View Full Version : Ebay no longer offering ebay bucks for bullion purchases

20th September 2011, 01:14 PM
I don't use ebay that much for buying bullion, but the past few months I've snagged enough deals to earn enough ebay bucks to be able to get some some free silver. Alas, I just got this notice in my ebay account:

eBay is committed to bringing you amazing deals on gold and silver. However, to do so, we can no longer offer eBay Bucks for purchases from the Bullion category within Coins & Paper Money. This change will take effect October 1, 2011.

Bummer, but like I said I don't ebay for gold & silver very much so it doesn't bug me too bad.

20th September 2011, 01:24 PM
FleaBay just gets worse and worse all the time... I stopped using their "service" years ago. All I do there now is occasionally find deals then attempt to contact the seller directly to make a deal that bypasses Ebay - I'm not ABOUT to give those gun-grabbing bastards any of my cash! ;)

Same thing with Gaypal (owned by Ebay) - I use credit card directly when possible, or send a money order.

Joe King
20th September 2011, 01:26 PM
What difference does it make to them if one buys bullion or bouillon from someone on ebay? Isn't a sale a sale a sale etc etc etc?