View Full Version : Jewish Congresswoman Jane Harman Caught Spying for AIPAC (Pro Israel Lobby In US)

Large Sarge
24th September 2011, 02:41 AM
Jewish Congresswoman Jane Harman Caught Spying for AIPAC (Pro Israel Lobby In US) On WireTap

Jewish Congresswoman Jane Harman Caught Spying for AIPAC (Pro Israel Lobby In US) On WireTap

Picture: Rabbi Michael Lerner

The New York Times, say that Democrat California Jewish Congresswomen Jane Harman was caught on the wiretap telling the Israeli agent that she would
lobby Bush administration officials to reduce the charges against the two members of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) accused of
spying. In exchange, the sources said, the Israeli agent promised to help her get appointed chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Rabbi Michael Lerner declared in his publication, TIKKUN, that the ISRAELI LOBBY IS...

"Bad for the World,

Bad for the
United States, and

Bad for the Jews"

Rabbi Michael Lerner has a long article regarding Israel Lobbyists and their influence on the U.S. Congress. From the article on September 16, 2007:

“To take an example from these past few months of the Israel Lobby exercising its power, liberals in the House of Representatives in the spring of 2007
sought to include in the defense-funding budget an amendment that would require specific authorization from Congress before the Administration could use
the defense budget monies for a military strike at Iran. The amendment failed. Most liberals in the U.S. today oppose preventive wars in general and a
military strike against Iran in particular. So who supports such a move? The answer is: the right wing government of Israel and its champion in the U.S.,
the Israel Lobby.

“At the meeting I was at, every Member of Congress tried to explain why Nancy Pelosi would never let me address the Democratic Caucus of the House (at that time, the
minority caucus): House Democrats are too fearful of what AIPAC might do in response. I told these Members of Congress that I didn’t believe them; that I
thought that House of Representative liberals were just pretending to be fearful of AIPAC in order to avoid a battle and stand up publicly for Tikkun’s
middle path position. But then they began to tell me specific stories from their own experience of the threats they had received from the Israel Lobby
people about being labeled as ‘anti-Israel.’ They told me stories of it being impossible to convene a private meeting of Democrats who would want to
challenge the Israel Lobby because when they had tried that they had found that every name of the attendees was in the hands of AIPAC lobbyists within an
hour of the conclusion of that meeting and many of the attendees had been subject to immediate and intense pressure as though they had decided to abandon
Israel (which they had not, nor is that what Tikkun calls for).”

Please visit the link for the video

Is It Ethical To Alter Someone's DNA?


Large Sarge
24th September 2011, 02:42 AM

Celtic Rogue
24th September 2011, 03:36 AM
I think its funny as shit that she was all in favor of warrentless wiretaps until it was her being wiretapped... then she has a problem with it!!! LOL HAHAHAHAHAH

Twisted Titan
24th September 2011, 06:42 AM
She will get away with it....they always do

Let her place a call to strauss khan....he can offer some timely advice

24th September 2011, 10:18 AM
There will be no peace for the good peoples of the world while these khazar interlopers remains free to roam the earth preying on the innocent and victimizing the many.

24th September 2011, 01:46 PM
I think it'd be a good idea to shove a big fat dry cold wiretap up every government public servants ass in the name of transparency, until such a time that they are no longer in a position of political or monetary authority.
You wanna job as a power broker in the Capital building or the White House? Well ok, now bend over, this will only hurt for a few years.

24th September 2011, 03:28 PM
Jane Harman & Brad Sherman - 2 Jewish Israel-loyalist congress-critters from California.

they're so alike it's as if they were separated at birth.

maybe they are twins.

anyway, it's people such as they who control the Dem. party, in California.

24th September 2011, 04:47 PM
There is a Zio-Billionaire involved in this, but I bet that surprises no one.

This pressure included having Haim Saban (http://www.philipweiss.org/mondoweiss/2009/04/times-implicates-saban-in-the-harman-scandal-but-not-as-the-israeli-agent.html) – whose largesse underwrites the Saban Center at Brookings, as well as a number of Democratic Party organizations – threatening (http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2009/04/21/rep-harman-conspires-with-israeli-agent-to-aid-alleged-aipac-spies/) to cut off the funding unless Pelosi caved.http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2009/04/21/harmanic-convergence/



Joe King
24th September 2011, 08:01 PM
I think its funny as shit that she was all in favor of warrentless wiretaps until it was her being wiretapped... then she has a problem with it!!! LOL HAHAHAHAHAH
It's not just her, most people that were ignorant enough to support that crap never think it'll happen to themselves. All that stuff is for other, you know, bad people.

25th September 2011, 09:42 AM
The sad thing is people will not view this as treason, which it is.

25th September 2011, 09:57 AM
The sad thing is people will not view this as treason, which it is.

She was re-elected in 2010, so you are correct.
The Goy still slumber.

General of Darkness
25th September 2011, 01:20 PM
She was re-elected in 2010, so you are correct.
The Goy still slumber.

The GOY are too busy being STRESSED.

Here a few examples

You don't wanted to be out after dark in places like Denver if you're alone, blacks will beat your ass for fun. That's STRESS.

Being branwashed to think the following.

I need a nice car to prove my worth.
I need a really expensive power boat to have fun.
I need to spend 30K to remodel my kitchen

Just those three examples are on TV that influence, or brainwashing people that puts them in debt.

So the goys have bought into a system that puts them into debt, which in turn puts a lot of stress on them. Positive sides of stress, you go to work and in turn you pay your taxes. The negative side you forget what's important.