View Full Version : Parents fight to evict 41-year-old son

24th September 2011, 07:59 AM

A couple in Italy are seeking legal action over their live-in son who has overstayed his welcome - by around 20 years.

The unnamed parents are seeking a court order to evict their cosseted 41-year-old, who refuses to leave the family home in Venice despite all their pleas.

According to Italian media reports, the couple are exhausted by continually catering to their son's needs, including doing his cooking, shopping, washing and ironing.

"My wife is suffering from stress and had to be hospitalised. He [the son] has a good job but still lives at home," the father is quoted as saying. "He demands that his clothes be washed and ironed and his meals prepared. He really has no intention of leaving."

The parents have now approached the legal department of a consumer association, ADICO, for help in getting their son to fly the nest.

Lawyers from the company have sent a letter to the son, warning him to vacate the house within six days or face legal action.

An ADICO spokesperson said hundreds of families in Italy faced similar difficulties with getting their adult children to leave home.

A recent survey suggested nearly half of all adults aged between 18 and 39 still live with their parents in Italy.

24th September 2011, 08:16 AM
They didn't manage to bring up their child to a responsible adult, and now they deal with him through the legal system. Weak!

Joe King
24th September 2011, 09:19 AM
Exactly. If they hadn't done anything by now, they should have to keep him. lol

24th September 2011, 10:59 AM
[According to Italian media reports, the couple are exhausted by continually catering to their son's needs, including doing his cooking, shopping, washing and ironing..

I think the parents here are the stupid ones. The 41 yearold guy is just a lazy bum enjoying a free ride.

Here's a thought...why not stop catering to his needs? Stop cooking, shopping, and washing his clothes?

I dunno, call me crazy for thinking that might at least help the situation a little. ???

Joe King
24th September 2011, 11:01 AM
Although extreme, another way to get rid of him would be to just move and not give him a key to the new place. lol

24th September 2011, 11:06 AM
Although extreme, another way to get rid of him would be to just move and not give him a key to the new place. lol

One of the benefits of renting vs home ownership I guess. Kind of difficult to sell a house with a middle age son in it...

24th September 2011, 11:10 AM
One of the benefits of renting vs home ownership I guess. Kind of difficult to sell a house with a middle age son in it...

Lol, maybe they could offer to pay for the closing costs if the buyers would cook and clean for him. I could see the listing...great home offered, comes with 41 yearold deadbeat. If you cook and clean for him, we'll knock off 10K on the price of the home. :)

Joe King
24th September 2011, 11:11 AM
One of the benefits of renting vs home ownership I guess. Kind of difficult to sell a house with a middle age son in it...The new owners could have him evicted. lol

24th September 2011, 11:18 AM
The new owners could have him evicted. lol

The parents need to learn from Frank Costanza (Seinfeld)...and move to Del Boca Vista!


Twisted Titan
24th September 2011, 11:24 AM
The father should be ashamed to call himself a man.

While he draws breath the son is still under his authority.

Unless he abdicates it.

He should be made to wear a skirt and apron through his village for all to see

24th September 2011, 12:00 PM
my brother lives in italy. this extremely common. in fact, i'd say this is the whole reason for the court case: the parent are trying to buck part of the culture. in italy, most men do not move out, sometimes ever, unless they marry.

24th September 2011, 03:10 PM
They probably fear this son for some reason, otherwise it'd be as easy as changing the locks, no?

24th September 2011, 04:10 PM
my brother lives in italy. this extremely common. in fact, i'd say this is the whole reason for the court case: the parent are trying to buck part of the culture. in italy, most men do not move out, sometimes ever, unless they marry.

That is true. The main problem is actually the mother, in that she has always felt obliged to serve the son. She would never do the same thing for a daughter past 15 or so. Of course in thid case the father is to blame too, becauce he never set the foot down either...