View Full Version : Ticketed Mass. Motorists will have to pay money to the state Guilty or not.

23rd September 2011, 09:47 AM
Ticketed Mass. Motorists will have to pay money to the state Guilty or not.

Massachusetts: Supreme Court Approves Charging Innocent Ticket Recipients
Motorists issued a traffic ticket in Massachusetts will have to pay money to the state whether or not they committed the alleged crime. According to a state supreme court ruling handed down yesterday, fees are to be imposed even on those found completely innocent. The high court saw no injustice in collecting $70 from Ralph C. Sullivan after he successfully fought a $100 ticket for failure to stay within a marked lane.

Bay State drivers given speeding tickets and other moving violations have twenty days either to pay up or make a non-refundable $20 payment to appeal to a clerk-magistrate. After that, further challenge to a district court judge can be had for a non-refundable payment of $50. Sullivan argued that motorists were being forced to pay "fees" not assessed on other types of violations, including drug possession. He argued this was a violation of the Constitution's Equal Protection clause, but the high court justices found this to be reasonable.

"We conclude that there is a rational basis for requiring those cited for a noncriminal motor vehicle infraction alone to pay a filing fee and not requiring a filing fee for those contesting other types of civil violations," Justice Ralph D. Gants wrote for the court. "Where the legislature provides greater process that imposes greater demands on the resources of the District Court, it is rational for the legislature to impose filing fees, waivable where a litigant is indigent, to offset part of the additional cost of these judicial proceedings."
The court insisted that allowing a hearing before a clerk-magistrate instead of an assistant clerk, as well as allowing a de novo hearing before a judge constituted benefits that justified the cost.


========================On another note================

I was trying to load a poll on Ron Paul at "What Really Happened" and out of nowhere the poll was gone to the Twilight Zone.........did anyone happen to see it?

First post of the day..................good morning to one and all.

23rd September 2011, 11:29 AM
That's the price to "Drive."

Travel is a right. Learn the difference and act accordingly.

23rd September 2011, 11:42 AM
If I have to pay a fee for access to the courts, what the fuck am I paying taxes for?

Hatha Sunahara
23rd September 2011, 11:42 AM
A demonstration that the American Judiciary are corrupt. The resources of the court are unlimited. Their motto is 'all your property are belong to us'. Buncha thieves.


23rd September 2011, 12:05 PM
So what if he does not have $70 to pay does then go to debtors prison?

Hmm I believe that having to pay a fee for your rights is one of the reasosns why the dudes in powdered wigs killed a bunch of limeys for back in the day.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2011, 12:44 PM
This is the wave of the future, expect it to spread to other states. Cop makes up any old excuse to issue a citation to anyone he sees despite them not being in violation of any statute - instant revenue generation. It is already happening 'below the radar' in Texas and I'm certain it's happening elsewhere as well.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2011, 12:48 PM
Ponce, are you referring to the Fox Nooz poll they took down because Dr. Paul was at 39%?


23rd September 2011, 01:19 PM
A demonstration that the American Judiciary are corrupt. The resources of the court are unlimited. Their motto is 'all your property are belong to us'. Buncha thieves.


the Jewdiciary is even more corrupt.

23rd September 2011, 01:24 PM
Thanks Rambler, that was the one......... About fines and taxes, you haven't seen anything yet...you will pay so that they can eat, and the reason for this? THEY HOLD THE GUNS.

23rd September 2011, 03:44 PM
Courts are private arbitration venues. All crimes in the US are commercial in nature. All courts are commercial in nature. All courts are privately owned and operated. They fund themselves. Do they get a "benefit" from the government by way of funding? I don't know but I suspect they would. If it was free. So anyway they can do what they want because it's private arbitration.

25th September 2011, 07:23 AM
Massachusetts Court System = Stalinist Collectivism

Twisted Titan
25th September 2011, 09:51 AM
when injustice becomes law.........rebellion becomes duty

25th September 2011, 04:01 PM
The innocent are guilty......sounds fair.......