View Full Version : Sun Tzu was correct

21st September 2011, 07:09 PM
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” --Sun Tzu

China is winning the war without firing a shot. The US will be forced to close overseas military bases without the ability to print.

LOL, that stupid mantra about your bankers problem being your big loans looks pretty stupid right about now. Seems to me the Chinese are getting exactly what they want.

They can drive gold to $2500 in the blink of an eye but they are not doing it. I believe Bernanke has been told it's gold at $5000 sooner than later or no more QE until the Chinese want it. In the meantime, the super congress will have to do it's job and make real cuts, starting with defense.


That said, we might see gold under $1750 to make the options expiration easier but I look for $2000 by the end of the year. Furthermore, I suspect that the govt will probably cause an explosion in the POG by it's inability to comprehend what happened today. In that event we will likely see a govt shutdown by 11/11/11 and the collapse of the dollar which will be blamed on the congress and president.

Wonder how that will turn out? Well the US govt is basically at checkmate I think. They just don't realize it yet or not, this just in.

I don't believe in coincidence.

Stopgap Spending Bill Unexpectedly Fails in House (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/21/us-usa-congress-spending-idUSTRE78K78Z20110921)

21st September 2011, 10:14 PM
I'm still trying to figure out the implications of the protestant today... thanks for the insight...

22nd September 2011, 05:11 AM
Forget China. Our own Government, Military and Police are attacking us.

22nd September 2011, 09:20 AM
Forget China. Our own Government, Military and Police are attacking us.China is the ideal weapon for our government to use to accomplish that.

22nd September 2011, 10:20 AM
They are all in collusion with each other.
The lucies have loyalty to no race, no nationality, no creed.

As I said in another post, we have let our guard down against talmudist communism, because of the fall of the berlin wall and the insintegration of the USSR, but the wheels of satanic globalism never stopped turning.

Yes, China will be a tool, but our enemy is within right now, as well.