View Full Version : Man raises arm for 38 years

20th September 2011, 05:13 PM
Mahant Amar Bharti Ji.

If you're ever looking for a volunteer to put their hand up for something, head to New Delhi and ask Mahant Amar Bharti Ji.

In 1973, the clerk raised his hand in honour of Hindu deity Shiva – and he hasn't put it down since.

In 1970 Amar left his job, family and friends to dedicate himself to his religious beliefs.

Three years later, feeling he was still too connected to his old life, Amar simply raised his hand as a sign of his devotion.

It's now been 38 years and the arm has not yet come down.

Amar's followers claim his sacrifice is a beacon of peace, while others say he has given up the use of a limb in order to separate himself from the pleasures of mortal life.

Amar's sacrifice has turned his arm into a useless stump of flesh and bone, with a gnarled hand and unclipped fingernails hanging from the end.

Amar says he experienced years of excruciating pain in order to follow his beliefs, but the pain has now passed.

What's left of his arm is now stuck in the bizarre position, atrophied after years of non-use.

Devotees of Hinduism will often undergo incredible acts of self-sacrifice, sometimes involving starvation or vows of silence.

Many of Amar’s followers have followed suit, raising their own arms for years and even decades.
A close up Amar's hand after 38 years.



20th September 2011, 05:20 PM

20th September 2011, 05:21 PM
Anyone that has peeked into Hinduism and the ways and beliefs will come away ether disgusted or amazed.

I for one think they may be closer than most western ways of life/beliefs on really getting it.

Besides,that I bet he does not have to worry about shelter and a full belly , and in the end
what more can one want in life?

20th September 2011, 05:28 PM
Answer ....a right arm

B O is that a problem here..................

20th September 2011, 05:35 PM
Answer ....a right arm

B O is that a problem here.................. Lets carry out your response a tad further!

Bowl movement cleanup and eating must be a bitch, seeing most cultures in the far east use the right hand is to wipe with, and eat with the left.

20th September 2011, 06:09 PM
Lets carry out your response a tad further!

Bowl movement cleanup and eating must be a bitch, seeing most cultures in the far east use the right hand is to wipe with, and eat with the left.
Er ,dont go there.......

20th September 2011, 06:13 PM
Er ,dont go there....... But very true!

20th September 2011, 06:50 PM
Don't worry abut him guys, the US will go in and make him lower his arm because they will say that he is giving the Herr Hitler salute for all of eternity.........Heil Hitler.

20th September 2011, 07:02 PM
I bet his friends call him "Lefty". ;D

20th September 2011, 07:02 PM
Don't worry abut him guys, the US will go in and make him lower his arm because they will say that he is giving the Herr Hitler salute for all of eternity.........Heil Hitler. Amego , love you but find a dog pile and stick your snot in it

7th trump
20th September 2011, 07:19 PM
This guy reminds me of..........epic fail!
Lets see how much of an embarrassement you are to your race by doing absolutely NOTHING for 38 years.
This another one of those moments I wish I could remember chapter and verse where God reffers to these lazy people as "hinged mattresses".....flopping from one side to another.
I'm not kidding either its really in the Bible.

20th September 2011, 07:26 PM
This guy seems to have a will of iron....not even close to being a flip flopper. I think he's content to live in his tent and eat his little bit of rice every day. He simply chose not to spend the majority of his life working to get material possessions.

And I don't think they have much welfare over there in India, especially not 38 years ago.

20th September 2011, 07:31 PM
This guy seems to have a will of iron....not even close to being a flip flopper. I think he's content to live in his tent and eat his little bit of rice every day. He simply chose not to spend the majority of his life working to get material possessions.

And I don't think they have much welfare over there in India, especially not 38 years ago.Damit!

I get sick, of people that have not been there and seen it.!!

If you can , take a trip, ask me where in country to go, for out of the way and unique and real.

need to go back to die.

truly .

they understaned

Twisted Titan
20th September 2011, 09:19 PM
The hand that was raised should have a spear,stone or sword in it

The british still rule them with a rod of iron and brass.....

20th September 2011, 10:13 PM

I get sick, of people that have not been there and seen it.!!

If you can , take a trip, ask me where in country to go, for out of the way and unique and real.

need to go back to die.

truly .

they understaned

I was there years ago and its well worth the experience,as thats what India is ...an experience.

This guy would hardly stand out over there as there are many bizarre sects,one where they cover their mouths so the kill nothing ect.......eccentric. I mean this is normal .

20th September 2011, 10:16 PM
I don't see the usefulness of holding your arm in the air for 38 years, now your arm is useless.

I don't think God, Budda, Allah, whoever you believe in gave you an arm for that purpose. ( sorry)

Joe King
20th September 2011, 10:54 PM
How did he keep it up when he slept? You know, when he first started holding it up and it was still alive.

21st September 2011, 03:36 AM
Probably tied up at night...

21st September 2011, 03:43 AM
Maybe he had help keeping it up, amongst another part? ;D

7th trump
21st September 2011, 04:33 AM
I don't see the usefulness of holding your arm in the air for 38 years, now your arm is useless.

I don't think God, Budda, Allah, whoever you believe in gave you an arm for that purpose. ( sorry)
Hes really no different than seeing someone whos supposedly "homeless" out panning for handouts only to watch them drive a way in a SUV.
Hes just using his religion as an excuse for a cause to get people to throw money at him......................he's lazy a carnival exhibit.
Wheres the cotton candy and slushy!
Compare him to say Ghandi and you'll understand where I'm coming from.

21st September 2011, 05:24 AM
Probably tied up at night...

Nah, penile stem cell implant in his right deltoid muscle, and then overdosing of viagra five times a day for 20 years until it stayed erect...::)