View Full Version : next false flag is troy davis execution

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 01:44 PM
he is scheduled to die this week.

this has been getting tons of media exposure, all of it saying how many witnesses have recanted their stories.

how none of the case adds up.

Now why is this case getting this kind of attention?

he reportedly killed an off duty cop 20 years ago.

So my theory is that they are going to kill this guy, and totally inflame racial tensions.

they have painted this guy as innocent, I mean the media coverage is unbelievable for troy davis, someone with some really deep pockets wants the world to think troy davis is innocent...

so now we send an innocent black man to his death...

whats next?

about a week later, an anonymous video is posted of 5-6 white policemen beating on a black suspect

and all hell breaks loose with race riots...

this is all speculation, but why is troy davis getting so much national attention?

all this can do is end badly, the pardons commission met today, and nothing came from it, he is scheduled to die on Weds

20th September 2011, 01:47 PM
Who is Troy Davis? Seriously, first I have heard of the guy.

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 01:49 PM
Former President Carter wrote a letter saying let him live

Former head of the FBI saying the same thing

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 01:49 PM
http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=troy+davis&pbx=1&oq=troy+davis&aq=f&aqi=g-z3g1&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1486l3795l0l4262l10l10l0l0l0l0l247l1458l3.6 .1l10l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=58f5de4c7be06a4b&biw=1280&bih=785

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 01:50 PM
CBS (national )


Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 01:52 PM
ABC (national)




its been on all the channels, and everyone paints davis as innocent, and an "innocent black man" is going to die tomorrow night

20th September 2011, 02:01 PM
The sponsors will make a killing.

20th September 2011, 02:07 PM
I could have searched LS, I figured you would just give a quick rundown.

Anyway, looks like another innocent guy put away and soon to be put down. Looks like he got hosed from the beginning. Sucks.

I don't see a race war beginning over this. What makes this case different from the 100's of others?

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 02:10 PM
I could have searched LS, I figured you would just give a quick rundown.

Anyway, looks like another innocent guy put away and soon to be put down. Looks like he got hosed from the beginning. Sucks.

I don't see a race war beginning over this. What makes this case different from the 100's of others?

I am not certain on anything, but for weeks now this guy has been getting tons of free media attention (and seriusly over 90% of it is favorable to Davis)

they got rallies going on, E-mail campaigns, social media, tons of radio, television, etc etc

so its a deep pockets kind of thing, and now everyone who has heard it, think's davis is innocent, and he is going to die...

Texas kills 30-40 folks a year, along with 30+ other states

so why is troy davis getting this?

A black guy who killed a white officoer (off duty)

and its getting this kind of attention, and then he is going to die.

20th September 2011, 02:12 PM
This will just be another piece setting up the stage for the real act to come at a later time.

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 02:15 PM
This will just be another piece setting up the stage for the real act to come at a later time.

I agree, there will be a follow up, like I said some youtube videos, or something else...

but none of this adds up....

you cannot pay for this kind of media attention....

20th September 2011, 02:17 PM
I am not certain on anything, but for weeks now this guy has been getting tons of free media attention (and seriusly over 90% of it is favorable to Davis)

they got rallies going on, E-mail campaigns, social media, tons of radio, television, etc etc

so its a deep pockets kind of thing, and now everyone who has heard it, think's davis is innocent, and he is going to die...

Texas kills 30-40 folks a year, along with 30+ other states

so why is troy davis getting this?

A black guy who killed a white officoer (off duty)

and its getting this kind of attention, and then he is going to die.

It's been so long since I have watched national news on a consistent basis, that I don't keep up with what they are preaching.

Look at the Casey Anthony thing. Thousands of people against her. Probably millions due to the coverage. The only thing that I read about happening was in Oklahoma where some lady thought a convenience store clerk was C.A. and hit her car as she was leaving work.

There might be some odd occurrence. Once the sheep get a new distraction, this story will be long forgotten within the general publik.

Though, the glorifying of murder is disheartening.

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 02:20 PM
this is a race issue, and it involves the justice system (and an "innocent man getting killed")

this is not good news...

20th September 2011, 02:21 PM
this is a race issue, and it involves the justice system (and an "innocent man getting killed")

this is not good news...

Has happened 100's of times in the south and elsewhere. Where was the outrage then? I don't think this is a new O.J.

Large Sarge
20th September 2011, 02:28 PM
Has happened 100's of times in the south and elsewhere. Where was the outrage then? I don't think this is a new O.J.

ths difference is the media coverage, and that 90% of it portrays davis as innocent.

thats what tipped me off, as stated, Texas executes 30-40 a year (maybe a prisoner every week or so), and yet there is not a whisper of it, surely some of those cases are bad also (likely some worse than this one), yet no media...

troy davis is getting "the whole nine yards"

Black guy killed a white cop in the deep south,

20th September 2011, 04:05 PM
Large Sarge - I think you could be right.

willie pete
20th September 2011, 04:08 PM
I seriously doubt not to much will become of this after they inject him....

20th September 2011, 05:46 PM
has odrama had any input on this case ?

you want racial tension ( the real reason odrama was chosen )

odrama comes out and says HE THINKS this guy is innocent, and he's a lawyer
and Texas still executes the guy

Joe King
20th September 2011, 09:31 PM
I could have searched LS, I figured you would just give a quick rundown.

Anyway, looks like another innocent guy put away and soon to be put down. Looks like he got hosed from the beginning. Sucks.

I don't see a race war beginning over this. What makes this case different from the 100's of others?The 100's of others were found out after the fact. This guy is supposedly not guilty and hasn't been killed yet. If he's really not guilty, a grave mis-carriage of Justice is about to occur.

Uncle Salty
20th September 2011, 10:27 PM
It's just politics. Rick Perry is the Republican front runner and he has put lots of guys to death in Texas, so the liberal media wants to make this an issue now so when Rick is the nominee, people will remember this case.

20th September 2011, 11:14 PM
so the liberal media wants

... a bogus zio-invented meme manufactured by the same ZioStream Media [ZSM] to help ingrain their L-vs-R divide/conquer memeplex...

Astute observations Sarge. First I heard of this guy was skimming Deborah Dupre's (self-described "human rights examiner") latest articles a couple days ago, and she's been hitting this Davis thing hard, make of that what you will. She does a mix a very real muckraking (IE BP/Gulf as depop-op..) mixed with some stories where it appears to me she's taking PTB bait... check it out,

21st September 2011, 05:17 AM
Interesting posts, Sarge. Thanks. First I have heard of it.

When we take into consideration the people own and run the media, and the fact that only the most kosher (or pre-authorized/engineered) "information" gets released to the masses, I would agree with you: they are ramping this up with a purpose in mind, and that purpose is not "Happy dancy smiley time".

As always, look at everything knowing that the lucies play both sides of the fence, and have agents working both sides of every conflict. History proves this.

22nd September 2011, 07:01 AM
well he's gone.

and lots of people are angry and yelling, you guessed it, racism...

maybe this is why stocks are down today ::)

Large Sarge
22nd September 2011, 10:01 AM
I think it was step 1,

next we get some bad youtube videos, or something else?

I can assure you most black folks thought this guy was innocent, and he got killed.

Whats that do for faith in the system, and the anger level?

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 10:06 AM
What if he actually was innocent? Is it still ok?

22nd September 2011, 10:21 AM
We, Texas just put down a dog , yesterday, I know the town where that dog lived, Vidor TX. Which that town could be a subject of another thread.

Now as far as the op on this thread, I can not say, because I do believe if it can be PROVEN beyond any doubt (not reasonable)the scrote did it ,execute within a week. (Dreams) and in public (more dreams).

But If there is any doubt of any flavor, give them life. because if later proven innocent , the living one can be let out!

My state I fear has put more than one person to death over the years , that were innocent.

Large Sarge
22nd September 2011, 10:23 AM
What if he actually was innocent? Is it still ok?

not sure who you are talking to?

I have no idea if he is innocent or not,

what worried me was all the media saying he was innocent, all these folks changed their stories after the trial, etc

and they bombarded everyone with that message (Tv, Radio, National, international, social media, e-mail campaigns, etc)

and then he got killed.

this guy had 3 other appeals and dates for execution (spanning years)

no media circus for any of those, they could have put this attention to him 2 years ago, and he might have gotten a pardon, or stay or something...

but they wait till the last minute, do a media blitzkrieg telling everyone he is innocent, and then they kill him....

22nd September 2011, 10:31 AM
not sure who you are talking to?

I have no idea if is innocent or not,

what worried me was all the media saying he was innocent, all these folks changed their stories after the trial, etc

and they bombarded everyone with that message (Tv, Radio, National, international, social media, e-mail campaigns, etc)

and then he got killed.

this guy had 3 other appeals and dates for execution (spanning years)

no media circus for any of those, they could have put this attention to him 2 years ago, and he might have gotten a pardon, or stay or something...

but they wait till the last minute, do a media blitzkrieg telling everyone he is innocent, and then they kill him.... Who knows maybe an anti death thingy is taking hold,

But it does make you wonder why this one got the world media attention? Who really pushed it? And seeing how this case ignited the worlds media as it did, ether there were some world class b/j" and screwing going on or there is an agenda.

Doing away with the death penitently could be one!

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 11:21 AM
not sure who you are talking to?Anyone who thinks it ok to kill someone even if there is evidence that supports their innocence.

The only reason I'd support the death penality is in cases of clear cut guilt. Anything less than that should be something less because when the State kills what ends up being an innocent person, everyone in that State has at least a bit of blood on their hands.

Better the guilty go free than even one be put away that is innocent.

I have no idea if he is innocent or not,Me neither.

what worried me was all the media saying he was innocent, all these folks changed their stories after the trial, etc

and they bombarded everyone with that message (Tv, Radio, National, international, social media, e-mail campaigns, etc)

and then he got killed.

this guy had 3 other appeals and dates for execution (spanning years)

no media circus for any of those, they could have put this attention to him 2 years ago, and he might have gotten a pardon, or stay or something...

but they wait till the last minute, do a media blitzkrieg telling everyone he is innocent, and then they kill him....Maybe stuff just came to light recently, or perhaps because there have recently been people put to death who have been shown to perhaps have been innocent, the people are more aware of this type of injustice and looking to prevent it happening again.