View Full Version : GMA "Forgotten Money" vid

20th September 2011, 04:58 PM

Department of Revenue may be calling you to issue unclaimed cash.

'GMA' Show Me the Money: Forgotten Treasure in Safety Deposit Boxes
Department of Revenue may be calling you to issue unclaimed cash.

(hmm, need help w/ the video please) TIA.

20th September 2011, 05:06 PM
As for forgotten money I have always wondered where in the hell those billions that went poof and was announced in the news right before 9/11 and was never mentioned again by anyone.

20th September 2011, 05:11 PM
Someone posted a video here on that recently...

20th September 2011, 05:25 PM
Someone posted a video here on that recently... That milady is the one reason and because of the timeing I do not completely buy into what happened on 9/11!!!!!

20th September 2011, 05:26 PM
As for forgotten money I have always wondered where in the hell those billions that went poof and was announced in the news right before 9/11 and was never mentioned again by anyone.

Here you be: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54024-9-11-biggest-gold-heist-in-history&highlight=gold

20th September 2011, 06:01 PM
Here you be: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54024-9-11-biggest-gold-heist-in-history&highlight=gold Milady thank you! 1109

But being the skeptical bastard I am.. But god saw to give me a mind (mistake) I question everything. And believe almost nothing! But look into everything!

All that post here on this forum of so called theory's and others , Most are so far out there I wonder of the intelligence of the ones that put it forth,(Young minds can get a pass) But it amazes me on how many people that do not know how to use their god (?) given brains, I am still thinking about that

Now back to your op. people will put into a bank the things that they value most of all.

Now if enough time goes by and the bank feels things are abandoned , (Which I think is wrong) because of lack of activity or payment. They open the account or box, (what ever)
Is amazing tho in my mind wrong!
They did not do their due diligence .

Edit: I will defend this post! Now may be the time to think, I am getting tired of pandering to bullshit people.

Joe King
20th September 2011, 06:50 PM
All that post here on this forum of so called theory's and others , Most are so far out there I wonder of the intelligence of the ones that put it forth,(Young minds can get a pass) But it amazes me on how many people that do not know how to use their god (?) given brains, I am still thinking about it.Since you brought it up, and this is only my opinion btw, what you're referring to here is but an unfortunate symptom of a bigger problem.
The problem is that when you have a gov that is known to lie about so much and attempts to deceive the very people it is charged with serving, it's easy for people who become aware of such things to always believe the opposite of whatever the official line is.
Add to that the fact that many people may not have a solid and working understanding about how various things in this complex World we've created for ourselves actually work, it's even easier to accept over the top theories at face value.

So it's not that people aren't intelligent enough to understand, but rather that they just don't have all the data they need in order to properly evaluate a new set of data and come to the correct conclusion.

As an example, I recently talked with someone who thought inductive loop sensors in the pavements at traffic lights were actually some kind of weight sensor.
It's not because he was not intelligent, but rather he lacked data and came to his own conclusion that satisfied whatever bit of curiosity he had at the time when he thought about it, and then he filed that "data" away in his head and was on with other more important things in the rat race we so often call life.
...and then later on when he pulls that "data" up to use it, he can get ribbed by his friends. :D

Anyways, when you add all of the above together, people sometimes come up with over the top theories in an attempt to explain and satisfy the sensory input they've received.
ie it's all about making sense of ones World that makes sense to them based on what they already think they know and everyone lacks correct data sometimes.

20th September 2011, 06:53 PM
Elvis and another famous actor had money to reclaim with them but those controlling the money said that they were unable to find them to give them the money........I mean, if you can't find Elvis then who the hell can they find?.....

PS: That was when Elvis was alive.