View Full Version : 2 police officers charged in death of Calif man

21st September 2011, 11:51 AM
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — Two police officers were charged in the death of a mentally ill homeless man in Southern California who was beaten and repeatedly shocked with a stun gun during his arrest, authorities said Wednesday.

Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said Officer Manuel Ramos was charged with one count each of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of 37-year-old Kelly Thomas after a violent confrontation on July 5 with officers.

Police Cpl. Jay Cicinelli was charged with one count each of involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.

The prosecutors said Thomas was acting "in self-defense, in pain and in a state of panic. His numerous pleas of 'I'm sorry,' 'I can't breathe,' 'Help' 'Dad' — all to no avail. Screams, loud screams, didn't help."

Six officers were placed on paid administrative leave after the incident that occurred while police were investigating reported vehicle break-ins at a transit hub.

Thomas suffered severe head and neck injuries and was taken off life support five days later.

Thomas suffered from schizophrenia and lived on the streets even though he received support from family and friends.

Police said Thomas ran when officers tried to search his bag. A struggle followed when they tried to arrest him for investigation of possession of stolen goods.

Video from a bystander's cell phone taken from a distance showed parts of the bloody encounter in which Thomas can be heard screaming for his father.

Surveillance video aboard a bus showed agitated passengers telling the driver that officers beat and repeatedly used a stun gun during the arrest.

After the incident, the police chief went on medical leave and the embattled City Council hired a law enforcement expert to investigate Police Department practices.

Incensed community members held demonstrations and started an effort to recall the mayor and two councilmembers over the incident.

Ron Thomas, the father of the dead man, filed a claim seeking damages from the city.

He has previously released his son's medical records showing Thomas suffered broken bones in his face, choked on his own blood and was repeatedly shocked with two stun guns.


willie pete
21st September 2011, 12:04 PM
the key word in the story is "RAN" ....Thomas "ran" when police tried to search his bag.....I've heard cops ADMIT this more than once, IF you run, you're GOING to get Beaten and or Killed... the offense doesn't matter......Look at the cop in SF BART staion that shot a hand-cuffed teen(?) in the back and killed him, sure he lost his job and was convicted, but was incarcerated LESS than a year...::)

21st September 2011, 12:50 PM
Ron Thomas, the father of the dead man, filed a claim seeking damages from the city.Let me guess: A Shyster Attorney talked him into suing the city for damages.....(= $$$$ for Shyster Attorney), instead of PERSONALLY suing each and every Officer involved. He could have sued all 5 for Civil damages, and represented himself.

I guess money is more important than Justice.

21st September 2011, 01:11 PM
I remember this case. I am glad to see that some shit is rolling downhill. Let's pray that it sticks.

And for the record, Willie Pete, running away does not give the police the right to use lethal force, no matter how much you may wish it does.

Joe King
21st September 2011, 01:19 PM
Let me guess: A Shyster Attorney talked him into suing the city for damages.....(= $$$$ for Shyster Attorney), instead of PERSONALLY suing ech and every Officer involved. He could have sued all 5 for Civil damages, and represented himself.

I guess money is more important than Justice.He probably doesn't know how to do it himself and what's wrong with suing the city? They were city employees trained by and working on behalf of the city.

21st September 2011, 01:43 PM
None of this would be happening if it weren't for the John and Ken Show. Those police officers will still working weeks after they murdered Kelley Thomas. It's since of the organizing and rallying the John and Ken Show did that enough people got together and made something happen.

21st September 2011, 02:13 PM

mick silver
21st September 2011, 02:38 PM
that one so cock eye how in the hell does he even shoot a gun

Joe King
21st September 2011, 02:43 PM
that one so cock eye how in the hell does he even shoot a gunHe doesn't, he's more of a tazer kinda guy.

willie pete
21st September 2011, 02:54 PM
And for the record, Willie Pete, running away does not give the police the right to use lethal force, no matter how much you may wish it does.

...Also for Your Record....I KNOW fleeing doesn't give a cop the right to use lethal force, I was repeating some of the commentary I had on another forum with a cop regarding the video below......the cop in essence said "when you run, the rules go out the window" & " I'm not there to fight fair, I'm there to win" ....Both Very disturbing comments to me; comments like that are proof of the mindset of most cops, IMO......Oh and one more thing, I don't "wish" it does....you mis-interpreted my comment


Joe King
21st September 2011, 03:08 PM
Well, isn't that most peoples typical response?

You come walking around the corner of your house and suddenly see some stranger doing something in your yard and as soon as he sees you, he bolts. What are you going to think? That he was doing good deeds?
Most people would assume he must've been up to something.

Now if the stranger in your yard was being a good samaritan in some manner, he probably wouldn't run away, but explain his presence in your yard.

Not saying it justifies the excessive use of force, but running away does invoke the idea that the person running away knows he did something he shouldn't have done.
The cops just tend to over-react a lot of times in such situations.
ie there are ways to stop someone without beating them out their life.

21st September 2011, 03:48 PM
ie there are ways to stop someone without beating them out their life.

You can taser them out of it. That works more often than not.

Joe King
21st September 2011, 03:57 PM
Yea, shouldn't tazer the life of them either.

22nd September 2011, 04:47 AM
They look like criminal thugs! Err, wait: They ARE criminal thugs...

Anyways, thanks for clearing that up, Pete. Sorry I misunderstood your post. I hate cops almost as much as I hate the luciferian conspirators.

22nd September 2011, 06:05 AM
He probably doesn't know how to do it himself and what's wrong with suing the city? They were city employees trained by and working on behalf of the city.

I know, you promote limited liability, i get it.

Did the 'City' kill someone? Can i 'subpoena' the city for questioning? Can i request hair, blood and other samples to connect the 'City' to the crime scene?

Who's personal ACTIONS are responsible here?

And yet we will dump the responsibility on a Fiction. A Corporation. A Ghost.

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 06:40 AM
Because they were acting on the citys behalf.

If your employee did something bad while acting on your behalf, you really think you wouldn't get sued too?

Besides, if the city can put all the blame on them and cut them loose while just continuing on with their same worthless policys, it'll only happen again.

The answer is to hit the citys bottom line so hard that the city wants to change what they teach their employees to do and how they should act while doing the citys business.

Besides, I'm not saying to only sue the city, but rather in addition to.

22nd September 2011, 06:54 AM
He probably doesn't know how to do it himself and what's wrong with suing the city? They were city employees trained by and working on behalf of the city.

The problem with sueing the city is it doesn't solve anything. The city will just raise everyones taxes the next year to make up for what they have to pay out. If you go after the individual officers they feel the financial pain directly and if that happened enough word would get around that abusing the citizenry leads to financial hardship.

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 07:51 AM
The problem with sueing the city is it doesn't solve anything. The city will just raise everyones taxes the next year to make up for what they have to pay out. If you go after the individual officers they feel the financial pain directly and if that happened enough word would get around that abusing the citizenry leads to financial hardship.I said it's ok to go after both.

If the city has to pay through the nose, they'll get the message a lot quicker. If the people have to pay more, well I suppose that's their price of having ignored what their gov was doing in their names.

Perhaps they'll pay better attention next time, too.

22nd September 2011, 08:02 AM
If the city has to pay through the nose, they'll get the message a lot quicker. If the people have to pay more, well I suppose that's their price of having ignored what their gov was doing in their names.

No they won't get the message. The city will just tax more to make up the difference, it isn't their money they are losing. The majority of people never make the connection that when the police dept gets sued they are the ones footing the bill.

You are right though that it is the price that the people will pay for ignoring what their government is doing.

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 08:07 AM
So therefore when they suddenly get hit with higher taxes and {hopefully} ask why, they'l figure it out.
ie too many people think gov should just be on "autopilot" or something. Which is the reason we have problems with gov to the degree we have them.

Like I said, the crap should be sued out of both.

22nd September 2011, 10:03 AM
I don't get this part......he was taken down right there where he as at the bus stop where he was sitting at......so......where did he run to?

22nd September 2011, 10:47 AM
There are vids out there, will not try to look and post, too many here too lazy to do there own homework! (semi-sheep rather be told and not look for them selfs)

That the evidence against these two pigs is overwhelming , and they should be convicted,

The interesting thing will be what kind of punishment they will receive? Both should pay the max price for their actions.

Also what kind of backlash for the bosses will take place, the chief for sure should be forced to quit the law biz.