View Full Version : Massive terror drill in Denver today + Obama there on 27th

23rd September 2011, 08:41 AM
Operation Mountain Guardian: Simulated Terrorism In Denver Friday (VIDEO)

More than 100 agencies from several different jurisdictions are taking part in a terrorism attack drill on Friday, the largest ever performed in Denver. The mock terror drill, Operation Mountain Guardian, will simulate four coordinated terrorist attacks in the Denver metro area, according to Fox31. Operation Mountain Guardian is modeled after the tragic Mumbai, India terrorist incident from Nov., 2008.

According to 7News, the drill will be conducted in 10 different locations around the Denver metro area including:

Park Meadows Mall
Smedley Elementary School
Denver Union Station
Community College of Aurora (Lowry Campus)
Denver International Airport
Sky Ridge Medical Center
University of Colorado Hospital
Catholic Charities (NW Denver)
Sports Authority Field at Mile High

Denver metro residents need not be alarmed by the test of regional response during a terrorist-driven catastrophic scenario which will include simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other emergency response sights and sounds throughout the day, CBSDenver reports.

However, it may be difficult to remember that this is just a practice, as Westword reports that the "victims" will even be adorned with fake blood and wounds.

Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said to CBSDenver that there is no immediate concern about terrorism in the Denver metro area, this is just a test of preparedness.

WATCH [via 9News]:


23rd September 2011, 08:41 AM
Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military

Posted by EU Times on Sep 14th, 2011 // 103 Comments

A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.

Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.

General Maslov states in his report, though, his concern over this drill is “heightened” due to last months nuclear attack on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver, and which we reported on in our 24 August report Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network.

Important to note is that shortly after the devastating attacks on American on 11 September 2001, the Bush regime moved to completely militarize the CIA by placing as its Director former US Air Force General Michael Hayden who served in that capacity until February, 2009 when Obama then put in place the former US Army intelligence officer Leon Panetta to run this most powerful of spy agencies. After Panetta, Obama put Americas top general David Petraeus in charge of the CIA barely a week after the aforementioned nuclear attack upon it.

The fears of both the Bush and Obama regimes regarding the CIA were due to their complicity in the 11 September 2001 attacks upon America utilizing their al Qaeda terror network headed by their main asset Osama bin Laden, otherwise known by his code name of “Tim Osman,” that was run jointly with Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and funded by the Saudi royal family.

Important to note is that Russian intelligence services were long aware of the CIA-ISI “Tim Osman” operation after it had been infiltrated by top FSB agent Viktor Bout who delivered to Marvin Bush, President George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin the approximately 15 tonnes of Russian military PVV-5A Plastic Explosive plastic explosives used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

In our 1 September 2010 report US-Russia Bidding War For 9/11 “Merchant Of Death” Reaches $20 Billion we detailed this sordid plot and, in part, stated:

“Important to note about Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker III is that at the time of the 9/11 attacks they were both directors of the American security company named Stratesec (formally known as Securacom) which was given a $8.3 million contract to help provide security at the World Trade Center and which the weekend prior to the attacks completely closed this massive skyscraper complex for 36 hours to “upgrade” its security system.

Now Bout in being curious, to say the least, as to why the Bush Family needed so much Russian explosives for their “upgrade” of the World Trade Center complex was “invited” by Marvin Bush to come to New York City to watch “the big show”, an offer Bout did not refuse. And so the night prior to 9/11 Bout traveled to New York City where he was met by Bush “operatives” working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who “coincidentally” had scheduled an emergency exercise for the morning of September 11, 2001 that all too soon became real.

Bout was given a FEMA security pass that gave him unhindered access to the aftermath of the catastrophic attacks upon the World Trade Center complex which these reports document he took full advantage of. Unfortunately for the Americans though was that Bout’s “visit” wearing his FEMA “credentials” was filmed by FEMA’s official videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld, who was the only film maker given unrestricted access to the 9/11 site.”

he “main conduit” for Saudi Arabian cash used to finance the “Tim Osman” operation was identified by Bout in his FSB reports as being Abdulaziz al-Hijji and his wife Anoud (a grand niece of Saudi King Abdullah ) who lived in Sarasota, Florida, and who just days prior to the 11 September 2011 attacks suddenly left all of their possessions and returned home. Though the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was quick to state that the Hijji’s had no connection with the Saudi hijackers it is more than curious to note that nearly all of them were recorded visiting them in the days prior to the attacks.

The importance of noting the CIA-ISI-Saudi connection to the attacks upon America on 11 September 2001 with the Obama’s planned 27 September “Cocked Pistol” alert is due to General Maslov warning in his report that this unprecedented drill occurring in Denver on that date could very well likely be related to threats made against the United States by both Saudi Arabia and Israel over the upcoming UN General Assembly vote to declare Palestinian statehood.

Where Israel commands vast resources within the United States to elect government officials, including Presidents, and who have fallen out of favor with Obama over his polices towards Israel, former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal warned yesterday that unless the Obama regime voted for Palestinian statehood, “Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has” and the “chances of another war in the region” would be assured.

As we had warned about in our 28 May report Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region, and our 23 June report Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears, the United States plans for all-out global war are well in place and are now awaiting the “spark” that will set it off.

To if the date of 27 September when Obama will be in Denver will be the date this “spark” is set off it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that since the CIA transferred their headquarters to Denver in 2005 under the mysterious airport [second photo right] with bizarre murals depicting [3rd and 4th photos right] picturing mass global death, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, the questions as to who, or what, actually controls the United States today remains in question.

And when this information is coupled with the fact that 27 September is one of the most significant dates in American history because on that date, in 1777, after British troops captured Philadelphia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the United States capitol for that single day, the first time such a thing occurred in all of that nations history, and it is, also, the date that Comet Elenin enters into its feared alignment with the Earth, Sun and Moon with many believing these conjunctions are responsible for catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis, and nearly all of NASA’s top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date too, one can be justifiably perplexed as to the many meanings these events have.

But, to the greater meaning of all of these things it has been best stated by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, who warned the American people about the future to come:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

And to understand these words are to understand everything, especially what is to come. No one, therefore, can say that they were never warned, only that they didn’t listen.

Rating: 4.3/5 (153 votes cast)


23rd September 2011, 08:42 AM
In other news, we've got some heavy market action going on and an Israel/Palestinian vote happening. Oh yea, and Elenin is going to be its closest to Earth, which is also in alignment with the sun, in a couple days.

I wonder if all of these 5 things are totally coincidental.

Oh yea, there's a new moon on the 27th, in alignment with all this. I kind of wonder if the markets and the vote are distractions to all the attract media attention. Those two things were going to happen anyway, but they had control over what date those events occurred on.

mick silver
23rd September 2011, 08:50 AM
is Obama taking his family with him on the 27 ???

23rd September 2011, 03:37 PM
is Obama taking his family with him on the 27 ???
Don't know, does anyone else?

23rd September 2011, 04:23 PM
Denver International Airport is the only major airport to be built in the United States in the last 25 years. The current facility can accommodate 50 million passengers a year without any additional construction.

Fun Facts
The Jeppesen Terminal roof is made of a Teflon-coated fiberglass material that is as thin as a credit card.
The four busiest airports in the United States - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta, Chicago O'Hare, Los Angeles International, and Dallas Fort Worth - could all fit into DIA’s 53-square miles of land.
Denver International Airport is one of the world’s greenest airports. We also have the largest solar farm at a commercial airport in the United States.
The airport contributes over 22 billion dollars a year to Colorado’s economy.
Denver International Airport was one of the first airports in the United States to integrate art into public spaces. During construction, artists worked with architects to integrate art into the airport.
Denver International Airport has the only passenger bridge in the United States where you can watch an airplane taxi beneath you.
Some people think there’s a conspiracy making our airport the center of a New World Order. Rest assured the story is definitely a myth.
Airport at a Glance
Opening Date: February 28, 1995
Location: 23 miles (36.8 km) northeast of downtown Denver (Colorado)
Latitude: 39 degrees, 50 minutes, 57.8 seconds
Longitude: 104 degrees, 40 min tues, 23.9 seconds
Elevation: 5,431 feet above sea level
Size: 34,000 acres (13,600 hectares), 53 square miles (137.8 sq. km)
Runways: six; five are 12,000 feet (3,640 meters) long and the sixth is 16,000 feet (4,853 meters) long
Terminal building: Elrey B. Jeppesen Terminal (dual-sided)
Concourses: three airside concourses -- A, B and C
Sample of Time Capsule Contents
Photos of Coors Field (baseball stadium)
Colorado Rockies autographed opening-day baseball (professional baseball team)
Three columns about DIA from longtime airport critic Gene Amole of the Rocky Mountain News
Rock Bottom Brewery Restaurant labels
Indian prayer baskets representing Native American culture and Indigenous Peoples
Field Elementary School second-grade class poem about Colorado and posters of DIA and the region
Copy of Park Hill neighborhood lawsuit against Stapleton International Airport
Black Hawk casino tokens

Fast Facts
The Jeppesen Terminal roof is 126 feet from the terminal floor to its highest point and is supported by 34 masts and 10 miles of steel cable. The two rows of masts are 150 feet apart. The roof system uses a catenary cable system similar to that of the Brooklyn Bridge and relies on design curvature and equalization of the fabric's internal stress fields for stability and the ability to support wind and snow loads. The roof membrane weighs less than two pounds per square foot, a total of approximately 400 tons.
A quarry in Marble, Colorado, supplied the white marble used on areas of the terminal walls. This stone is from the same quarry that supplied marble for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Lincoln Memorial.
DIA's 327-foot FAA control tower is one of the tallest in North America. There are 548 stairs from ground level to the top and the average walking time is 20 minutes. The tower is engineered to sway only one-half inch in an 86-mile-per-hour wind.
The airport site, though relatively flat, was lowered in some areas and raised in others, requiring the moving of 110 million cubic yards of earth. 110 million cubic yards is approximately one-third the amount of dirt moved during the Panama Canal project. This amount of earth, if dumped into a single pile, would cover 32 city blocks to a depth of one-quarter mile.
The fueling system at DIA is capable of pumping 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipes. Each of the six fuel farm tanks holds 65,000 barrels (2.73 million gallons) of jet fuel.
The passenger bridge between the Jeppesen Terminal and Concourse A is 365 feet long, weighs 3,300 tons and the bottom of the bridge is 45.61 feet above the taxiway pavement at the highest point of its arc.
Runways were built in layers, beginning with six feet of compacted, non-expansive soil, followed by a rototilled 12-inch layer of lime-treated soil to form a sub grade. On top of the sub grade are eight inches of a cement-treated base, topped with 17 inches of concrete.
Jeppesen Terminal has more than 1.5 million square feet of space.


23rd September 2011, 06:14 PM
My in-laws own a store at the Park Meadows Mall, and my father in law said there were 300 actors just for the mall, a few who were pretending to be terrorists and the rest with fake blood and wounds to mimic a bomb explosive. I wonder how the young shopping housewives with kids who don't follow the news reacted when fake terrorists "blew up" part of the mall and actors started spilling out of the food court with fake guts and blood. WTF!!!!

23rd September 2011, 06:17 PM
Taking all the kids to the stadium is really disturbing. I'm really glad I'm able to homeschool my kids. Some of this stuff seems surreal. How can this be???

23rd September 2011, 06:19 PM
My in-laws own a store at the Park Meadows Mall, and my father in law said there were 300 actors just for the mall, a few who were pretending to be terrorists and the rest with fake blood and wounds to mimic a bomb explosive. I wonder how the young shopping housewives with kids who don't follow the news reacted when fake terrorists "blew up" part of the mall and actors started spilling out of the food court with fake guts and blood. WTF!!!!

It's incredible. And taxpayers are paying for this shit! It always worries me when they do these "drills" because we all know about the drills they were doing on 9/11.

23rd September 2011, 06:57 PM
Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military

Posted by EU Times on Sep 14th, 2011 // 103 Comments

EU Times = Sorcha Faal
whatdoesitmean.com = Sorcha Faal
blockbuster conspiracy headline/stories which begin by citing a source within a Russian gummit agency = Sorcha Faal

Faal's junk can still be a fun read, even informative as there are usually a bunch of links within pointing to more credible sources for specific claims made within the story, but the "big picture" Faal peddles as the sum of all those smaller dots, is fodder for ridicule - which I would guess to be the goal, as I presume "sorcha faal" to be a spook agency facade.

23rd September 2011, 09:14 PM
EU Times = Sorcha Faal
whatdoesitmean.com = Sorcha Faal
blockbuster conspiracy headline/stories which begin by citing a source within a Russian gummit agency = Sorcha Faal

Faal's junk can still be a fun read, even informative as there are usually a bunch of links within pointing to more credible sources for specific claims made within the story, but the "big picture" Faal peddles as the sum of all those smaller dots, is fodder for ridicule - which I would guess to be the goal, as I presume "sorcha faal" to be a spook agency facade.
Thanks. How is that guy so well published?