View Full Version : Wynter Benton: Silver Takedown Proof of JPM's Silver Derivative Bomb

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:17 AM
Wynter Benton: Silver Takedown Proof of JPM's Silver Derivative Bomb
Wynter Benton's latest states that the 2 day massive smack down of silver is proof positive of the existence of JPM's silver derivative bomb. The group states that silver will be back over $50 soon, and the next run in silver will detonate the derivatives, as JPM will not be able to stuff silver under $36 again.

Silver went from $39.70 to $35.50 in 12 hours
We can't believe that there are those out there who didnt believe the existence of the derivative bomb. Now you know the truth. We always suspected that if The Morgue somehow reset the $36 level this time around that it would have to be done in this manner. That was why we initially were set to blast silver above $46 this week to get it as far away from $36 as possible. But Uncle Benny (and some behind the scenes antics)made it impossible for us to hold on the last few days to detonate the derivative bombs this time around.

But fear not, now that it has been revealed to many others who are doubtful about the existence of the derivative bomb, you can be sure that when we re-engage silver, we will drive it so far away from $36 that The Morgue will not be able to pull off any more Hail Marys.

As for doubters out there, you can think what you want, we can't help you. But to those who follow us, again rest assured, silver will be over $50 very soon. Either way The Morgue will be dead.

........do da, do da............

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 08:22 AM
I was thinking last night of the old saying from the police song "when your servant becomes your master", and look at what little silver has done to the entire global economy.

Bernanke sacrificed everything (economic outlook, DOW, etc) to get the dollar up, and whack silver before 9/30

"actions speak louder than words"

"When your servant becomes your master"

silver has been the servant of this gang for decades...

no more,

23rd September 2011, 08:55 AM
Hope you are right Sarge. I have been waiting for silver to explode and these guys are fucking with my time table.

23rd September 2011, 08:58 AM
Blah, blah,,,,,blah, blah

LOL FOS...............

Course the derivative thing is true but their ability to ignite the bomb never existed and doesn't exist.

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 09:05 AM
silver goes up either way.

lets look at it.

the morgue gets out from under its positions, while the protestant sacrifices everything else in the world

meanwhile, buying pressure increases on silver (especially foreign buyers).

COMEX continues to be drained,

Thus the total number of silver standing in this delivery month is as follows:

5,955,000 oz + 1,045,000 (to be served) = 7,0000,000
we lost 30,000 oz to cash settlements today.


and as I tell all new silver buyers "2 years from now, you will look back at these prices and just shake your head in bewilderment, that you got it so cheap"

23rd September 2011, 09:16 AM
The silver for delivery started out at like double what was delivered. They bought most of it off with cash or SLV. Those who stood for their silver just got taught a lesson, you won't like taking delivery so next time take the cash, chump.

Go read all of the bluster that Wynter Benton was spewing. If they took delivery, they used up a lot of cash and now who else is going to stand for delivery? Who wants all that silver? Why would they want it?

Large Sarge
23rd September 2011, 09:27 AM
I think it is the chinese pushing for delivery

and it always darkest before the dawn wrs

23rd September 2011, 12:11 PM
I think it is the chinese pushing for delivery

and it always darkest before the dawn wrs
Could very well be, even though they payed $40+, they may have made the calculations, that it is better to have some silver in your hand that you payed $42 for than a paper promise from the morgue, that you payed $30 for later possible delivery. I'll be backing up my Fiat on Monday. Would be amazing if I could get a couple of bags of silver granule at around $30... We'll see if they have any left...

23rd September 2011, 12:13 PM
Down $10 in a day, that is a 25% loss in one day. I don't think any market has ever done that before. Check me on that.

23rd September 2011, 12:19 PM
Down $10 in a day, that is a 25% loss in one day. I don't think any market has ever done that before. Check me on that.

Hehehe I had bought some shares in Hong Kong a month prior to the Tianinmen square massacre, the day following the massacre Hang Seng plunged 30%, followed by a 23% plunge the day after. ;D

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 01:19 PM
Down $10 in a day, that is a 25% loss in one day. I don't think any market has ever done that before. Check me on that.

The closest market that I can think of that lost close to what silver is losing now (% wise) was the DOW when it lost 22%(?) on October 19, 1987.