View Full Version : liposomal for health

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:15 AM
Thought I would start this thread.

Liposomal vitamin C is simply amazing stuff, it enters the body in higher concentrations than I.V. Vitamin C.

Liposomal Glutathione also.

Glutathione and Vitamin c are the only 2 ways to deal with radiation, and a variety of poisons.

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:15 AM

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:19 AM
This makes about 14 oz of product.
Vitamin C
3 level tablespoons of soy lecithin (45cc). Make sure it is GMO free and organic if possible.
1 level tablespoon ascorbic acid powder (15cc)

Dissolve the lecithin in 1 cup (240cc) warm, NOT HOT, water, preferably distilled. You can use cold water but it dissolves much faster if slightly warmed. If the water is hot, it will clump rather than dissolve.

Dissolve the ascorbic acid in 1/2 cup warm water, preferably distilled.

Pour both solutions together into a wide mouth mason jar or other container that can accommodate the stick blender.

Blend until it forms a cloudy, homogeneous mixture in about 2 minutes.
Refrigerate and you're done. You will have to calculate the dose you are taking by the amount of Vitamin C in the product you use. For example, I bought a buffered powder that will give me 12 grams of Vitamin C in 14 oz of solution. When I make this I am going to add enough extra Vitamin C to make 1g/oz.

Method is exactly the same as above:
3 level tablespoons soy lecithin
1 tablespoon or 7 grams of glutathione powder
Proceed exactly as above.

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:32 AM

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:32 AM

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:38 AM
(I thought this was very interesting, have not confirmed this)


Hi, I would like to know what the difference would be in using the glutathione accelerator or any human growth hormone product.

I am a little bit skeptic about all this hype because I have tried with human growth hormone supplements and after more than 4 months I am not convinced that it's helping me with anything.

Why should I believe in glutathione??


Hello Wendell!

Great question! I will try my best to answer it!

Although Glutathione (GSH) and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) have many very similar benefits (youthfulness, vitality, improved sex drive, more energy, etc.) they are quite different.

First of all, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone whereas, Glutathione (GSH) is an antioxidant.

As we age, our bodies GSH levels tend to go down on an average of about 10-15% every 10 years.

It is often assumed that our HGH levels also go down as we age. That is NOT true, however.

Recent research indicates that the body's production of Human Growth Hormone DOES NOT decline with age. Rather, it is our ability to utilize HGH efficiently that is declining with age.

The very same things that contribute to poor health (toxins, stress, poor nutrition, low GSH levels, lack of exercise, etc.) also interfere with the body's ability to properly utilize HGH.

So by improving your health you also help your body to more fully utilize your HGH efficiently.

(For example: Sugar stalls and inhibits the bodies release and utilization of HGH, while exercise helps to encourage the release and utilization of HGH.

Fasting also has many health benefits including effectively raising our bodies ability to more fully utilize HGH. --No doubt a contributing factor to why people who fast on a regular basis tend to look much younger than their peers.)

By increasing your body's glutathione levels you are helping to increase your body's overall health. A healthier body is more able to effectively and efficiently release and utilize its human growth hormone supply.

Interestingly, one such study revealed increased levels of DHEA and IGF-1 -- hormone markers related to the amounts of HGH released and available for utilization in the body.


23rd September 2011, 11:08 AM
I'll keep an eye on this thread. Don't have experience with these products.

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 12:04 PM

Large Sarge
25th September 2011, 05:57 AM
Glutathione is a tri-peptide which is manufactured within each cell of our body provided three basic amino acids are present: L-glutamate, glycine and cysteine. Synthesis of high glutathione levels is critically dependent on the availability of dietary cysteine which is severely lacking in our diet and is therefore considered the rate-limiting amino acid.

After the age of about 20, levels of glutathione gradually decline on average 8-12% per decade. Levels are further diminished because of added stress, infections, environmental toxins, food chemicals, radiation, pollutants, drugs and poor diet etc. Studies have shown that low GSH levels lead to poor liver function thereby causing toxins to circulate throughout the body. Unless these toxins are removed they can quickly destroy key cell components (i.e.. cell membranes and DNA) resulting in rapid cell death and ultimate organ damage.

In summary, glutathione deficiency plays a significant role in the aging process which can ultimately lead to chronic illness and degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Research indicates that abnormally low levels of GSH may indicate a risk for heart attack. Also low glutathione levels have been associated with neuro-degenerative diseases such as MS (Multiple Sclerosis), ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and Alzheimer's disease.4,5 Low glutathione levels are believed to contribute to over 200 medical conditions.

For more information on the relationship between glutathione and specific diseases click this button.

Important Functions of Glutathione
1. Master Antioxidant
acts to protect and repair every cell, tissue and organ from oxidative damage and disease by donating electrons from it’s sulphur (or thiol) group to neutralize free radicals

ensures adequate antioxidant levels by preventing oxidation of DNA thus reducing mutations which may replicate to form cancer

helps prevent onset of metabolic diseases and premature aging

regenerates and recycles other important antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E in their active (reduced) state

2. Immune Booster
enhances functioning of T & B cells

essential component of body’s immune response by increasing white blood cells (lymphocytes-front line of defence to fight infection) eliminates "many carcinogens and also maintains an optimized immune function, providing stronger anti-tumour defenses"6

high levels of GSH protect all cells and tissues of the body and inhibit replication of most pathogens.

modulates the immune response by increasing its effectiveness when low and restores proper balance when overactive.

3. Detoxifier
essential in removing toxins at cellular level allowing mitochondria to function more effectively

GSH found at highest concentrations in liver followed by kidney and lungs (all considered detoxifying organs)

higher the liver’s GSH content, the better the liver’s ability to detoxify harmful chemicals including heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead).

cysteine-SH (cysteine thiol group) binds to toxins, pollutants, heavy metals, cancer-causing chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, cigarette smoke, UV radiation, chemotherapy, drugs, alcohol and safely eliminates these through the bile and urine

GSH is used as a respiratory aid in chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, sinusitis and pneumonia (mucolytic agent)
4. Boosts Energy
increases overall energy and vitality

increases mental clarity and improves concentration

enhances athletic performance, stamina and speed of recovery

What Reduces Glutathione In Our Cells?
Highly processed foods
Excessive alcohol intake
Fighting chronic disease
Strenuous exercise
Exposure to toxins, chemicals, pesticides, automobile exhaust and other pollutants
Excessive stress
Overuse of prescription and over the counter medication
The aging process

Large Sarge
26th September 2011, 04:50 AM
checkout I.V. Glutathione on parkinsons patient, simply unbelievable!!!!


26th September 2011, 09:30 AM
checkout I.V. Glutathione on parkinsons patient, simply unbelievable!!!!


That video is displaying a form of Glutathione. He and another doctor have patented a product called Protandim. I watched it a year or so ago. Not that I'm discounting the effects of Glutathione, it's wonderful stuff. Just putting out there that the IV was not just plain old Glutathione.

I've been mega dosing Vitamin C (4-6 grams) a day for 6 months and the results are impressive to say the least. I got a scratch on my hand from work last Monday, it wasn't deep but still bled and it was completely healed by Thursday, scab was gone.

I do have male pattern hair loss, and even my hair line is starting to show signs of regrowing. The thing spot on the crown is even starting to look thicker. The person who cuts my hair even noticed it and asked what I was doing. I just said I increased my Vitamin C intake to 4-6 grams a day. I do take magnesium since our diets are extremely deficient in it, and a super B complex. That's it. The results I've had so far have been amazing.

Even exercising my muscles don't ache for as long. Before it's typical for your muscles to hurt from the lactic acid build up for 72 hours. I'm down to 48 hours of muscle ache after working out. And this is with different muscle groups, that I do not work often.

Twisted Titan
26th September 2011, 10:00 AM
tag.........I have a mother in law with the shakes pretty bad

Large Sarge
26th September 2011, 02:11 PM

So I have been researching glutathione quite a bit lately, and it is simply amazing (plus I am taking the liposomal form, been taking it for 2.5 weeks or so)
notice more energy, sinuses are cleared out, better concentration (was not expecting that one), seem to be pushing a lot of toxins out of my body (through my skin, urine, etc)

what else I have discovered,

Glutathione seems to have the relatively unique ability to increase receptor site sensitivity.

receptor site sensitivity is how our body responds to different hormones/neurotranmitters/etc

as we age, out receptor site sensitivity goes down.

in researching this topic, I found most receptor site sensitivity lost from aging (or otherwise), is really lost due to oxidation.

type 2 diabeters, often found in older and obese people, is a lack of insulin sensitivity (plenty of insulin, but no sensitivity for the receptor sites), of course Glutathione cures that, and in most (all?) cases type 2 diabetes is really a low glutathione level, manifesting as diabetes.

(low glutathione levels are associated with over 200+ diseases)

anyway its amazing stuff, and super important...

26th September 2011, 04:19 PM

So I have been researching glutathione quite a bit lately, and it is simply amazing (plus I am taking the liposomal form, been taking it for 2.5 weeks or so)
notice more energy, sinuses are cleared out, better concentration (was not expecting that one), seem to be pushing a lot of toxins out of my body (through my skin, urine, etc)

what else I have discovered,

Glutathione seems to have the relatively unique ability to increase receptor site sensitivity.

receptor site sensitivity is how our body responds to different hormones/neurotranmitters/etc

as we age, out receptor site sensitivity goes down.

in researching this topic, I found most receptor site sensitivity lost from aging (or otherwise), is really lost due to oxidation.

type 2 diabeters, often found in older and obese people, is a lack of insulin sensitivity (plenty of insulin, but no sensitivity for the receptor sites), of course Glutathione cures that, and in most (all?) cases type 2 diabetes is really a low glutathione level, manifesting as diabetes.

(low glutathione levels are associated with over 200+ diseases)

anyway its amazing stuff, and super important...

Where do you get the Liposomal form of Gluthione? I would definitely like to add it to my regiment.

Large Sarge
26th September 2011, 05:16 PM
Where do you get the Liposomal form of Gluthione? I would definitely like to add it to my regiment.

well I have just been making my own, very inexpensive to do, relatively painless.

you need an ultrasonic cleaner ($25)

soy lecithin

powdered glutathione

distilled water

the video at the top has how to make liposomal vitamin c, you just substitute glutathione for the vitamin C powder, same formula/recipe..

I get all my ingredients from www.purebulk.com

when I make my lecithin formula, I use a blender to really get it dissolved.

anyway, you can make quite a bit very cheaply.

really is amazing stuff

the more I read and research glutathione, the more impressed I am...

Large Sarge
27th September 2011, 02:14 PM

got a couple more books on glutathione, and read them.

one of the things that sticks out,

3 highest concentrations of glutathione in the body.

1. Liver
2. Kidneys
3. Lungs

Liver and Kidney are involved with detoxing, cleaning, etc Glutathione helps to make the nasty stuff safe, increases white blood cell counts, etc

now on the lungs a few interesting things, almost all asthma patients (with asthma attacks) are low in glutathione.

and Cystic Fibrosis is a condition, where the patient is missing the enzyme to make glutathione in the lungs.

so a person with dystic fibrosis, his/her lungs are what happens when the body has no glutathione...

Large Sarge
27th September 2011, 03:29 PM

I will just keep throwing tidbits out here, as I digest them...

anyway, Glutathione is made of 3 amino acids, Glutamine, Glycine, and Cysteine.

now here is where it gets interesting...

2 of the aminos are quite easily found in the american diet (glutamine & glycine), and when tested most americans show adequate levels of these 2 aminos.

the last one, cysteine, is only found in unheated (unpasteurized) dairy products.

This is one reason(likely the main reason) why raw milk users report such amazing health benefits, they are geting a huge amount of cysteine, that most americans never get, their bodies start producing glutathione again.

undenatured, cold filtered whey protein has cysteine also.

Glutathione is seriously important....

Joe King
27th September 2011, 08:16 PM
anyway, Glutathione is made of 3 amino acids, Glutamine, Glycine, and Cysteine.

now here is where it gets interesting...

2 of the aminos are quite easily found in the american diet (glutamine & glycine), and when tested most americans show adequate levels of these 2 aminos.

the last one, cysteine, is only found in unheated (unpasteurized) dairy products.

This is one reason(likely the main reason) why raw milk users report such amazing health benefits, they are geting a huge amount of cysteine, that most americans never get, their bodies start producing glutathione again.

undenatured, cold filtered whey protein has cysteine also.

I read here that there are other sources too.

Cysteine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cysteine#Dietary_sources) is found in most high-protein foods, including:

Animal sources: pork, sausage meat, chicken, turkey, duck, luncheon meat, eggs, milk, whey protein, ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt
Plant sources: red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts, oats, granola, wheat germ, lentil

29th September 2011, 04:54 AM

The amino acid glutamine is the principle metabolic fuel for the intestinal mucosa, or, more specifically, for the cells that line the intestinal epithelium (enterocytes). For this reason, the small and large intestines require more glutamine than any other organ.

A deficiency of glutamine causes atrophy of the intestinal mucosa, a condition commonly associated with chronic enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. All of these disorders, in turn, are associated with chronic constipation, something you want to prevent and avoid during the transition [to a low fiber diet - ed.].

Glutamine is readily synthesized in human cells. It is also the most prevalent amino acid in intestinal tissue, blood, skeletal muscles, the lungs, liver, brain, and stomach. When the demand for glutamine exceeds the internal supply—because of trauma, disease, infection, medical treatment, digestive impairment, dietary deficiency, starvation, and similar circumstances—the body must get it from the diet or from supplements. For this reason glutamine is designated as a “conditionally essential” amino acid.

Just like with any other amino acid (except essential), when the diet lacks the adequate amount of protein required to synthesize glutamine, the body draws it from itself. Muscle and bone-wasting (i.e. osteoporosis) is one of the first and most prominent symptoms of acute glutamine deficiency.

Meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, and beans are the main dietary sources of glutamine for people with normal digestion. Because beans cause flatulence and bloating related to their high-fiber content, they are an inappropriate source of glutamine for anyone but the young and healthy.

For people who already suffer from intestinal disorders, regular diets can’t provide adequate glutamine regardless of the source, because they have difficulties digesting dietary protein to begin with. Ironically, this impasse is caused in part by... glutamine deficiency. There is only one way to break this vicious cycle: by using glutamine in supplemental form.

Glutamine supplements are available in three forms: (1) as L‑Glutamine, a free-form amino acid, which means it’s identical to the glutamine present in the body; (2) as glutamine peptides, which means it's bound with other amino acids; and as (3) a mix of both.

Glutamine peptides are considered more stable during storage, but are known to cause constipation and bloating, and are contraindicated for people with kidney disease, and women who are pregnant or nursing. For these reasons glutamine peptides aren’t appropriate for the treatment of constipation and digestive disorders.

There are no known side effects associated with pharmaceutical-grade supplemental L-Glutamine, because, as has been already said, it is identical to naturally-occurring glutamine in the body, and doesn’t need to be predigested, as glutamine peptides do.

Glutamine supplements are especially popular among athletes and body builders, and are broadly available in health food stores in the form of water-soluble powders, tablets, or capsules. Depending on the degree of intestinal damage, you may require from 5 to 10 g of L-Glutamine daily, hence neither tablets or capsules are practical or economical for this purpose.

Pharmaceutical-grade L-Glutamine is best for supplementation because of its purity and exceptional digestibility (bioavailability). For best results it must be taken on an empty stomach, so it gets down into the intestinal tract without being held up by gastric digestion. Most of the supplements for athletes sold in health food stores contain food-grade L-Glutamine, or are mixed with glutamine peptides.

Fiber Menace, p. 240-242

Large Sarge
29th September 2011, 05:20 AM
I read here that there are other sources too.

Cysteine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cysteine#Dietary_sources) is found in most high-protein foods, including:

Animal sources: pork, sausage meat, chicken, turkey, duck, luncheon meat, eggs, milk, whey protein, ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt
Plant sources: red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts, oats, granola, wheat germ, lentil

from my understanding, cysteine is extremely herat sensitive, the chains break down (denature).

so aside from the plant sources you list, all the meat is presumably cooked, and all the dairy is presumably pasteurized.

so yes your info is correct, they start out with some amount of cysteine before reaching your gut....

its the inbetween stuff that causes some issues.

as stated earlier, I strongly suspect the main reason raw milk users show such phenomenal health is that they are getting loads of cysteine (and other crucial aminos)

their body starts producing glutathione again.

they get their health and vitality back.

29th September 2011, 05:20 AM
Why wouldn't one want to mix the soy lecithin, glutathione and ascorbic acid all in one?

Just making my list and wondered about this.

Large Sarge
29th September 2011, 05:25 AM
Why wouldn't one want to mix the soy lecithin, glutathione and ascorbic acid all in one?

Just making my list and wondered about this.

well, one of the sources said that vitamin c when combined with glutathione directly, negates the effect.

I can kind of believe it, Vitamin c has some unique characteristics, it acts as an anti-toxin and it acts as an immune booster (please read "curing the incureable" by Dr. Thomas Levy, the ultimate vitamin C book)


plus the vitamin c is acidic

so it would breakdown the glutathione.

I take mine separately,

now if you get a snake bite, spider bite, exposed to high levels of poison, chronic infection, etc then megadose the liposomal vitamin c

and take the glutathione the same.

they are both amazing substances, but I suspect most americans suffer from long term chronic glutathione deficiency.

29th September 2011, 05:30 AM
well, one of the sources said that vitamin c when combined with glutathione directly, negates the effect.

I can kind of believe it, Vitamin c has some unique characteristics, it acts as an anti-toxin and it acts as an immune booster (please read "curing the incureable" by Dr. Thomas Levy, the ultimate vitamin C book)


plus the vitamin c is acidic

so it would breakdown the glutathione.

I take mine separately,

now if you get a snake bite, spider bite, exposed to high levels of poison, chronic infection, etc then megadose the liposomal vitamin c

and take the glutathione the same.

they are both amazing substances, but I suspect most americans suffer from long term chronic glutathione deficiency.

Okay, if you take these separately say one in morning and one in evening wouldn't that be too much soy lecithin?

Large Sarge
29th September 2011, 05:35 AM
Okay, if you take these separately say one in morning and one in evening wouldn't that be too much soy lecithin?

you do not take a whole lot, a few ounces at each serving, remember with liposomal you are absorbing 90%+, and in a number of studies/cases blood levels of the liposomal agent (vitamin C, or Glutathione) have actually gone higher with liposomal than with intravenous (think on that for a minute or three)

pretty amazing.

the I.V. Glutathione above (the video I posted) is 3,000 mgs, and it cured parkinsons in an adult male, he looks to weigh 175 lbs or so, and they do that 3 times a week, and the patients stay "symptom free"

now when you make your liposomal glutathione, you are using roughly 7,000 mgs of glutathione (one heaping tablespoon), in say 14 ounces of solution

so each ounce is roughly 500 mgs,

you absorb say 450 mgs of that, it goes right to your bloodstream.

2 ounces a day and you are near 1,000 mgs I.V. Glutathione

29th September 2011, 06:34 AM
Hey Sarge you said one of the sources said vit c negates the effect of glutathion and I'm wondering about that. I've ordered the the stuff to make these things in this thread but haven't gotten them yet. I ordered d-ribose and have been taking it because of another thread I think you started. I don't like the taste of it so I mix it with water and lemon juice. Do you know if the lemon juice will negate the effect of d ribose?

Large Sarge
29th September 2011, 08:56 AM
Hey Sarge you said one of the sources said vit c negates the effect of glutathion and I'm wondering about that. I've ordered the the stuff to make these things in this thread but haven't gotten them yet. I ordered d-ribose and have been taking it because of another thread I think you started. I don't like the taste of it so I mix it with water and lemon juice. Do you know if the lemon juice will negate the effect of d ribose?

I think you will be fine mixing the ribose with other items, they mention coffee, lemonade, ornage juice, water, iced tea, etc

seems pretty resistant.

I am a bit surprised you do not like the taste though, I put a bit under my tongue, tastes great to me, all that sweet, and no guilt and fat gain.... LOL

Large Sarge
29th September 2011, 09:22 AM
one other item, all the folks on SSRI's (anti-depressants)

They help with serotonin levels in the brain (but have all those nasty side effects, etc)

well it turns out glutathione is the agent that keeps (or increases) the receptor site sensitivity for serotonin in the brain.

increasing receptor site senstivity makes it work better ( a little goes a long way, if the receptor sites are sensitive)
(i.e. type 2 diabetes, they have tons of insulin, but their receptor sites have no sensitivity, so the insulin is almost useless, same principle, and its also glutathione related)
so I mentioned that my concentration seemed to have improved since I have been taking this stuff, it also seems to help your mood, but it is very subtle.

one other item on the brain issue, Glutathione is the only agent that removes toxins from the brain.

and the last item for contempltation, when the body has excess toxins(that it cannot get rid of), it has to store those toxins in fat (muscle and bone are not suitable to store waste)

there are only a few areas of the body that are primarily fat, Prostate gland, Breasts (in women, and a few men), and the brain.

so basically those areas receive all the garbage when your body cannot get rid of it.

so as the garbage is deposited in the fat, we see prostate cancer, breast cancer, assorted mental conditions (Add/ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, parkinsons, ALS, etc)

just food for thought

29th September 2011, 07:10 PM
I think you will be fine mixing the ribose with other items, they mention coffee, lemonade, ornage juice, water, iced tea, etc

seems pretty resistant.

I am a bit surprised you do not like the taste though, I put a bit under my tongue, tastes great to me, all that sweet, and no guilt and fat gain.... LOL

Sarge sugar makes me hungry so I try to avoid it. Corn Syrup makes me feel sick and this stuff tastes like corn syrup to me and that's why I don't like it. It does seem to give me energy and keeps me snappin around all day though. Thanks;D

29th September 2011, 07:19 PM

Large Sarge
3rd October 2011, 11:00 AM
I thought I would post a few more items on Glutathione

NAC (N-Acetyl-Cystenine) raises glutathione levels

Melatonin raises glutathione levels

undenatured whey protein raises glutathione levels. (look for bioactive, cold filtered)

alpha lipoic acid also helps to raise glutathione levels.

Large Sarge
14th October 2011, 05:22 PM
this company impressed me,

nebulizing glutathione is very interesting,

and for late stage folks, as unpleasant as it sounds, the suppositories would likely save a life.


21st October 2011, 08:46 PM
I took a wander down to our local health shop to see what they had ingredients wise.

They have a Vit C powder with Hesperidin Complex, what ever that is. I don't know is this Hesperidin Complex is the buffer you speak about Large Sarge?

Also the only lecithin I've been able to find is in pill form. Easy enough to grind up I guess but again not sure if it is the right stuff for the job.

I can't find any glutathione in any form locally.

Buying off the net is not really an option for me cause I don't do CC. Was hoping to buy local but as with everything here, there aint none of nothing available.... althought I've just stumbled on a aussie place that does have the Vit C stuff and does money order or direct transfers so I might be in with a chance here. I'm pretty keen to try this out.

Large Sarge
22nd October 2011, 03:08 AM
I took a wander down to our local health shop to see what they had ingredients wise.

They have a Vit C powder with Hesperidin Complex, what ever that is. I don't know is this Hesperidin Complex is the buffer you speak about Large Sarge?

Also the only lecithin I've been able to find is in pill form. Easy enough to grind up I guess but again not sure if it is the right stuff for the job.

I can't find any glutathione in any form locally.

Buying off the net is not really an option for me cause I don't do CC. Was hoping to buy local but as with everything here, there aint none of nothing available.... althought I've just stumbled on a aussie place that does have the Vit C stuff and does money order or direct transfers so I might be in with a chance here. I'm pretty keen to try this out.

I get the impression you are buying locally in australia?

well, I am unsure what is available "down under", but you want pretty much pure vitamin C (does not need to be pharmaceutical grade)

and you can use either soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin

the lecithin binds to the vitamin C ( a fat), and it passes right through the digestive system, enters the blood.

if I can be of any further help, just let me know.

health food stores might have the lecithin down there?

22nd October 2011, 05:47 AM
Glass if you don't want to use a credit card it might be worth while to ask a friend who does to order it for you. I've ordered all the stuff Sarge suggested from Purebulk and have had good results. Besided glutathione,vit c and lecithin I also ordered d-ribose and it does give me more energy. I haven't had time to mix up the other stuff but I have everything to do it when I do.

22nd October 2011, 06:20 AM
I'll be trying this, thanks!

23rd October 2011, 09:31 AM
LARGE SARGE: ..."well I have just been making my own, very inexpensive to do, relatively painless. ...you need an ultrasonic cleaner ($25)..."

Sarge, great information, thank you!
I'm going to look into this for my brother who has Parkinsons.

What/how is the Ultrasonic cleaner used for?

I will be using distilled water.

Thanks again for this information.

23rd October 2011, 09:56 AM
The ultrasonic cleaner simply mixes the ingredients until they bind. LS recommended using a blender which seems to do the same thing.

LS in another thread it mentions that ascorbic acid needs other ingredients to work properly. Any comments/opinions?

Large Sarge
23rd October 2011, 10:25 AM
@ Hermie,

if your brother has parkinsons, and depending on how far along he is, etc

(Again, I am not a doctor, and I am not giving medical advice)

If it were my brother, I would advise using the either the nebulizing glutathione

or glutathione suppositories

from www.glutacure.com (not affiliated with this company in any fashion, not a shareholder, etc)

they ship their items cold, it is sent over night delivery.

simply with a chronic illness, you want to raise glutathione levels as quickly as possible.

glutathione is the only thing that chelates fat tissues (nervous tissue, brain, etc), and it acts as a potent antixidant, stopping the disease process, and speeding up the healing.

certainly using a home made solution is viable, long term, but I think with a chronic condition, and with immediate family member (my own brother), I would spend a few dollar to get his levels up.

you can nebulize for a month for $120
you do suppositories for a month $150 (the big dose, 500 mg)

again, glutathione is really going to benefit any neurological issues the most, it gets in there, and removes the crap, and heals everything...


Large Sarge
23rd October 2011, 10:27 AM
The ultrasonic cleaner simply mixes the ingredients until they bind. LS recommended using a blender which seems to do the same thing.

LS in another thread it mentions that ascorbic acid needs other ingredients to work properly. Any comments/opinions?

you use the blender for the soy lecithin mixture, mixed with distilled water.

gets it good and dissolved.

the powdered vitamin c or glutathione, mixes very easily with the distilled water.

23rd October 2011, 11:33 AM
Does a blender works just as well as the ultrasonic cleaner? I have a blender but not the cleaner, and that's the only reason why I haven't tried this out yet.

Large Sarge
23rd October 2011, 11:45 AM
Does a blender works just as well as the ultrasonic cleaner? I have a blender but not the cleaner, and that's the only reason why I haven't tried this out yet.

one of the sites said a blender will do it, just not as well.

like liposomal w/ ustrasonic cleaner you get 90%+ encoated

liposomal w/ Blender perhaps 50-60% encoated.

be hard to measure, the liposomal vitamin C I can feel pretty quick (always on an empty stomach)

sinuses clear out, energy increases, body temp goes (warmth), etc


more energy, skin gets oily from detox, memory sharpens, mood improves (serotonin receptor sites are cleaned up by glutathione, acts as a natural antideprtessant), concentration focus increases,

first few days on the glutathione, I was really detoxing, broke out in a rash/zits on my upper back (weird, like high school all over), got some bad head aches, had some diarrhea, felt pretty weak over all, skin was really "junky" by the end of the day (toxins forced out)

I stuck it out with the glutathione, and feel a lot better, its powerful stuff, seriously.

I was impressed with the detoxing process, junk was being pushed out of my body day and night, seriously.

23rd October 2011, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the info LS.
From what I've read now though, it seems they say taking gutathione orally is useless.
I've read that it is rendered null by the digestion process.
Disappointed to hear that.

It seems nebulizer, suppositories, or intravenous is the only effective ways to use it.

Have you received benefits from using the recipe you posted above?
That is an orally used product you end up with, right?

Again, thanks for this very useful info.

Large Sarge
23rd October 2011, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the info LS.
From what I've read now though, it seems they say taking gutathione orally is useless.
I've read that it is rendered null by the digestion process.
Disappointed to hear that.

It seems nebulizer, suppositories, or intravenous is the only effective ways to use it.

Have you received benefits from using the recipe you posted above?
That is an orally used product you end up with, right?

Again, thanks for this very useful info.

I have made and used the liposomal glutathione, and yes it works.

liposomal technology bypasses the digestive track, thats what makes it so powerful.

passes right through the stomach lining, enters the blood stream.

they have taken liposomal vitamin C, and gotten blood levels higher than by doing I.V. Vitamin C, think on that for a few minutes, that will blow your mind.

Liposomal glutathione will work,

all liposomal products need to be taken on an empty stomach, and you need to wait at least an hour to eat anything.

I said, with your brother already sick, you might invest in a month of suppositories for him, just to get his blood levels up quickly, until you get all the supplies, and the ultrasonic cleaner

but yes liposomal glutathione works, all the detox xymptoms I listed above were by doing liposomal glutathione....

powerful stuff, seriously

12th December 2011, 12:29 AM
I got an UC to make the liposomal vitamin C solution, but after taking it for a few weeks I started having the same negative symptoms I got when I was on a soy-heavy diet.

Since I had half a cup left in the fridge when I decided to quit, I started applying it on my face after putting lotion on so it wouldn't go to waste (I tried it directly on my skin, but it's too sticky to use by itself).

It seems to really help a lot! It makes your skin smoothly glass-like and poreless, and eliminates fine lines (it may take a long time to eliminate deep wrinkles if you've got them).

There's a lot of online DIY cosmetics forums, and quite a few DIY vitamin C serum recipes floating around out there (the good ones for sale are quite expensive). But supposedly vitamin C serums doesn't work if the pH is below 3 or 4 (IIRC). I wonder what the liposomal vitamin C solution pH is?

12th December 2011, 04:30 AM
I wonder what the liposomal vitamin C solution pH is?
Good Q, I have some PH strips in the barn. I will check this out later.
I go light on the soy due to the wonderful taste, I wouldn't want to drink it all in one sitting.

14th December 2011, 01:18 PM
I'm looking to try this soon.

14th December 2011, 10:23 PM
Good Q, I have some PH strips in the barn. I will check this out later.

I have some from the health food store, but they only go down to 4 or 5.

I go light on the soy due to the wonderful taste, I wouldn't want to drink it all in one sitting.

I was drinking a batch within 24 or 34 hours. Bleck!

Large Sarge
15th December 2011, 02:44 AM
Good Q, I have some PH strips in the barn. I will check this out later.
I go light on the soy due to the wonderful taste, I wouldn't want to drink it all in one sitting.

someone said you can measure the liposomal strength by using sodium bicarbonate....

since the liposomes encapsulate the vitamin c, and the bicarbonate reacts with ascorbic acid (vitamin c)

pretty old email of mine, will see if I can find it.

anyway, the liposomal is amazing stuff,

19th December 2011, 12:32 PM
someone said you can measure the liposomal strength by using sodium bicarbonate....

since the liposomes encapsulate the vitamin c, and the bicarbonate reacts with ascorbic acid (vitamin c)

This is how I make sodium ascorbate. I didn't like how it tasted in the liposomal solution though. It was too salty.

31st January 2012, 02:06 AM
I thought I'd poke this thread.

Anyone have an indication of what the dosage might be? I didn't see it when I scanned through the posts.

31st January 2012, 07:17 AM
I don't know what the dosage is supposed to be either but I gave it a try. I ordered the stuff from purebulk and mixed it according to the video. I started out with two tablespoons of the mixtures of glutathione and liposomol at different times of the night. Later I doubled it. I started feeling tired and and didn't feel so good. I've quit taking it now and my energy came back.

I don't like soybeans and the lecithin is made from them. I don't know if it's the reason I felt tired or it is something else. On the video it said you can make it with sunflower lecithin and I may try that. I need to study this some more but don't have the time right now. Thought I'd share my experiance but I don't have the answer to your question.

18th March 2012, 03:15 PM
I'm still not sure how much of this stuff to consume in one go. LS is the measurements from your OP what you would consume in a single sitting or is that a couple days worth?

18th March 2012, 04:36 PM
I think I remember reading something about 1OZ at a time. I altered the recipe to make 8OZ which lasts a couple of days in the fridge.

Large Sarge
18th March 2012, 05:10 PM
more is not always better, especially with lipo glutathione, u really speed the detox process

i think the most I ever did at one time was 3 to 4 ounces,

18th March 2012, 05:12 PM
ok so I made about 10oz liquid with perhaps 2.5 - 3 gms Vit C powder - tblspoon. I think based on the Vit C qty per gram powder it's about 50%. So 1gm powder = .5 gm Vit C.

On that basis I think I would need 6 times the amount of powder I put in. Actually I think it's a fair bit more than that if I want to get 1gm Vit C per Oz finished product.

I drank half of what I made. Probably the right amount to get 1oz from the mix I made up. Not pleasant but not unpleasant. The lemon flavour of the Vit C powder is interesting. For what it's worth I feel a bit peaky. Bit like you do after taking mega dose Vit B.

3rd April 2012, 08:18 PM
ok so it's been 2 weeks since I started taking the Vit C Liposomal and I thought I would give a bit more feedback. I take about 3 oz per morning. Still don't know what qty I could be consuming each day so this will do for now. I might increase to 4 oz and maybe upto 6 oz.

My mix is 2tbls spoons Soy Licithin and 1 tbls spoon Vit C. The vit c is 50% by weight. This is disolved in 12 Oz warm water.

I feel good after drinking. I've get a mild energy lift and I get extended stamina through out the day. I'm usually wiped out by mid afternoon and looking for some quick shut eye. With this stuff I'm good all the way through. I've been told I look less tired and less stress in the face. Digestion is better and some discomfort I had after eating and drinking seems to have gone. Out of control stomach acid I think. Everything else seems normal. Not sure I've noticed much improvement with my sport activities yet. I think I'm pushing harder but there is no huge difference in the numbers from what I can see. I think with some different weather conditions I might show a slight improvement but it would be low double/single figure %. It's a bit windy ATM although having said that I am still getting my better averages in what I consider to be pretty stiff wind.

I see no reason for not continuing taking this. I actually am up earlier so I can take this 1 hour before breakfast. I look forward to my daily dose.

3rd April 2012, 08:48 PM
Glass have you tried the glutathione too or just the vit c? I have not been doing this as often as I should so I have not realized anything.

I have a triple beam and weighed this stuff, might help you with your dosages. Either the info posted earlier is wrong or I am but I did weigh this on a good scale twice to make sure and used cooking spoons not a regular eating utensil.

1 level tablespoon of ascorbic acid = 10 grams (actually is 10.3 gram) to round things off.
3 level tablespoons soy lecithin = 14 grams.

I actually make 16oz at a time so I add one and a half tablespoon ascorbic acid (appx 15-16 gram). This gives me 1 gram per oz.

The glutathione for 16 oz water is about 8 grams or a little more than a level tablespoon. 1 tablespoon is 7 grams per 14 oz water.

3rd April 2012, 09:00 PM

I haven't tried the other one yet. I get the feeling it might increase liver load and I didn't want to go too far without seeing how I feel first. I think the load is there but managable at these levels with the Vit C.

I haven't been able to find a local source for glutathione yet but when I do I'll try that as well. I'm also keen to find some sunflower lecithin but I can only find US sources at this time.

I am using utensils rather than proper measures. I was telling myself I should invest in some, although I was going to weigh what I am measuring up using my PM scales. I'll try and remember to grab some when I am out and about.

I'm starting from a pretty low base energy and health wise so any improvement in feeling is noticable, although it is not phenomenal if you get my drift. Unlike say a mega vit B dose would smack you in the face energy wise and be gone in half a day. This just makes me feel like I think I should feel if I was 100% well. A nice steady level of energy all day long.

I also need to find a better way to mix this stuff. I'm using a kids milkshake maker which can only handle about 5 - 6oz of mix. I get the feeling that some mechanical mixers would do damage to the ingredients or something. A blender would be ideal but unsure if it's appropriate or not.

I've got a stick mixer but that seems to eject everything rather than mix.

anyone have any thoughts on a good way to mix this stuff?

3rd April 2012, 11:44 PM
I was looking into the sonic cleaners, seem to be the right way to go and they are cheap enough on Ebay here. I have a blender that works just dumping it all together in cold water but as you mention it can't possibly be good for the stuff. I need to look into the sunflower lecathin too, was reading the soy stuff might not be all that good.

Get some cooking measuring spoons, they are much more accurate IMO. and last WTF is a PM scale?

4th April 2012, 12:12 AM
precious metals or precocious metals... how ever you like to feel them.....;D

4th April 2012, 01:05 AM
I was mixing mine using measuring spoons, 1 tbs vit. c, 3 tbs soy lecithin and one cup warm water. Blended in a small blender then six minutes in a sonic metal cleaner. Did this also with the Glutithione. I started with 3 tbs of each per day but backed off to 1tbs of the mixtures a day. It seemed to make me feel tired so I quit and felt better. I don't like soybeans so I thought that might be the problem. I could only find liquid sunflower lecithin and I got some but haven't mixed any up with it yet. I don't have a scale to weigh it with but thought I'd mix it the same as the dry soy lecithin. Don't know if that's right or not. Haven't taken time yet to mix it and try again.

Large Sarge
4th April 2012, 01:08 AM
I was mixing mine using measuring spoons, 1 tbs vit. c, 3 tbs soy lecithin and one cup warm water. Blended in a small blender then six minutes in a sonic metal cleaner. Did this also with the Glutithione. I started with 3 tbs of each per day but backed off to 1tbs of the mixtures a day. It seemed to make me feel tired so I quit and felt better. I don't like soybeans so I thought that might be the problem. I could only find liquid sunflower lecithin and I got some but haven't mixed any up with it yet. I don't have a scale to weigh it with but thought I'd mix it the same as the dry soy lecithin. Don't know if that's right or not. Haven't taken time yet to mix it and try again.

if you are doing the lipo glutathione, and feel worn down, that is kind of normal...

part of the detox,

I did a lot of that for about 2 weeks, multiple times per day, decent doses, etc

and by about day 4 to 5 (in a 2 week span), I was feeling pretty rough, headaches, skin was breaking out, fatigued, etc

I just drank more water, and plowed through it, on the other side I felt so much better, years younger....

4th April 2012, 07:58 AM
Thanks Sarge. I'll have to mix some more up and have another go at it.

4th April 2012, 09:05 AM
That video is displaying a form of Glutathione. He and another doctor have patented a product called Protandim. I watched it a year or so ago. Not that I'm discounting the effects of Glutathione, it's wonderful stuff. Just putting out there that the IV was not just plain old Glutathione.

I've been mega dosing Vitamin C (4-6 grams) a day for 6 months and the results are impressive to say the least. I got a scratch on my hand from work last Monday, it wasn't deep but still bled and it was completely healed by Thursday, scab was gone.

I do have male pattern hair loss, and even my hair line is starting to show signs of regrowing. The thing spot on the crown is even starting to look thicker. The person who cuts my hair even noticed it and asked what I was doing. I just said I increased my Vitamin C intake to 4-6 grams a day. I do take magnesium since our diets are extremely deficient in it, and a super B complex. That's it. The results I've had so far have been amazing.

Even exercising my muscles don't ache for as long. Before it's typical for your muscles to hurt from the lactic acid build up for 72 hours. I'm down to 48 hours of muscle ache after working out. And this is with different muscle groups, that I do not work often.

Do you get diarrhea from that much Vit C?

4th April 2012, 09:55 AM
I bought an ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight a few years ago to clean my lettering brushes. The stainless tank on it holds probably 1qt. of liquid. If I remember it cost around 80 bucks.

4th April 2012, 09:59 AM
I bought an ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight a few years ago to clean my lettering brushes. The stainless tank on it holds probably 1qt. of liquid. If I remember it cost around 80 bucks.

I've had a look around and I can see 500/600ml (1 pint) capacity for the same money so I will head out and see what I can score.

4th April 2012, 10:16 AM
I just ordered the vitamin c from pure bulk. Im going to try the mega dosing (4 to 6 grams) a day.

4th April 2012, 10:27 AM
I just ordered the vitamin c from pure bulk. Im going to try the mega dosing (4 to 6 grams) a day.

Careful with starting out that high


20th April 2012, 12:37 AM
It's now just over 4 weeks since I sarted taking the Vit C every morning. I personally think it's a game changer.

I had some quite bad stomach pains which have eased to virtually nothing. They actually went almost as soon as I started. I think mostly a stomach acid thing, potentially ulcerous. I wanted to wait and see if things stayed that way.

More energy. Not jumping out of my skin energy but stamina I guess. I get through more of the day with ease
Less tired. I'm usually wiped out by mid late afternoon. Nope still going strong into the night.
Sleep does more than just take up my time and leave me tired. I'm a 6hrs max person but was always left feeling tired
Leaner. I've leaned up a bit. I hope its from this and not something else. See if we stablise about here. Low BMI here I come. I might even start dreaming about being buff... nah.
No dark rings around eyes anymore. Looking good IIDSSMS
I can't wait to get up in the morning and get some of this stuff into me
I think there are other generally good things going on with my body because of this.
I feel, literally like I did 10 years ago and thats a good thing.

Can't wait to get up in the morning. I gotta wait a whole 24 hours before I can have some more.
Ah.........I think thats the lot.
Oh maybe the hour wait before eating... although I rearranged the morning schedule and now I'm consistently leaving earlier for work.....

All in all this is a winner and I really want to thank Large Sarge for sharing this one with us. This will be a permanent part of my day.

20th April 2012, 12:47 AM
I still don't understand the actual therapy. Can you detail what a day or week of dosing yourself is like? How is it prepared?

20th April 2012, 01:49 AM
I still don't understand the actual therapy. Can you detail what a day or week of dosing yourself is like? How is it prepared?

Ok well my process is, I get 2 containers, glass(pyrex) measuring jugs that hold about 8 ounces.

I put 8 ounces of warm water in one (Soy lecithin jug) and 4 ounces warm water in the other (Vit C jug).
I put 2 tablespoons of soy lecithin in the 8 ounces of water
1 put 1 tablespoon Vit C powder in the 4 ounces of water. Sometimes maybe a bit more but no more than 1/2 tablespoon.

I mix each a little using fork or spoon.
I'm using a milkshake maker.
I pour 1/2 of soy lecithin mix in + 1/2 Vit C mix into milkshake cup thingo.

NOTE You could do all this in one mixer/jug. I split it because the milkshake cup thingo only holds about 4 ounces and the jugs are only 8 ounce capacity.

So I mix it in 2 batches. I pour both batches into a 4th sealable container big enough to hold all of it. I sometimes shake it up and then split it again and remix or if I'm happy with it I stop there.

I then drink 1/4 of that mix each morning. So for me the above is 4 doses. It could probably be bigger doses, so maybe 3 days worth or even 2 days....but for now its ok. There migth be side effects at higher doses.... like the running man picture. I have had something like that if I used 2 tblspoons of Vit C but it could have been something else. Will try higher doses again and back off if need be.

The mixing generates a froth, just like a milk shake funnily enough. The froth looks a bit scummy after a day sitting in the fridge. The mix also separates when it sits but a quick shake before serving and it's all good.

I also find that 2tblspoons of soy lecithin does not completely disolve when first mixed but it does disolve 100% over the next 24 to 48 hours. No biggie.

I have no lethargy through out the day and no tired spots mid afternoon like I used to. I'm also very awake and alert late into the night where as I would normally be getting drowsy by 10pm.

Mornings are instant awake and rearing to go. No dragging myself out of bed.

AFAIK The idea is to get as much Vit C into your bloodstream as possible. The Soy lecithin creates a oily (lipid) cover/encapsulation for the vit c supposedly protecting it from stomach acids enabling more to enter the blood stream.

If you have had Vitamin B and got an almighty boost from that. It's similar but not as pronounced a boost but a longer lasting one. Consider Vit B to be the Hare and Vit C to be the Tortoise. Noticable but not as intense.

So that is all I know, which is next to nothing.

I would be cautious if I had liver issues. I wouldn't stay away but I might start with 1/2 of what I am having. Make sure no upsets and increase from there.

Large Sarge
20th April 2012, 09:21 AM
really glad to hear all the good results, my results were similar, on the back end of a very very intense 2 week lipo glut cycle, I felt 10 years younger,

lipo vit c is amazing also,

2nd June 2012, 11:37 AM
There's another ultrasonic model on amazon that runs for 8 mins at a time for a few dollars more than the $30 one.

One tip on the lecithin granules is to run then through a one of those Braun coffee grinders for about 10-20 seconds. From this you get powder that dissolves instantly.

I noticed the lecithin granules are a bitch to mix.

2nd June 2012, 12:07 PM
I ordered some sunflower lecithin that is a syrup. It's the stickiest damn stuff I've ever seen. Can't wash it off a spoon with warm water or soap. You have to wipe it off with a paper towel. I mix a cup of warm water, one tablespoon of vit c and 1 tbs of lecithin in a blender then put it in an ultrasonic cleaner for six minutes. It mixes well and I keep it in the refridgerator then take a sip during the day whenever I think of it when I haven't eaten for awhile. I didn't like the soy lecithin but this seems to agree better with me. I seem to have plenty of energy and stamina. I mostly eat meat, a little green vegtables and a little fruit. I try to avoid anything with flour, starch or sugar.

2nd June 2012, 12:16 PM
There's another ultrasonic model on amazon that runs for 8 mins at a time for a few dollars more than the $30 one.

One tip on the lecithin granules is to run then through a one of those Braun coffee grinders for about 10-20 seconds. From this you get powder that dissolves instantly.

I noticed the lecithin granules are a bitch to mix.

Thanks for that. I've found the same. Hadn't thought about grinding them first. They do disolve completely over a couple days.

Interesting on the sunflower lecithin. Sounds almost like a grease consistency. I'm still getting high energy levels and overall I feel better. It's good stuff.

2nd June 2012, 12:26 PM
Interesting on the sunflower lecithin. Sounds almost like a grease consistency.

A lot like bearing grease but even more gooey and harder to get off.

2nd June 2012, 03:29 PM
Was reading about the sunflower lecithin. Def, might try it out. I'm sure it tastes a lot better.

My first experimental batch I used a blender while waiting for the ultrasonic device to arrive (just got it yesterday actually), and I set the blender on high running about 20 mins, which was a bad idea, as it heated up the mixture to literally steaming hot, and it tasted absolutely horrible. I kept burping the same nasty taste of the soy for hours. Ended up dumping it down the drain.

I think heat, and soy lecithin is a bad combination. I'd have to say definitely a 9/10 on the gross factor.

The ultrasonic only makes the mixture slightly warm after 20+ mins even, and it is tons more palatable.

I'm using the NOW brand 100% pure ascorbic acid, and it basically just tastes like bitter lemonade, so it's definitely the soy factor from a taste perspective.

I am noticing a very slight buzz effect, and I feel more alert. My workout today was very good as well.

5th June 2012, 06:08 AM
Anyone else notice that the mixture separates shortly after making the batch?.....I.e within. Minutes?

The guy was saying that he had no noticeable separation after 3 - 4 days.

Beginning to wonder about this, as the 8aloha "Dr." is a chiropractor.

6th June 2012, 07:29 PM
Thought I'd chime in again on this.

I think any amount of heat/warmth generated in the process is not good, as it seems to change the composition of the soy lecithin. Cooks it perhaps. Tofu anyone?

I let the lecithin granules soak overnight in the fridge, which helps them dissolve very easily, and also keeps the mixture cool while in the ultrasonic. The unit I have does 8 minutes at a time, and I run it for 4 sessions.

The batch I made this morning has no visible separation at all several hours later.

6th June 2012, 09:06 PM
I mix mine with warm water. I slow heat the water until it's just at boil. Then I mix 50/50 with cold water. So it's basically luke warm. I use that to mix the lecithin and Vit-C. I haven't noticed any unpleasant flavour. The Vit-C I use is lemon flavoured. I know from past experience unflavoured Vit-C is pretty rank to consume. Very very bitter flavour. I find the flavour of this quite acceptable. It tastes like lemon cheesecake flavour. Lemon is my favourite flavour so I'm all good.

The idea of soaking the lecithin overnight is an excellent one. I will try that on my next batch which will be Saturday. I missed my dose yesterday. I didn't notice any drop in energy levels. Today I'm feeling less than well but it's unrelated.

6th June 2012, 10:06 PM
I've noticed with the sunflowerr lecithin that the mixture doesn't seem to separate or get a skum on it in the fridge. It tastes pretty good too.

6th June 2012, 10:36 PM
I just add them both to the water (cold tap) in the blender and then blend it on medium for a minute then high for a couple and it works just fine. Lasts 3 days, never remember a separation but I swish it around in the jar before doing shots.

7th June 2012, 05:24 AM
Just adding my own anecodotal experience to this thread.

I haven't been making my own liposomal C and liposomal glutathione, but ordered some online.

If what you guys are making is anything like what I have been taking it works.

More energy better sleep. I just ordered round 2. Might have to break down and get one of those ultra sonic cleaners and start making it myself.

7th June 2012, 08:57 AM
I checked this morning and the mixture was separated again. A quick shake seemingly "mixes" it back together but I toss it back in the ultrasonic to remix just the same.

I'm wondering if it's the lecithin I'm using?

There was nothing available on the shelf in the store, but they had some in a fridge in 1kg bags. Maybe it's not fresh? Heat seems to be the killer for me, so maybe that's a sign of freshness. Kind of like when you add near expiry milk to coffee or tea and it curdles.


8th June 2012, 12:45 AM
I gave some of the ingredients to a relative to try out. Always best to go with a sceptic and see how they react IMO.

Anyway have had a couple conversations with them since then. The first time was encouraging. They were not taking it every day. Every second day but they did report feeling better and more energetic. They are on who knows what meds for different things. One of them is for asthma which I'm confident they do not have. The steroids are messing with their voice.

Anyway, they stopped the lipsomal to see if the meds could sort something or other out. After a couple days they took the lipsomal again. They are now telling me it's clearly the lipsomal that is making them feel great.

They have gone so far as to look around for a shop in there area to supply the ingredients. They are going there today on the way home from work.

For me this is good news. They are even one step ahead on soaking the lecithin overnight before mixing it up. Nice one.

8th June 2012, 07:54 AM
Glass I don't know if your friends would be interested in the liquid sunflower lecithin but I believe it's an Australian company that I got mine from. It's cold pressed with no chemicals and non-gmo. http://www.mysunflowerlecithin.com/all-natural-liquid-sunflower-lecithin/

8th June 2012, 09:47 AM
"Love Raw Foods" is another raw non GMO brand for Sunflower Lecithin, good price as well. One 16oz jar on the way.



15th June 2012, 10:15 AM
My order of liquid sunflower lecithin from blue mountain and glutathione and vit c powder from pure bulk came in today. Mixed up 1.5 C of water with 1 Tablespoon of glutathione and about 3 Tablespoons of sunflower lecithin in my blender. Stuff tastes nasty! ... Whoever said the lecithin looked like oily grease wasn't kidding.

Okay, so how many servings should this recipe make for this glutathione mixture?

Will mix up a batch of the vit c mixture later this evening.

17th August 2012, 06:01 PM
Wonder how you are getting on there steel_ag?

The mixer I was using burnt out. Surprised it last as long as it did the little trooper. It took a beating but kept on trying.

so I dug out a stick mixer someone gave me. Good opportunity to tame the beast. Tends to spray the contents all over. Working well but not getting a 6 minute mix. Too long to hold the mixer and it heats up pretty quick.

Anyway I had a pretty rough time there for about 2 months. I got very concerned as in, do I need a will? I consider this stuff a kind of detox so I'm figuring I was pretty toxic. I got through that and I'm feeling excellent again. I think this stuff is pretty powerful for immediate health and ongoing improvement. I've got 1 relative using this regularly and I have 2 others hunting down the ingredients in their part of the world. 1 of them can't find either of the ingredients where they are. No surprise. They will be visiting Aus in a month or so and are planning on picking some up then.

I recommend this to anyone who is feeling flat or has some on-going unwell feelings, colds, flu's sniffles, even long term issues. Anything to boost your body's health systems. Give those white corpsucles (sic) some super juice to do their thing. Boost the red corpuscles so they can clear out the free radicals and deterious matter floating around. Anyway thats how I imagine it's working in my head.

18th August 2012, 04:06 PM

Soon after my earlier post, I stopped drinking the liposomal concoctions until I got an ultrasonic cleaner. I just got one 4 days ago and have been taking shots of the Vitamin C batch I made, everyday now. Chasing it with water and a dab of vanilla. No ill side effects, and feeling healthy.

26th November 2012, 10:38 PM
So it's been another couple of months of taking the lipsomal every day. I had another bad couple of weeks at the begining of the month. Maybe 2 bad episodes since last post. The last 2 weeks have been better. Almost no unpleasant feelings. I'm not saying I'm getting unpleasant feelings from the lipsomal. I just felt like that and it has been slowly yet definately been less and less over time.

I don't quite know what this stuff does to the body but I'll hazard a guess that the oil or lipids in the soy lecithin perform some kind of chelating or cleansing action in addition to protecting the Vit-C from stomach acid. Perhaps it's a bit like oil pulling. There seemed to be a cycle anyway. I would take the lipsomal for maybe 2 weeks feeling great. Then I would feel poorly for upto 2 weeks. During that time I felt that parts of my body were getting hammered. There was definately some kind of purge going on. After a couple weeks I was back to feeling good again. Then it would happen all over again.

Sometimes week on, week off, other times maybe a couple days on and off, other times nearly a month on and off. The main thing is the poorly feeling is now pretty infrequent, not as long lasting or severe.

I'm hoping, in conjunction the Vit-C is helping to repair some damage that might be there, resulting in things being better overall.

I changed my diet a bit. Not so much in food although the salty snacks are gone. The alcohol is sidelined. Only drinking water, green tea, juice and the occasional dandelion T. You can tell the difference but I don't want to get into unpleasant detail. Just to say your body cleanses itself and you might be surprised at how much cleansing you need. I certainly was.

I have had a couple of softdrinks (sodas) on the last 2 weekends. I can immediately feel the effects. Blood pressure is one and you get a bit of a cleasing shock. Plus I've realised that soft drinks are not thrist quenching at all. The opposite infact. But then they are loaded with lotsa lotsa sodium.

I still recommend this concotion 100%. It's well worth the effort. If you are in good shape this will just give you an energy lift. If you have bad health, especially with the renal organs be cautious but still give it ago.

Large Sarge
27th November 2012, 01:52 AM
thanks for all the updates folks,

Glad to hear everyone is having good experiences with it....

a few points

1. Vitamin C is a natural chelating agent, it pulls out most toxins, and neutralizes all toxins, so people with renal issues shouls supplement vitamin C, I have often speculated that if vitamin c levels were high enough, would kidney dialysis even be necessary?

2. you need to raise your glutathione level, whether with liposomal, or some other supplements, etc glutathione reuses/regenerates all the other antioxidants....(vitamin C, etc)

27th November 2012, 02:48 AM
Well thanks again for sharing the info.

I didn't know it was the Vit-C. It certainly works. I am concerned about overloading a weakend kidney or liver. I'd be prepared to feel unwell from time to time as your body collects up the junk and purges it. I would be vigilant of it becoming too much to handle if I was already unwell. If your options are a) dead or b) doing this, I would do this.

I do feel confident I could handle the next step. I tried finding the ingredient local but no luck. I'll try get it ordered in.

It would be interesting to see if it could help someone on dialysis. I saw some documentary of a dialysis ward. You need to not think about all the other people who have had the whole of their blood pumped through that machine. It also looks very nauseating. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Celtic Rogue
27th November 2012, 07:47 AM
OK I just ordered my supplys from PureBulk and we will see what this will do for me. Sounds interesting.

29th November 2012, 08:23 PM
OK I just ordered my supplys from PureBulk and we will see what this will do for me. Sounds interesting.

keep us posted.

Celtic Rogue
3rd December 2012, 06:11 AM
Got my ingredients a day or so ago and am looking for a cheap ultrasonic cleaner. My funds are short at the moment. I think I will try a blender trial first just to get started. I will report any pros and cons I experience.

3rd December 2012, 07:15 AM
I'm just using a stick mixer. Seems to work ok.

I have seen large ultrasonic cleaners being sold by ammunition reloading suppliers that are pretty cheap and fairly big capacity. More than 1 litre. I don't know if that is too big. I'm usually only mixing up about 1 1/2 cups, so less than the 1 pint most of the smaller units come in at. I think the main feature to look at is how easy is it to get the mixture out of the sonic cleaner. Can you lift something out or do you need to tip the whole thing over?

Celtic Rogue
10th December 2012, 01:04 PM
Ok I have taken the gutathione for a week now. I am using both glutathione reduced and lecithin from purebulk.com. I bought a $29.99 ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight and made the mixture according to the recipe in this thread. You have to tip the whole unit over to dump the contents when done. I take 1 oz. each morning one hour before my breakfast. No negative side effects I can attribute to the glutathione. Not much else I notice either. The taste isnt great but its not terrible but I assume different brand componants might tast somewhat differently. I am going to keep taking the dose till my supply runs out ... we will see if I notice any thing good or any improvements in my heath state.

10th December 2012, 02:23 PM
It will be interesting to hear how you go. I've not been able to find a source of glutathione.

Celtic Rogue
10th December 2012, 02:29 PM
purebulk.com is my source... is it that you dont want to order on line?

10th December 2012, 03:24 PM
no CC means I need to work something out with a friend if doing on line stuff. It's on the list of things to do. I'll get there in the end.

12th March 2013, 01:11 AM
I think it has now been 12 months since I started taking this tonic. I am taking the Vit C one only.

I have to say that this was probably one of the most significant changes to my life I have experienced. I'd put it up there with giving up smoking. I did actually stop all alcohol as part of this as well. I had to because it was messing things up too much.

I no longer suffer much in the way of discomfort in areas like my liver. This tended to get a bit painful maybe 20 or 30 minutes after taking the tonic. I get this feeling with fatty foods as well. Initially it was pretty unpleasant and troubling feeling. I mentioned this before, thinking of liver cancer sufferers. I still get a twinge but it's clearly becoming less over time.

I found I had to ramp up detoxing my diet. I thought I was doing pretty well but I still liked the bad snacks and a few soda's at the weekend. I could really feel the effects of these when they entered my system. I find this very surprising..... because I was clearly still pretty toxic even though I thought I was doing a good job cleaning up my act.

I've also lost a lot of weight which I didn't think I had much left, but the middle stuff is hard to shift once it's on you. I'm very close to my 20's physique now and fairly lean. The other thing is that you can notice very easily what things are going to body fat and what things are not. I scoffed some sweet biscuits. 2 days later you can see it. Then you know thats 4 -5 hours exercise right there. There are a couple other benefits that I think come from a better running body.

I have to say that I really don't think I would be here today if I hadn't started using this. I think it was a near thing. I'm grateful for the information. I never miss my morning tonic. Thanks again for sharing this.

12th March 2013, 09:50 AM
I think it has now been 12 months since I started taking this tonic. I am taking the Vit C one only.

I have to say that this was probably one of the most significant changes to my life I have experienced. I'd put it up there with giving up smoking. I did actually stop all alcohol as part of this as well. I had to because it was messing things up too much...

...I found I had to ramp up detoxing my diet. I thought I was doing pretty well but I still liked the bad snacks and a few soda's at the weekend. I could really feel the effects of these when they entered my system. I find this very surprising..... because I was clearly still pretty toxic even though I thought I was doing a good job cleaning up my act.

I've also lost a lot of weight which I didn't think I had much left, but the middle stuff is hard to shift once it's on you. I'm very close to my 20's physique now and fairly lean. The other thing is that you can notice very easily what things are going to body fat and what things are not. I scoffed some sweet biscuits. 2 days later you can see it. Then you know thats 4 -5 hours exercise right there. There are a couple other benefits that I think come from a better running body.

Don't mean to be critical, but if you started Vit-C and quit alcohol at the same time, I would question whether it is the vit-C that made the big effect (not to put vit-C down).

As for the weight loss and liver function, did you watch the video I posted a few days ago? Fructose (sucrose, HFCS, and fructose) are as much a problem as aclohol!


12th March 2013, 03:03 PM
I had to do both because the lipsomal was detoxing and it was causing discomfort because of the load. So one thing led to the other and I was rapidly purging my diet of toxics. Thats the beneft that I identified. The need to detox everything so this stuff worked properly, which it did, with as low a level of discomfort necessary. I mentioned alcohol specifically but there was a lot more. Basically all the remaining things I consumed that might have something artificial. It gets to a point where you can feel the effect very clearly of each thing you are consuming. So that got me focused. When your toxic you can't feel these things and you have no idea. I mention these things because I know other people who have tried this stuff for maybe one or two weeks then stopped because they felt low or slow when taking this stuff. I'm saying, it's part of the process be prepared for it. Don't be scared if you feel a bit off. It's because your body is dumping lots of accumulated toxics... or you might want to down scale it and go slower. It's worth it IMO.

hopefully just useful feed back so other people might try it. i did see your post thanks and been looking into it. We don't have the sugar beet problem down here but all the rest of it we do.

12th October 2014, 03:20 PM
What is the benefit to using ascorbic acid vs pure vitamin C?

I would prefer the pure vit C

12th October 2014, 06:27 PM
I guess it depends a bit on what Vitamin C actually is:

from Wiki: Vitamin C (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C)

Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbate (the anion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anion) of ascorbic acid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascorbic_acid)), is an essential nutrient (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_nutrient) for humans and certain other animal species. Vitamin C refers to a number of vitamers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamer) that have vitamin C activity in animals, including ascorbic acid and its salts, and some oxidized forms of the molecule like dehydroascorbic acid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehydroascorbic_acid). Ascorbate and ascorbic acid are both naturally present in the body when either of these is introduced into cells, since the forms interconvert according to pH (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH).
Vitamin C is a cofactor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cofactor_%28biochemistry%29) in at least eight enzymatic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme) reactions, including several collagen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen) synthesis reactions that, when dysfunctional, cause the most severe symptoms of scurvy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scurvy).[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-UKFSA_Risk-1) In animals, these reactions are especially important in wound-healing and in preventing bleeding from capillaries. Ascorbate may also act as an antioxidant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antioxidant) against oxidative stress (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidative_stress).[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-Padayatty-2) However, the fact that the enantiomer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enantiomer) D-ascorbate (not found in nature) has identical antioxidant activity to L-ascorbate, yet far less vitamin activity,[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-Aboul-Enein_1999-3) underscores the fact that most of the function of L-ascorbate as a vitamin relies not on its antioxidant properties, but upon enzymic reactions that are stereospecific (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereospecific). "Ascorbate" without the letter for the enantiomeric form is always presumed to be the chemical L-ascorbate.
Ascorbate (the anion of ascorbic acid) is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metabolism) in all animals and plants. It is made internally (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosynthesis) by almost all organisms; the main exceptions are most bats (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bats), all guinea pigs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea_pig), capybaras (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capybara), and the Anthropoidea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropoidea#Classification_and_evolution) (i.e., Haplorrhini (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplorrhini), one of the two major primate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primate) suborders, consisting of tarsiers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarsier), monkeys (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey), and humans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human) and other apes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ape)). Ascorbate is also not synthesized by some species of birds and fish. All species that do not synthesize ascorbate require it in the diet. Deficiency in this vitamin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin) causes the disease scurvy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scurvy) in humans.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-UKFSA_Risk-1)[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-UMM-4)[5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-OSU-5)
Ascorbic acid is also widely used as a food additive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_additive), to prevent oxidation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidation).

It seems that most animals can synthesize their own Vit-C but us Apes can't do it. I think the question is, does my L-Ascorbic acid come from natural sources or is it fabricated.

Absorption, transport, and excretion Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the body by both active transport and simple diffusion. Sodium-Dependent Active Transport—Sodium-Ascorbate Co-Transporters (SVCTs) and Hexose transporters (GLUTs)—are the two transporters required for absorption. SVCT1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SLC23A1) and SVCT2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SLC23A2) import the reduced form of ascorbate across plasma membrane.[32] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-Savini_2008-32) GLUT1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLUT1) and GLUT3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLUT3) are the two glucose transporters, and transfer only the dehydroascorbic acid form of Vitamin C.[33] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid9228080-33) Although dehydroascorbic acid is absorbed in higher rate than ascorbate, the amount of dehydroascorbic acid found in plasma and tissues under normal conditions is low, as cells rapidly reduce dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbate.[34] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid12729925-34)[35] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-isbn0-8247-9313-7-35) Thus, SVCTs appear to be the predominant system for vitamin C transport in the body.
SVCT2 is involved in vitamin C transport in almost every tissue,[32] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-Savini_2008-32) the notable exception being red blood cells, which lose SVCT proteins during maturation.[36] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid17586466-36) "SVCT2 knockout" animals genetically engineered to lack this functional gene, die shortly after birth,[37] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid11984597-37) suggesting that SVCT2-mediated vitamin C transport is necessary for life.
With regular intake the absorption rate varies between 70 to 95%. However, the degree of absorption decreases as intake increases. At high intake (1.25 g), fractional human absorption of ascorbic acid may be as low as 33%; at low intake (<200 mg) the absorption rate can reach up to 98%.[38] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid8623000-38)
Ascorbate concentrations over renal re-absorption threshold pass freely into the urine and are excreted. At high dietary doses (corresponding to several hundred mg/day in humans) ascorbate is accumulated in the body until the plasma levels reach the renal resorption threshold, which is about 1.5 mg/dL in men and 1.3 mg/dL in women. Concentrations in the plasma larger than this value (thought to represent body saturation) are rapidly excreted in the urine with a half-life of about 30 minutes. Concentrations less than this threshold amount are actively retained by the kidneys, and the excretion half-life for the remainder of the vitamin C store in the body thus increases greatly, with the half-life lengthening as the body stores are depleted. This half-life rises until it is as long as 83 days by the onset of the first symptoms of scurvy.[39] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid8263270-39)
Although the body's maximal store of vitamin C is largely determined by the renal threshold for blood, there are many tissues that maintain vitamin C concentrations far higher than in blood. Biological tissues (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tissue_%28biology%29) that accumulate over 100 times the level in blood plasma of vitamin C are the adrenal glands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenal_gland), pituitary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pituitary), thymus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thymus), corpus luteum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_luteum), and retina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retina).[40] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#cite_note-pmid11984580-40) Those with 10 to 50 times the concentration present in blood plasma include the brain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain), spleen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spleen), lung (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lung), testicle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicle), lymph nodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymph_node), liver (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liver), thyroid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid), small intestinal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_intestine) mucosa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucous_membrane), leukocytes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukocyte), pancreas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreas), kidney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidney), and salivary glands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salivary_gland).
Ascorbic acid can be oxidized (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidized) (broken down) in the human body by the enzyme L-ascorbate oxidase (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-ascorbate_oxidase). Ascorbate that is not directly excreted in the urine as a result of body saturation or destroyed in other body metabolism is oxidized by this enzyme and removed.

I've actually just started my regime again. It's been about 3 weeks now I think. I did not do it for 1 year. I became unwell while I was a away several weeks back. I was right again after about 1 week back home but the problems are surfacing again since 2 days.

I find that this does not sit well if you drink alcohol. Not talking about with it, but in general. The last time I took this stuff I found I felt less and less like drinking until I stopped. Was a good thing.

If you read the above you can see that the Vit C has to get through some membrane barriers and OIL or lipids is one of those things that can get through. So the idea is to tandem them up so you can get more active ingredient into your blood and through out your system. The half life information is interesting but also the information that some organs can store Vit C for longer periods.

13th October 2014, 11:47 AM
I find that this does not sit well if you drink alcohol. Not talking about with it, but in general. The last time I took this stuff I found I felt less and less like drinking until I stopped. Was a good thing.

Now this is very interesting. I haven't did the C thing in about a year and will start up again just to see if I observe the same thing.

16th February 2015, 06:02 PM
I've managed to source some Sunflower Lecithin. I picked up a 454gm jar of liquid lecithin - 16 ounces I think. The soy one was granulated. You can get a granulated form but was out of stock.

So we switch to this one from today and see how we go. It is like a molasses in consistency. Very nutty taste and smell. So it's very different to the soy stuff I've been using. Its much smoother and different feeling. Like soothing. Hard to describe. My stomach is saying, groovy baby. I'll see how it goes.

Keen to get away from the soy. Not cheap though $50.00 for the jar. That's about $35 in your money at the moment. Should last me about 6 months.

Also scored some activated charcoal. Haven't seen this anywhere in stores so grabbed some.


And the store also has some gel caps so I grabbed a 100 double 0's to see how we go. I want to do more tumeric. I have some curcumin tablets but they cost $60 for 1 months worth. Will make some tabs. Also want to do some of those capsules that someone was doing for dental health. Sorry can't remember who or find the link at the moment.

18th February 2015, 08:00 PM
3rd day using the new tonic formula. So far very good. I am going to give it 1 week before making some comments on why I wanted to change to the Sunflower lecithin. This is to make sure that the issues I have been having have improved because they sometimes go away for a couple days anyway, although not generally more than 2 days and infrequently. I think we are in front (winning) on that basis.

18th February 2015, 08:46 PM
I started then stopped when the scent of the Liposomal Glutithione I smelled turned me off, big mistake. Now just puttiing it in a small bit of juice has changed my life. I have a very damaged liver and this has indeed changed my life. My vision has changed I can almost not need glasses

18th February 2015, 08:57 PM
Thats good news slvrbugjim. I had completely forgotten about the Glutithione. I originally intended to try that one as well.

I will chase some up. Thanks for posting that.

edit: would you mind sharing the brand name of the one you use? please?

18th February 2015, 09:35 PM
Thats good news slvrbugjim. I had completely forgotten about the Glutithione. I originally intended to try that one as well.

I will chase some up. Thanks for posting that.

edit: would you mind sharing the brand name of the one you use? please?

I have been lazy and just paid for this one, going to make my own next, but $60 per bottle and I take 2 bottles per weeks is steep. We can make our own the smell set me off do not wory about that this is great stuff......http://goldentigerlipids.com/liposomal-gsh.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiAjZGnBRCOuJOUo9Xd0sUBEiQAPbi cN7s12xXk1SajTAWy92A8DkTDerd2c4oVhn8ai36MBm4aApFT8 P8HAQ

18th February 2015, 09:47 PM

I would be interested to smell that. I suspect it is the smell of the sunflower lecithin. It is very strong compared to the soy which has virtually no smell or taste. When using it with a lemon flavoured vit c powder what you taste is a lemon drink. It's a bit artificial but pleasant none the less.

The sunflower lecithin on the other hand is very strong, nutty smell and taste. I think it's akin to a cross between hazelnut and macadamia nuts. Macadamia is a native australian nut so you might not have tasted it.

If that is the smell I agree it is noticable. Not completely unpleasant but I am not downing it as easily as I did with the soy lecithin version. Some people will like it because of the nutty edge to it. I am not getting the lemon flavour much at all with this version. I am not going back though.

I'm looking for a powder source for the Glutithione, same as the Vit C powder I am using. Haven't come across it here in Oz yet.

18th February 2015, 09:50 PM

I would be interested to smell that. I suspect it is the smell of the sunflower lecithin. It is very strong compared to the soy which has virtually no smell or taste. When using it with a lemon flavoured vit c powder what you taste is a lemon drink. It's a bit artificial but pleasant none the less.

The sunflower lecithin on the other hand is very strong, nutty smell and taste. I think it's akin to a cross between hazelnut and macadamia nuts. Macadamia is a native australian nut so you might not have tasted it.

If that is the smell I agree it is noticable. Not completely unpleasant but I am not downing it as easily as I did with the soy lecithin version. Some people will like it because of the nutty edge to it. I am not getting the lemon flavour much at all with this version. I am not going back though.

I'm looking for a powder source for the Glutithione, same as the Vit C powder I am using. Haven't come across it here in Oz yet.
It smells like burning hair, but it is saving your life, is my opinion

19th February 2015, 02:17 AM
burnt hair? hmmm will take a wiff and see if it fits. It might be close to the smell.

I am using this for Vit C

And this for Sunflower Lecithin
They have an organic one but out of stock ATM.

I previously used this for Soy Lecithin.

Sunflower costs about 4 times the price of soy. I think it's better despite the taste difference. Anyone contemplating trying vit C lipsomal go for the sunflower if you can. The taste is different to soy but not repulsive or anything. after a couple years the soy might be causing me some problems.

Anyway I'll come back with my review and reasons for changing in another 4 or 5 days. once I am surer of the difference.

12th March 2015, 07:02 PM
ok been a short while since I started with the new ingredient of sunflower lecithin. I think this was a very good change to make. As we discussed, the Sunflower lecithin has a strong smell and taste. It is nothing like the soy smell which has no real odour. I won't beat about the bush, it takes commitment to drink this stuff. I think it is ok but it is not tasty in any sense of the word. I get a strange nutty taste. described it as burnt hair when drinking a different pre-made lipsomal with this as one ingredient. I could see how you get that taste but I think the other ingredient might have some influence as well.

I changed from the Soy because I always intended to. I got to the point where I was suffering stomach pains which started maybe 1 year ago in a mild and infrequent way. They grew in frequency and the number of places where the discomfort occurred. I was getting worried and recent events got me thinking something bad might be going on.

On the same day, I also stopped with sugar. I use sugar for cereal and coffee. That's all. Any other sugar I eat is added to food or bread I buy.

The effects were immediate. The pain stopped straight away. I have had a few pangs in two locations since but I am much happier about that. None would be perfect and we keep working on it. I also felt like the lipsomal was more energising. It reminded me of how I felt when I first started taking it a couple years back. I got a huge feel good boost. Same thing with just changing the lecithin.

I will try some of the granulated sunflower lecithin and see if that has the same taste and odour. The liquid stuff is like molases. If you are not careful you will be covered in sticky in no time. Its so sticky I have to fight tio get the lid undone each time. Anyway. I still recommend it. Don't be put off by a possible odd taste. I think it's odd but tolerable. The benefits are well worth it IMO. Or try it with the soy and go from there.

Twisted Titan
10th May 2016, 06:39 AM
Tagggg on more time

27th July 2016, 02:26 PM
I ordered some sunflower lecithin that is a syrup. It's the stickiest damn stuff I've ever seen. Can't wash it off a spoon with warm water or soap. You have to wipe it off with a paper towel. I mix a cup of warm water, one tablespoon of vit c and 1 tbs of lecithin in a blender then put it in an ultrasonic cleaner for six minutes. It mixes well and I keep it in the refridgerator then take a sip during the day whenever I think of it when I haven't eaten for awhile. I didn't like the soy lecithin but this seems to agree better with me. I seem to have plenty of energy and stamina. I mostly eat meat, a little green vegtables and a little fruit. I try to avoid anything with flour, starch or sugar.

Just mixed my first batch but used 2 spoons of the liquid sunflower lecithin and blended away about 5 minutes. This stuff tastes great compared to the soy. Now I'll see if I can lose some of these mega bruises i've been sporting.

27th July 2016, 02:30 PM
They shall reap what they sow 20 times at least what they sow!

If not more!

17th August 2016, 06:33 AM
I've come across another recipe for making Liposomal vitamin c and the claim is it's as good or better than the commercial form that's being sold. I remember a discussion somewhere that the ways of making it as described in this thread weren't the best way. This method seems pretty precise and if followed would be a good guide to the amounts of vitamin c you're taking in measured doses when you're finished.

I don't make or use the Lipisomal form but I do supplement ascorbic acid every day. I've taken as high as 40 grams per day but I'm down to 21 grams per day now. Bowel tolerance is the limiting factor.

Here's the link to the site and you can follow the links there to the supplies needed and how to make it.


This is the introduction to the how to make Liposomal C from the site.


I’ve built this website to help people create the very highest quality liposomal vitamin C in their own home.

In my quest to discover the optimal formulation and technique I have read hundreds of research papers, reviewed patents and read or watched the accounts of many people who make their own liposomal vitamin C.

I then purchased high quality laboratory equipment and sourced large quantities of ingredients to experiment with over the last eight months.

I discovered that it’s possible to make liposomal vitamin C of the same or higher quality than the large manufacturers using only a blender!

This website has four sections to share my research and methods:

Introduction (http://www.qualityliposomalc.com/index.html)
Results of My Research (http://www.qualityliposomalc.com/research/index.html)
Equipment Required (http://www.qualityliposomalc.com/equipment/index.html)
Process (http://www.qualityliposomalc.com/process/index.html)

As you’ll notice this website sells nothing (it doesn’t even have advertising) and there are no links to any liposomal vitamin C manufacturers except LivOn Labs which is used as an example of the dominant manufacturer. I created and host this website at my own expense simply to help people make better liposomal vitamin C to improve their health.

Finally, the standard disclaimer you see everywhere: I’m not a doctor, the FDA has evaluated nothing and you take your own responsibility for anything you do after reading this website!



15th November 2017, 12:02 PM
From the above site:

Process Overview

This section outlines the process to create liposomal vitamin C. For details on the equipment needed please refer to the Equipment (http://qualityliposomalc.com/equipment/index.html) section. The sizing of this recipe is for a standard sized blender and a one litre beaker.

For background on why I’ve selected this particular process read the Research (http://qualityliposomalc.com/research/index.html) section. This recipe should yield lipsomal vitamin C the same or better than can be purchased online from the large manufacturers.

At each step I specify the modification to the process if you don’t have an ultrasound machine.


There are two versions of the ingredients. The first is for those that have access to 98% pure ethyl alcohol. The second is for those that only have access to vodka, or a similarly strong spirit. It is recommended that the vodka, or other clear spirit has as little added color and taste as possible.

The amount of vitamin C is just under the saturation level for the specified water and alcohol in this recipe. Since It is almost the maximum amount of vitamin C that can be dissolved it will give the highest potency liposomal vitamin C possible.

The vitamin C I use is ascorbic acid. I haven’t tried it with sodium ascorbate, although so long as it dissolves into the water and alcohol it should be easily encapsulated.

The 12% alcohol by weight was chosen because it falls within range specified by the patent (see Research (http://qualityliposomalc.com/research/index.html)) and is the same used by Livon Labs. The alcohol is included because it is very helpful in forming liposomes.

The lecithin granules are 22% phosphatidylcholine. For my liposomal vitamin C I use the Solec F’ brand from ‘The Solae Company’. Be sure to use lecithin granules instead of liquid lecithin.

Ethyl Alcohol Ingredients

These ingredients should be used if you have access to 98% pure ethyl alcohol. This ethyl alcohol recipe is the one I use for my personal liposomal vitamin C. The following table shows the ingredients and their order of use.



98% ethyl alcohol

vitamin C

lecithin granules

All the ingredients are measured by weight. If you need to convert the grams into ounces for your scale multiply the grams by 0.035274.

70% Alcohol Ingredients

These ingredients should be used if you have access to 70% ethyl alcohol. The following table shows the ingredients and their order of use.



70% ethyl alcohol

vitamin C

lecithin granules

All the ingredients are measured by weight. If you need to convert the grams into ounces for your scale multiply the grams by 0.035274.

Vodka Ingredients

These ingredients should be used if you have access to vodka or other clear 40% spirit instead of ethyl alcohol. The following table shows the ingredients and their order of use.



40% vodka or spirit

vitamin C

lecithin granules

All the ingredients are measured by weight. If you need to convert the grams into ounces for your scale multiply the grams by 0.035274.

Changing the Recipe Size

Both these recipes have been chosen to fit into a standard sized blender and a 1L beaker. The total weight of the ingredients is 950g and it makes about 800ml liposomal vitamin C after the bubbles have been removed. Before the bubbles have been removed the volume will be closer to 900ml.

You may adjust the recipe to these common sizes by dividing the quantities by the specified amount.

Required Size
Divide By

1/2 cup

1 cup

1 1/2 cups

2 cups

2 1/2 cups

3 cups

For example, if you want to make 2 cups of liposomal vitamin C after the bubbles have been removed you’d divide all the quantities in your selected recipe by 1.6.

All measurements need to done by weight, especially the vitamin C and lecithin granules. Using tablespoons or teaspoons will not provide the accuracy required because these ingredients may have different densities when purchased from different sources.

If you don’t have a scale you should purchase a cheap kitchen scale (see the Equipment (http://qualityliposomalc.com/equipment/index.html) page).

Step 1: Dissolve Vitamin C in Water and Alcohol

Measure and add the water, alcohol and vitamin C to the beaker. Place the beaker in the ultrasonic bath and heat to 35°C while irradiating. Be sure the ultrasonic machine is not set to sweep and that you stir the mixture regularly. As a general caution, be sure your beaker isn’t touching the sides or bottom of the ultrasonic bath and that the water in the ultrasonic bath is to the level recommended by the manufacturer.

The vitamin C about to be dissolved in the water and alcohol

Settings for the ultrasound machine

I use a cardboard form to keep the beaker from touching the bottom of the ultrasonic tank. I have a stainless steel basket as well, however, the ultrasonic power is noticeably less when I use the basket instead of suspending the beaker in the water with the cardboard.

The following is short video showing the process of dissolving the vitamin C in the water and alcohol.

When this process completes the temperature will be close to 40°C and the liquid will be clear with perhaps a very slight yellowish tinge. In the Elmasonic p60h it takes about 15 minutes to dissolve the vitamin C with intermittent stirring.

If you don’t have an ultrasonic machine simply place the water, alcohol and vitamin C on the stove and heat while stirring. Be sure to turn off the heat when the vitamin C starts to dissolve. Keep on stirring until the vitamin C has been completely dissolved. You may add a little more heat at intervals if its needed to continue the dissolving process.

Step 2: Add Lecithin and Blend

Important Note

There have been reports from people using this recipe that the resulting mixture was much too thick after adding the lecithin. If you are trying this recipe for the first time hold back 20% of the lecithin until after you’ve blended it for the first time. If it looks too watery, then slowly add a little more and blend again. Repeat this process until the resulting mixture is still liquid and can pour easily. I suspect this issue may be caused by different lecithin granule manufacturing processes.

Add the lecithin to the beaker and then promptly pour into the blender. If you’re separately measuring the ingredients then you can add the lecithin granules directly to the blender. I do a cumulative weight and thus I need to add it to the beaker first.

Lecithin granules added to the water, alcohol and dissolved vitamin C

Mixture promptly poured into the blender

Blend for about four minutes. It is important that mixture is nicely warm to touch as this ensures that the lecithin granules have melted and avoids any chance of separation. If you have not heated the lecithin granules enough at this stage you’ll see separation in your mix after a day or two.

When finished, place the mixture in the refrigerator.

First blend completed and ready for the refrigerator

Repeat this blending and refrigerating process five or six times over twelve hours to be sure the lecithin granules have been thoroughly dissolved into the water, alcohol and vitamin C solution. For my personal use I often do the blend and refrigerate cycle for 24 hours.

The liposomal C it will heat up when you are blending it. With the exception of the first blending cycle, be sure that the temperature doesn’t exceed 32°C. For my blender this takes only two to three minutes of blending.

This longer blending process should also remove the ‘snotty’ strands that often appear in home made liposomal vitamin C. Not only are these strands a little unpleasant to drink, but I suspect that they don’t encapsulate much vitamin C.

By the end of this process you’ve already created high quality liposomal vitamin C. The following steps show you how to improve it further using an ultrasound machine.

If you don’t have an ultrasound machine you may want to do more blending and refrigeration cycles and then skip to step 5!

Step 3: Remove the Bubbles

The blending process will add tiny bubbles to your liposomal vitamin C. For the ultrasound machine to work at peak efficiency you’re going to want to remove these bubbles. This process is also known as ‘degassing’.

Blend the mixture a final time until the blender jar feels warm to the touch. The liposomal vitamin C should now be about 35°C. Pour the liposomal vitamin C into the beaker and cover with some clear plastic wrap.

Next place the beaker in the ultrasound machine for about 30 minutes or until the bubbles have been removed. Below are a series of photos showing the bubbles being driven out of the mixture over time by the ultrasound machine. The color has been modified to make it easier to see the bubbles moving upwards. The horizontal line indicates the current bottom of the bubbles.

Bubbles leaving the liposomal vitamin C

When the bubbles have been removed the liposomal vitamin C should look like this. Notice the much more defined line between the bubbles on the top and liquid on the bottom.

Bubbles removed from liposomal vitamin C

Now place the beaker with the liposomal vitamin C in the refrigerator for a few hours to cool it down.

This step may break down some encapsulation due to excess heat, however, it is necessary to remove the bubbles. The encapsulation will be increased significantly in the next step.

If you don’t have an ultrasound machine you should skip this step.

Step 4: Make the Liposomes

Actually, you’ve already made lots of liposomes! This step will increase your encapsulation percentage even higher.

Place your liposomal vitamin C in the beaker into your ultrasound machine and irradiate it until the temperature reaches 32°C. Once it does, place the beaker back into your refrigerator for an hour or so to cool it down again.

Repeat this process until the liposomal vitamin C has had an hour of cumulative ultrasonic irradiation.

If you don’t have an ultrasound machine you should skip this step.

Step 5: Done!

Skim off the bubbles on the top of the liposomal C and pour into a glass container and place in your refrigerator.

The following video shows the viscosity of the finished product at 30°C.

You’re finally ready to enjoy the uniquely refreshing flavour of liposomal vitamin C!

This recipe contains about 0.2 grams of vitamin C per millilitre. I usually take about 60ml per day in the evening. This works out to about 12 grams of vitamin C.

5th November 2019, 01:47 PM
Weighed new products for the OP recipe. Never checked any of the other products. Quite surprising to me.

Swanson Sunflower Lecithin 1 tbsp = 7.5 gram so 6 tbsp to get 45 grams per 8 oz water
Recipe originally call for 3 tbsp per 8 oz water

Purebulk Ascorbic Acid 1 tbsp = 9 grams add 1 tsp for 13 grams
which is a little over 1 gram per oz if you use 4oz water