View Full Version : White supremacist set to die for Texas dragging

mick silver
21st September 2011, 04:06 PM
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44613428/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/ ... A white supremacist gang member was headed to the death chamber Wednesday for the infamous murder 13 years ago of a black man who was chained to the back of a pickup truck and dragged to death along a bumpy asphalt road.

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The death of James Byrd Jr., 49, in Jasper in East Texas, was one of the most grisly hate crimes in recent Texas history.
Appeals to the courts for inmate Lawrence Russell Brewer, 44, were exhausted and no last-day attempts to save his life were filed.
Besides Brewer, John William King, now 36, also was convicted of capital murder and sent to death row for Byrd's death, which shocked the nation for its brutality. King's conviction and death sentence remain under appeal. A third man, Shawn Berry, 36, received a life prison term.
Story: Stigma lingers in infamous town as Texas prepares execution for dragging death (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44605916/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/stigma-lingers-infamous-town-texas-prepares-execution-dragging-death/)
"One down and one to go," said Billy Rowles, the retired Jasper County sheriff who first investigated the horrific scene. "That's kind of cruel, but that's reality."
Byrd's sister, Clara Taylor, said someone from her brother's family needed to be present to watch Brewer die so she planned to be in the death chamber.
"He had choices," she said Tuesday, referring to Brewer. "He made the wrong choices."
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice via AP file Lawrence Russell Brewer

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While the lethal injection wouldn't compare to the death her brother endured, she said, "knowing you're going to be executed, that has to be a sobering thought."
It was about 2:30 a.m. on a Sunday, June 7, 1998, when witnesses saw Byrd walking on a road not far from his home in Jasper, a town of more than 7,000 about 125 miles northeast of Houston. Many folks knew he lived off disability checks, couldn't afford his own car and walked where he needed to go. Another witness then saw him riding in the bed of a dark pickup.
Six hours later and some 10 miles away on Huff Creek Road, the bloody mess found after daybreak was thought at first to be animal road kill. Rowles, a former Texas state trooper who had taken office as sheriff the previous year, believed it was a hit-and-run fatality but evidence didn't match up with someone caught beneath a vehicle. Body parts were scattered and the blood trail began with footprints at what appeared to be the scene of a scuffle.
"I didn't go down that road too far before I knew this was going to be a bad deal," he said at Brewer's trial.
Fingerprints taken from the headless torso identified the victim as Byrd.
Testimony showed the three men and Byrd drove out into the county about 10 miles and stopped along an isolated logging road. A fight broke out and the outnumbered Byrd was tied to the truck bumper with a 24˝-foot logging chain. Three miles later, what was left of his shredded remains was dumped between a black church and cemetery where the pavement ended on the remote road.
Brewer, King and Berry were in custody by the end of the next day.
The crime put Jasper under a national spotlight and lured the likes of the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panthers, among others, to try to exploit the notoriety of the case. Byrd's killing continues — many say unfairly — to brand Jasper more than a decade later.
King was tried first, in Jasper. Brewer's trial was moved 150 miles away to Bryan. Berry was tried in Jasper.
Brewer, from Sulphur Springs, about 180 miles to the northwest, had been convicted of cocaine possession. He met King, a convicted burglar from Jasper, in a Texas prison where they got involved in a KKK splinter group known as the Confederate Knights of America and adorned themselves with racist tattoos. Evidence showed Brewer had violated parole and was involved in a number of burglaries and thefts in the Jasper area.
King had become friends with Berry and moved into Berry's place. Evidence showed Brewer came to Jasper to stay with King and Berry after losing a job because he lied about his criminal past on an application.
Lawrence Russell Brewer

Age: 44
Hometown: Klondike, Texas
Sentenced to die for: Brewer and two co-defendants were convicted of torturing and killing a handicapped black man, James Byrd Jr., by tying him to the back of a pickup truck and dragging him to his death in rural Jasper County, Texas.
Additional info: An avowed white supremacist, Brewer told Beaumont TV station that he participated in the assault on Byrd but had "nothing to do with the killing as far as dragging him or driving the truck or anything." The killing touched off a national movement to strengthen punishments for crimes motivated by hate.

Membership in the white supremacist group, in which Brewer was known as "exalted cyclops," was necessary in prison to ward off attacks from black inmates, Brewer said.
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At his trial, Brewer blamed Byrd's death on Berry, and said the slaying climaxed a fight between Byrd and King.
"I had no intentions of killing nobody," Brewer testified. "If I knew the results, I would have gone to the cops."
DNA evidence showed Byrd's blood on all three men's clothing.
Rowles and Guy James Gray, the former county district attorney who prosecuted the trio, visited with Brewer a few weeks ago at death row "to kind of see if he had a change of heart or was still the same," Gray said.
"He didn't show any kind of remorse," Rowles said. "He said he wasn't the one to put (Byrd) on the chain. He was there. He still contends as he did on the witness stand that Berry cut Byrd's throat and killed him before he was chained. But that just wasn't so. He pretty much stayed with what he testified.
"It was so nonchalant. It was unreal."

21st September 2011, 07:11 PM
White supremacists don't go around dragging people to death - this nimrod knows nothing about racial identity or respect for one's heritage. People wanting to live in their own clans and be with their own people is hardly exclusive to whites. On the contrary, it's the law of the jungle and people who pretend it makes them a bad ass don't even understand the correlation. History supports whites have given civilization its greatest achievements and some of us are very proud of that. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater - just because he's a loser doesn't mean the institution is.

21st September 2011, 08:27 PM
I was reading there is a lot more to this story than the media is covering.

I introduce Joseph Sobran, a giant, he writes about this murder,
covers issues people do not want to hear, the thread covers propaganda
and smears against Europeans, covers some dragging deaths of whites
by blacks that stay in local news and disappear. ADL exploitation.
BECOMING A DEVIL by Joseph Sobran (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54402-BECOMING-A-DEVIL-by-Joseph-Sobran)

21st September 2011, 08:30 PM
White supremacists don't go around dragging people to death - this nimrod knows nothing about racial identity or respect for one's heritage. People wanting to live in their own clans and be with their own people is hardly exclusive to whites. On the contrary, it's the law of the jungle and people who pretend it makes them a bad ass don't even understand the correlation. History supports whites have given civilization its greatest achievements and some of us are very proud of that. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater - just because he's a loser doesn't mean the institution is.

I try to post that history on here, what I know, much of it is key,
it's not totally comprehensive but answers some of the Occult drivel
and hatred I have read targeting key people, history, ideas.

Join me.

See my threads on some of this, full of links and references.

21st September 2011, 08:31 PM
Guy looks deranged to me, although after prison for 13 years I'm sure anyone would.

Allow me to strike up my fiddle (on all counts)


21st September 2011, 08:50 PM
Nuked by lethal rejection tonight. Wonder what his story actually was anyways? Read he never recanted on his original statement that he had nothing to do with the tying and driving, he was snuffed out for something much bigger me thinks.

21st September 2011, 10:01 PM
Has anybody seen if James Byrd Jr had a criminal record... or was he an upstanding university graduate in high demand...

Joe King
21st September 2011, 11:32 PM
Nuked by lethal rejection tonight. Wonder what his story actually was anyways? Read he never recanted on his original statement that he had nothing to do with the tying and driving, he was snuffed out for something much bigger me thinks.
Even if he didn't tie or drive, he was still there as a part of the group who did and he also knew what "tying and driving" would do and didn't do anything to stop it.

The law of conspiracy and the law of aiding and abetting are other general doctrines that apply to a wide range of offenses. A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime. For example, if three people conspire to commit murder, at least one of them takes action to further the conspiracy, and the murder actually occurs, they can all be charged with both conspiracy and murder. Even if a conspirator backs out of the conspiracy, but the other conspirators commit the crime, all conspirators may be criminally liable if the acts were reasonably foreseeable. (http://www.weblocator.com/attorney/tx/law/c13.html#txc130200)

22nd September 2011, 08:20 PM
I remember seeing this Jasper, Texas incident on teevee back in the nineties. The most noteworthy thing I remember about it is that the media went on and on about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

For crying out loud, there are 300 million people in this country. Stuff like this is going to happen once in a while.

22nd September 2011, 09:14 PM
For crying out loud, there are 300 million people in this country. Stuff like this is going to happen once in a while.

Next time a cop does an innocent citizen in...I hope we can all say "Stuff like this is going to happen once in a while."

Overlook this one incident....overlook the next one.....overlook what you 'choose' to overlook. Bingo, we have what has become our corrupt police force. Hell...overlook everything!

It's not right. Any injustice, regardless of race or uniform, must be dealt with in the correct manner.

22nd September 2011, 09:20 PM
It's not right. Any injustice, regardless of race or uniform, must be dealt with in the correct manner.I wasn't suggesting that the courts overlook the incident. I was referring to the extreme disproportionate level of scrutiny the jewsmedia gave it.
It's like they wanted to make sure every White person felt guilty just for being White and to intermarry with the dark races as redemption for that guilt.
Black on White crime is more than 10 times the rate of White on Black crime yet the media completely ignores this fact.

22nd September 2011, 09:38 PM
Black on White crime is more than 10 times the rate of White on Black crime yet the media completely ignores this fact.

Yet, I've never seen anywhere, in any, chimpout thread...where someone posted that "this is going to happen once in awhile."

I think, collectively, we are harder on other races who commit crimes...and tend to justify, or even try to excuse, when our own race commits crimes.

I've seen this firsthand, on this forum. If a white man commits a crime, folks tend to try and justify it somehow. Make assumptions, etc.

I know it's not a popular thing to point out, but I do feel it needs to be said.

22nd September 2011, 10:05 PM
Overlook this one incident....overlook the next one

Nobody is overlooking anything, they did a monstrous thing no doubt,
there is way more to this story, see my thread, they got ass raped or at
the least saw that happen in prison by negros, they have no remorse, till the end,
they don't care, they ain't talking,
King was in there on a 2 year sentence and that destroyed him,
Brewer was there too,
he went mad apparently, they should of hunted down their rapists
instead of targeting a helpless person who was already suffering living.

You mischaracterize peoples posts on here, I am sick and tired of the propaganda
against people of European descent from the mainstream media. And it is also
dangerous for them to fall for this propaganda, like the leftist retards that get
raped overseas joining charity groups, numbers as high as 50 % raped.
They were victims first of all of the lies that made this possible.

Joe King thanks your post, the same guy that is a cheerleader for
that European looking child getting kicked in the head by average
chinamen on the street, the kid earned it according to him.

Nobody should overlook anything, that is the problem , we don't.

22nd September 2011, 10:14 PM
You mischaracterize peoples posts on here, I am sick and tired of the propaganda
against people of European descent from the mainstream media. .

Magnes, I am of European descent, I have blue eyes, for crying out loud.

I believe it's actions that show a man's intentions. As long as I am a member of this forum, I will point out what I think is wrong. I think it's wrong to make assumptions, regarding race, to either condemn someone, or excuse them.

Each man has a choice, on his actions. We need to judge each man individually on his actions, or lack thereof.

I agree, we should overlook nothing.

Joe King
22nd September 2011, 10:19 PM
What's the difference between Brewers experience and the experience of many of the newly freed blacks at the hands of some white people?

What it comes down to is, bad people do bad things and that when vengence and hatred are carried out physically, it's rarely delivered to the one{s} who might possibly deserve it.

Edited to add: I thanked his post because he's right.

Also, with all your posts about this, you come across as feeling as though you need to explain and somehow justify.

22nd September 2011, 10:26 PM
I remember seeing this Jasper, Texas incident on teevee back in the nineties. The most noteworthy thing I remember about it is that the media went on and on about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

For crying out loud, there are 300 million people in this country. Stuff like this is going to happen once in a while.

I wasn't suggesting that the courts overlook the incident. I was referring to the extreme disproportionate level of scrutiny the jewsmedia gave it.
It's like they wanted to make sure every White person felt guilty just for being White and to intermarry with the dark races as redemption for that guilt.
Black on White crime is more than 10 times the rate of White on Black crime yet the media completely ignores this fact.

The basterd got what he deserved..

22nd September 2011, 10:40 PM
Channon Christian and Hugh Christopher Newsom were victims of a horrible crime that most certainly did happen, but for some reason, their names wouldn’t ring a bell with the average American, no matter how well informed....

On that night, 21-year-old Channon Christian, and her boyfriend, 23-year-old Hugh Christopher Newsom were carjacked in Knoxville by three thugs. Their attackers were sadly not satisfied with the Toyota 4-Runner that they commandeered at gunpoint. They kidnapped the young couple and took them to the house where one of the perps lived. They were joined by a fourth man and a woman. They proceeded to commit the stomach-churning crimes.

All four men are charged with the anal rape of Christopher Newsom. They did so in the presence of Channon Christian. They then shot him to death, wrapped him in bedding, soaked him in gasoline and set him on fire. He was the lucky one....

Channon Christian was a senior at the University of Tennessee. According to the charges and a source close to the investigation, she was repeatedly gang raped by the four men -- vaginally, anally and orally. Before she died, her murderers poured a household cleaner down her throat, apparently in an effort to kill the DNA they had placed there. She was left to die, either from the bleeding caused “by the tearing,” or from asphyxiation. Knoxville officials won’t say.

It was several days before the police found her body. She had been stuffed into a garbage can in the house. According to a story posted on the WATE T.V. News web site, she was, “in five separate dark trash bags.”

The four men and the woman were eventually arrested. They are all black. Christian and Newsom were white. Two of the murderers had prior felony convictions....

But if it is legitimate for the media is to burn the name of James Byrd into the national consciousness, then why not the name of Channon Christian? Is it because we are not certain that her murderers used racial slurs during the commission of their crime?
