View Full Version : "Tapping the Israeli Embassy"

23rd September 2011, 06:24 AM
I learned of this article "Tapping the Israeli Em (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/#comment-16193)bassy" (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/#comment-16193) through Kevin Barrett's recent radio show where he interviews the author, Philip Giraldi: former CIA. From Barrett's blog:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today on TJ Radio: Toronto Hearings, Israeli Spying on U.S. (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/09/today-on-tj-radio-toronto-hearings.html)
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-237J5tAyvas/TnoSdYDn1hI/AAAAAAAAA3w/QCdL1nasr_k/s320/giraldi.gif (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-237J5tAyvas/TnoSdYDn1hI/AAAAAAAAA3w/QCdL1nasr_k/s1600/giraldi.gif)

Second hour: Phiip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest. (http://www.councilforthenationalinterest.org/) His new article "Tapping the Israeli Em (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/#comment-16193)bassy" (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/#comment-16193) continues his work exposing Israeli anti-US operations, which usually seem to be granted pre-emptive impunity:

What the FBI uncovered was a massive and highly focused campaign referred to by the Israelis as “perception management,” but which the CIA would refer to as a covert action. Much of the activity was illegal or incompatible with the role of foreign diplomats in the United States, which is why Leibowitz took action after his supervisors refused to proceed with prosecution. The focus was on Iran, with Israeli officials intent on preparing the American public for war against the mullahs. They were spreading disinformation on Iran’s nuclear program, promoting international sanctions, and trying to obtain Washington’s support for an ultimatum on the nuclear program as a final diplomatic gesture that would be turned down by Iran, leading to war with the U.S. playing the lead role...Leibowitz’s concern that the illegal activity would not be prosecuted by the Justice Department proved correct. No Israeli or American named in the extensive FBI investigative dossier has been in any way punished.
War with Iran would ruin the US, finishing the job the Zionists began with their 9/11 false-flag attack and subsequent war-on-Islam-for-Israel. So who are the real terrorists - the ones who blew up the three NYC skyscrapers, the ones out to destroy us, the ones who hate our freedoms? Here's the MP3 of the interview (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-092111.mp3), 2 hours 28 MBs, Giraldi is 2nd hour so advance to the middle of the MP3- top of the second hour, for Girardi's hour.

Here's Girardi's article:

Tapping the Israeli Embassy (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/blog/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/)
By Philip Giraldi | The American Conservative |September 15, 2011 (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/blog/tapping-the-israeli-embassy/)

Shamai Leibowitz, an FBI Hebrew translator, was arrested in May 2010 for revealing restricted information consisting of five reports classified “secret” to an unidentified blogger. He confessed—explaining that he had been trying to reveal illegal activity—repented, and was sentenced to a minimum term of 20 months in prison. He has now been released. There was considerable speculation over what Leibowitz, a left-wing, Israel-born dual national, had actually revealed. A New York newspaper claimed that the information had gone to a “pro-Palestinian Arab group.”

In reality, Leibowitz, who had top-secret clearance, was working as the translator for an undercover FBI counterintelligence team operating out of Calverton, Maryland. The FBI was tapping into all the telephone lines and cell phone numbers associated with diplomats and intelligence officers working out of the Israeli Embassy in Washington and the United Nations in New York. The Israelis practiced good communications security when they were on their phones speaking English, but they were reportedly extremely reckless when speaking Hebrew because they believed that they could not be understood. The FBI compiled a thick dossier on Israeli diplomats and spies and was able to establish linkages to a number of other targets of interest. Analyzing the Hebrew recordings, Leibowitz identified a number of hidden relationships with U.S. government officials and the media, as well as advocacy groups like AIPAC and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

What the FBI uncovered was a massive and highly focused campaign referred to by the Israelis as “perception management,” but which the CIA would refer to as a covert action. Much of the activity was illegal or incompatible with the role of foreign diplomats in the United States, which is why Leibowitz took action after his supervisors refused to proceed with prosecution. The focus was on Iran, with Israeli officials intent on preparing the American public for war against the mullahs. They were spreading disinformation on Iran’s nuclear program, promoting international sanctions, and trying to obtain Washington’s support for an ultimatum on the nuclear program as a final diplomatic gesture that would be turned down by Iran, leading to war with the U.S. playing the lead role. The Israeli Embassy’s activities consisted of drafting articles and editorials that were placed with an accommodating media, paying journalists to write pieces making the same points, and working closely with groups like WINEP and AIPAC to present policymakers with a coordinated list of arguments for war. At least one congressman from Indiana was approached directly by Israeli intelligence and agreed to host an anti-Iran conference as well as to introduce legislation tightening Iran sanctions. The recorded telephone conversation between an Israeli intelligence officer and Rep. Jane Harman in April 2009, in which she agreed to intervene on behalf of accused AIPAC spies Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman in exchange for chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, was also part of the special FBI counterintelligence operation.

Leibowitz’s concern that the illegal activity would not be prosecuted by the Justice Department proved correct. No Israeli or American named in the extensive FBI investigative dossier has been in any way punished.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

23rd September 2011, 06:27 AM
Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11, Interviewed by Ch. 4, 8 mins:


last 2 mins are interesting, the US/Israeli spy relationship: "The Urban Moving 5 were eventually deported to Israel for visa violations. Channel 4 understands, from sources close to US intelligence, that the condition of their release was that Israel promises not to spy in the US without permission. Then, as now, the Israeli government publicly denies it spies in the US."

Ch. 4 piece is good for the interview snips, but they try to define the outer boundaries of 911 skepticism as Limited Hangout LIHOP, "foreknowledge" (of what the Scary Moozlemists who done did 911 were gonna do before they done did it!)... what else is new?

23rd September 2011, 08:27 PM
bump for the weekend, now that we can take a break from the commod carnage, :-X

This is the tale of a "self-hating joo" working as an FBI Hebrew translator, who fingered some other (israel-firster) jooz conspiring to gin up a bunch of propaganda/lies aimed at deceiving the US into beating up Izzy's enemy Iran - and, long story short, said self-hating-joo is now in prison, and the noisy zio/izzy-deception machine is humming along without skipping a beat...

check this DailyMail.UK piece - "slanted", you say? NAAAAHHHH!!! :p

What a clown! U.S. delegation walks out of UN speech by Iranian president Ahmadinejad as he comes to NY and calls 9/11 'a mystery' (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2040653/Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad-UN-speech-Iranian-president-calls-9-11-mystery.html)


Anyways it's an excellent conversation between Barrett and Giraldi, fleshing out this story as well as talking about the bigger picture re the US/izzy relationship, the media, gummit, courts, etc. Again:

Here's the MP3 of the interview (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-092111.mp3), 2 hours 28 MBs, Giraldi is 2nd hour so advance to the middle of the MP3- top of the second hour, for Girardi's hour.