View Full Version : Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres

21st September 2011, 05:50 PM
"On September 23 we enter Libra, "the balances" of Justice. It was in this time that the handwriting on the wall occurred in Daniel 5, when God wrote, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres." Babylon had been "weighed in the balances" and was found to be [wanting] bankrupt. Justice was about to be served upon Babylon for not setting the people free.

Babylon had been given just 70 years as a divine mandate to rule over Judah (on account of their sin). By law, Babylon then was supposed to set the people free, for their lawful mandate had expired. But beast nations have never been known to do so, because they always rule by brute force as beasts. Hence, God obtains legal cause against them and intervenes to overthrow them for non-compliance to His will.

This year (2011) is of particular interest to us--especially during the month of Libra, during which time the second set of feast days falls. Trumpets is Sept. 29, Atonement is Oct. 8, and Tabernacles runs from Oct. 13-20 this year.

I have written extensively in the past about the year 1913 (when the Federal Reserve Act was passed) and 1914 when the bill was signed into law by President Wilson. These are the earliest dates starting America's captivity to Mystery Babylon. Because of the Hezekiah Factor, our 70-year captivity was extended by another 10 years to 80 years. For this reason, our Jubilee Prayer Campaign began in November of 1993, with Part II of the prayer campaign being held in late January of 1994.

That Prayer Campaign appealed to the Divine Court on account of Babylon's refusal to release us from captivity after their mandate had expired.

The full Jubilee Prayer Campaign actually lasted 13 years, ending October 7, 2006, because it was a "Jericho march" going 13 times around "the city." Last week we saw another (perhaps the final) Jericho march of 7 days from Sept. 11-17. And now we are entering into the time when God balances the scales of justice and audits the finances of Mystery Babylon.

What many do not realize is that 1921 was also a very important date in the history of Mystery Babylon. That was when the Trilateral Tripartite Trilennium Pact was agreed upon in London. This Pact was an international agreement to pool (or "centralize") many of the world's assets into a single, common, secret fund in order to compel all nations to abide by certain rules for fiat currencies.

Essentially, it was the support apparatus for Babylon's fiat currency system, because these assets provided some actual backing for this paper money. In transitioning from gold/silver backed currency to true fiat money (where money is backed only by faith and credit), it was necessary to have some assets at the beginning and then gradually remove the backing until the money was totally on its own.

This was all part of the 1910 Jekyll Island long-term banker plan which had led to the bankers' takeover of the financial system in 1914.

Under the terms of the TTT agreement, all gold (and other wealth) pooled under this Pact was not to be personally owned by those "donating" it, but would become the property of the centralized system. Quite literally, it was the start of a world-wide, centralized banking system that later evolved into the World Bank.

These centralized assets were called the International Collateral Combined Accounts. A large portion of it was funded by Chinese and Asian families descended from the Emperors, who possessed vast wealth that was largely unknown to the world. In fact, the Ming dynasty had already been loaning significant amounts of money to the US Federal Government since after the Civil War.

Most of the gold in the Collateral Account was deposited (probably buried) in Indonesia, Philippines, and other Southeast Asian countries.

The TTT agreement took more than 20 years to fully implement. On January 20, 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was instituted, making Switzerland the central depository country for its member governments. It was agreed upon that Switzerland would always remain neutral in time of wars, so that the assets and records of the BIS would not be disrupted.

In 1944 the Bretton Woods agreement implemented the TTT agreement fully with the formation of the Bank for Reconstruction and Development (now known as the World Bank), along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Although Europe was still embroiled in World War II, it required cooperation between the warring parties to make it work. Here is where the US dollar fully replaced the British pound as the world reserve currency.

After World War II, the economies of the world expanded greatly. It turned out that there were not enough US dollars to facilitate world trade to support this expansion. It was not possible to break the Bretton Woods Treaty without damaging the core of the agreement. The Green Hilton Agreement was then made between three parties, two of which were the US President Kennedy and Indonesian President Soekarno. (Soekarno had been appointed the trustee for the Collateral Accounts and was given 2.5% interest in return for his services.)

The Agreement involved recalling the gold in Indonesia to be transferred to the USA to back the issuance of more US dollars. Under this Agreement, President Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 in July 1963 to issue US Notes. It was also agreed that control of these Collateral Assets would pass automatically to the US when President Soekarno fell from power (i.e., 1967).

However, President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963 shortly after issuing those US Notes, and the Notes were quickly removed from circulation. The US Treasury's Authority over the Collateral Accounts was never implemented, even after Soekarno was deposed in 1967 and died in 1970. The US government refused to recognize the Green Hilton Agreement. The trusteeship of the Collateral Accounts passed to Soekarno's son, Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto.

The sheer enormity of these Collateral Accounts tempted many to steal portions of them. This has caused much conflict behind the scenes over the years. Then on January 20, 1995 the nations appointed Dr. Ray C. Dam (a Cambodian) to act as Sole Arbiter, Controller, and Owner in law of these Accounts. In 2003 he came to some agreement with Soekanto over the control of these Assets.

Dr. Dam was removed from his position in January of this year, and the Assets passed to another (unknown) trustee in the Far East.

2001 was 70 + 10 years since 1921. The demolition of the Twin Towers was linked to this conflict over the Collateral Accounts. Ten years later came Operation Jericho. 2011 is 90 years since the start of this entire process (1921). It represents another step in the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. The Kings of the East have prevailed and are prevailing this year. The Babylonians are unhappy at this and are plotting to foment the third World War to maintain their control. The Kings of the East are working behind the scenes to stop this diabolical plot.

It may be that as we enter the time of the Scales of Justice (Libra), this could prove to be one of the most critical months in recent history. When this conflict is resolved, whether secretly or by open war, the Kings of the East, I believe, will follow the pattern of Cyrus and Darius and will be instrumental in funding the Kingdom (Ezra 7:21). We will enter a whole new era when the Collateral Accounts are released for the benefit of the whole world. What Babylon has refused to do, the Kings of the East will do, even as Cyrus was a type Messiah (Isaiah 45:1) and Darius reorganized the Kingdom under Daniel (Dan. 6:1-3)."


21st September 2011, 06:19 PM
Babylon was where the Hebrews learned their nation wrecking skills.

They opened the gates to the Persian king Cyrus, like they opened the gates of the cities of Egypt to their Hyksos brothers and the gates to the cities of Spain to the Moors.

Everything else is just spin.

This is not meant to denigrate anyones faith, it's just that "they" wrote the story and made themselves the hero's, very understandable.

21st September 2011, 06:59 PM
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin .... this is the King James rendering of this bibical account. Interesting you quoted the NASB.

Is this one of the highly touted "more authentic" changes from the beloved King James I've heard others hold forth about?

Interesting post you made. Thank you.


21st September 2011, 11:20 PM
In religion, little is more pathetic than seeing a Christian quote Hebrew prophecy for American destiny... LOL...

22nd September 2011, 02:29 PM
In religion, little is more pathetic than seeing a Christian quote Hebrew prophecy for American destiny... LOL...

Most of the christians in the western nations are hebrews. A ridiculous percentage cannot even tell you their great grandfather's name, so it is understandable that they also don't know the bible was written to them.


22nd September 2011, 02:35 PM
This is not meant to denigrate anyones faith, it's just that "they" wrote the story and made themselves the hero's, very understandable.

Are you aware of, or are you simply ignoring, the differences between hebrews and others mentioned in scripture?

22nd September 2011, 04:27 PM
Are you aware of, or are you simply ignoring, the differences between hebrews and others mentioned in scripture?

They weren't called jews in the bible were they?

Or isrealights or whatever.

I really don't give a shit about jews, just so we're clear.

22nd September 2011, 05:59 PM
I really don't give a shit about jews, just so we're clear.

Well, Mr Eyebone, what do you "give a shit" about? Does accuracy matter to you? How about correct reasoning? Why would "they" write a book which condemns just about everything "they" did?

Can you supply evidence of any of the alleged self-aggrandizement? Or is it easier to attribute the attitudes of latter day claimants to the birthright to "holy men of God [who] spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."



"The book of Hebrews is addressed, not to the Israelites, nor even to the Judeans (or Jews), but rather to “Hebrews.” The word literally means an immigrant, one who crosses over to the other side. In Abraham's day, there were many who immigrated from the Tigris-Euphrates Valley to the West toward Canaan and to other places. When Abraham went to Canaan, the idea was not unique to him, though his calling and reason for immigration was certainly unique.

In that general sense, Abraham was a Hebrew. But Abraham was also a Hebrew, on account of his descent from Heber, the fourth generation after Noah (Gen. 11:14). Abraham was a Hebrew by descent, and in this he had no choice. But he also was a Hebrew by choice when he immigrated to Canaan. We read in Genesis 12:1-4,

"Now the Lord said to Abram, Go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him...."

God told Abram to leave his Chaldean roots and even to leave his father's house and to by faith into a new land. When he stepped out in faith, he became an immigrant, a Hebrew by personal decision, as opposed to being born a Hebrew.

The book of Hebrews was not entitled “The Epistle to the Jews” or “The Epistle to the Israelites.” The use of the term “Hebrews” has special significance, considering the theme of this book. It was written to fellow immigrants in the first century Church, who, like Abraham, had left their father's house and crossed over into a new way, the way of Jesus Christ. They had left their so-called “Jewish roots,” the culture that surrounded the Old Covenant with its temple, its priests, and its sacrificial system. The author of Hebrews was exhorting them NOT to succumb to the pressures of family and priesthood to go back to the Old Covenant with its sacrifices and dependence upon the temple in Jerusalem. Christians were a new “Hebrew” migration, patterned after Abraham.

Let us remember, then, that our spiritual heritage is in those who by faith crossed over from Moses to Christ. The early Church migrated away from the Old Covenant of Moses into the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. They migrated away from the old order of the Aaronic priesthood into the Melchisedec priesthood of Jesus Christ. They migrated away from the temple in Jerusalem with its animal sacrifices into a true and final Sacrifice for sin that came through Jesus Christ—who alone could remove sin once for all.

To leave our father's house, those Old Covenant roots, is how one becomes a true Hebrew. This is the exhortation of the book of Hebrews.

Many do not comprehend the influence that the temple in Jerusalem exerted on the lives of the people living in Judea —including the earliest Christians. Perhaps that temple could best be compared to the influence and importance of the Vatican upon Roman Catholics today. Further, the importance of the high priest in Jerusalem can be compared to the importance of the Roman Pontiff. The book of Hebrews told the people to leave it all behind and go by faith into an unknown land. In the same way there are books today that ask Roman Catholics to leave it all behind and go by faith into an unknown land.

This is a very difficult thing to do. No one can feasibly take such a step unless they know they have heard from God, for only hearing produces true faith. If one is merely persuaded by the eloquence of men's words, they will not have the inner strength to finish the course, endure to the end, and inherit the promise."

Just so we're clear.

22nd September 2011, 06:05 PM
If one is merely persuaded by the eloquence of men's words, they will not have the inner strength to finish the course, endure to the end, and inherit the promise."
Just so we're clear.

Is the bottle top of a he'brew beer circumcised?
http://www.mitzvahlicious.com/storage/hebrewbanner.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=120474 7889487

22nd September 2011, 06:26 PM
Most of the christians in the western nations are hebrews. A ridiculous percentage cannot even tell you their great grandfather's name, so it is understandable that they also don't know the bible was written to them.


I would truly love to hear more on that.

22nd September 2011, 08:13 PM
I would truly love to hear more on that.

Have you read the links?