Polar Bears left?

This must attack must be attributed to Climate Change. If this woman would have paid her carbon credits, this would have never happened.

20th September 2011, 06:38 AM
That bear is FAST!!!

20th September 2011, 06:45 AM
All bears are fast.

Go hunting one time and shoot one. They run away as fast as a cougar. (Till they keel over and die)

20th September 2011, 06:46 AM
maybe the bear was guarding a grow-op-ski (Russian grow op) in the warehouse.

it worked in Canada -

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.c6b7a7c8f2c3660aa232f7c0fc600cd 8.1051

"Canada marijuana growers use wild bears to guard pot"